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1337sOT ! Kiedy? najlepszy i najbardziej porz?dany OTS 7.6!

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Feb 3, 2009
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Witam :D

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Przedstawiam 1337sOT! Kiedy? pono? najlepszy OTS, teraz go nikt nie u?ywa. Mo?e si? komu? spodoba i kto? go pohostuje albo przerobi go na WIEEELKI projekt ;P C??... ?ycz? powodzenia ;D

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May 8, 2008
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Odp: 1337sOT ! Kiedy? najlepszy i najbardziej porz?dany OTS 7.6!



Senior User
May 5, 2008
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Odp: 1337sOT ! Kiedy? najlepszy i najbardziej porz?dany OTS 7.6!

Pobiera?em :) Super Silnik ! Polecam ! 0 Bledow ! Sam go Kiedys Hostowalem Jest dosc bogaty w skrypty i ogolnie fajnie sie go hostuje :)


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Mar 8, 2009
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Odp: 1337sOT ! Kiedy? najlepszy i najbardziej porz?dany OTS 7.6!

Mam prosbe... nastepnym razem jak bedziesz wystawial silnik to:
-pokaz screeny(a w sumie to nie takie wazne dla mnie)
-wystaw features(o ile je masz)
1337sOT 7.6 First Release (scroll for 1337sOt sources)--by Bncplix and the codes of otfans =)
~~Ot helper included made by Bncplix~~

Features (and credits):
- bp/depo save (CVS)
- safe trade (CVS)
- cap system (CVS)
- buy/sell with crystals (TLM)
- house system (TLM, Black Demon, me)
- skulls & party (TLM)
- server save (TLM)
- light (Bomb Da Brat)
- vip list (Elementaries)
- npc load (Wolv119)
- anti afk (Tibia Rules)
- battle window (Skulldiggers, Tibia Rules)
- summons (CVS, Tibia Rules, me)
- gm invisible (TRS)
- rotating items (SuperGillis)
- ice rapier (Tibia Rules)
- construction kits (JTE)
- amulets: all but garlic and bronze (me)
- rings: skill, might, time (me)
- login queue (me)
- guilds with npc (me)
- pvp arena (me)
- boh+hur+time ring (me)
- burst arrow (Skulldiggers)
- destroy field (GriZzm0)
- exiva (Bryan)
- readables (me)
- commands: /pvp /owner /send
- more options in config
- energy ring
- boat npc
- field runes
- simpler houses (DosMaster)
- learning spells (me)
- promotions (me)
- commands: /save /ban
- separate distance mul
- multiline readables
- healing summons
- damage fixes
- uh exhaustion
- rook system (me)
- guild chats (CVS)
- key system (Orzech)
- item look for monsters/npcs (Black Demon)
- config: expmulpvp, spearlosechance
- commands: /pos /shutdown /max !uptime
- torches, candles etc. - in ammo slot
- all light spells
- low memory usage
- 7.6 protocol (CVS)
- OTB items & OTBM maps (CVS)
- day cycle (CVS revmagsys)
- wands & rods (Jiddo)
- premium system (me)
- death list with time (Jiddo)
- lifedrain & manadrain (me)
- garlic necklace, bronze amulet (me)
- high levels (Black Demon, me)
- utana vid & stealth ring (TLM, me)
- monster blood colors (Tjin)
- real monsters (KaM!oOoL, Shogun)
- commands: /clean /premmy !premmy
- config: access*, max*, queuepremmy
- exani tera (CrazyToko)
- reload config (Smygflik)
- level doors by actionId
- simple quests by uniqueId
- gm sees item id and position
- multiple pvp arenas
- config: rodrange, wandrange, freepremmy
- crash file generator (Andy Pennell)

