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Sorcerer [PACC] Quaras Sunken 60 100 AFK v1.0.1

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Towarzysz Stalin
Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score
[MAGE] Quaras Sunken 60 100 AFK v1.0.1​

- <Settings>
  <By_3173654 /> 
- <Alerts>
- <Player>
- <OnScreen>
- <Attacking>
- <GMOnScreen>
  <Creature /> 
  <Item /> 
- <Message>
- <PrivateMessage>
- <Advanced>
- <Raid>
- <SafeBank>
- <HealCreature>
- <YourAttack>
- <Unjust>
- <Capacity>
- <StandTime>
- <Stamina>
- <Disconnect>
- <Healer>
- <Rules>
- <MP>
  <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 200</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Strong Mana Potion</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>700 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Exura>
  <HealRange>50 to 70 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>40 to all</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Light Healing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <Exura-Gran>
  <HealRange>30 to 50 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>70 to all</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Intense Healing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <Exura-Vita>
  <HealRange>0 to 29 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>160 to all</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Ultimate Healing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <FriendHealer>
  <Rules /> 
- <Refiller>
  <Rules /> 
- <HotKeys>
- <List>
- <ShowBot>
- <PauseBot>
  <Script>local cavebot = getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Enabled") local targeting = getsettings("Settings/Targeting/Enabled") if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then setcavebot('on') settargeting('on') setlooting('on') else setcavebot('off') settargeting('off') setlooting('off') end wait(500)</Script> 
- <ShowClient>
- <ShowSettings>
  <Condition>Client focus required</Condition> 
- <Actions>
- <List>
- <CheckBP>
  <Script>if windowcount() < 3 then pausewalking(10000) if windowcount(MainBP) < 1 and maround(2) == 0 and not lootbodies then wait(500) openitem(MainBP, "back") wait(1000) resizewindows() wait(1000) end if windowcount(LootBP) < 1 and maround(2) == 0 and not lootbodies then wait(2000) openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true) wait(1000) resizewindows() end if windowcount(GoldBP) < 1 and maround(2) == 0 and not lootbodies then wait(2000) openitem(GoldBP, MainBP, true) wait(2000) resizewindows() wait(2000) resizewindows() end wait(500) pausewalking(0) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
  <Script>local printscreen = true if hppc == 0 then if (printscreen == true) then focusclient() screenshot() end printscreen = false else printscreen = true end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
  <Script>--Set true or false for reopen Backpacks ReopenBackpack = false --Configure here the name of Backpacks --Configure aki o nome das Backpacks local Mainbp = 'Backpack' local Lootbp = 'Brocade Backpack' local Goldbp = 'Red Backpack' --Configure here account, password and name of the character --Configura aki o seuaccount, senha e nome do char ACCname = "Login" PASSWORD = "Senha" CHARACTERNAME = "Nick" --dont change below local accounts = { {acc = ACCname, pass = PASSWORD, name = CHARACTERNAME} } local serversavetime = {from = '5:00', to = '5:20'} serversavetime = {from = tosec(serversavetime.from), to = tosec(serversavetime.to)} local randdelay = {min = 0, max = 300} local startlabel = '' local curchar = 1 --dont change things below local randomdelay = math.random(randdelay.min, randdelay.max) if not connected then setcavebot('off') local curtime = tosec(time()) if curtime < serversavetime.from or curtime > serversavetime.to+randomdelay then connect(accounts[curchar].acc, accounts[curchar].pass, accounts[curchar].name) wait(3000,4000) updateworld() if connected then if startlabel ~= '' then gotolabel(startlabel) if ReopenBackpack == true then wait(2000) openitem(MainBP, "back") wait(1000) openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true) wait(1000) resizewindows() wait(1000) openitem(GoldBP, MainBP, true) wait(1000) resizewindows() wait(1000) setcavebot("on") wait(300) settargeting("on") wait(300) setlooting("on") end end setcavebot('on') end end end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
  <Script>if hp <= 550 then playsound("alert.wav") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <AntiFurniureTrap>
