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Jack Duprig

New User
Jun 14, 2008
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Przedstawiam silnik do ots pod Tibie 8.1 silnik ca?kowicie udoskonalony ...

UWAGA! osoby nie znaj?ce si? dobrze na OTS proszone s? o nie ?ci?ganie najnowszych silnik?w. To trzeba umie?.

Alot of New things, heres the update list:

Latest SVN 7.9.2007 - World War Edition:
*- Congratulations! You pwned..... - Added
*- Utevo lux at login via CreatureScripts now
*- Push delay downgraded
*- Online / Offline shown in character list
*- Perfect Doors added
*- Removed /sellhouse for players (only gms can use)
*- Players.xml fixed - all chars in there
*- Attacking speed in XML
*- Fixed the actually frag state at killing player
*- getplayerFrag added
*- doPlayerRemoveFrag added (to remove frags)example: doPlayerRemoveFrag(cid,-10)
*- doPlayerAddFrag added (to add frags) example: doPlayerAddFrag(cid,10)
*- If you dont have enough mana for a spell you will get the information how much mana it cost
*- doPlayerSaySpell added and works 100%
*- /clean has been added!
*- Converted the Server into Protcol 8.1
*- /up and /down has been added
*- /check has been added
*- Remaped alot of stuff for the 8.1 update
Update 28.12.2007
*- destroy field has been fixed
*- !online has been added
*- Characters can have now more then 500 Frags
*- Map bugs has been fixed
Update 29.12.2007
*- Auto Map Clean via Config.lua (remove dead humans included)
*- Anti MCer via Config.lua added
*- You can choose now between real tibia spells or orginal world war spells via config.lua
*- Added Exhausted to Manafluids
*- doPlayerSummonCreature - example: doPlayerSummonCreature(cid, "Demon", 1)
*- Again some Map Bugs fixed
Update 31.12.2007
*- Improved - doPlayerSummonCreature - doPlayerSummonCreature(cid, "Demon", position)
*- World War Server has a Icon now
*- Spells are fixed and should work fine
*- Finally found Spells bug and fixed it
*- Added All 8.1 Outfits

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