1337sOT First Release
-Afk system only kicks if player access=0 (Gms wont be kicked) (Thunder Tiger sources)
-!info Shows all info about server from config (Bncplix)
-!buyhouse-Base by gerax, addons by...(Junkfood,Bncplix,Pedro B., And Proglin)
-Click look on a unowned house to see cost (Ruly)
-Red backround color. (Neverland Sources)
-On startup count monsters and npcs (Neverland Sources)
-Blue robe increases magic hits-Configurable in config.lua (Czepek,Bncplix)
-Vocation melee speeds configurable (Drazax)
-Turn on private message/off with /private (Proglin)
-Walk in Invisible gm (Ruly)
**--**Omg i shouldhave been writing this as i added the codes, im begining to forget some =)**--**
-Life ring and Ring of healing in config (Ravalas)
-Ctrl + Z Based on Smyglik's code (Sapphire)
-!website see the servers website-reads from url in config (Bncplix)
-IP Check with /check playername, lists all the players loged in on that ip (Junkfood)
-Animated text with ~text--can be changed in config (skiter)
-Player logs-logs ip of player in data/other/playerlogins.txt (Nitrous)
-!comment message saves a players comment into data/other/comments.txt (Bncplix,hehe i copy !report =0)
-2 new commands, /startfile and /killfile go to http://otfans.net/showthread.php?t=36954  to find out how to set up (bncplix)
-Random player save in config (tibia rules)
-/tp then click use (even up/down buildings) to teleport! (Neverland sources)
-3 different server saves in config (player,guild,house)--Buggy atm dont use yet (Neverland Sources)
-/tmp 1/2/3 config in config, teleports to the temple numbers. (Bncplix)
-/access NUMBER PLAYERNAME  Sets the players access (Tibia Rules)
-/addskill >SKILLNAME< >TRIES< >NICK<  Gives player # of tries of skills. Possible skill names: club,fist,sword,hp,mana,exp,fishing,magic,shield, AND dist (Tibia Rules?)
-/private Disable private messages
-/redskull NAME--Gives the player a red skull, (only visable when they go up stairs or a gm does /c to them) (Neverland Sources)
-/noskull NAME--Removes players skull(Neverland Sources)
-/whiteskull NAME--Gives the player a white skull, (only visable when they go up stairs or a gm does /c to them) (Neverland Sources)
-/yellowskull NAME--Should give player yellow skull, bugged and gives them yellow soon fixed maybe (Neverland Sources)
-/checkall Lists every1 in server mcing! (Junkfood)
-/voc PLAYERNAME  If a player is a druid, he becomes a sorc, and the other way around (=( i forget name)
-/gender  Changes the players gender (Neverland sources+Bncplix)
-On skill/lvl advance it says over ur head in fancy colours (The Chaos)
-Type "auto" in ip = in config for auto ip detect (deathplanter)
-Level door system in data/other/doors.xml (Vitor?)
-On player login it records their ip to data/other/playerlogins (Nitrous)
Map by Aquisitor, updated to 7.6 by Vide (based on Ent-Online):
- 512x512, 1MB binary
- ~1000 spawns
- 36 houses, 3 guild houses
- 12 quests (+anni)
- npcs: selling runes, food, furniture, aols, ammo; buying loot; managing guilds
- main temple x=160 y=54 z=7
- rook temple x=85 y=211 z=7

GM commands:
/a x		jump forward x squares
/B msg		broadcast message to all players
/b nick		ban player on ip
/ban nick	ban players character
/c nick		teleport player to gm
/clean		remove portable items from the ground
/closeserver	only gms can enter
/down		teleport down
/getonline	list players online with levels
/goto nick	teleport near player
/goto x y z	teleport to position
/i id count	create item
/info nick	show info about player
/invisible	switch gm invisibility
/kick nick	kick player
/makesay PLayerName, message  		Makes a player say something.
/max x		set max number of players online
/m name		place monster
/openserver	everyone can enter
/owner nick	set owner of the house you are in
/owner		clear owner of the house you are in
/pos		shows your position
/premmy x nick	give player x hours of premium account
/promote nick	promote player
/pvp x		set pvp to no=0, normal=1, enforced=2
/s name		place npc
/save		force server save
/send nick, x y z	teleport player to position
/shutdown m	shedule server shutdown in m minutes
/summon name	place summon
/t		go to temple
/up		teleport up
/noskull nick   Removes the players skull
/redskill nick  Gives the player red skull
/whiteskull nick Gives the player white skull
/yellowskull nick Gives the player yellow skull<--bugged, gives white =0
/addskill >SKILLNAME< >TRIES< >NICK<  Gives player # of tries of skills. Possible skill names: club,fist,sword,hp,mana,exp,fishing,magic,shield, AND dist
/bc COLOUR message  Broadcast colour. Broadcast colours: white,white2,red,red2,blue,orange,yellow,green,small  <--missing any?? =0--Configurable to the access lvl required to broadcast without a name
/reload spells    Add a new spell? dont wanna kick? reload while ingame
/private        Disable Private messages
/check nick     Lists all the characters a player is currently on
/killfile       Kills a file
/startfile      Starts a filed
/tp             Enter it, and click use on places for easy tp!
/tmp 1/2/3      Teleport to the different temples
/access NUMBER PLAYER  Sets the players access lvl
/private       Disable private messages
/checkall     Lists everyone in server mcing!
/voc          Changes players vocs from druid-->sorc  sorc-->druid
/gender      Changes the players gender

Player commands:
!exp		show exp for level
!mana		show mana for magic level
!online		show players online
!house		reload house rights
!frags		show unjustified kills
!report msg	bug report to hoster
!uptime		show server uptime
!premmy		show premium time
!comment        Allows the player to comment the server,saves in data/other/comments.txt
!buyhouse       Buys a house, configurable in config
!commands       See the server commands

Guild Master keywords:
found		founding a new guild
invite		invite player to e guild
kick, exclude	exclude player from a guild
join		join guild that invited me
leave		leave my guild
pass		pass leadership to another member
vice		promote player to vice-leader
member		denote vice-leader to regular member
nick, title	change member's nick