  <Script>weapontouse = weapontouse or 3308 -- machete local blockwalkids = {2025, 2029, 2030, 2043, 2044, 2045, 2046, 2047, 2048, 2059, 2060, 2061, 2445, 2446, 2447, 2448, 2449, 2450, 2451, 2452, 2453, 2454, 2465, 2466, 2467, 2468, 2524, 2904, 2959, 2960, 2961, 2962, 2963, 2964, 2975, 2976, 2979, 2982, 2986, 2997, 2998, 2999, 3000, 3484, 3485, 3486, 3487, 3510, 3511, 3512, 3513, 5046, 5055, 5056, 6109, 6110, 6111, 6112, 6367, 6368, 6369, 6370, 7860, 7861, 7862, 7863, 9132, 9141, 10208, 10210, 10211, 10212, 10213, 10214, 10215} for i=-7,7 do for j=-5,5 do local x,y,z = posx+i,posy+j,posz if table.binaryfind(blockwalkids,toptileitem(x,y,z)) then if tilereachable(x,y,z) then pausewalking(10000) local topid = toptileitem(x,y,z) while tilereachable(x,y,z) and (math.abs(posx-x) > 1 or math.abs(posy-y) > 1) do reachlocation(x,y,z) wait(100,200) updateworld() end while toptileitem(x,y,z) == topid and posz == z and (math.abs(posx-x) <= 1 and math.abs(posy-y) <= 1) do useitemon(weapontouse,toptileitem(x,y,z),ground(x,y,z)) pausewalking(5000) wait(400,500) updateworld() end pausewalking(0) end end end end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
  <Script>if maround(7) > 0 and pzone == false and ((maround(1) == 0 and target.id > 0 and standtime >= 10000) or standtime >= 120000) then local rand = math.random(1,8) if (rand == 1) then move('w') elseif (rand == 2) then move('e') elseif (rand == 3) then move('n') elseif (rand == 4) then move('s') elseif (rand == 5) then move('nw') elseif (rand == 6) then move('ne') elseif (rand == 7) then move('sw') elseif (rand == 8) then move('se') end wait(1000) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
  <Script>local config = { itemID = 285, 284, 283, flaskCOUNT = 1 } if (itemcount(config.itemID) >= config.flaskCOUNT) then pausewalking(1500) dropitems(config.itemID) wait(500,900) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
  <Script>local banknpcname = 'Znozel' local index = 0 local msgs = getmessages("NPCs") local qtd = msgs.count-1 for i=0,qtd do if msgs[qtd].sender == banknpcname and msgs[qtd].text:find('There is not enough gold on your account.') then setcavebot('off') wait(7000,12000) closetibia() end end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
  <Script>if PvP then setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Pathfinding\\WalkThroughPlayers", "no") wait(5000) else setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Pathfinding\\WalkThroughPlayers", "yes") wait(5000) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
  <Script>if UturaGran then setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\Utura Gran\\Enabled", "yes") wait(5000) setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\Utura\\Enabled", "no") else setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\Utura\\Enabled", "yes") wait(5000) setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\Utura Gran\\Enabled", "no") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>50 to 100</SpamRate> 
  <Script>--############[Loot Check]############-- --####################################-- setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Mantassin Tail\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Mana Potion\\Destination", MainBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Quara Tentacle\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Small Sapphire\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Small Amethyst\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Gold Coin\\Destination", GoldBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Glacier Shoes\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Blue Robe\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Stealth Ring\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\crusader helmet\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\mercenary sword\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\stealth ring\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\broken gladiator shield\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\bat wing\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\mutated bat ear\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\black pearl\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\striped fur\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\spellbook of enlightenment\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\small amethyst\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\ape fur\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\energy ring\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\knight axe\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\batwing hat\\Destination", LootBP) setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Flask of Warriors Sweat\\Destination", LootBP)</Script> 
  <SpamRate>10 to 50</SpamRate> 
  <Script>if PrintOnUp then setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Message\\Advanced\\Screenshot", "yes") wait(5000) setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Enabled", "yes") else setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Message\\Advanced\\Screenshot", "no") wait(5000) setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Enabled", "no") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>10 to 30</SpamRate> 
  <Script>--######[Check]######-- if SellItens then setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Two Handed Sword\\Destination", "01") setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Halberd\\Destination", "01") else setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Two Handed Sword\\Destination", "ground") setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Halberd\\Destination", "ground") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
