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acc maker


Active User
Apr 25, 2009
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Problem tkwi w instalacji acc makera

Warning: Error parsing F:/GanGrel/config.lua on line 81 in F:\xampp\htdocs\install.php on line 150
File config.lua loaded from F:/GanGrel/config.lua and it's not valid TFS config.lua file. Go to STEP 1 - select other directory. If it's your config.lua file from TFS contact with acc. maker author.

Prosze o pomoc.


Advanced User
May 23, 2009
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Odp: acc maker

Poda?e? z?? scie?ke do ots'a lub nie zrobi?e? dob?e config.lau .
Mo?e te? by? z?y acc maker pod tego TFS .
Pozdrawiam :).


Senior User
May 8, 2008
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Odp: acc maker

Musisz pousuwa? wszystkie te //... wtedy zadzia?a, t? s? opsiy funkcji musisz je usun?? i zadzia?a :p
Mam nadziej?, ?e pomog?em a jak nie wiesz o co biega poka? sw?j config.lua


Active User
Apr 25, 2009
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Odp: acc maker

M?j config.lua:

-- The Forgotten Server Config

-- Account manager
accountManager = "yes"
namelockManager = "yes"
newPlayerChooseVoc = "yes"
newPlayerSpawnPosX = 1019
newPlayerSpawnPosY = 1030
newPlayerSpawnPosZ = 7
newPlayerTownId = 1
newPlayerLevel = 8
newPlayerMagicLevel = 1
generateAccountNumber = "no"

-- New Players Items
newPlayerBackPack = 1988 --brown backpack
newPlayerLegs = 2649 --leather legs
newPlayerBoots = 2643 --leather boots

-- New Mage Items
newPlayerMagerHelmet = 8820 --mage hat
newPlayerMageArmor = 8819 --magician's robe
newPlayerMageShield = 2175 --spellbook

-- New Knight Items
newPlayerKnightHelmet = 2459 --iron helmet
newPlayerKnightArmor = 2484 --studded armor
newPlayerKnightLegs = 2468 --studded legs
newPlayerKnightShield = 2526 --studded shield

-- New Paladin Items
newPlayerPaladinHelmet = 2481 --soldier helmet
newPlayerPaladinArmor = 8872 --belted cape
newPlayerPaladinShield = 2525 --dwarven shield

-- Banishments
notationsToBan = 3
warningsToFinalBan = 4
warningsToDeletion = 5
banLength = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
finalBanLength = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
ipBanishmentLength = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60
broadcastBanishments = "yes"
killsToBan = 5
maxViolationCommentSize = 200
autoBanishUnknownBytes = "no"

-- Battle
-- NOTE: loginProtectionPeriod is the famous Tibia anti-magebomb system.
-- deathLostPercent set to nil enables manual mode.
-- showHealingDamageForMonsters inheritates from showHealingDamage.
worldType = "non-pvp"
protectionLevel = 75
pvpTileIgnoreLevelAndVocationProtection = "yes"
killsToRedSkull = 4
pzLocked = 60 * 1000
criticalHitChance = 50
criticalHitMultiplier = 1
displayCriticalHitNotify = "yes"
removeWeaponAmmunition = "yes"
removeWeaponCharges = "yes"
removeRuneCharges = "yes"
timeToDecreaseFrags = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
whiteSkullTime = 15 * 60 * 1000
noDamageToSameLookfeet = "yes"
experienceByKillingPlayers = "no"
showHealingDamage = "yes"
showHealingDamageForMonsters = "yes"
fieldOwnershipDuration = 5 * 1000
stopAttackingAtExit = "no"
oldConditionAccuracy = "no"
loginProtectionPeriod = 10 * 1000
deathLostPercent = 4
stairhopDelay = 2 * 1000
gainExperienceColor = 215

-- Connection config
worldId = 0
ip = ""
loginPort = 7171
gamePort = 7172 -- N?o mude!!!
adminPort = 7171
statusPort = 7171
loginTries = 10
retryTimeout = 5 * 1000
loginTimeout = 60 * 1000
maxPlayers = "1000"
motd = "GanGrel 5.6 (8.50)."
displayOnOrOffAtCharlist = "no"
onePlayerOnlinePerAccount = "yes"
allowClones = 0
serverName = "Jasfasola"
loginMessage = "Welcom to Jas Fasola serwer."
statusTimeout = 5 * 60 * 1000
replaceKickOnLogin = "yes"
forceSlowConnectionsToDisconnect = "no"
loginOnlyWithLoginServer = "no"