House spells:
aleta gom	edit owner (can be only one)
aleta som	edit sub-owners
aleta grav	edit door-owner (standing near door)
aleta sio	edit guests
alana sio "Name	kick player from a house
alana sio	kick myself from a house

- guilds and houses are saved during server save, not when player logouts,
- if you want to place boss use /m, because /summon makes him your summon (no loot),
- items 1740,1747,1748,1749,1770 are for quests and cannot be moved nor picked (attribute questbox="1" in items.xml),
- ip ban lasts until server restart, character ban lasts until you set banned to 0 in player's file,
- when you switch ring from ground with ring on you the one from you still glimmers on the ground (no side effect),
- when you change light item (torch, candle, etc.) you lose effect of light spell,
- plague-, magic-, flame- and poisonthrowers are causing debugs (don't use them).

Known bugs:
- when you jump into player while beeing /invisible he gets debug,
- when you change world type from pvp to no-pvp players that have selected target earlier can still attack (until they lose target),
- some edges dissappear under blood splashes.
-powiedz co zawierA
przyklad (paczka zawiera Binary, acc makera, source)


New User
Feb 4, 2010
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Odp: 1337sOT ! Kiedy? najlepszy i najbardziej porz?dany OTS 7.6!

Dzieki za ten Link 0 b?ed?w zadnych wirus?w wstaw wiecej takich link?w bardzo bym pro?i?


Active User
Apr 2, 2009
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Odp: 1337sOT ! Kiedy? najlepszy i najbardziej porz?dany OTS 7.6!

Super silnik, lecz ja potrzebuj? 7.92 Mo?e kto? mi pomuc ?


New User
Mar 8, 2010
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Odp: 1337sOT ! Kiedy? najlepszy i najbardziej porz?dany OTS 7.6!

Super sie zapowiada ale mam pytanie xml czy sql jak sql jakie pasy do god?
i moze jakis sceen mapki?


Active User
Jun 17, 2009
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Odp: 1337sOT ! Kiedy? najlepszy i najbardziej porz?dany OTS 7.6!


Chyba ci chodzi jak xml jakie pasy do god, pod 7.6 cie?ko sql zrobi? i nie s? warte, i jak b?dzie sql to widze ?e po tym pytaniu nie zrobisz bazy danych i tego wszystkiego.

Pobierz i zobacz czlowieku


New User
Oct 10, 2009
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0 B?ed?w
Bardzo dobry silnik
Zgadzam sie z innymi areal dzieeki za ten server ;] czekalem ;]
0 B?ed?w
Bardzo dobry silnik
Zgadzam sie z innymi areal dzieeki za ten server ;] czekalem ;]
<a href="http://www.fodey.com/generators/animated/ninjatext.asp"><img src="http://r9.fodey.com/2099/5c9f504038ef4822975bc12de4649f47.0.gif" border=0 width="295" height="107" alt=""></a>
0 B?ed?w
Bardzo dobry silnik
Zgadzam sie z innymi areal dzieeki za ten server ;] czekalem ;]
0 B?ed?w
Bardzo dobry silnik
Zgadzam sie z innymi areal dzieeki za ten server ;] czekalem ;]

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Dec 13, 2008
Reaction score
Odp: 1337sOT ! Kiedy? najlepszy i najbardziej porz?dany OTS 7.6!

Zgadzam si? z urzytkownikiem artesik powiniene? da? wi?cej screen?w, features i mniej wi?cej opis tego serwera.
Ale i tak bez tego bardzo dobry silnik :) 10/10 :D


Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
Odp: 1337sOT ! Kiedy? najlepszy i najbardziej porz?dany OTS 7.6!

Nom, wiecej screenow bo bez nich raczej zbyt duzo ludu nie pobierze. Ja nawet nie mam zamiaru, nie cierpie tibi 7.6 ;<


May 14, 2010
Reaction score
Odp: 1337sOT ! Kiedy? najlepszy i najbardziej porz?dany OTS 7.6!

Dzi?ki,za silnik.Mo?e i XML ale spr?buje go bardzo dobrze,przerobi? ;]
Jakbym mia? 30 post?w da?bym ci Reputa!Pozdrawiam!


Active User
Jun 22, 2010
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Odp: 1337sOT ! Kiedy? najlepszy i najbardziej porz?dany OTS 7.6!

Jeden madry i nie wypisuje czemu jak daje reputa z 10 postow to temu graczowi nie idzie ten reput
Na plus:
9 bledow
Na minus:
brak ss'ow :>
Drodzy gracze! Zadajecie pytania typu czy to SQL czy XML! Odpowiedzcie se sami na to pytanie PRZECZYTAJAC POZADNIE TEN TEMAT! (wejdzcie w oryginalny temat)
Repurt leci :D
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