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Knight [FACC] Attachment

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Towarzysz Stalin
Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score

- <Settings>
  <By_3173654 /> 
- <Alerts>
- <Player>
- <OnScreen>
- <Attacking>
- <GMOnScreen>
  <Creature /> 
  <Item /> 
- <Message>
- <PrivateMessage>
- <Advanced>
- <Raid>
- <Capacity>
- <StandTime>
- <Disconnect>
- <Healer>
- <Rules>
- <exura-ico>
  <HealRange>40 to 73 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>40 to all</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Wound Cleansing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <HP>
  <HealRange>0 to 50 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Health Potion</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <MP>
  <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 115</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Mana Potion</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>700 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Utura>
  <HealRange>60 to 85 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>75 to all</ManaRange> 
  <ExtraCondition>If not strengthened</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <FriendHealer>
  <Rules /> 
- <Refiller>
  <Rules /> 
- <HotKeys>
- <List>
- <ShowBot>
- <PauseBot>
  <Script>local cavebot = getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Enabled") local targeting = getsettings("Settings/Targeting/Enabled") if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then setcavebot('on') settargeting('on') setlooting('on') else setcavebot('off') settargeting('off') setlooting('off') end wait(500)</Script> 
- <ShowClient>
- <ShowSettings>
  <Condition>Client focus required</Condition> 
- <Actions>
- <List>
- <Print-On-Death>
  <Script>--############[SS on Death]############-- --#####################################-- local printscreen = true if hppc == 0 then if (printscreen == true) then focusclient() screenshot() end printscreen = false else printscreen = true end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Reconect>
  <Script>--############Set true or false for reopen Backpacks############-- ReopenBackpack = false --############Configure here the name of Backpacks--############ --############Configure aki o nome das Backpacks--############ local Mainbp = 'Backpack' local Lootbp = 'Brocade Backpack' local Goldbp = 'Red Backpack' --Configure here account, password and name of the character --Configura aki o seuaccount, senha e nome do char ACCname = "Login" PASSWORD = "Senha" CHARACTERNAME = "Nick" --############dont change below############-- local accounts = { {acc = ACCname, pass = PASSWORD, name = CHARACTERNAME} } local serversavetime = {from = '5:00', to = '5:20'} serversavetime = {from = tosec(serversavetime.from), to = tosec(serversavetime.to)} local randdelay = {min = 0, max = 300} local startlabel = '' local curchar = 1 --dont change things below local randomdelay = math.random(randdelay.min, randdelay.max) if not connected then setcavebot('off') local curtime = tosec(time()) if curtime < serversavetime.from or curtime > serversavetime.to+randomdelay then connect(accounts[curchar].acc, accounts[curchar].pass, accounts[curchar].name) wait(3000,4000) updateworld() if connected then if startlabel ~= '' then gotolabel(startlabel) if ReopenBackpack == true then wait(2000) openitem(MainBP, "back") wait(1000) openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true) wait(1000) resizewindows() wait(1000) openitem(GoldBP, MainBP, true) wait(1000) resizewindows() wait(1000) setcavebot("on") wait(300) settargeting("on") wait(300) setlooting("on") end end setcavebot('on') end end end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Alertlife>
  <Script>--###########[Life Alert]###########-- --##################################-- if hp <= 250 then playsound("alert.wav") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <AntiFurniureTrap>
  <Script>--#########[Anti Furniture]#########-- --##################################-- weapontouse = weapontouse or 3308 -- machete local blockwalkids = {2025, 2029, 2030, 2043, 2044, 2045, 2046, 2047, 2048, 2059, 2060, 2061, 2445, 2446, 2447, 2448, 2449, 2450, 2451, 2452, 2453, 2454, 2465, 2466, 2467, 2468, 2524, 2904, 2959, 2960, 2961, 2962, 2963, 2964, 2975, 2976, 2979, 2982, 2986, 2997, 2998, 2999, 3000, 3484, 3485, 3486, 3487, 3510, 3511, 3512, 3513, 5046, 5055, 5056, 6109, 6110, 6111, 6112, 6367, 6368, 6369, 6370, 7860, 7861, 7862, 7863, 9132, 9141, 10208, 10210, 10211, 10212, 10213, 10214, 10215} for i=-7,7 do for j=-5,5 do local x,y,z = posx+i,posy+j,posz if table.binaryfind(blockwalkids,toptileitem(x,y,z)) then if tilereachable(x,y,z) then pausewalking(10000) local topid = toptileitem(x,y,z) while tilereachable(x,y,z) and (math.abs(posx-x) > 1 or math.abs(posy-y) > 1) do reachlocation(x,y,z) wait(100,200) updateworld() end while toptileitem(x,y,z) == topid and posz == z and (math.abs(posx-x) <= 1 and math.abs(posy-y) <= 1) do useitemon(weapontouse,toptileitem(x,y,z),ground(x,y,z)) pausewalking(5000) wait(400,500) updateworld() end pausewalking(0) end end end end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Antitrap>
  <Script>--############[Safe Trap]###########-- --##################################-- if maround(7) > 0 and pzone == false and ((maround(1) == 0 and target.id > 0 and standtime >= 10000) or standtime >= 120000) then local rand = math.random(1,8) if (rand == 1) then move('w') elseif (rand == 2) then move('e') elseif (rand == 3) then move('n') elseif (rand == 4) then move('s') elseif (rand == 5) then move('nw') elseif (rand == 6) then move('ne') elseif (rand == 7) then move('sw') elseif (rand == 8) then move('se') end wait(1000) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Exori>
  <Script>--############[Exori]############-- --###############################-- local count = 4 -- How many monster need to around you to cast spell local spell = 'exori' -- Spell to cast if maround(1, 'Ghoul', 'Demon Skeleton', 'Skeleton', 'Crypt Shambler') >= count and and paround(7, true) == 0 then cast(spell) wait(2000) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <DropFlask>
  <Script>--###########[Drop Flask]###########-- --##################################-- local config = { itemID = 285, 284, 283, flaskCOUNT = 1 } if (itemcount(config.itemID) >= config.flaskCOUNT) then pausewalking(1500) dropitems(config.itemID) wait(500,900) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Safe-Bank>
  <Script>--############[Safe Bank]###########-- --##################################-- NpcName local NpcName = 'Znozel' local index = 0 local msgs = getmessages("NPCs") local qtd = msgs.count-1 for i=0,qtd do if msgs[qtd].sender == NpcName and msgs[qtd].text:find('There is not enough gold on your account.') then setcavebot('off') wait(7000,12000) closetibia() end end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <CheckWorld>
  <Script>--############[World Info]############-- --####################################-- if PvP then setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Pathfinding\\WalkThroughPlayers", "no") wait(5000) setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Exori\\Enabled", "no") wait(5000) else setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Pathfinding\\WalkThroughPlayers", "yes") wait(5000) setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Exori\\Enabled", "yes") wait(5000) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Checks>
  <Script>--############[Check]############-- --###############################-- if AutoMount then setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\AutoMount", "yes") wait(5000) else setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\AutoMount", "no") wait(5000) end if Utura then setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\Utura\\Enabled", "yes") wait(5000) else setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\Utura\\Enabled", "no") wait(5000) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Loot-Changer>
  <Script>--############[Loot Check]############-- --####################################-- setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Black Pearl\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Mana Potion\\Destination", MainBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Life Ring\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Guardian Shield\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\demonic skeletal hand\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\pelvis bone\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\ghoul snack\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\brown piece of cloth\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\rotten piece of cloth\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\mind stone\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\half digested piece of meat\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\two handed sword\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\mysterious fetish\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\pile of grave earth\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\small diamond\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Gold Coin\\Destination", GoldBP)</Script> 
  <SpamRate>10 to 50</SpamRate> 
- <CheckBP>
  <Script>--############[BP Check]############-- --##################################-- if windowcount() < 3 then pausewalking(10000) closewindows() if windowcount(MainBP) < 1 and maround(2) == 0 and not lootbodies then wait(500) openitem(MainBP, "back") wait(1000) resizewindows() wait(1000) end if windowcount(LootBP) < 1 and maround(2) == 0 and not lootbodies then wait(500) openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true) wait(1000) resizewindows() end if windowcount(GoldBP) < 1 and maround(2) == 0 and not lootbodies then wait(500) openitem(GoldBP, MainBP, true) wait(1000) resizewindows() wait(1000) resizewindows() end if MinimizeEquips then minimizewindows("equip") end wait(500) pausewalking(0) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Eatfood>
