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[ms] healing uh

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Towarzysz Stalin
Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score

- <Settings>
- <Alerts>
- <Player>
- <OnScreen>
- <Attacking>
- <GMOnScreen>
  <Creature /> 
  <Item /> 
- <Message>
- <PrivateMessage>
- <Advanced>
- <Raid>
- <SafeBank>
- <HealCreature>
- <YourAttack>
- <Unjust>
- <Capacity>
- <StandTime>
- <Stamina>
- <Disconnect>
- <Healer>
- <Rules>
- <exura>
  <HealRange>90 to 96 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Light Healing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <exura-gran>
  <HealRange>60 to 89 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Intense Healing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <exura-vita>
  <HealRange>0 to 59 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Ultimate Healing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <antyparal>
  <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Light Healing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>If paralyzed</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <autohaste>
  <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Strong Haste</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>If not Hasted</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <mana-trainer>
  <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>98 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <FriendHealer>
- <Rules>
- <The-Papo>
  <HealRange>90 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <FriendHealMethod>Ultimate Healing Rune</FriendHealMethod> 
  <FriendName>The Papo</FriendName> 
  <FriendHealRange>0 to 40</FriendHealRange> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <Karii>
  <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <FriendHealMethod>Ultimate Healing Rune</FriendHealMethod> 
  <FriendHealRange>0 to 50</FriendHealRange> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <Core-Onthe-Floor>
  <HealRange>90 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <FriendHealMethod>Ultimate Healing Rune</FriendHealMethod> 
  <FriendName>Core Onthe Floor</FriendName> 
  <FriendHealRange>0 to 40</FriendHealRange> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <Hala-Madrit>
  <HealRange>90 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <FriendHealMethod>Ultimate Healing Rune</FriendHealMethod> 
  <FriendName>Hala Madrit</FriendName> 
  <FriendHealRange>0 to 40</FriendHealRange> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <Koko>
  <HealRange>90 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <FriendHealMethod>Ultimate Healing Rune</FriendHealMethod> 
  <FriendHealRange>0 to 40</FriendHealRange> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <Red-Sky-Nouse>
  <HealRange>90 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <FriendHealMethod>Ultimate Healing Rune</FriendHealMethod> 
  <FriendName>Red Sky Nouse</FriendName> 
  <FriendHealRange>0 to 40</FriendHealRange> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <Hellixiz>
  <HealRange>90 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <FriendHealMethod>Ultimate Healing Rune</FriendHealMethod> 
  <FriendHealRange>0 to 40</FriendHealRange> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <Refiller>
  <Rules /> 
- <HotKeys>
- <List>
- <ShowBot>
- <PauseBot>
  <Script>local cavebot = getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Enabled") local targeting = getsettings("Settings/Targeting/Enabled") if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then setcavebot('on') settargeting('on') setlooting('on') else setcavebot('off') settargeting('off') setlooting('off') end wait(500)</Script> 
- <ShowClient>
- <ShowSettings>
  <Condition>Client focus required</Condition> 
- <Actions>
  <List /> 
  <Setup>-- Setup</Setup> 
- <CaveBot>
  <Waypoints /> 
- <Pathfinding>
  <SpecialAreas /> 
  <WalkingMethod>Map Clicks</WalkingMethod> 
  <MapWalkDistance>20 to 50</MapWalkDistance> 
- <Settings>
  <OpenNextBp>if cavebot enabled</OpenNextBp> 
- <Looting>
  <List /> 
  <Condition>All corpses</Condition> 
  <Style>After melee kill</Style> 
- <Targeting>
  <Monsters /> 
- <Settings>
  <PlayerOnScreenSecurity>If cavebotting</PlayerOnScreenSecurity> 
- <Hud>
- <List>
- <GeneralInfo>
  <Script>-- [ General Info HUD by ToadZ v0.4 ] -- -- [ Settings ] -- local RaphaelLibrary = false -- [ Botting Status by PV! ] -- local showBotting = true -- [ Position ] -- local showPosition = false -- [ Kills to Level UP ] -- local showKillToUp = false local monsterswillkill = {"Deepling Guard", "Deepling Warrior", "Deepling Spellsinger", "Deepling Scout", "Shark"} local monstersexp = {6300, 4500, 3000, 480, 2180} -- [ Supplies Counter ] -- local showSupplies = false local item1 = {name = "Strong Mana Potion", buy = 1200, min = 100} local item2 = {name = "Crystalline Arrow", buy = 1400, min = 100} local item3 = {name = "Assassin Star", buy = 50, min = 0} local items = {item1, item2, item3} -- [ Supplies Wasted ] -- local showSuppliesWasted = true local suppliesitems = {'great mana potion', 'sudden death rune', 'avalanche rune', 'thunderstorm rune', 'great fireball rune', 'magic wall rune'} local suppsvalue = {120, 108, 45, 37, 45, 116} -- [ Items looted ] -- local showLoots = false local lootitems = {"Platinum Coin", "Foxtail", "Deepling Squelcher", "Ornate Crossbow", "Guardian Axe", "Deepling Staff", "Necklace of the Deep", "Warrior's Axe", "Warrior's Shield", "Giant Shimmering Pearl", "Small Sapphire", "Small Emerald", "Fish Fin", "Deepling Claw", "Deepling Breaktime Snack", "Deepling Guard Belt Buckle", "Eye of a Deepling", "Deepling Scales", "Spellsinger's Seal", "Deepling Warts", "Deeptags", "Deepling Ridge"} local lootsvalue = {100, 1500000, 7000, 12000, 8000, 4000, 3000, 11000, 9000, 3000, 250, 250, 1000, 430, 90, 230, 150, 80, 280, 180, 290, 360} local myname = true -- DO NOT DISABLE, make your char stop healing :P -- [ ENGINE ] -- -- do not change it below local fontsize = 10 local fontspacing = fontsize+2 local cont = 0 local x = 5 local y = 0 local z = 0 local totals = 0 local totall = 0 local total = 0 local sub = 17 local function captalizeAll(first, rest) return first:upper()..rest:lower() end if clientwin.x ~= nil or clientwin.y ~= nil then setposition(clientwin.x+13, clientwin.y+30) else setposition(5, 20) end setfontstyle("Tahoma", fontsize, "white") -- [[ Botting ]] if showBotting then setfontcolor("white") addtext('-----------------------------------------', 0, y) setfontcolor("yellow") y = y + 10 addtext(' [ Botting ]', 15, y) y = y + 10 setfontcolor("white") addtext('-----------------------------------------', 0, y) y = y + 10 addtext('Exp Per Hour', x, y) addtext('- ' .. exphour, 120, y) y = y + 15 addtext('Exp Left', x, y) addtext('- ' .. exptolevel(), 120, y) y = y + 15 addtext('Exp Gained', x, y) addtext('- ' .. expgained, 120, y) y = y + 15 addtext('Time To Next Level', x, y) addtext('- ' .. timetolevel, 120, y) y = y + 15 addtext('Stamina', x, y) addtext('- ', 120, y) if stamina >= 2400 then setfontcolor("green") else if stamina < 2400 and (stamina > 840) then setfontcolor("orange") else if stamina <= 840 then setfontcolor("red") end end end if RaphaelLibrary then addtext(time(stamina), 130, y) else addtext(stamina, 130, y) end y = y + 15 setfontcolor("white") addtext('Time Played', x, y) addtext('- ' .. timehunt, 120, y) y = y + 15 addtext('Cavebot', x, y) addtext('- ', 120, y) if cavebot then setfontcolor("green") addtext('ON', 130, y) else setfontcolor("red") addtext('OFF', 130, y) end y = y + 15 setfontcolor("white") addtext('- ', 120, y) addtext('Targeting', x, y) if targeting then setfontcolor("green") addtext('ON', 130, y) else setfontcolor("red") addtext('OFF', 130, y) end y = y + 15 setfontcolor("white") addtext('Looting', x, y) addtext('- ', 120, y) if looting then setfontcolor("green") addtext('ON', 130, y) else setfontcolor("red") addtext('OFF', 130, y) end y = y + 15 setfontcolor("white") addtext('Walk Through', x, y) addtext('- ', 120, y) if getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Pathfinding/WalkThroughPlayers") == 'yes' then setfontcolor("green") addtext('ON', 130, y) elseif getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Pathfinding/WalkThroughPlayers") == 'no' then setfontcolor("red") addtext('OFF', 130, y) else setfontcolor("yellow") addtext('???', 130, y) end y = y + 15 setfontcolor("white") addtext('Balance', x, y) addtext('- ', 120, y) if balance == -1 then addtext('?', 130, y) else addtext(balance, 130, y) end y = y + 10 end -- [[ Position ]] if showPosition then setfontcolor("white") addtext('-----------------------------------------', 0, y) setfontcolor("yellow") y = y + 10 addtext(' [ Position ]', 15, y) y = y + 10 setfontcolor("white") addtext('-----------------------------------------', 0, y) y = y + 10 addtext("Position X ", x, y) addtext("- "..posx, 120, y) y = y + 15 addtext("Position Y ", x, y) addtext("- "..posy, 120, y) y = y + 15 addtext("Position Z ", x, y) addtext("- "..posz, 120, y) y = y + 15 addtext("Cursor ID", x, y) addtext('- '..cursorinfo().id, 120, y) y = y + 10 end -- [[ Kills to Level UP ]] if showKillToUp then setfontcolor("white") addtext('-----------------------------------------', 0, y) setfontcolor("yellow") y = y + 10 addtext(' [ Kills to Level UP ]', 15, y) y = y + 10 setfontcolor("white") addtext('-----------------------------------------', 0, y) y = y + 10 for i, j in pairs(monsterswillkill) do addtext(j, x, y) addtext(math.floor(exptolevel()/monstersexp[i]), 130, y) y = y + 15 end end -- [[ Supplies ]] if showSupplies then setfontcolor("white") addtext('-----------------------------------------', 0, y) setfontcolor("yellow") y = y + 10 addtext(' [ Supplies ]', 15, y) y = y + 10 setfontcolor("white") addtext('-----------------------------------------', 0, y) y = y + 10 for i, j in pairs(items) do if itemid(items[i].name) == ammo then cont = itemcount(items[i].name) + ammoamount elseif itemid(items[i].name) == weapon then cont = itemcount(items[i].name) + weaponamount else cont = itemcount(items[i].name) end addtext(items[i].name, x, y) addtext('-', 120, y) if cont <= items[i].min then setfontcolor("red") elseif cont <= (items[i].buy/2) then setfontcolor("yellow") elseif cont < items[i].buy then setfontcolor("white") else setfontcolor("green") end if itemid(items[i].name) == ammo then addtext(cont, 130, y) elseif itemid(items[i].name) == weapon then addtext(cont, 130, y) else addtext(cont, 130, y) end setfontcolor("white") y = y + 15 end y = y - 5 end if showSuppliesWasted then setfontcolor("white") addtext('-----------------------------------------', 0, y) y = y + 10 setfontcolor("yellow") addtext(' [ Supplies wasted ]', 15, y) y = y + 10 setfontcolor("white") addtext('-----------------------------------------', 0, y) y = y + 10 local supps = getitems(unpack(suppliesitems)) local qtds = supps.count-1 for i=0,qtds do if string.len(supps[i].name) > 17 then addtext(string.sub((supps[i].name), 1, sub).."...", x, y) else addtext(supps[i].name, x, y) end addtext("- "..supps[i].usage.." ("..(math.floor(supps[i].usage*suppsvalue[i+1] / 100)/10).."k)", 120, y) totals = totals + supps[i].usage*suppsvalue[i+1] y = y + 15 end y = y + 10 addtext("Total", x, y) addtext("-", 120, y) addtext(totals.." GPs", 130, y) y = y + 10 end if showLoots then setfontcolor("white") addtext('-----------------------------------------', 0, y) setfontcolor("yellow") y = y + 10 addtext(' [ Items looted ]', 15, y) y = y + 10 setfontcolor("white") addtext('-----------------------------------------', 0, y) y = y + 10 local loots = getitems(unpack(lootitems)) local qtdl = loots.count-1 for i=0,qtdl do if loots[i].loot > 0 then lootname = loots[i].name:gsub("(%a)([%w_']*)", captalizeAll) if string.len(loots[i].name) > 17 then addtext(string.sub(lootname, 1, sub).."..", x, y) else addtext(lootname, x, y) end addtext("- "..loots[i].loot.." ("..(math.floor(loots[i].loot*lootsvalue[i+1] / 100)/10).."k)", 120, y) totall = totall + loots[i].loot*lootsvalue[i+1] y = y + 15 end end y = y + 10 addtext("Total", x, y) addtext("-", 120, y) addtext(totall.." GPs", 130, y) y = y + 10 end if showSuppliesWasted and showLoots then setfontcolor("white") addtext('-----------------------------------------', 0, y) y = y + 10 total = totall - totals if totall-totals > 0 then setfontcolor("green") addtext("PROFIT:", x, y) else setfontcolor("red") addtext("WASTE:", x, y) end setfontcolor("white") addtext(total.." GPs ("..(math.floor((total/(tosec(timehunt)/3600))/100)/10).."k/h)", x + 50, y) y = y + 10 end setfontcolor("white") addtext('-----------------------------------------', 0, y) if myname then setfontcolor("yellow") y = y + 10 addtext(' [ HUD by ToadZ ]', 5, y) y = y + 10 setfontcolor("white") addtext('-----------------------------------------', 0, y) end</Script> 
  <Show>If focused</Show> 
- <Input>
- <Keyboard>
  <StuckCtrlShift>If cavebot on, release after 1 sec</StuckCtrlShift> 
  <PressWaitTime>0 to 35</PressWaitTime> 
- <Mouse>
  <Scroll>Click on scrollbar</Scroll> 
  <ClickWaitTime>30 to 50</ClickWaitTime> 
  <OpenMenuPolicy>Confirm if cavebotting</OpenMenuPolicy> 
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