-- Database
-- NOTE: sqlFile is used only by sqlite database, and sqlKeepAlive by mysql database.
-- To disable sqlKeepAlive such as mysqlReadTimeout use 0 value.
sqlType = "mysql"
sqlHost = "localhost"
sqlPort = 3306
sqlUser = "root"
sqlPass = "nikus"
sqlDatabase = "forgottenserver"
sqlFile = "forgottenserver.s3db"
sqlKeepAlive = 0
mysqlReadTimeout = 10
mysqlWriteTImeout = 10
passwordType = "plain"

-- Deathlist
deathListEnabled = "yes"
maxDeathRecords = 5

-- Guilds
ingameGuildManagement = "yes"
levelToFormGuild = 75
guildNameMinLength = 4
guildNameMaxLength = 22

-- Highscores
highscoreDisplayPlayers = 15
updateHighscoresAfterMinutes = 60

-- Houses
buyableAndSellableHouses = "yes"
houseNeedPremium = "yes"
bedsRequirePremium = "no"
levelToBuyHouse = 50
housesPerAccount = 0
houseRentAsPrice = "no"
housePriceAsRent = "no"
housePriceEachSquare = 1000
houseRentPeriod = "never"

-- Item usage
timeBetweenActions = 200
timeBetweenExActions = 1000
checkCorpseOwner = "yes"
hotkeyAimbotEnabled = "yes"

-- Map
-- NOTE: storeTrash costs more memory, but will perform alot faster cleaning.
-- useHouseDataStorage usage may be found at README.
mapName = "GanGrel"
mapAuthor = "Vilden"
randomizeTiles = "yes"
useHouseDataStorage = "no"
storeTrash = "yes"
cleanProtectedZones = "yes"

-- Startup
-- NOTE: defaultPriority works only on Windows and niceLevel on *nix
-- coresUsed are seperated by comma cores ids used by server process,
-- default is -1, so it stays untouched (automaticaly assigned by OS).
defaultPriority = "high"
niceLevel = 5
coresUsed = "-1"
optimizeDatabaseAtStartup = "yes"
removePremiumOnInit = "yes"

-- Muted buffer
maxMessageBuffer = 4
bufferMutedOnSpellFailure = "no"

-- Miscellaneous
-- NOTE: promptExceptionTracerErrorBox works only with precompiled support feature,
-- called "exception tracer" (__EXCEPTION_TRACER__ flag).
dataDirectory = "data/"
kickIdlePlayerAfterMinutes = 15
allowChangeOutfit = "yes"
allowChangeColors = "yes"
allowChangeAddons = "yes"
disableOutfitsForPrivilegedPlayers = "no"
bankSystem = "yes"
saveGlobalStorage = "yes"
ghostModeInvisibleEffect = "yes"
displaySkillLevelOnAdvance = "yes"
spellNameInsteadOfWords = "no"
emoteSpells = "yes"
expireReportsAfterReads = 1
promptExceptionTracerErrorBox = "yes"
storePlayerDirection = "no"
playerQueryDeepness = 2

-- Premium-related
freePremium = "no"
premiumForPromotion = "yes"

-- Blessings
-- NOTE: blessingReduction* regards items/containers loss.
-- eachBlessReduction is how much each bless reduces the experience/magic/skills loss.
blessingsOnlyPremium = "yes"
blessingReductionBase = 30
blessingReductionDecreament = 5
eachBlessReduction = 8

-- Rates
-- NOTE: experienceStages configuration is located in data/XML/stages.xml.
experienceStages = "yes"
rateExperience = 50
rateSkill = 13
rateMagic = 8
rateLoot = 2
rateSpawn = 1

-- Spawns
deSpawnRange = 2
deSpawnRadius = 50

-- Stamina
-- NOTE: Stamina is stored in miliseconds, so seconds are multiplied by 1000.
-- rateStaminaHits multiplies every hit done a creature, which are later
-- multiplied by player attack speed.
-- rateStaminaGain is multiplying every second of logged out time, eg:
-- 60 * 1000 / 3 = 20 seconds, what gives 1 stamina minute for 3 being logged off.
-- rateStaminaThresholdGain is dividing in case the normal gain (that is
-- multiplied by rateStaminaGain, btw.) passed above threshold, eg:
-- 60 * 1000 / 3 = 20 / 4 = 5 seconds (3 * 4 = 12 minutes for 1 stamina minute).
-- staminaRatingLimit* is in minutes.
rateStaminaLoss = 1
rateStaminaGain = 1000 / 3
rateStaminaThresholdGain = 4
staminaRatingLimitTop = 41 * 60
staminaRatingLimitBottom = 14 * 60
rateStaminaAboveNormal = 1.5
rateStaminaUnderNormal = 0.5
staminaThresholdOnlyPremium = "yes"