  <Script>wait(300000) eatfood()</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
  <Setup>--####################### {Setup} ######################## --######################################################## --######################################################## --######################## {Hunt} ######################## --###############[true = sim / false = não]############### --######################################################## Captoback = 50 -- Min Cap for refill RightCemetery = false -- false for only left / true for only right PvP = false -- false for NoN-PvP world Utura = false -- Utura for 50+ AutoMount = false -- true for use mount --######################################################## --###################### {Backpack} ###################### --######################################################## MainBP = "Backpack" -- The Main BP. LootBP = "Brocade Backpack" -- Looting BP GoldBP = "Beach Backpack" -- BP to gold. MainDPBP = "Fur Backpack" -- Main backpack on DP. StackableDPBP = "Blue Backpack" -- Stackable BP LootDPBP = "Camouflage Backpack" -- BP to deposit loot on dp. --######################################################## --####################### {Potions} ###################### --######################################################## MPname = "Mana Potion" -- Name of mana potion. MPprice = 50 -- Price of mana potion to buy. MPtobuy = 200 -- How many mana potions to buy? MPtoback = 10 -- How many potions to back reffil? HPname = "Health Potion" -- Name of health potion. HPprice = 45 -- Price of health potion to buy HPtobuy = 30 -- How many potions buy? HPtoback = 10 -- How many potions to back reffil? --######################################################## --##################--Configure Healer--################## --########################################################</Setup> 
- <CaveBot>
- <Waypoints>
  <Start>Action 32787 31247 7 --####[Script By 3173654]####;--###########################;--###########################;--###########################;--###########################;--###########################;--###########################;--###########################;--###########################;</Start> 
  <w000>Stand 32787 31247 7</w000> 
  <AntiBug>Action 32786 31249 7 ----[CheckActions]----;setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\CheckBP\\Enable", "no") ;setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\AntiFurniureTrap\\Enable", "no");setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\CheckBP\\Enable", "no") ;setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\AntiFurniureTrap\\Enable", "no");setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\CheckBP\\Enable", "no") ;setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\AntiFurniureTrap\\Enable", "no")</AntiBug> 
  <w001>Stand 32786 31247 7</w001> 
  <w002>Stand 32786 31248 7</w002> 
  <w003>Stand 32785 31247 6</w003> 
  <w107>Action 32785 31247 6 ----[CheckLocation]----;if not islocation();then; gotolabel("Start");end</w107> 
  <Depot>Action 32785 31247 6 ----[Deposit]----;closewindows();wait(1500, 2000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(1500, 2000);resizewindows() ;wait(1500, 2000);openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true);wait(1500, 2000);resizewindows() ;reachgrounditem("depot");wait(1500, 2000);openitem("depot");wait(1500, 2000);openitem(3502, "locker");wait(1500, 2000);openitem(MainDPBP, "depot chest");wait(1500, 2000);depotdeposit(StackableDPBP ,"Rotten piece Of Cloth","Black Pearl","Brown Piece Of Cloth","Demonic Skeletal Hand","Mysterious fetish","ghoul snack","small diamond","half digested piece of meat","pile of grave earth","pelvis bone");wait(1500, 2000);depotdeposit(LootDPBP ,"Guardian Shield","Two Handed Sword","Mind Stone","Life Ring");wait(1500, 2000)</Depot> 
  <w004>Stand 32786 31247 6</w004> 
  <w005>Stand 32786 31248 6</w005> 
  <w007>Node 32798 31248 7</w007> 
  <w008>Node 32830 31249 7</w008> 
  <w009>Stand 32824 31249 7</w009> 
  <BankNow>Stand 32824 31249 7</BankNow> 
  <w106>Action 32824 31249 7 ----[CheckLocation]----;if not islocation();then; gotolabel("BankNow");end</w106> 
  <BankGold>Action 32824 31249 7 ----[Withdraw]----;closewindows();wait(1000, 2000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(1000, 2000);resizewindows();wait(1000, 2000);resizewindows() ;;local mana = positive(MPtobuy - itemcount(MPname)) * MPprice;local health = positive(HPtobuy - itemcount(HPname)) * HPprice;local Total = mana + health + 100;;depositall();wait(1000, 2000);say('hi');;if Total > 0 then; npcsay("withdraw "..Total); wait(1000, 2000); npcsay("yes"); wait(1000, 2000);end;</BankGold> 
  <w010>Node 32830 31248 7</w010> 
  <w012>Stand 32789 31237 7</w012> 
  <w014>Stand 32789 31239 7</w014> 