  <Script>if AutoMount then setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\AutoMount", "yes") else setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\AutoMount", "no") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
  <Script>wait(300000) eatfood()</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
  <Setup>--~~(Right-Click)~~-- -- _____ __ _____ _____ __ ____ _ _ -- |___ // ||___ ||___ / / /_ | ___| | || | -- |_ \ | | / / |_ \ | '_ \|___ \ | || |_ -- ___) || | / / ___) || (_) |___) ||__ _| -- |____/ |_| /_/ |____/ \___/|____/ |_| ------------------------------------------------------------ --@ [url]http://scripts3173654.wix.com/ibot[/url] @-- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- ________________________ -- | | -- | true/false | -- |________________________| -- Captoback = 150 -- CAP TO REFILL PvP = false -- (true/false) AutoMount = false -- (true/false) PrintOnUp = true -- TRUE=Print Screen on Advanced Level SellItens = true -- TRUE=SELL HALBERDS AND TWOHANDEDS / FALSE=ground -- ________________________ -- | | -- | food | -- |________________________| -- RefillFood = true -- true for move food of dp to mainbp Food = "brown mushroom" -- name of food to get FoodToHunt = 100 -- ammount of food to go hunt -- ________________________ -- | | -- | Backpack | -- |________________________| -- MainBP = "Minotaur Backpack" -- MAIN BACKPACK LootBP = "Camouflage Backpack" -- LOOT BP GoldBP = "Red Backpack" -- GOLD BP MainDPBP = "Beach Backpack" -- MAIN BACKPACK ON DEPOT StackableDPBP = "Golden Backpack" -- BP ADDONS ITENS INSIDE MAINDPBP LootDPBP = "Brocade Backpack" -- NON-STACK BACKPACK INSIDE MAINDPBP -- ________________________ -- | | -- | Potions | -- |________________________| -- MPname = "Mana Potion" -- NAME POTION OF MANA MPprice = 50 -- YOUR PRICE MPtobuy = 120 -- HOW MANY TO BUY MPtoback = 30 -- HOW MANY TO REFILL ------------------------------------------------------------ --@ [url]http://scripts3173654.wix.com/ibot[/url] @-- ------------------------------------------------------------</Setup> 
- <CaveBot>
- <Waypoints>
  <START>Action 32787 31247 7 --####[BY-3173654]####--</START> 
  <w000>Stand 32824 31239 7</w000> 
  <w006>Action 32786 31249 7 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\CheckBP\\Enable", "no") ;setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\AntiFurniureTrap\\Enable", "no");setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\CheckBP\\Enable", "no") ;setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\AntiFurniureTrap\\Enable", "no");setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\CheckBP\\Enable", "no") ;setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\AntiFurniureTrap\\Enable", "no")</w006> 
  <w001>Stand 32786 31247 7</w001> 
  <w002>Stand 32786 31248 7</w002> 
  <w003>Stand 32785 31247 6</w003> 
  <w107>Action 32785 31247 6 if not islocation();then; gotolabel("Start");end</w107> 
  <w004>Action 32785 31247 6 closewindows();wait(1500, 2000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(1500, 2000);resizewindows() ;wait(1500, 2000);openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true);wait(1500, 2000);resizewindows() ;reachgrounditem("depot");wait(1500, 2000);openitem("depot");wait(1500, 2000);openitem(3502, "locker");wait(1500, 2000);openitem(MainDPBP, "depot chest");wait(1500, 2000);depotdeposit(StackableDPBP ,"Quara Tentacle","Fish Fin","Shrimp","Small Sapphire","Mantassin Tail","Small Amethyst");wait(1500, 2000);depotdeposit(LootDPBP ,"Blue Robe","Glacier Shoes","Two Handed Sword","Halberd","Stealth Ring");wait(1500, 2000)</w004> 
  <w013>Stand 32786 31246 6</w013> 
  <CheckFood>Action 32786 31246 6 if RefillFood then;gotolabel("BPFOOD");else;gotolabel("GoBank");end</CheckFood> 
  <BPFOOD>Action 32786 31246 6 --[CheckWindows]--;if windowcount() < 1 then; gotolabel("BPFOOD");end;;;;</BPFOOD> 
  <w030>Action 32786 31246 6 reachgrounditem("depot");wait(1000,2000);openitem("depot");wait(1000,2000);openitem("depot chest", "locker");wait(1000,2000);openitem(FoodDPBP, "depot chest");wait(1000);;</w030> 
  <w027>Action 32874 31152 4</w027> 
  <GoBank>Stand 32786 31248 6</GoBank> 
  <CountFood>Action 32874 31152 4 if itemcount(Food, MainBP) < FoodToHunt then gotolabel("MoveFood") end;</CountFood> 
  <w008>Node 32830 31249 7</w008> 
  <w009>Stand 32824 31249 7</w009> 
  <BankNow>Stand 32824 31249 7</BankNow> 
  <w106>Action 32824 31249 7 if not islocation();then; gotolabel("START");end</w106> 
  <w110>Action 32789 31238 5 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\CheckBP\\Enabled","no")</w110> 
  <w010>Action 32824 31249 7 closewindows();wait(1000, 2000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(1000, 2000);resizewindows();wait(1000, 2000);resizewindows() ;;local mana = positive(MPtobuy - itemcount(MPname)) * MPprice;local health = positive(HPtobuy - itemcount(HPname)) * HPprice;local Total = mana + health + 100;;depositall();wait(1000, 2000);say('hi');;if Total > 0 then; npcsay("withdraw "..Total); wait(1000, 2000); npcsay("yes"); wait(1000, 2000);end;;</w010> 
  <w012>Stand 32789 31237 7</w012> 
  <w014>Stand 32789 31239 7</w014> 
  <w015>Stand 32790 31239 7</w015> 
  <w0163>Stand 32788 31239 6</w0163> 
  <w017>Stand 32789 31239 6</w017> 
  <w018>Stand 32789 31238 5</w018> 
  <w019>Action 32789 31238 5 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\CheckBP\\Enabled","no")</w019> 
  <Potions>Action 32789 31238 5 closewindows();wait(1500, 2000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(1500, 2000);resizewindows();wait(1500, 2000);resizewindows();wait(1500, 2000);minimizewindows("equip");sellflasks();wait(1500, 2000);opentrade();wait(1500, 2000);if itemcount(HPname) < HPtobuy then;buyitemsupto(HPname, HPtobuy);end;wait(1500, 2000);buyitemsupto(MPname, MPtobuy);npcsay('Bye');wait(1500, 2000)</Potions> 
  <w020>Stand 32789 31238 5</w020> 
  <w021>Stand 32789 31239 5</w021> 
  <w022>Stand 32791 31239 6</w022> 
  <w023>Stand 32790 31239 6</w023> 
  <w024>Stand 32791 31234 7</w024> 
  <w000>Action 32789 31247 7 if itemcount(MPname) < MPtobuy then gotolabel("BankNow");else;gotolabel("LeaveCity");end;;</w000> 
  <LeaveCity>Node 32789 31232 7</LeaveCity> 
  <w035>Stand 32792 31232 7</w035> 
  <w036>Node 32807 31230 7</w036> 
  <w037>Node 32817 31223 7</w037> 
  <w038>Node 32822 31218 7</w038> 
  <w039>Node 32825 31209 7</w039> 
  <w040>Node 32827 31196 7</w040> 
  <w041>Node 32832 31184 7</w041> 
  <w042>Node 32840 31180 7</w042> 
  <w043>Node 32842 31168 7</w043> 
  <StairsYalahar>Stand 32834 31156 7</StairsYalahar> 
  <w045>Stand 32834 31156 7</w045> 
  <w046>Stand 32834 31155 7</w046> 
  <w047>Stand 32834 31153 6</w047> 
  <w048>Stand 32834 31145 5</w048> 
  <w049>Stand 32834 31143 6</w049> 
  <w050>Stand 32834 31140 7</w050> 
  <w051>Stand 32834 31140 7</w051> 
  <w052>Action 32834 31140 7 if not islocation();then; gotolabel("StairsYalahar");end</w052> 
  <w044>Stand 32834 31140 7</w044> 
  <w053>Node 32835 31132 7</w053> 
  <w054>Node 32852 31123 7</w054> 
  <w055>Node 32865 31132 7</w055> 
  <w056>Node 32874 31139 7</w056> 
  <w057>Node 32885 31150 7</w057> 
  <w058>Stand 32884 31157 7</w058> 
  <PassSunken>Stand 32884 31157 7</PassSunken> 
  <w060>Action 32884 31157 7 say('hi');wait(2000);npcsay('pass');wait(2000);npcsay('sunken')</w060> 
  <w061>Stand 32884 31164 7</w061> 
  <w062>Stand 32884 31164 7</w062> 
  <w063>Action 32884 31164 7 if not islocation();then; gotolabel("PassSunken");end</w063> 
  <GoBoat>Stand 32884 31164 7</GoBoat> 
  <w064>Stand 32887 31199 7</w064> 
  <w065>Stand 32888 31199 7</w065> 
  <w066>Stand 32914 31200 6</w066> 
  <w067>Stand 32914 31199 6</w067> 
  <w068>Stand 32915 31199 7</w068> 
  <w069>Stand 32915 31199 7</w069> 
  <w070>Action 32915 31199 7 if not islocation();then; gotolabel("GoBoat");end</w070> 
  <GoTrip>Stand 32915 31199 7</GoTrip> 
  <w071>Action 32915 31199 7 say('hi');wait(2000);npcsay('trip');wait(2000);npcsay('yes')</w071> 
  <w072>Stand 32941 31182 7</w072> 
  <w073>Action 32941 31182 7 if not islocation();then; gotolabel("GoTrip");end</w073> 
  <GoQuaras>Stand 32941 31182 7</GoQuaras> 
  <w005>Action 32789 31250 7 ----[Go To Hunt]----;setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\CheckBP\\Enable", "yes") ;setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Enable", "yes") ;setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\Enable", "yes") ;setsettings("Settings\\Input\\Enable", "yes") ;setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\list\\AntiFurnitureTrap\\Enable", "yes");;;</w005> 
  <w074>Stand 32944 31182 7</w074> 
  <w075>Stand 32944 31182 7</w075> 
  <w076>Ladder 32944 31182 7</w076> 
  <w077>Stand 32949 31182 6</w077> 
  <w078>Stand 32949 31182 6</w078> 
  <w079>Stand 32950 31182 6</w079> 
  <w080>Stand 32950 31182 9</w080> 
  <w081>Stand 32951 31182 9</w081> 
  <w082>Stand 32951 31183 10</w082> 
  <w083>Stand 32951 31183 10</w083> 
  <w084>Action 32951 31183 10 if not islocation();then; gotolabel("GoQuaras");end</w084> 
  <QUARA1>Stand 32951 31183 10</QUARA1> 
  <w085>Stand 32952 31183 10</w085> 
  <w086>Stand 32940 31181 10</w086> 
  <w087>Stand 32939 31181 10</w087> 
  <w088>Stand 32951 31182 9</w088> 
  <w089>Stand 32938 31181 11</w089> 
  <w090>Stand 32938 31181 11</w090> 
  <QUARA2>Node 32941 31174 11</QUARA2> 
  <w092>Node 32950 31165 11</w092> 
  <w093>Node 32955 31164 11</w093> 
  <w094>Stand 32954 31160 11</w094> 
  <w095>Stand 32954 31159 11</w095> 
  <w096>Stand 32954 31158 12</w096> 
  <w097>Stand 32954 31158 12</w097> 
  <w098>Action 32954 31158 12 if not islocation();then; gotolabel("QUARA1");end</w098> 
  <QUARA3>Stand 32952 31158 12</QUARA3> 
  <w099>Stand 32941 31160 12</w099> 
  <w100>Node 32932 31173 12</w100> 
  <w101>Node 32924 31174 12</w101> 
  <w102>Node 32920 31174 12</w102> 
  <w103>Stand 32919 31179 12</w103> 
  <w104>Stand 32919 31180 12</w104> 
  <w105>Stand 32919 31181 11</w105> 
  <w108>Stand 32919 31181 11</w108> 