-- Party
-- NOTE: experienceShareLevelDifference is float number.
-- experienceShareLevelDifference is highestLevel * value
experienceShareRadiusX = 30
experienceShareRadiusY = 30
experienceShareRadiusZ = 1
experienceShareLevelDifference = 2 / 3
extraPartyExperienceLimit = 20
extraPartyExperiencePercent = 5

-- Global save
-- NOTE: globalSaveHour means like 03:00, not that it will save every 3 hours,
-- if you want such a system please check out data/globalevents/globalevents.xml.
globalSaveEnabled = "no"
globalSaveHour = 8
shutdownAtGlobalSave = "yes"
cleanMapAtGlobalSave = "no"

-- Spawns
deSpawnRange = 2
deSpawnRadius = 50

-- Summons
maxPlayerSummons = 2
teleportAllSummons = "no"
teleportPlayerSummons = "no"

-- Status
ownerName = "Vilden"
ownerEmail = "on-fock@hotmail.com"
url = ""
location = "Brazil"
displayGamemastersWithOnlineCommand = "no"

-- Logs
-- NOTE: This kind of logging does not work in GUI version.
-- For such, please compile the software with __GUI_LOGS__ flag.
adminLogsEnabled = "no"
displayPlayersLogging = "yes"
prefixChannelLogs = ""
runeFile = ""
outLogName = ""
errorLogName = ""
truncateLogsOnStartup = "no"

Musisz pousuwa? wszystkie te //... wtedy zadzia?a

Co masz na my?li, bo nie rozumiem za bardzo. :/

A silnik.: TFS 0.3.4


Lua Factory =)
Apr 8, 2009
Reaction score
Odp: acc maker

wydaje mi si? ?e mu chodzi o te zaczynaj?ce si? od --- ale nie jestem peiwen xD


Senior User
May 8, 2008
Reaction score
Odp: acc maker

Zamie? to co masz w config.lua na to:
accountManager = "yes"
namelockManager = "yes"
newPlayerChooseVoc = "yes"
newPlayerSpawnPosX = 1019
newPlayerSpawnPosY = 1030
newPlayerSpawnPosZ = 7
newPlayerTownId = 1
newPlayerLevel = 8
newPlayerMagicLevel = 1
generateAccountNumber = "no"

newPlayerBackPack = 1988 --brown backpack
newPlayerLegs = 2649 --leather legs
newPlayerBoots = 2643 --leather boots

newPlayerMagerHelmet = 8820 --mage hat
newPlayerMageArmor = 8819 --magician's robe
newPlayerMageShield = 2175 --spellbook

newPlayerKnightHelmet = 2459 --iron helmet
newPlayerKnightArmor = 2484 --studded armor
newPlayerKnightLegs = 2468 --studded legs
newPlayerKnightShield = 2526 --studded shield

newPlayerPaladinHelmet = 2481 --soldier helmet
newPlayerPaladinArmor = 8872 --belted cape
newPlayerPaladinShield = 2525 --dwarven shield

notationsToBan = 3
warningsToFinalBan = 4
warningsToDeletion = 5
banLength = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
finalBanLength = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
ipBanishmentLength = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60
broadcastBanishments = "yes"
killsToBan = 5
maxViolationCommentSize = 200
autoBanishUnknownBytes = "no"

worldType = "non-pvp"
protectionLevel = 75
pvpTileIgnoreLevelAndVocationProtection = "yes"
killsToRedSkull = 4
pzLocked = 60 * 1000
criticalHitChance = 50
criticalHitMultiplier = 1
displayCriticalHitNotify = "yes"
removeWeaponAmmunition = "yes"
removeWeaponCharges = "yes"
removeRuneCharges = "yes"
timeToDecreaseFrags = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
whiteSkullTime = 15 * 60 * 1000
noDamageToSameLookfeet = "yes"
experienceByKillingPlayers = "no"
showHealingDamage = "yes"
showHealingDamageForMonsters = "yes"
fieldOwnershipDuration = 5 * 1000
stopAttackingAtExit = "no"
oldConditionAccuracy = "no"
loginProtectionPeriod = 10 * 1000
deathLostPercent = 4
stairhopDelay = 2 * 1000
gainExperienceColor = 215

worldId = 0
ip = ""
loginPort = 7171
gamePort = 7172 -- N?o mude!!!
adminPort = 7171
statusPort = 7171
loginTries = 10
retryTimeout = 5 * 1000
loginTimeout = 60 * 1000
maxPlayers = "1000"
motd = "GanGrel 5.6 (8.50)."
displayOnOrOffAtCharlist = "no"
onePlayerOnlinePerAccount = "yes"
allowClones = 0
serverName = "Jasfasola"
loginMessage = "Welcom to Jas Fasola serwer."
statusTimeout = 5 * 60 * 1000
replaceKickOnLogin = "yes"
forceSlowConnectionsToDisconnect = "no"
loginOnlyWithLoginServer = "no"

