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Paladin [PACC] Minotaur Yalahar - Malken - 100

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Towarzysz Stalin
Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score
- <Settings>
- <Alerts>
- <Player>
- <OnScreen>
- <Attacking>
- <GMOnScreen>
  <Creature /> 
  <Item /> 
- <Message>
- <PrivateMessage>
- <Advanced>
- <Raid>
- <SafeBank>
- <HealCreature>
- <YourAttack>
- <Unjust>
- <Capacity>
- <StandTime>
- <Stamina>
- <Disconnect>
- <Healer>
- <Rules>
- <exura>
  <HealRange>66 to 90 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>20 to all</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Light Healing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <exrura-gran>
  <HealRange>31 to 65 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>70 to all</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Intense Healing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <hp>
  <HealRange>0 to 30 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to all</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Health Potion</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <mp>
  <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 30 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Mana Potion</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <paralyze>
  <HealRange>0 to all</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>20 to all</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Light Healing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>If paralyzed</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <FriendHealer>
  <Rules /> 
- <Refiller>
  <Rules /> 
- <HotKeys>
- <List>
- <ShowBot>
- <PauseBot>
  <Script>local cavebot = getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Enabled") local targeting = getsettings("Settings/Targeting/Enabled") if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then setcavebot('on') settargeting('on') setlooting('on') else setcavebot('off') settargeting('off') setlooting('off') end wait(500)</Script> 
- <ShowClient>
- <ShowSettings>
  <Condition>Client focus required</Condition> 
- <Actions>
- <List>
- <safebank>
  <Script>local msgs = getmessages("NPCs") local qtd = msgs.count-1 for i=0,qtd do if msgs[qtd].text:find('There is not enough gold on your account.') then setcavebot('off') wait(5000,10000) closetibia() end end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <OB-Knife>
  <Script>if Obk then if maround(7) == 0 then skin(5, false) end end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Mount>
  <Script>-----------Mount------------------------------------------------- if Mount then setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\AutoMount", "yes") elseif not Mount then setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\AutoMount", "no") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <vial>
  <Script>if (itemcount(284) > 20) or (itemcount(283) > 20) or (itemcount(285) > 20) then dropitems(285) dropitems(284) dropitems(283) wait (600, 800) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
  <Setup>-- Customize your Backpacks Settings: MainBP = "Yellow Backpack" -- Backpack that you use as the main LootBP = "camouflage Backpack" -- Backpack with items (rares, stackable) GoldBP = "grey Backpack" -- Backapck with gold -- Customize Depot Backpack Settings: MainDPBP = "Expedition Backpack" StackItems = "Orange Backpack" LootDPBP = "Golden Backpack" -- Customize your Supplies Settings: MPtobuy = 70 -- Amount of wanted Mana Potions MPname = "mana potion" MPprice = 85 MPtoleave = 5 HPname = "health potion" HPprice = 50 HPtoleave = 2 HPtobuy = 10 Spearname = "royal spear" Spearprice = 15 Speartoleave = 3 Speartobuy = 15 Floor_3 = true -- Recommended level 40+ Mount = true Obk = false</Setup> 