  <QUARA4>Stand 32919 31181 11</QUARA4> 
  <w111>Node 32923 31190 11</w111> 
  <w112>Stand 32926 31191 11</w112> 
  <w113>Stand 32927 31191 11</w113> 
  <w114>Stand 32928 31191 10</w114> 
  <w115>Stand 32928 31191 10</w115> 
  <QUARA5>Stand 32928 31191 10</QUARA5> 
  <w117>Stand 32932 31191 10</w117> 
  <w118>Stand 32933 31191 10</w118> 
  <w119>Stand 32934 31191 11</w119> 
  <w120>Stand 32934 31191 11</w120> 
  <QUARA6>Stand 32943 31194 11</QUARA6> 
  <w122>Stand 32938 31195 11</w122> 
  <w123>Stand 32938 31196 11</w123> 
  <w124>Stand 32938 31197 12</w124> 
  <w125>Stand 32938 31197 12</w125> 
  <QUARA7>Stand 32937 31197 12</QUARA7> 
  <w127>Stand 32928 31203 12</w127> 
  <w128>Stand 32938 31197 12</w128> 
  <w129>Stand 32938 31197 12</w129> 
  <w130>Stand 32938 31196 12</w130> 
  <w131>Stand 32938 31195 11</w131> 
  <w132>Action 32938 31195 11 if not islocation();then; gotolabel("QUARA3");end</w132> 
  <QUARA8>Stand 32936 31195 11</QUARA8> 
  <w133>Node 32926 31197 11</w133> 
  <w134>Stand 32920 31181 11</w134> 
  <w135>Stand 32920 31181 11</w135> 
  <w136>Stand 32920 31180 11</w136> 
  <w137>Stand 32920 31179 12</w137> 
  <w138>Stand 32920 31179 12</w138> 
  <QUARA9>Stand 32920 31179 12</QUARA9> 
  <w140>Stand 32916 31177 12</w140> 
  <w141>Node 32915 31184 12</w141> 
  <w142>Stand 32922 31193 12</w142> 
  <w143>Stand 32923 31193 12</w143> 
  <w144>Stand 32924 31193 11</w144> 
  <w145>Stand 32924 31193 11</w145> 
  <QUARA10>Stand 32926 31191 11</QUARA10> 
  <w147>Stand 32927 31191 11</w147> 
  <w148>Stand 32932 31191 10</w148> 
  <w149>Stand 32933 31191 10</w149> 
  <w150>Stand 32934 31191 11</w150> 
  <w151>Stand 32934 31191 11</w151> 
  <QUARA11>Stand 32934 31191 11</QUARA11> 
  <w153>Stand 32939 31182 11</w153> 
  <w154>Stand 32939 31182 11</w154> 
  <w155>Stand 32940 31182 11</w155> 
  <w156>Stand 32941 31182 10</w156> 
  <w157>Stand 32941 31182 10</w157> 
  <QUARA12>Stand 32943 31182 10</QUARA12> 
  <w159>Stand 32948 31182 10</w159> 
  <w160>Action 32948 31182 10 if not islocation();then; gotolabel("QUARA8");end</w160> 
  <w059>Stand 32949 31182 10</w059> 
  <w161>Action 32949 31182 10 if itemcount(MPname) > MPtoback or cap > Captoback then;gotolabel('QUARA1');else;gotolabel('Refill');end</w161> 
  <Refill>Stand 32949 31182 10</Refill> 
  <w163>Stand 32950 31182 10</w163> 
  <w164>Stand 32951 31182 10</w164> 
  <w165>Stand 32950 31180 9</w165> 
  <w166>Stand 32944 31181 6</w166> 
  <w167>Stand 32944 31181 6</w167> 
  <w168>Stand 32944 31182 6</w168> 
  <w169>Stand 32942 31182 7</w169> 
  <w170>Stand 32942 31182 7</w170> 
  <w171>Action 32942 31182 7 if not islocation();then; gotolabel("Refill");end</w171> 
  <Passage>Stand 32942 31182 7</Passage> 
  <w172>Stand 32942 31182 7</w172> 
  <w173>Action 32942 31182 7 say('hi');wait(2000);npcsay('passage');wait(2000);npcsay('yes')</w173> 
  <w174>Stand 32916 31199 7</w174> 
  <w175>Stand 32916 31199 7</w175> 
  <w176>Action 32916 31199 7 if not islocation();then; gotolabel("Passage");end</w176> 
  <GoGuard>Stand 32914 31199 7</GoGuard> 
  <w177>Stand 32914 31199 7</w177> 
  <w178>Ladder 32914 31199 7</w178> 
  <w179>Stand 32889 31199 6</w179> 
  <w180>Stand 32889 31199 6</w180> 
  <w181>Stand 32888 31199 6</w181> 
  <w182>Stand 32887 31199 7</w182> 
  <w183>Stand 32887 31199 7</w183> 
  <w184>Action 32887 31199 7 if not islocation();then; gotolabel("GoGuard");end</w184> 
  <GoMagician>Stand 32884 31162 7</GoMagician> 
  <w185>Stand 32884 31162 7</w185> 
  <w186>Action 32884 31162 7 say('hi');wait(2000);npcsay('pass');wait(2000);npcsay('magician')</w186> 
  <w187>Stand 32884 31156 7</w187> 
  <w188>Stand 32884 31156 7</w188> 
  <w189>Action 32884 31156 7 if not islocation();then; gotolabel("GoMagician");end</w189> 
  <w162>Stand 32884 31156 7</w162> 
  <w190>Node 32872 31137 7</w190> 
  <w191>Stand 32861 31128 7</w191> 
  <w192>Node 32858 31127 7</w192> 
  <w193>Node 32855 31122 7</w193> 
  <w194>Node 32837 31126 7</w194> 
  <BackStairs>Stand 32834 31142 7</BackStairs> 
  <w196>Stand 32834 31142 7</w196> 
  <w197>Stand 32834 31143 7</w197> 
  <w198>Stand 32834 31145 6</w198> 
  <w199>Stand 32834 31153 5</w199> 
  <w200>Stand 32834 31155 6</w200> 
  <w201>Stand 32834 31156 7</w201> 
  <w202>Stand 32834 31156 7</w202> 
  <w203>Action 32834 31156 7 if not islocation();then; gotolabel("BackStairs");end</w203> 
  <w195>Stand 32834 31156 7</w195> 
  <w204>Node 32837 31161 7</w204> 
  <w205>Node 32844 31174 7</w205> 
  <w206>Node 32826 31196 7</w206> 
  <w207>Node 32817 31226 7</w207> 
  <w011>Action 32824 31239 7 if SellItens then;gotolabel("Sell");else;gotolabel("GODP");end</w011> 
  <Sell>Stand 32824 31239 7</Sell> 
  <w025>Stand 32824 31239 7</w025> 
  <w026>Action 32824 31239 7 reachcreature("Morpel");;say("hi");;opentrade();wait(1200,1700);sellitems("halberd", 100) ;wait(400,600);sellitems("two handed sword", 100) ;wait(400,600);npcsay("Bye");</w026> 
  <GODP>Node 32801 31243 7</GODP> 
  <w209>Stand 32789 31248 7</w209> 
  <w210>Stand 32789 31248 7</w210> 
  <w211>Action 32789 31248 7 --###[LET'S GO AGAIN]###--</w211> 
- <Pathfinding>