sqlType = "mysql"
sqlHost = "localhost"
sqlPort = 3306
sqlUser = "root"
sqlPass = "nikus"
sqlDatabase = "forgottenserver"
sqlFile = "forgottenserver.s3db"
sqlKeepAlive = 0
mysqlReadTimeout = 10
mysqlWriteTImeout = 10
passwordType = "plain"

deathListEnabled = "yes"
maxDeathRecords = 5

ingameGuildManagement = "yes"
levelToFormGuild = 75
guildNameMinLength = 4
guildNameMaxLength = 22

highscoreDisplayPlayers = 15
updateHighscoresAfterMinutes = 60

buyableAndSellableHouses = "yes"
houseNeedPremium = "yes"
bedsRequirePremium = "no"
levelToBuyHouse = 50
housesPerAccount = 0
houseRentAsPrice = "no"
housePriceAsRent = "no"
housePriceEachSquare = 1000
houseRentPeriod = "never"

timeBetweenActions = 200
timeBetweenExActions = 1000
checkCorpseOwner = "yes"
hotkeyAimbotEnabled = "yes"

mapName = "GanGrel"
mapAuthor = "Vilden"
randomizeTiles = "yes"
useHouseDataStorage = "no"
storeTrash = "yes"
cleanProtectedZones = "yes"

defaultPriority = "high"
niceLevel = 5
coresUsed = "-1"
optimizeDatabaseAtStartup = "yes"
removePremiumOnInit = "yes"

maxMessageBuffer = 4
bufferMutedOnSpellFailure = "no"

dataDirectory = "data/"
kickIdlePlayerAfterMinutes = 15
allowChangeOutfit = "yes"
allowChangeColors = "yes"
allowChangeAddons = "yes"
disableOutfitsForPrivilegedPlayers = "no"
bankSystem = "yes"
saveGlobalStorage = "yes"
ghostModeInvisibleEffect = "yes"
displaySkillLevelOnAdvance = "yes"
spellNameInsteadOfWords = "no"
emoteSpells = "yes"
expireReportsAfterReads = 1
promptExceptionTracerErrorBox = "yes"
storePlayerDirection = "no"
playerQueryDeepness = 2

freePremium = "no"
premiumForPromotion = "yes"

blessingsOnlyPremium = "yes"
blessingReductionBase = 30
blessingReductionDecreament = 5
eachBlessReduction = 8

experienceStages = "yes"
rateExperience = 50
rateSkill = 13
rateMagic = 8
rateLoot = 2
rateSpawn = 1

deSpawnRange = 2
deSpawnRadius = 50

rateStaminaLoss = 1
rateStaminaGain = 1000 / 3
rateStaminaThresholdGain = 4
staminaRatingLimitTop = 41 * 60
staminaRatingLimitBottom = 14 * 60
rateStaminaAboveNormal = 1.5
rateStaminaUnderNormal = 0.5
staminaThresholdOnlyPremium = "yes"

experienceShareRadiusX = 30
experienceShareRadiusY = 30
experienceShareRadiusZ = 1
experienceShareLevelDifference = 2 / 3
extraPartyExperienceLimit = 20
extraPartyExperiencePercent = 5

globalSaveEnabled = "no"
globalSaveHour = 8
shutdownAtGlobalSave = "yes"
cleanMapAtGlobalSave = "no"

deSpawnRange = 2
deSpawnRadius = 50

maxPlayerSummons = 2
teleportAllSummons = "no"
teleportPlayerSummons = "no"

ownerName = "Vilden"
ownerEmail = "on-fock@hotmail.com"
url = ""
location = "Brazil"
displayGamemastersWithOnlineCommand = "no"

adminLogsEnabled = "no"
displayPlayersLogging = "yes"
prefixChannelLogs = ""
runeFile = ""
outLogName = ""
errorLogName = ""
truncateLogsOnStartup = "no"

Mam nadziej?, ?e pomog?em :p


Active User
Apr 25, 2009
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Odp: acc maker

Niestety dalej ten sam b??d wyskakuje. Nie mam poj?cia co ?le zrobi?em.


Senior User
May 8, 2008
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Odp: acc maker

Powiedz jak? masz wersje silnika i jak? acc makera :p


Active User
Apr 25, 2009
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Odp: acc maker

Silnik: TFS 0.3.4

Acc: gesior0.3.4beta


Active User
Jun 29, 2009
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Odp: acc maker

jesli ci tak wyskakuje ti muszisz zrobic confinga jesli pobierales z otland to tam jest do acc confing znaczy ( co ma byc w tym confungu kopiujesz i wklejasz) i All GiT