Never Give Up!
- Joined
- Dec 23, 2009
- Messages
- 578
- Reaction score
- 64
[EK][180] Yalahar Nightmares and Bog Raiders
<Creature />
<Item />
<HealRange>0 to 36 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>200 to all</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Intense Wound Cleansing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>100 to 200</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 35 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Ultimate Health Potion</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>100 to 200</SpamRate>
<HealRange>89 to 94 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Strong Health Potion</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>1200 to 1400</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 85 %</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Mana Potion</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>40 to all</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Wound Cleansing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>If paralyzed</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
<HealRange>36 to 88 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>20 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Wound Cleansing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>300 to 500</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 95 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Intense Recovery</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
<Rules />
<HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<AmmoCount>0 to 0</AmmoCount>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>500 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>local cavebot = getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Enabled")
local targeting = getsettings("Settings/Targeting/Enabled")
if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then
<Condition>Client focus required</Condition>
<Script>local creaturesToHit = {"Vampire","Demon Skeleton","Ghoul","Mummy"}
local minimumAround = 3
if ((paround(7, true) == 0) and (maround(1, unpack(creaturesToHit)) >= minimumAround))
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<SpamRate>100 to 200</SpamRate>
<Script>if boots == 6530 then
setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\BoH\\Enabled", "yes")
setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\BoH\\Enabled", "no")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>-- NPC name
local npcname = 'Ebenizer'
local index = 0
local msgs = getmessages("NPCs")
local qtd = msgs.count-1
for i=0,qtd do
if msgs[qtd].sender == npcname and msgs[qtd].text:find('There is not enough gold on your account.') then
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>local creaturesToHit = {'Bog Raider', 'Nightmare', 'Nightmare Scion', 'Mutated Tiger'}
local minimumAround = 3
if ((paround(7, true) == 0) and (maround(1, unpack(creaturesToHit)) >= minimumAround))
local creaturesToHit = {"Destroyer"}
local minimumAround = 2
if ((paround(7, true) == 0) and (maround(1, unpack(creaturesToHit)) >= minimumAround))
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>local creaturesToHit = {'Bog Raider', 'Nightmare', 'Nightmare Scion', 'Mutated Tiger'}
local minimumAround = 4
if ((paround(7, true) == 0) and (maround(1, unpack(creaturesToHit)) >= minimumAround))
cast("exori gran")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>local creaturesToHit = {'Bog Raider', 'Nightmare', 'Nightmare Scion', 'Mutated Tiger'}
local minimumAround = 3
if ((maround(1, unpack(creaturesToHit)) >= minimumAround))
local creaturesToHit = {"Destroyer"}
local minimumAround = 2
if ((maround(1, unpack(creaturesToHit)) >= minimumAround))
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>local creaturesToHit = {'Bog Raider', 'Nightmare', 'Nightmare Scion', 'Mutated Tiger'}
local minimumAround = 4
if ((maround(1, unpack(creaturesToHit)) >= minimumAround))
cast("exori gran")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>if PvP == true then
setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\SafeExoriPvP\\Enabled", "yes")
setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\SafeExoriGranPvP\\Enabled", "yes")
setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\SafeExoriNPvP\\Enabled", "no")
setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\SafeExoriGranNPvP\\Enabled", "no")
elseif NoNPvP == true then
setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\SafeExoriPvP\\Enabled", "no")
setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\SafeExoriGranPvP\\Enabled", "no")
setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\SafeExoriNPvP\\Enabled", "yes")
setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\SafeExoriGranNPvP\\Enabled", "yes")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>if AutoMount then setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\AutoMount","yes") else setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\AutoMount","no") end</Script>
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>if pzone == true then setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Pathfinding\\WalkThroughPlayers", "yes") else setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Pathfinding\\WalkThroughPlayers", "no") end</Script>
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>local iBoots = { soft = "soft boots", normal = "boots of haste"}
local ManaToSoft = 98 --%
if mppc <= ManaToSoft and pzone == false and boots ~= 3549 and itemcount(iBoots.soft) >= 1 then
moveitems(iBoots.soft, "all", "boots", 1) wait(800)
elseif mppc > ManaToSoft and boots ~= itemid(iBoots.normal) then
moveitems(iBoots.normal, "all", "boots", 1) wait(800)
elseif pzone == true and boots ~= itemid(iBoots.normal) then
moveitems(iBoots.normal, "all", "boots", 1) wait(800)
elseif boots == itemid("worn soft boots") then
moveitems(iBoots.normal, "all", "boots", 1) wait(800)
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>if itemcount("concentrated demonic blood",MainBP) > 0 then pausewalking(2000) useitem("Concentrated Demonic Blood", MainBP) end</Script>
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Setup>-- Backpack Setup:
MainBP = "Backpack of Holding" -- Main Backpack Name
LootBP = "Jewelled Backpack" --Loot Backpack Name
PotionsBP = "Dragon Backpack" -- Potion Backpack Name
GoldBP = "Brocade Backpack" -- Gold Backpack Name
PvP = true
NoNPvP = false
NorthEast = true
East = true
South = true
SouthWest = true
NorthWest = true
Destroyers = false -- Do you want to kill destroyers ? Recommend LvL 250+
CanUseMechanism = true
AutoMount = false
RefilSofts = true
CapCheck = 200
AlertPlayer = false
-- