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Account Maker 2 Rzeczy wejd? please

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Active User
Jan 30, 2010
Reaction score
Mam 2 pro?by Pierwsza o acc maker do now otsa
2 pro?ba mam problem z acc makerem ?cie?ki s? dobrze wszystko jest dobrze lecz gdy chce zalozyc konto pisze "Niepoprawna ?cie?ka do katalog?w, popraw to w configu!"


Senior User
Dec 23, 2011
Reaction score
Odp: 2 Rzeczy wejd? please

Poka? sw?j config i zobaczymy.
Na pewno masz ?le ?cie?ki ustawione, poniewa? innego b??du na pewno nie b?dziesz mia?.


Active User
Jan 30, 2010
Reaction score
Odp: 2 Rzeczy wejd? please

To m?j config :
define('DATAPATH','C:\\NowOTS\\Silnik\\data\\'); // sciezka do katalogu data z \\ miedzy nazwami folderow
$servpath = 'C:\\NowOTS\\Silnik\\'; // sciezka do katalogu z \\ miedzy nazwami folderow
$data_folder = 'C:\NowOTS\Silnik\data'; // sciezka do katalogu data, z \ miedzy nazwami folderow bez

$admin = "3264588"; //numer acc administratora strony, numer musi sie zgadzac z numerem acc na serwerze
$ip_serwera = ""; //ip servera
define('IP',''); //ip servera
$port = "7171"; //port servera
define('PORT','7171'); //port servera
$expinfo = "30x"; //ilosc expa na serverze
$server_type = "PVP"; //typ swiata
define('ROOK_SYS',true); //czy ma byc rookgard system true=tak, false=nie
define('PL_XML',true); //czy twoj server obsluguje pliki xml true=tak, false=nie
$nazwaserwera = "Naruto"; //Nazwa twojego servera
$sizeacc = "7"; // D?ugo¶? account number (zalecane 6!)
$stats_limit = ("50"); // limit wy¶wietlanych statystyk
$acc_system = ("recznie"); // jezeli ustawisz "auto" to numer account b?dzie generowany automatycznie, jezeli "recznie" to gracz bedzie mogl sam wybrac numer
$maxChars = '5'; // Maksymalna ilo¶? postaci na jednym koncie, 0 = bez limitu
$zabronione = "111111"; //tutaj mozesz podac numer na ktory nie mozna sie zalogowac np acc manager

//ustawienia sms shop
$txtwlasciciel = "www.piuro.pl"; //strona accmakera
$txtemail = "piuro_16@o2.pl"; //e-mail wlasciciela w serwisie dotpay
$id = "21470"; //id uzytkownika dotpay

//pierwsza opcja
$code1 = "rlmap"; //kod do dpierwszej opcji
$txtnumer1 = "2525"; //numer na jaki trzeba wyslac sms w pierwszej opcji
$txttresc1 = "AP.COSTAM"; //tresc sms-a w pierwszej opcji
$txtkoszt1 = "2,44"; //koszt z vat
$txtczas1 = "30"; //ilosc godzin pierwszej opcji
$czass1 = "108000000"; //aby policzyc ten czas nalezy wykonac dzialanie--->iloscgodzin*6000*600=czass

//druga opcja
$code2 = "rlmap"; //kod do drugiej opcji
$txtnumer2 = "2525"; //numer na jaki trzeba wyslac sms w drugiej opcji
$txttresc2 = "AP.COSTAM2"; //tresc sms-a w drugiej opcji
$txtkoszt2 = "3,66"; //koszt z vat
$txtczas2 = "70"; //ilosc godzin drugiej opcji
$czass2 = "252000000"; //aby policzyc ten czas nalezy wykonac dzialanie--->iloscgodzin*6000*600=czass