- <SpecialAreas>
- <NewArea0>
  <Coordinates>32937 31161 12</Coordinates> 
  <Dimensions>3 3</Dimensions> 
- <NewArea1>
  <Coordinates>32916 31171 12</Coordinates> 
  <Dimensions>5 2</Dimensions> 
- <NewArea2>
  <Coordinates>32936 31203 12</Coordinates> 
  <Dimensions>3 2</Dimensions> 
- <NewArea3>
  <Coordinates>32916 31172 12</Coordinates> 
  <Dimensions>4 3</Dimensions> 
- <NewArea4>
  <Coordinates>32912 31184 12</Coordinates> 
  <Dimensions>3 2</Dimensions> 
- <NewArea5>
  <Coordinates>32916 31193 12</Coordinates> 
  <Dimensions>3 2</Dimensions> 
  <WalkingMethod>Map Clicks</WalkingMethod> 
  <MapWalkDistance>20 to 50</MapWalkDistance> 
- <Settings>
  <Priority>Target and Looting</Priority> 
- <Looting>
- <List>
- <Gold-Coin>
  <Destination>Red Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Quara-Tentacle>
  <Destination>Camouflage Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Shrimp>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Fish-Fin>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Small-Amethyst>
  <Destination>Camouflage Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Mantassin-Tail>
  <Destination>Camouflage Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Two-Handed-Sword>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Halberd>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Stealth-Ring>
  <Destination>Camouflage Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Small-Sapphire>
  <Destination>Camouflage Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Blue-Robe>
  <Destination>Camouflage Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Glacier-Shoes>
  <Destination>Camouflage Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
  <Condition>Corpses with listed items</Condition> 
  <Style>After all dead</Style> 
- <Targeting>
- <Monsters>
- <Quara-Mantassin>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>Keep Away</Stance> 
- <ListSpell>
  <Spell0>Energy Strike</Spell0> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Setting1>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>Keep Away</Stance> 
- <ListSpell>
  <Spell0>Energy Strike</Spell0> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Setting2>
  <HpRange>0 to 15 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>Keep Away</Stance> 
- <ListSpell>
  <Spell0>Energy Strike</Spell0> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Quara-Constrictor>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>Keep Away</Stance> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Setting1>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>Keep Away</Stance> 
- <ListSpell>
  <Spell0>Energy Strike</Spell0> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Setting2>
  <HpRange>0 to 15 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>Keep Away</Stance> 
- <ListSpell>
  <Spell0>Energy Strike</Spell0> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Settings>
  <PlayerOnScreenSecurity>If cavebotting</PlayerOnScreenSecurity> 
- <Hud>
- <List>
- <Monitor-my-hunting>
  <Script>-- [[ INIT START ]] -- -- -- 88 -- "" ,d -- 88 -- ,adPPYba, 88 8b,dPPYba, 88,dPYba,,adPYba, ,adPPYYba, MM88MMM ,adPPYba, -- I8[ "" 88 88P' "Y8 88P' "88" "8a "" `Y8 88 a8P_____88 -- `"Y8ba, 88 88 88 88 88 ,adPPPPP88 88 8PP""""""" -- aa ]8I 88 88 88 88 88 88, ,88 88, "8b, ,aa -- Author: `"YbbdP"' 88 88 88 88 88 `"8bbdP"Y8 "Y888 `"Ybbd8"' -- -- Monitor My Hunting! -- -- Version: 1.0 -- Created: 7.09.2012 -- Last update: 18.09.2012 -- MONITOR_MY_HUNTING = MONITOR_MY_HUNTING or { SCRIPT_NAME = "Monitor My Hunting", SCRIPT_VERSION = "1.0", CLEARED_STATS = false, INITIALIZED = false, } MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SHOW_ALL_ITEMS = false MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.ITEMS_LIST = { {NAME = "gold coin", VALUE = 1}, {NAME = "Mantassin Tail", VALUE = 280}, {NAME = "Quara Tentacle", VALUE = 140}, {NAME = "Glacier Shoes", VALUE = 2500}, {NAME = "Blue Robe", VALUE = 10000}, {NAME = "Two Handed Sword", VALUE = 450}, {NAME = "Halberd", VALUE = 400}, {NAME = "small sapphire", VALUE = 250}, {NAME = "Small Amethyst", VALUE = 200}, {NAME = "fish fin", VALUE = 2000}, {NAME = "stealth ring", VALUE = 500}, } MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SHOW_ALL_SUPPLIES = false MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SUPPLIES_LIST = { {NAME = "mana potion", PRICE = 50}, {NAME = "strong health potion", PRICE = 100}, {NAME = "strong mana potion", PRICE = 80}, } -- [[ DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE. ]] -- MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST = MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST or {} MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST = MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST or {} MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS = MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS or { BLACK = rgbcolor(1, 1, 1), ORANGE = rgbcolor(255, 165, 0), BLUE = rgbcolor(30, 144, 255), CORNSILK = rgbcolor(205, 200, 177), WHITE = rgbcolor(255, 255, 255), GREEN = rgbcolor(107, 142, 35), RED = rgbcolor(178, 34, 34), } local function CreateMessageObject(MESSAGE_DATA) if (type(MESSAGE_DATA) ~= "userdata") then return setmetatable({__data = {TYPE = -1, TIME_STAMP = -1, SENDER_NAME = "", SENDER_LEVEL = -1, CONTENT = ""}}, MessageMetaTable) else return setmetatable({__data = {TYPE = MESSAGE_DATA.type, TIME_STAMP = Misc.ConvertToSeconds(string.sub(MESSAGE_DATA.text, 1, 5)), SENDER_NAME = MESSAGE_DATA.sender, SENDER_LEVEL = tonumber((tostring(string.match(MESSAGE_DATA.text, ".