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None Vocation[PACC] [ALL] Premium Rookgard Rats

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Towarzysz Stalin
Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score
[ALL] Premium Rookgard Rats​

- <Settings>
- <Alerts>
- <Player>
- <OnScreen>
- <Attacking>
  <Creature /> 
  <Item /> 
- <Message>
- <PrivateMessage>
- <Advanced>
- <Raid>
- <Capacity>
- <StandTime>
- <Disconnect>
- <Healer>
- <Rules>
- <Healer0>
  <HealRange>0 to 40 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Small Health Potion</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <FriendHealer>
  <Rules /> 
- <Refiller>
  <Rules /> 
- <HotKeys>
- <List>
- <ShowBot>
- <PauseBot>
  <Script>local cavebot = getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Enabled") local targeting = getsettings("Settings/Targeting/Enabled") if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then setcavebot('on') settargeting('on') setlooting('on') else setcavebot('off') settargeting('off') setlooting('off') end wait(500)</Script> 
- <ShowClient>
- <ShowSettings>
  <Condition>Client focus required</Condition> 
- <Actions>
  <List /> 
  <Setup>-- Setup</Setup> 
- <CaveBot>
- <Waypoints>
  <w000>Stand 32029 32195 9</w000> 
  <w001>Stand 32027 32186 9</w001> 
  <w002>Stand 32028 32179 9</w002> 
  <w003>Stand 32030 32175 9</w003> 
  <w004>Stand 32031 32168 9</w004> 
  <w005>Stand 32025 32170 9</w005> 
  <w006>Stand 32021 32172 9</w006> 
  <w007>Stand 32017 32165 9</w007> 
  <w008>Stand 32022 32160 9</w008> 
  <w009>Stand 32026 32150 9</w009> 
  <w010>Stand 32020 32136 9</w010> 
  <w011>Stand 32020 32143 9</w011> 
  <w012>Stand 32010 32140 9</w012> 
  <w013>Stand 32006 32139 9</w013> 
  <w014>Stand 32007 32147 9</w014> 
  <w015>Stand 32012 32156 9</w015> 
  <w016>Stand 32016 32166 9</w016> 
  <w017>Stand 32006 32168 9</w017> 
  <w018>Stand 32012 32170 9</w018> 
  <w019>Stand 32015 32178 9</w019> 
  <w020>Stand 32015 32182 9</w020> 
  <w021>Stand 32010 32181 9</w021> 
  <w022>Stand 32014 32185 9</w022> 
  <w023>Stand 32011 32191 9</w023> 
  <w024>Stand 32010 32198 9</w024> 
  <w025>Stand 32016 32201 9</w025> 
  <w026>Stand 32016 32207 9</w026> 
  <w027>Stand 32021 32203 9</w027> 
  <w028>Stand 32030 32203 9</w028> 
  <w029>Stand 32029 32210 9</w029> 
  <w030>Stand 32029 32199 9</w030> 
- <Pathfinding>
  <SpecialAreas /> 
  <WalkingMethod>Map Clicks</WalkingMethod> 
  <MapWalkDistance>20 to 50</MapWalkDistance> 
- <Settings>
  <OpenNextBp>if cavebot enabled</OpenNextBp> 
- <Looting>
  <List /> 
  <Condition>All corpses</Condition> 
  <Style>After melee kill</Style> 
- <Targeting>
- <Monsters>
- <All>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>No movement</Stance> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Settings>
  <PlayerOnScreenSecurity>If cavebotting</PlayerOnScreenSecurity> 
- <Hud>
- <List>
- <GeneralInfo>
  <Script>setsize(100,100) setfontcolor("white") addtext(name,10,30) addtext("LvL :", 150,30) addtext(level, 180,30) addtext("Next LvL :", 150,45) addtext(exptolevel(), 210,45) addtext("Pos X : ", 10,45) addtext(posx, 54,45) addtext("Pos Y : ", 10,60) addtext(posy, 54,60) addtext("Pos Z : ", 10,75) addtext(posz, 54,75)</Script> 
  <Show>If focused</Show> 
- <Input>
- <Keyboard>
  <StuckCtrlShift>If cavebot on, release after 1 sec</StuckCtrlShift> 
  <TypingStyle>Keyboard keys</TypingStyle> 
  <PressWaitTime>45 to 65</PressWaitTime> 
- <Mouse>
  <Scroll>Use mouse wheel</Scroll> 
  <ClickWaitTime>30 to 50</ClickWaitTime> 
  <OpenMenuPolicy>Confirm if cavebotting</OpenMenuPolicy> 
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