  <w015>Stand 32790 31239 7</w015> 
  <w016>Stand 32788 31239 6</w016> 
  <w017>Stand 32789 31239 6</w017> 
  <w018>Stand 32789 31238 5</w018> 
  <w019>Action 32789 31238 5 ----[CheckActions]----;setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\CheckBP\\Enabled","no")</w019> 
  <Potions>Action 32789 31238 5 ----[Buy Potions]----;closewindows();wait(1500, 2000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(1500, 2000);resizewindows();wait(1500, 2000);resizewindows();wait(1500, 2000);minimizewindows("equip");sellflasks();wait(1500, 2000);opentrade();wait(1500, 2000);if itemcount(HPname) < HPtobuy then;buyitemsupto(HPname, HPtobuy);end;wait(1500, 2000);buyitemsupto(MPname, MPtobuy);npcsay('Bye');wait(1500, 2000)</Potions> 
  <w020>Stand 32789 31238 5</w020> 
  <w021>Stand 32789 31239 5</w021> 
  <w022>Stand 32791 31239 6</w022> 
  <w023>Stand 32790 31239 6</w023> 
  <w024>Stand 32791 31234 7</w024> 
  <LeaveCity>Action 32791 31234 7 ----[CheckSupplies]----;if itemcount("mana potion") < Mptobuy or itemcount("health potion") < Hptobuy then gotolabel("BankNow");else;gotolabel("LeaveCity");end;;</LeaveCity> 
  <w026>Node 32789 31232 7</w026> 
  <w103>Stand 32779 31249 7</w103> 
  <w104>Action 32779 31249 7 --</w104> 
  <LeaveCity>Stand 32779 31249 7</LeaveCity> 
  <CheckFinal>Action 33024 31453 11 ----[Go To Hunt]----;setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\CheckBP\\Enable", "yes") ;setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Enable", "yes") ;setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\Enable", "yes") ;setsettings("Settings\\Input\\Enable", "yes") ;setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\AntiFurniureTrap\\Enable", "yes");setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\Enable", "yes")</CheckFinal> 
  <w006>Stand 32796 31234 7</w006> 
  <w011>Node 32796 31234 7</w011> 
  <w013>Node 32809 31230 7</w013> 
  <w025>Node 32828 31204 7</w025> 
  <w027>Node 32832 31159 7</w027> 
  <CheckStairs>Stand 32833 31156 7</CheckStairs> 
  <w029>Stand 32833 31155 7</w029> 
  <w030>Stand 32833 31153 6</w030> 
  <w031>Stand 32834 31145 5</w031> 
  <w032>Stand 32834 31143 6</w032> 
  <w033>Stand 32834 31142 7</w033> 
  <w034>Action 32834 31142 7 ----[CheckLocation]----;if not islocation();then; gotolabel("CheckStairs");end</w034> 
  <w035>Node 32838 31126 7</w035> 
  <w036>Node 32842 31114 7</w036> 
  <w037>Stand 32827 31104 7</w037> 
  <w038>Node 32812 31105 7</w038> 
  <w028>Node 32835 31139 7</w028> 
  <NoDjins1>Stand 32820 31108 6</NoDjins1> 
  <w039>Stand 32804 31103 7</w039> 
  <w135>Action 32804 31103 7 ----[CheckLocation]----;if not islocation();then; gotolabel("NoDjins1");end;</w135> 
  <w040>Stand 32804 31103 7</w040> 
  <GoCemetery>Action 32804 31103 7 ----[GoCemetery]----;say('hi');wait(1000);npcsay("pass");wait(1000);npcsay("cemetery");</GoCemetery> 
  <w042>Stand 32798 31103 7</w042> 
  <w043>Stand 32798 31103 7</w043> 
  <w044>Action 32798 31103 7 ----[CheckLocation]----;if not islocation();then; gotolabel("GoCemetery");end</w044> 
  <w041>Node 32790 31104 7</w041> 
  <w045>Stand 32776 31117 7</w045> 
  <w046>Action 32776 31117 7 ----[CheckHuntType]----;if RightCemetery then;gotolabel("Right");else;gotolabel("Left");end;</w046> 
  <Left>Stand 32776 31117 7</Left> 
  <w047>Use 32775 31118 7</w047> 
  <w048>Stand 32771 31118 7</w048> 
  <w049>Action 32771 31118 7 ----[CheckLocation]----;if not islocation();then; gotolabel("Left");end</w049> 
  <w050>Node 32768 31118 7</w050> 
  <HuntLeft>Stand 32761 31127 7</HuntLeft> 
  <w052>Shovel 32761 31128 7</w052> 
  <w154>Stand 32761 31128 7</w154> 
  <w155>Stand 32761 31128 7</w155> 
  <w156>Stand 32761 31128 7</w156> 
  <w053>Stand 32763 31128 8</w053> 
  <w054>Stand 32763 31127 8</w054> 
  <w055>Node 32755 31111 9</w055> 
  <w056>Node 32779 31136 9</w056> 
  <w057>Stand 32763 31127 9</w057> 
  <w058>Rope 32763 31127 9</w058> 
  <w059>Stand 32763 31127 8</w059> 
  <w060>Node 32762 31129 9</w060> 
  <w061>Node 32750 31160 9</w061> 
  <w062>Node 32757 31163 9</w062> 
  <w063>Node 32758 31150 9</w063> 
  <CheckLeft>Node 32763 31129 9</CheckLeft> 
  <w066>Stand 32763 31127 9</w066> 
  <w067>Rope 32763 31127 9</w067> 
  <w068>Stand 32763 31128 8</w068> 
  <w157>Stand 32761 31128 8</w157> 
  <w158>Rope 32761 31128 8</w158> 
  <w159>Stand 32761 31129 7</w159> 
  <w160>Action 32761 31129 7 ----[CheckLocation]----;if not islocation();then; gotolabel("CheckLeft");end</w160> 
  <w069>Stand 32761 31128 8</w069> 
  <RopeToCheck>Stand 32761 31128 8</RopeToCheck> 
  <w071>Stand 32761 31128 8</w071> 
  <w072>Rope 32761 31128 8</w072> 
  <w074>Stand 32761 31129 7</w074> 
  <w161>Action 32761 31129 7 ----[CheckLocation]----;if not islocation();then; gotolabel("RopeToCheck");end</w161> 
  <w070>Stand 32764 31126 7</w070> 
  <w073>Action 32764 31126 7 ----[CheckSupplies]----;if itemcount(MPname) > MPtoback and itemcount(HPname) > HPtoback and cap > Captoback then;gotolabel('HuntLeft');else;gotolabel('RefillLeft');end</w073> 