//trzecia opcja
$code3 = "rlmap"; //kod do trzeciej opcji
$txtnumer3 = "2525"; //numer na jaki trzeba wyslac sms w trzeciej opcji
$txttresc3 = "AP.COSTAM3"; //tresc sms-a w trzeciej opcji
$txtkoszt3 = "6,10"; //koszt z vat
$txtczas3 = "150"; //ilosc godzin trzeciej opcji
$czass3 = "540000000"; //aby policzyc ten czas nalezy wykonac dzialanie--->iloscgodzin*6000*600=czass

//Tutaj skonfiguruj pocz±tkowe ustawienia postaci
$lvl = '1'; // pocz±tkowy level
$exp = '0'; // pocz±tkowy exp (musi isc w parze z levelem)
$cap = '1000'; // pocz±tkowy udzwig (cap)

// ustawienia spawnu
$spawnx = '137';
$spawny = '194';
$spawnz = '7';

// ustawienia temple
$templex = '137';
$templey = '194';
$templez = '7';

//-------------------------------- naruto ------------------------------------
// Looks
$look[UZUMAKI][MALE] = '70';
$look[UZUMAKI][FEMALE] = '70';

// HP, mana, magic level
$health[UZUMAKI] = '195';
$mana[UZUMAKI] = '95';
$mlvl[UZUMAKI] = '0';

// Skills: fist, club, sword, axe, dist, shld, fish
$skill[UZUMAKI] = array(15, 10, 0, 5, 10, 10, 10);

// Eq: helm, amul, bp, armor, rght, left, legs, boot, ring, ammo
$equip[UZUMAKI] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Backpack:
$bp[UZUMAKI] = '<item id="0" count="0"/><item id="0" count="0"/>';

//--------------------------------- sakura --------------------------------------
// Looks
$look[Haruno][MALE] = '71';
$look[Haruno][FEMALE] = '71';

// HP, mana, magic level
$health[Haruno] = '195';
$mana[Haruno] = '95';
$mlvl[Haruno] = '0';

// Skills: fist, club, sword, axe, dist, shld, fish
$skill[Haruno] = array(15, 10, 0, 5, 10, 10, 10);

// Eq: helm, amul, bp, armor, rght, left, legs, boot, ring, ammo
$equip[Haruno] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Backpack:
$bp[Haruno] = '<item id="0" count="0"/><item id="0" count="0"/>';

//--------------------------------- temari --------------------------------------
// Looks
$look[Temari][MALE] = '96';
$look[Temari][FEMALE] = '96';

// HP, mana, magic level
$health[Temari] = '195';
$mana[Temari] = '95';
$mlvl[Temari] = '0';

// Skills: fist, club, sword, axe, dist, shld, fish
$skill[Temari] = array(15, 13, 0, 5, 13, 10, 10);

// Eq: helm, amul, bp, armor, rght, left, legs, boot, ring, ammo
$equip[Temari] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Backpack:
$bp[Temari] = '<item id="0" count="0"/><item id="0" count="0"/>';

//-------------------------------- neji -------------------------------------
// Looks
$look[Hyuuga][MALE] = '69';
$look[Hyuuga][FEMALE] = '69';

// HP, mana, magic level
$health[Hyuuga] = '195';
$mana[Hyuuga] = '95';
$mlvl[Hyuuga] = '0';

// Skills: fist, club, sword, axe, dist, shld, fish
$skill[Hyuuga] = array(15, 10, 0, 5, 10, 10, 10);

// Eq: helm, amul, bp, armor, rght, left, legs, boot, ring, ammo
$equip[Hyuuga] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Backpack:
$bp[Hyuuga] = '<item id="0" count="0"/><item id="0" count="0"/>';

//--------------------------------- lee -------------------------------------
// Looks
$look[Lee][MALE] = '59';
$look[Lee][FEMALE] = '59';

// HP, mana, magic level
$health[Lee] = '195';
$mana[Lee] = '95';
$mlvl[Lee] = '0';

// Skills: fist, club, sword, axe, dist, shld, fish
$skill[Lee] = array(15, 10, 0, 5, 10, 10, 10);