+ (%b[]): .+")):gsub("[^%d]", ""))) or 0, CONTENT = string.sub(MESSAGE_DATA.text, 7)}}, MessageMetaTable) end end local function addtextshadow(DISPLAY_TEXT, X_OFFSET, Y_OFFSET, FONT_COLOR) setfontcolor(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.BLACK) addtext(DISPLAY_TEXT, X_OFFSET + 1, Y_OFFSET + 1) setfontcolor(FONT_COLOR) addtext(DISPLAY_TEXT, X_OFFSET, Y_OFFSET) end -- [[ INIT END ]] -- if (not Stats.Update()) then local SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES = getnewmessages("Server Log") local SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES_COUNT = SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES.count - 1 for INDEX = 0, SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES_COUNT do local MESSAGE_OBJECT = CreateMessageObject(SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES[SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES_COUNT - INDEX]) if (MESSAGE_OBJECT:Type() == 19 and MESSAGE_OBJECT:Content():lower():match("^loot of")) then local LOOT_INFO = Message.ParseLootMessage(MESSAGE_OBJECT, true) if (#LOOT_INFO.NAME > 0) then Stats.__data.MONSTERS_KILLED[LOOT_INFO.NAME] = (Stats.__data.MONSTERS_KILLED[LOOT_INFO.NAME] or 0) + 1 for _, LOOT_ITEM in ipairs(LOOT_INFO.ITEMS) do if (Stats.__data.ITEMS_LOOTED[LOOT_ITEM.ID]) then Stats.__data.ITEMS_LOOTED[LOOT_ITEM.ID].QUANTITY = Stats.__data.ITEMS_LOOTED[LOOT_ITEM.ID].QUANTITY + LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY else Stats.__data.ITEMS_LOOTED[LOOT_ITEM.ID] = {ID = LOOT_ITEM.ID, NAME = LOOT_ITEM.NAME, QUANTITY = LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY, VALUE = Item.GetValue(LOOT_ITEM.ID)} end end end end end end local RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES = #MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.ITEMS_LIST ~= #MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST or #MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SUPPLIES_LIST ~= #MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST if (not RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES) then for INDEX, LOOT_ITEM in ipairs(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.ITEMS_LIST) do if (LOOT_ITEM.NAME ~= MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST[INDEX].NAME or LOOT_ITEM.VALUE ~= MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST[INDEX].VALUE) then RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES = true break end end end if (not RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES) then for INDEX, SUPPLY_ITEM in ipairs(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SUPPLIES_LIST) do if (SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME ~= MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST[INDEX].NAME or SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE ~= MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST[INDEX].PRICE) then RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES = true break end end end if (not MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.INITIALIZED or RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES) then if (not MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.CLEARED_STATS) then Stats.Clear(CLEAR_STATS_ALL) Stats.Update() MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.CLEARED_STATS = true end MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST, MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST = {}, {} for _, LOOT_ITEM in ipairs(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.ITEMS_LIST) do local LOOT_ITEM_ID = Item.GetID(type(LOOT_ITEM.NAME) ~= "table" and LOOT_ITEM.NAME or unpack(LOOT_ITEM.NAME)) Stats.AddItemsLooted(LOOT_ITEM_ID, 0, LOOT_ITEM.VALUE) table.insert(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST, {ID = LOOT_ITEM_ID, NAME = LOOT_ITEM.NAME, VALUE = LOOT_ITEM.VALUE}) end for _, SUPPLY_ITEM in ipairs(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SUPPLIES_LIST) do local SUPPLY_ITEM_ID = Item.GetID(type(SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME) ~= "table" and SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME or unpack(SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME)) Stats.AddSuppliesUsed(SUPPLY_ITEM_ID, 0, SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE) table.insert(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST, {ID = SUPPLY_ITEM_ID, NAME = SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME, PRICE = SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE}) end MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.INITIALIZED = true end setposition(Client.ClientWindow().right - 434, Client.WorldWindow().top + 5) local Y_POSITION, INDEX, ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH, SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH = 30, 0, 0, 0 addtextshadow(sprintf("%s v%s", MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SCRIPT_NAME:upper(), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SCRIPT_VERSION), 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.ORANGE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 addtextshadow("ITEMS LOOTED", 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.BLUE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 for _, LOOT_ITEM in pairs(Stats.GetItemsLooted()) do if ((MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SHOW_ALL_ITEMS or table.find(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST, LOOT_ITEM.ID, "ID")) and LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY > 0) then addtextshadow(((#LOOT_ITEM.NAME > 17 and sprintf("%s...", string.match(string.sub(LOOT_ITEM.NAME, 1, 17), "(.-)%s?$"))) or LOOT_ITEM.NAME):ucwords(), 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.CORNSILK) addtextshadow(sprintf("%s (%sK)", Misc.FormatNumber(LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY), tostring(math.floor(LOOT_ITEM.VALUE * LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY / 100) / 10)), 140, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.WHITE) INDEX, ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH = INDEX + 1, ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH + (LOOT_ITEM.VALUE * LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY) end end addtextshadow("Total:", 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.WHITE) addtextshadow(sprintf("%s GPs", Misc.FormatNumber(ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH)), 10 + 35, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.ORANGE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 addtextshadow("SUPPLIES USED", 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.BLUE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 for _, SUPPLY_ITEM in pairs(Stats.GetSuppliesUsed()) do if ((MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SHOW_ALL_SUPPLIES or table.find(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST, SUPPLY_ITEM.ID, "ID")) and SUPPLY_ITEM.QUANTITY > 0) then addtextshadow(((#SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME > 17 and sprintf("%s...", string.match(string.sub(SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME, 1, 17), "(.-)%s?$"))) or SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME):ucwords(), 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.CORNSILK) addtextshadow(sprintf("%s (%sK)", Misc.FormatNumber(SUPPLY_ITEM.QUANTITY), tostring(math.floor(SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE * SUPPLY_ITEM.QUANTITY / 100) / 10)), 140, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.WHITE) INDEX, SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH = INDEX + 1, SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH + (SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE * SUPPLY_ITEM.QUANTITY) end end addtextshadow("Total:", 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.WHITE) addtextshadow(sprintf("%s GPs", Misc.FormatNumber(SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH)), 10 + 35, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.ORANGE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 addtextshadow(sprintf("%s: %s GPs (%s K/H)", ((ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH >= SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH and ("PROFIT")) or ("WASTE")), Misc.FormatNumber(ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH - SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH), tostring(math.floor(((ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH - SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH) * 3600) / (System.HuntingTime() / 1000) / 100) / 10)), 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH >= SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH and MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.GREEN or MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.RED)</Script> 
- <GeneralInfo>
  <Script>setfontstyle(tahoma, 10, 10) setsize(100,100) setfontcolor("white") addtext(name,10,30) addtext("LvL :", 20,50) addtext(level, 80,50) addtext("Next LvL :", 20,65) addtext(exptolevel(), 80,65) addtext("Exp/H :", 20,80) addtext(tibiaexphour, 80,80) setfontstyle(Impact, 20, 10) addtext("Quaras Sunken", 20,120)</Script> 
  <Show>If focused</Show> 
- <Input>
- <Keyboard>
  <StuckCtrlShift>If cavebot on, release after 1 sec</StuckCtrlShift> 
  <TypingStyle>Keyboard keys</TypingStyle> 
  <PressWaitTime>45 to 65</PressWaitTime> 
- <Mouse>
  <Scroll>Use mouse wheel</Scroll> 
  <ClickWaitTime>30 to 50</ClickWaitTime> 
  <OpenMenuPolicy>Confirm if cavebotting</OpenMenuPolicy> 
  <By_3173654 /> 
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