- <CaveBot>
- <Waypoints>
  <w058>Action 32786 31248 6 if not islocation() then; gotolabel('start');end</w058> 
  <resp>Stand 32740 31310 7</resp> 
  <w001>Stand 32745 31310 7</w001> 
  <w002>Action 32745 31310 7 wait(300)</w002> 
  <w003>Stand 32745 31309 7</w003> 
  <w004>Stand 32744 31307 8</w004> 
  <w005>Stand 32745 31310 8</w005> 
  <w006>Action 32745 31310 8 wait(300)</w006> 
  <w008>Stand 32746 31312 7</w008> 
  <w009>Action 32746 31312 7</w009> 
  <w007>Stand 32745 31309 8</w007> 
  <w010>Stand 32746 31312 7</w010> 
  <w011>Action 32746 31312 7 wait(300)</w011> 
  <w012>Stand 32745 31312 7</w012> 
  <w013>Stand 32747 31315 6</w013> 
  <w014>Stand 32746 31315 6</w014> 
  <w015>Action 32746 31315 6 wait(300)</w015> 
  <w016>Stand 32745 31315 6</w016> 
  <w017>Stand 32746 31318 5</w017> 
  <w018>Stand 32744 31315 5</w018> 
  <w019>Action 32744 31315 5 wait(300)</w019> 
  <w020>Stand 32745 31315 5</w020> 
  <w021>Stand 32747 31323 6</w021> 
  <w022>Stand 32745 31334 6</w022> 
  <w023>Stand 32740 31341 6</w023> 
  <check1>Action 32790 31235 7 if itemcount(MPname) > MPtoleave and (itemcount(Spearname) + weaponamount) > Speartoleave then;gotolabel('w110');else;gotolabel('Ignore_floor_3');end</check1> 
  <w110>Action 32783 31252 7 if (Floor_3) then return;else;gotolabel('Ignore_floor_3');end</w110> 
  <floor_3>Stand 32735 31341 6</floor_3> 
  <w024>Action 32735 31341 6 wait(300)</w024> 
  <w025>Stand 32734 31341 6</w025> 
  <w026>Stand 32730 31342 5</w026> 
  <w027>Stand 32727 31334 5</w027> 
  <w028>Stand 32728 31323 5</w028> 
  <w029>Stand 32725 31320 5</w029> 
  <w030>Action 32725 31320 5 wait(300)</w030> 
  <w031>Stand 32725 31321 5</w031> 
  <w032>Stand 32727 31327 6</w032> 
  <w033>Stand 32727 31333 6</w033> 
  <w034>Stand 32730 31314 6</w034> 
  <w035>Stand 32728 31314 6</w035> 
  <w036>Action 32728 31314 6 wait(300)</w036> 
  <w037>Stand 32728 31315 6</w037> 
  <Ignore_floor_3>Stand 32734 31343 6</Ignore_floor_3> 
  <w038>Stand 32729 31344 6</w038> 
  <w048>Action 32729 31344 6 wait(300)</w048> 
  <w049>Stand 32730 31344 6</w049> 
  <terreo>Stand 32729 31321 7</terreo> 
  <w039>Stand 32725 31320 7</w039> 
  <w040>Action 32725 31320 7 wait(300)</w040> 
  <w041>Stand 32725 31321 7</w041> 
  <w042>Stand 32724 31319 8</w042> 
  <w043>Stand 32725 31322 8</w043> 
  <w044>Action 32725 31322 8 wait(300)</w044> 
  <w045>Stand 32725 31321 8</w045> 
  <w046>Stand 32732 31316 7</w046> 
  <w047>Stand 32740 31311 7</w047> 
  <w050>Stand 32740 31309 7</w050> 
  <checksuply>Action 32740 31309 7 if itemcount(MPname) > MPtoleave and (itemcount(Spearname) + weaponamount) > Speartoleave then;gotolabel('resp');else;gotolabel('depo');end;</checksuply> 
  <depo>Stand 32740 31309 7</depo> 
  <w000>Stand 32739 31308 7</w000> 
  <w051>Action 32739 31308 7 wait (300)</w051> 
  <w052>Stand 32739 31307 7</w052> 
  <w053>Stand 32739 31305 6</w053> 
  <w054>Stand 32732 31301 7</w054> 
  <w055>Stand 32726 31295 7</w055> 
  <w056>Stand 32735 31278 7</w056> 
  <w057>Stand 32740 31264 7</w057> 
  <GateBack>Stand 32747 31256 7</GateBack> 
  <w059>Stand 32748 31256 7</w059> 
  <w060>Stand 32750 31256 6</w060> 
  <w061>Stand 32750 31256 6</w061> 
  <w062>Stand 32755 31251 5</w062> 
  <w063>Stand 32760 31251 5</w063> 
  <w064>Stand 32761 31251 5</w064> 
  <w065>Stand 32763 31251 6</w065> 
  <w066>Stand 32767 31250 7</w066> 
  <start>Stand 32782 31249 7</start> 
  <bps2>Action 32782 31249 7 setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "no");wait(1000);closewindows();openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(500, 1000);resizewindows() ;wait(500, 1000);openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows();wait(500, 1000)</bps2> 
  <w068>Action 32782 31249 7 if windowcount () < 2 then gotolabel ('bps2');end;</w068> 
  <w067>Stand 32784 31247 7</w067> 
  <w069>Action 32784 31247 7 reachgrounditem("depot");while (windowcount("Locker") ==0) do ; openitem("depot"); wait(700,900);end;;while (windowcount("Depot Chest") == 0) do; openitem(3502, "locker"); wait(800,1000);end;; openitem(MainDPBP, "Depot Chest", false); wait(800,1000);;for i=1,2 do;wait(500);depotdeposit(StackItems, "minotaur leather", 'purple robe', 'minotaur horn', 'piece of warrior armor', 'broken crossbow', 'piece of archer armor');wait(500,1000);depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "wand of cosmic energy", 'taurus mace', 'minotaur trophy');wait(1000);openitem(LootBP, LootBP, false);wait(1500);end;</w069> 
  <w070>Stand 32783 31249 7</w070> 
  <go1>Stand 32788 31249 7</go1> 
  <w071>Stand 32801 31250 7</w071> 
  <w072>Stand 32812 31254 7</w072> 
  <w073>Stand 32824 31249 7</w073> 
  <w074>Action 32824 31249 7 if not islocation() then; gotolabel('go1');end</w074> 
  <w075>Stand 32824 31249 7</w075> 
  <w076>Action 32824 31249 7 local mana = positive(MPtobuy - itemcount(MPname)) * MPprice;local health = positive(HPtobuy - itemcount(HPname)) * HPprice;local spear = positive(Speartobuy - weaponamount) * Spearprice;local Total = mana + health + spear + 500;;wait(1000,1500);say('hi');wait(400,500);npcsay("Deposit all");wait(300,400);npcsay("yes");wait(200,400); ;if Total > 0 then; npcsay("withdraw "..Total); wait(200,300); npcsay("yes"); wait(400,500); npcsay("withdraw 1000"); wait(400,500); npcsay("yes"); wait(400,500); npcsay("balance");end;</w076> 
  <w077>Stand 32824 31249 7</w077> 
  <mana>Stand 32830 31245 7</mana> 
  <go2>Stand 32797 31232 7</go2> 
  <w078>Stand 32790 31238 7</w078> 
  <w081>Stand 32790 31238 7</w081> 
  <w082>Stand 32790 31239 7</w082> 
  <w083>Stand 32789 31239 6</w083> 
  <w080>Action 32789 31238 5 if not islocation() then; gotolabel('mana');end</w080> 
  <w084>Action 32789 31238 5 say ('hi');wait (500, 800);sellflasks();wait(500,900);opentrade();wait(500, 1000);if itemcount(HPname) < HPtobuy then;buyitemsupto(HPname, HPtobuy);end;wait(500,1000);buyitemsupto(MPname, MPtobuy);npcsay('Bye');wait(500,1000)</w084> 
  <Spears>Stand 32790 31238 5</Spears> 
  <w086>Stand 32790 31239 5</w086> 
  <w087>Stand 32789 31239 4</w087> 
  <w088>Stand 32790 31238 3</w088> 
  <w085>Action 32790 31238 3 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('Spears');end</w085> 
  <w089>Action 32790 31238 3 local Spear1 = Speartobuy - weaponamount;;reachcreature('Vincent');wait(1200, 1500);;say('hi');wait (1500, 2000);npcsay('trade');wait(1200, 1500);;buyitems(Spearname, Spear1);wait(1200, 1500)</w089> 
  <Spear2>Stand 32789 31238 3</Spear2> 
  <w079>Stand 32789 31238 3</w079> 
  <w090>Stand 32789 31239 3</w090> 
  <w111>Stand 32790 31239 4</w111> 
  <w112>Stand 32789 31239 5</w112> 
  <w113>Stand 32790 31239 6</w113> 
  <w109>Action 32790 31240 7 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('Spear2');end</w109> 
  <mana2>Stand 32789 31239 5</mana2> 
  <w093>Stand 32790 31239 6</w093> 