// Eq: helm, amul, bp, armor, rght, left, legs, boot, ring, ammo
$equip[Lee] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Backpack:
$bp[Lee] = '<item id="0" count="0"/><item id="0" count="0"/>';

//-------------------------------- Uchiha ---------------------------------
// Looks
$look[Uchiha][MALE] = '66';
$look[Uchiha][FEMALE] = '66';

// HP, mana, magic level
$health[Uchiha] = '195';
$mana[Uchiha] = '95';
$mlvl[Uchiha] = '0';

// Skills: fist, club, sword, axe, dist, shld, fish
$skill[Uchiha] = array(10, 15, 0, 5, 10, 10, 10);

// Eq: helm, amul, bp, armor, rght, left, legs, boot, ring, ammo
$equip[Uchiha] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Backpack:
$bp[Uchiha] = '<item id="0" count="0"/><item id="0" count="0"/>';
//-------------------------------- kiba ---------------------------------
// Looks
$look[Inzuka][MALE] = '174';
$look[Inzuka][FEMALE] = '174';

// HP, mana, magic level
$health[Inzuka] = '195';
$mana[Inzuka] = '95';
$mlvl[Inzuka] = '0';

// Skills: fist, club, sword, axe, dist, shld, fish
$skill[Inzuka] = array(15, 10, 0, 5, 10, 10, 10);

// Eq: helm, amul, bp, armor, rght, left, legs, boot, ring, ammo
$equip[Inzuka] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Backpack:
$bp[Inzuka] = '<item id="0" count="0"/><item id="0" count="0"/>';

//-------------------------------- gaara ---------------------------------
// Looks
$look[Gaara][MALE] = '5';
$look[Gaara][FEMALE] = '5';

// HP, mana, magic level
$health[Gaara] = '195';
$mana[Gaara] = '95';
$mlvl[Gaara] = '0';

// Skills: fist, club, sword, axe, dist, shld, fish
$skill[Gaara] = array(15, 15, 0, 5, 15, 10, 10);

// Eq: helm, amul, bp, armor, rght, left, legs, boot, ring, ammo
$equip[Gaara] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Backpack:
$bp[Gaara] = '<item id="0" count="0"/><item id="0" count="0"/>';

//-------------------------------- suigetsu ---------------------------------
// Looks
$look[Suigetsu][MALE] = '33';
$look[Suigetsu][FEMALE] = '33';

// HP, mana, magic level
$health[Suigetsu] = '195';
$mana[Suigetsu] = '95';
$mlvl[Suigetsu] = '0';

// Skills: fist, club, sword, axe, dist, shld, fish
$skill[Suigetsu] = array(10, 15, 0, 5, 10, 10, 10);

// Eq: helm, amul, bp, armor, rght, left, legs, boot, ring, ammo
$equip[Suigetsu] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Backpack:
$bp[Suigetsu] = '<item id="0" count="0"/><item id="0" count="0"/>';

//-------------------------------- itachi ---------------------------------
// Looks
$look[Itachi][MALE] = '178';
$look[Itachi][FEMALE] = '178';

// HP, mana, magic level
$health[Itachi] = '195';
$mana[Itachi] = '95';
$mlvl[Itachi] = '0';

// Skills: fist, club, sword, axe, dist, shld, fish
$skill[Itachi] = array(10, 15, 0, 5, 10, 10, 10);

// Eq: helm, amul, bp, armor, rght, left, legs, boot, ring, ammo
$equip[Itachi] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Backpack:
$bp[Itachi] = '<item id="0" count="0"/><item id="0" count="0"/>';

//-------------------------------- ichigo ---------------------------------
// Looks
$look[Ichigo][MALE] = '113';
$look[Ichigo][FEMALE] = '113';

// HP, mana, magic level
$health[Ichigo] = '195';
$mana[Ichigo] = '95';
$mlvl[Ichigo] = '0';