  <RefillLeft>Stand 32767 31121 7</RefillLeft> 
  <w051>Stand 32772 31118 7</w051> 
  <w075>Stand 32773 31118 7</w075> 
  <w076>Stand 32776 31116 7</w076> 
  <w077>Action 32776 31116 7 ----[CheckLocation]----;if not islocation();then; gotolabel("RefillLeft");end;</w077> 
  <w078>Action 32776 31116 7 gotolabel("Refill")</w078> 
  <Right>Stand 32776 31115 7</Right> 
  <w079>Stand 32777 31118 7</w079> 
  <w080>Use 32778 31118 7</w080> 
  <w081>Node 32785 31117 7</w081> 
  <HuntRight>Stand 32788 31119 7</HuntRight> 
  <w083>Shovel 32789 31119 7</w083> 
  <w064>Stand 32789 31119 7</w064> 
  <w065>Stand 32789 31119 7</w065> 
  <w084>Stand 32789 31119 8</w084> 
  <w085>Action 32789 31119 8 ----[CheckLocation]----;if not islocation();then; gotolabel("HuntRight");end;</w085> 
  <w0343>Stand 32788 31118 8</w0343> 
  <w086>Stand 32788 31117 8</w086> 
  <w087>Stand 32788 31117 9</w087> 
  <w088>Action 32788 31117 9 ----[CheckLocation]----;if not islocation();then; gotolabel("w0343");end;</w088> 
  <w082>Node 32789 31121 9</w082> 
  <w089>Node 32798 31132 9</w089> 
  <w090>Node 32804 31138 9</w090> 
  <w091>Node 32777 31116 9</w091> 
  <w092>Node 32768 31092 9</w092> 
  <w093>Node 32744 31090 9</w093> 
  <w094>Node 32734 31110 9</w094> 
  <w095>Node 32738 31078 9</w095> 
  <w096>Node 32729 31066 9</w096> 
  <w097>Walk 32749 31087 9</w097> 
  <w098>Node 32754 31087 9</w098> 
  <w099>Node 32773 31105 9</w099> 
  <GoCheck>Node 32788 31117 9</GoCheck> 
  <w101>Stand 32788 31117 9</w101> 
  <w102>Rope 32788 31117 9</w102> 
  <w100>Stand 32788 31118 8</w100> 
  <w104>Action 32788 31118 8 ----[CheckLocation]----;if not islocation();then; gotolabel("GoCheck");end;</w104> 
  <GoTerreo>Stand 32788 31118 8</GoTerreo> 
  <w108>Stand 32789 31119 8</w108> 
  <w109>Rope 32789 31119 8</w109> 
  <w110>Stand 32789 31120 7</w110> 
  <w111>Action 32789 31120 7 ----[CheckLocation]----;if not islocation();then; gotolabel("GoTerreo");end;</w111> 
  <w113>Action 32789 31120 7 ----[CheckSupplies]----;if itemcount(MPname) > MPtoback and itemcount(HPname) > HPtoback and cap > Captoback then;gotolabel('HuntRight');else;gotolabel('RefillRight');end</w113> 
  <RefillRight>Node 32784 31118 7</RefillRight> 
  <w105>Stand 32781 31118 7</w105> 
  <w114>Stand 32781 31118 7</w114> 
  <w115>Stand 32780 31118 7</w115> 
  <w112>Stand 32784 31118 7</w112> 
  <w117>Stand 32778 31115 7</w117> 
  <w116>Action 32778 31115 7 ----[CheckLocation]----;if not islocation();then; gotolabel("RefillRight");end;</w116> 
  <w118>Stand 32776 31115 7</w118> 
  <w119>Action 32776 31115 7 gotolabel("Refill")</w119> 
  <Refill>Stand 32776 31115 7</Refill> 
  <w120>Stand 32776 31113 7</w120> 
  <w121>Node 32776 31108 7</w121> 
  <w122>Node 32788 31105 7</w122> 
  <GoMagician>Stand 32799 31104 7</GoMagician> 
  <w124>Action 32799 31104 7 ----[GoToMagician]----;say('hi');wait(1000);npcsay("pass");wait(1000);npcsay("magician");</w124> 
  <w123>Stand 32806 31103 7</w123> 
  <w125>Action 32806 31103 7 ----[CheckLocation]----;if not islocation();then; gotolabel("GoMagician");end;</w125> 
  <w126>Stand 32806 31103 7</w126> 
  <w127>Node 32814 31103 7</w127> 
  <w128>Node 32822 31106 7</w128> 
  <w129>Node 32836 31108 7</w129> 
  <w130>Node 32838 31109 7</w130> 
  <w131>Node 32836 31140 7</w131> 
  <NoDjins2>Node 32820 31108 6</NoDjins2> 
  <w132>Stand 32835 31141 7</w132> 
  <w133>Stand 32835 31142 7</w133> 
  <w134>Action 32835 31142 7 ----[CheckLocation]----;if not islocation();then; gotolabel("NoDjins2");end;</w134> 
  <CheckStairs>Stand 32835 31142 7</CheckStairs> 
  <w137>Stand 32835 31143 7</w137> 
  <w138>Stand 32835 31145 6</w138> 
  <w139>Stand 32834 31153 5</w139> 
  <w140>Stand 32834 31155 6</w140> 
  <w141>Stand 32834 31157 7</w141> 
  <w142>Action 32834 31157 7 ----[CheckLocation]----;if not islocation();then; gotolabel("CheckStairs");end;</w142> 
  <w136>Node 32837 31166 7</w136> 
  <w143>Node 32837 31183 7</w143> 
  <w144>Node 32826 31196 7</w144> 
  <w145>Node 32824 31213 7</w145> 
  <w146>Node 32815 31230 7</w146> 
  <w147>Node 32804 31234 7</w147> 
  <w148>Walk 32802 31235 7</w148> 
  <w149>Node 32800 31240 7</w149> 
  <w150>Walk 32800 31242 7</w150> 
  <w151>Walk 32799 31246 7</w151> 
  <w152>Stand 32789 31247 7</w152> 
  <w153>Action 32789 31247 7 --###### Back To Start ######;--###########################;--###########################;--###########################;--###########################;--###########################;--###########################;--###########################;</w153> 
- <Pathfinding>
  <SpecialAreas /> 
  <WalkingMethod>Map Clicks</WalkingMethod> 
  <MapWalkDistance>20 to 50</MapWalkDistance> 
- <Settings>
  <Priority>Target and Looting</Priority> 
- <Looting>
- <List>
- <Gold-Coin>
  <Destination>Beach Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Guardian-Shield>
  <Destination>Brocade Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Rotten-Piece-Of-Cloth>
  <Destination>Brocade Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Black-Pearl>
  <Destination>Brocade Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Brown-Piece-Of-Cloth>
  <Destination>Brocade Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <demonic-skeletal-hand>
  <Destination>Brocade Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <two-handed-sword>
  <Destination>Brocade Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <mysterious-fetish>
  <Destination>Brocade Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <mind-stone>
  <Destination>Brocade Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <ghoul-snack>
  <Destination>Brocade Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <small-diamond>
  <Destination>Brocade Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <half-digested-piece-of-meat>
  <Destination>Brocade Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <health-potion>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <life-ring>
  <Destination>Brocade Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <pile-of-grave-earth>
  <Destination>Brocade Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Pelvis-Bone>
  <Destination>Brocade Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Mana-Potion>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
  <Condition>Corpses with listed items</Condition> 
  <Style>After melee kill</Style> 
- <Targeting>
- <Monsters>
- <Skeleton>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Ghoul>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Demon-Skeleton>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
- <ListSpell>
  <Spell0>Brutal Strike</Spell0> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Crypt-Shambler>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <all>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>No movement</Stance> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Settings>
  <PlayerOnScreenSecurity>If cavebotting</PlayerOnScreenSecurity> 
- <Hud>
- <List>
- <HUD>
  <Script>setfontcolor("orange") setfontstyle("Comic Sans MS", 9, "white") setfontcolor("orange") addtext("#####################", 20, 30) setfontcolor("cornsilk") addtext("LEVEL: ", 20, 45) addtext("EXP/H: ", 20, 65) addtext("EXP GAINED: ", 20, 85) addtext("EXP TO UP: ", 20, 105) addtext("TIME TO UP: ", 20, 125) addtext("STAMINA: ", 20, 145) addtext("BALANCE: ", 20, 165) setfontcolor("orange") addtext("#####################", 20, 180) setfontcolor("cornsilk") addtext("MOUSE ITEM ID: ", 20, 195) setfontcolor("red") addtext(level, 125, 45) addtext(exphour, 125, 65) addtext(expgained, 125, 85) addtext(exptolevel(), 125, 105) if (exptolevel()/exphour) < 1 then addtext("Less than 1 Hour", 125, 125) else addtext("About "..math.ceil(exptolevel()/exphour).. " Hours", 125, 125) end addtext(math.floor(stamina/60).." Hours", 125, 145) addtext(balance, 125, 165) addtext(cursorinfo().id, 130, 195)</Script> 
- <Monitor-my-hunting>
  <Script>-- [[ INIT START ]] -- -- -- 88 -- "" ,d -- 88 -- ,adPPYba, 88 8b,dPPYba, 88,dPYba,,adPYba, ,adPPYYba, MM88MMM ,adPPYba, -- I8[ "" 88 88P' "Y8 88P' "88" "8a "" `Y8 88 a8P_____88 -- `"Y8ba, 88 88 88 88 88 ,adPPPPP88 88 8PP""""""" -- aa ]8I 88 88 88 88 88 88, ,88 88, "8b, ,aa -- Author: `"YbbdP"' 88 88 88 88 88 `"8bbdP"Y8 "Y888 `"Ybbd8"' -- -- Monitor My Hunting! -- -- Version: 1.0 -- Created: 7.09.2012 -- Last update: 18.09.2012 -- MONITOR_MY_HUNTING = MONITOR_MY_HUNTING or { SCRIPT_NAME = "Monitor My Hunting", SCRIPT_VERSION = "1.0", CLEARED_STATS = false, INITIALIZED = false, } MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SHOW_ALL_ITEMS = false MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.ITEMS_LIST = { {NAME = "gold coin", VALUE = 1}, {NAME = "Ghoul Snack", VALUE = 60}, {NAME = "Rotten piece Of Cloth", VALUE = 30}, {NAME = "Pelvis Bone", VALUE = 30}, {NAME = "Guardian Shield", VALUE = 2000}, {NAME = "Black Pearl", VALUE = 280}, {NAME = "Half-Digested Piece of Meat", VALUE = 55}, {NAME = "Browm Piece Of Cloth", VALUE = 2000}, {NAME = "Two Handed Sword", VALUE = 450}, {NAME = "Small Diamond", VALUE = 300}, {NAME = "Mind Stone", VALUE = 170}, {NAME = "Mysterious Fetish", VALUE = 50}, {NAME = "Demonic Skeletal Hand", VALUE = 80}, {NAME = "Life Ring", VALUE = 500}, {NAME = "Pile of Grave Earth", VALUE = 25}, } MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SHOW_ALL_SUPPLIES = false MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SUPPLIES_LIST = { {NAME = "mana potion", PRICE = 50}, {NAME = "strong health potion", PRICE = 100}, {NAME = "great health potion", PRICE = 190}, } -- [[ DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE. ]] -- MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST = MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST or {} MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST = MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST or {} MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS = MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS or { BLACK = rgbcolor(1, 1, 1), ORANGE = rgbcolor(255, 165, 0), BLUE = rgbcolor(30, 144, 255), CORNSILK = rgbcolor(205, 200, 177), WHITE = rgbcolor(255, 255, 255), GREEN = rgbcolor(107, 142, 35), RED = rgbcolor(178, 34, 34), } local function CreateMessageObject(MESSAGE_DATA) if (type(MESSAGE_DATA) ~= "userdata") then return setmetatable({__data = {TYPE = -1, TIME_STAMP = -1, SENDER_NAME = "", SENDER_LEVEL = -1, CONTENT = ""}}, MessageMetaTable) else return setmetatable({__data = {TYPE = MESSAGE_DATA.type, TIME_STAMP = Misc.ConvertToSeconds(string.sub(MESSAGE_DATA.text, 1, 5)), SENDER_NAME = MESSAGE_DATA.sender, SENDER_LEVEL = tonumber((tostring(string.match(MESSAGE_DATA.text, ".