  <w092>Stand 32789 31233 7</w092> 
  <w095>Action 32789 31233 7 if not islocation() then; gotolabel('mana2');end</w095> 
  <Gate>Stand 32785 31232 7</Gate> 
  <w096>Stand 32767 31250 7</w096> 
  <w097>Stand 32764 31250 7</w097> 
  <w098>Stand 32763 31251 7</w098> 
  <w099>Stand 32761 31251 6</w099> 
  <w100>Stand 32750 31256 5</w100> 
  <w101>Stand 32748 31256 6</w101> 
  <w102>Stand 32738 31267 7</w102> 
  <w103>Stand 32730 31282 7</w103> 
  <w104>Stand 32731 31300 7</w104> 
  <w105>Stand 32739 31303 7</w105> 
  <bps3>Action 32739 31303 7 closewindows();openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(500, 1000);resizewindows() ;wait(500, 1000);openitem(GoldBP, MainBP, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows();wait(500, 1000);openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows();wait(500, 1000)</bps3> 
  <w106>Action 32739 31303 7 if windowcount () < 3 then gotolabel ('bps3');end</w106> 
  <w107>Stand 32739 31304 7</w107> 
  <w108>Stand 32739 31307 6</w108> 
  <w094>Action 32739 31300 6 if not islocation() then; gotolabel('resp');end</w094> 
- <Pathfinding>
  <SpecialAreas /> 
  <WalkingMethod>Map Clicks</WalkingMethod> 
  <MapWalkDistance>20 to 50</MapWalkDistance> 
- <Settings>
- <Looting>
- <List>
- <gold-coin>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <minotaur-leather>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <minotaur-horn>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <broken-crossbow>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <piece-of-archer-armor>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <minotaur-trophy>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <piece-of-warrior-armor>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <wand-of-cosmic-energy>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <taurus-mace>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
  <Condition>Corpses with listed items</Condition> 
  <Style>After all dead</Style> 
- <Targeting>
- <Monsters>
- <minotaur-archer>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>Keep Away</Stance> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <minotaur-guard>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>Keep Away</Stance> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <minotaur-mage>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>Keep Away</Stance> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <minotaur>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <all>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>Keep Away</Stance> 
- <ListSpell>
  <Spell0>Ethereal Spear</Spell0> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Settings>
  <PlayerOnScreenSecurity>If cavebotting</PlayerOnScreenSecurity> 
- <Hud>
- <List>
- <GeneralInfo>
  <Script>setsize(100,100) setfontcolor("white") addtext(name,10,30) addtext("LvL :", 150,30) addtext(level, 180,30) addtext("Next LvL :", 150,45) addtext(exptolevel(), 210,45) addtext("Pos X : ", 10,45) addtext(posx, 54,45) addtext("Pos Y : ", 10,60) addtext(posy, 54,60) addtext("Pos Z : ", 10,75) addtext(posz, 54,75)</Script> 
  <Show>If focused</Show> 
- <Input>
- <Keyboard>
  <StuckCtrlShift>If cavebot on, release after 1 sec</StuckCtrlShift> 
  <TypingStyle>Keyboard keys</TypingStyle> 
  <PressWaitTime>45 to 65</PressWaitTime> 
- <Mouse>
  <Scroll>Use mouse wheel</Scroll> 
  <ClickWaitTime>30 to 50</ClickWaitTime> 
  <OpenMenuPolicy>Confirm if cavebotting</OpenMenuPolicy> 
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