// Skills: fist, club, sword, axe, dist, shld, fish
$skill[Ichigo] = array(10, 15, 0, 5, 10, 10, 10);

// Eq: helm, amul, bp, armor, rght, left, legs, boot, ring, ammo
$equip[Ichigo] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Backpack:
$bp[Ichigo] = '<item id="0" count="0"/><item id="0" count="0"/>';

//-------------------------------- shino ---------------------------------
// Looks
$look[Shino][MALE] = '73';
$look[Shino][FEMALE] = '73';

// HP, mana, magic level
$health[Shino] = '195';
$mana[Shino] = '95';
$mlvl[Shino] = '0';

// Skills: fist, club, sword, axe, dist, shld, fish
$skill[Shino] = array(15, 10, 0, 5, 10, 10, 10);

// Eq: helm, amul, bp, armor, rght, left, legs, boot, ring, ammo
$equip[Shino] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Backpack:
$bp[Shino] = '<item id="0" count="0"/><item id="0" count="0"/>';

//Nie Zmieniac!!!!!!
$acc_folder = DATAPATH.'\\accounts\\'; //Nie Zmieniac!!!!!!
$player_folder = DATAPATH.'\\players\\'; //Nie Zmieniac!!!!!!
$diraccount = $servpath.'\\data\\accounts/'; //Nie Zmieniac!!!!!!
$dirhouses = $servpath. '\data\houses/'; //Nie Zmieniac!!!!!!
$dirplayer = $data_folder."\\players/"; //Nie Zmieniac!!!!!!!

$pirplayer = $data_folder.'\\players'; //Nie Zmieniac!!!!!!!

$dirvip = $data_folder."\\vip"; //Nie Zmieniac!!!!!!
$folderdata = "$data_folder\\"; //Nie Zmieniac!!!!!!
$folderacc = "$diraccount\\"; //Nie Zmieniac!!!!!!
$folderplayer = "$dirplayer\\"; //Nie Zmieniac!!!!!!
$title = ("by Piuro"); // tego nie zmieniaj, uszanuj prawa autorskie!!
$ilosckont = count(glob("$diraccount/*.*")); //Nie Zmieniac!!!!!!
$iloscpostaci = count(glob("$dirplayer/*.*")); //Nie Zmieniac!!!!!!
$iloscdomkow = count(glob("$data_folder/houses/*.*")); //Nie Zmieniac!!!!!!
$ilospotworow = count(glob("$data_folder/monster/*.*")); //Nie Zmieniac!!!!!!
$ilosnpc = count(glob("$data_folder/npc/*.*")); //Nie Zmieniac!!!!!!
// Leave this stuff as it is :p
if (!defined('MALE')) define('MALE', 1);
if (!defined('FEMALE')) define('FEMALE', 0);
if (!defined('UZUMAKI')) define('UZUMAKI', 1);
if (!defined('Uchiha')) define('Uchiha', 2);
if (!defined('Haruno')) define('Haruno', 3);
if (!defined('Hyuuga')) define('Hyuuga', 4);
if (!defined('Suigetsu')) define('Suigetsu', 5);
if (!defined('Lee')) define('Lee', 6);
if (!defined('Inzuka')) define('Inzuka', 7);
if (!defined('Temari')) define('Temari', 8);
if (!defined('Gaara')) define('Gaara', 9);
if (!defined('Ichigo')) define('Ichigo', 10);
if (!defined('Itachi')) define('Itachi', 11);
if (!defined('Shino')) define('Shino', 12);



Active User
Jan 30, 2010
Reaction score
Odp: 2 Rzeczy wejd? please

Mo?e to dziwne ale jak sprawdzalem config zapisalem wszystko jest dobrze ;d Temat do zamkniecia

Notka moderatorska:
Zawsze sprawd? czy na pewno dobrze ustawi?e?.
Zamykam, Dawido.
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