+ (%b[]): .+")):gsub("[^%d]", ""))) or 0, CONTENT = string.sub(MESSAGE_DATA.text, 7)}}, MessageMetaTable) end end local function addtextshadow(DISPLAY_TEXT, X_OFFSET, Y_OFFSET, FONT_COLOR) setfontcolor(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.BLACK) addtext(DISPLAY_TEXT, X_OFFSET + 1, Y_OFFSET + 1) setfontcolor(FONT_COLOR) addtext(DISPLAY_TEXT, X_OFFSET, Y_OFFSET) end -- [[ INIT END ]] -- if (not Stats.Update()) then local SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES = getnewmessages("Server Log") local SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES_COUNT = SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES.count - 1 for INDEX = 0, SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES_COUNT do local MESSAGE_OBJECT = CreateMessageObject(SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES[SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES_COUNT - INDEX]) if (MESSAGE_OBJECT:Type() == 19 and MESSAGE_OBJECT:Content():lower():match("^loot of")) then local LOOT_INFO = Message.ParseLootMessage(MESSAGE_OBJECT, true) if (#LOOT_INFO.NAME > 0) then Stats.__data.MONSTERS_KILLED[LOOT_INFO.NAME] = (Stats.__data.MONSTERS_KILLED[LOOT_INFO.NAME] or 0) + 1 for _, LOOT_ITEM in ipairs(LOOT_INFO.ITEMS) do if (Stats.__data.ITEMS_LOOTED[LOOT_ITEM.ID]) then Stats.__data.ITEMS_LOOTED[LOOT_ITEM.ID].QUANTITY = Stats.__data.ITEMS_LOOTED[LOOT_ITEM.ID].QUANTITY + LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY else Stats.__data.ITEMS_LOOTED[LOOT_ITEM.ID] = {ID = LOOT_ITEM.ID, NAME = LOOT_ITEM.NAME, QUANTITY = LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY, VALUE = Item.GetValue(LOOT_ITEM.ID)} end end end end end end local RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES = #MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.ITEMS_LIST ~= #MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST or #MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SUPPLIES_LIST ~= #MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST if (not RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES) then for INDEX, LOOT_ITEM in ipairs(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.ITEMS_LIST) do if (LOOT_ITEM.NAME ~= MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST[INDEX].NAME or LOOT_ITEM.VALUE ~= MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST[INDEX].VALUE) then RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES = true break end end end if (not RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES) then for INDEX, SUPPLY_ITEM in ipairs(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SUPPLIES_LIST) do if (SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME ~= MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST[INDEX].NAME or SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE ~= MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST[INDEX].PRICE) then RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES = true break end end end if (not MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.INITIALIZED or RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES) then if (not MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.CLEARED_STATS) then Stats.Clear(CLEAR_STATS_ALL) Stats.Update() MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.CLEARED_STATS = true end MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST, MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST = {}, {} for _, LOOT_ITEM in ipairs(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.ITEMS_LIST) do local LOOT_ITEM_ID = Item.GetID(type(LOOT_ITEM.NAME) ~= "table" and LOOT_ITEM.NAME or unpack(LOOT_ITEM.NAME)) Stats.AddItemsLooted(LOOT_ITEM_ID, 0, LOOT_ITEM.VALUE) table.insert(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST, {ID = LOOT_ITEM_ID, NAME = LOOT_ITEM.NAME, VALUE = LOOT_ITEM.VALUE}) end for _, SUPPLY_ITEM in ipairs(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SUPPLIES_LIST) do local SUPPLY_ITEM_ID = Item.GetID(type(SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME) ~= "table" and SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME or unpack(SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME)) Stats.AddSuppliesUsed(SUPPLY_ITEM_ID, 0, SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE) table.insert(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST, {ID = SUPPLY_ITEM_ID, NAME = SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME, PRICE = SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE}) end MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.INITIALIZED = true end setposition(Client.ClientWindow().right - 434, Client.WorldWindow().top + 5) local Y_POSITION, INDEX, ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH, SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH = 30, 0, 0, 0 addtextshadow(sprintf("%s v%s", MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SCRIPT_NAME:upper(), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SCRIPT_VERSION), 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.ORANGE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 addtextshadow("ITEMS LOOTED", 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.BLUE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 for _, LOOT_ITEM in pairs(Stats.GetItemsLooted()) do if ((MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SHOW_ALL_ITEMS or table.find(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST, LOOT_ITEM.ID, "ID")) and LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY > 0) then addtextshadow(((#LOOT_ITEM.NAME > 17 and sprintf("%s...", string.match(string.sub(LOOT_ITEM.NAME, 1, 17), "(.-)%s?$"))) or LOOT_ITEM.NAME):ucwords(), 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.CORNSILK) addtextshadow(sprintf("%s (%sK)", Misc.FormatNumber(LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY), tostring(math.floor(LOOT_ITEM.VALUE * LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY / 100) / 10)), 140, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.WHITE) INDEX, ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH = INDEX + 1, ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH + (LOOT_ITEM.VALUE * LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY) end end addtextshadow("Total:", 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.WHITE) addtextshadow(sprintf("%s GPs", Misc.FormatNumber(ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH)), 10 + 35, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.ORANGE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 addtextshadow("SUPPLIES USED", 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.BLUE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 for _, SUPPLY_ITEM in pairs(Stats.GetSuppliesUsed()) do if ((MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SHOW_ALL_SUPPLIES or table.find(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST, SUPPLY_ITEM.ID, "ID")) and SUPPLY_ITEM.QUANTITY > 0) then addtextshadow(((#SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME > 17 and sprintf("%s...", string.match(string.sub(SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME, 1, 17), "(.-)%s?$"))) or SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME):ucwords(), 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.CORNSILK) addtextshadow(sprintf("%s (%sK)", Misc.FormatNumber(SUPPLY_ITEM.QUANTITY), tostring(math.floor(SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE * SUPPLY_ITEM.QUANTITY / 100) / 10)), 140, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.WHITE) INDEX, SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH = INDEX + 1, SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH + (SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE * SUPPLY_ITEM.QUANTITY) end end addtextshadow("Total:", 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.WHITE) addtextshadow(sprintf("%s GPs", Misc.FormatNumber(SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH)), 10 + 35, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.ORANGE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 addtextshadow(sprintf("%s: %s GPs (%s K/H)", ((ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH >= SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH and ("PROFIT")) or ("WASTE")), Misc.FormatNumber(ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH - SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH), tostring(math.floor(((ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH - SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH) * 3600) / (System.HuntingTime() / 1000) / 100) / 10)), 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH >= SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH and MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.GREEN or MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.RED)</Script> 
  <Show>If focused</Show> 
- <Input>
- <Keyboard>
  <StuckCtrlShift>If cavebot on, release after 1 sec</StuckCtrlShift> 
  <TypingStyle>Keyboard keys</TypingStyle> 
  <PressWaitTime>45 to 65</PressWaitTime> 
- <Mouse>
  <Scroll>Use mouse wheel</Scroll> 
  <ClickWaitTime>30 to 50</ClickWaitTime> 
  <OpenMenuPolicy>Confirm if cavebotting</OpenMenuPolicy> 
  <By_3173654 /> 
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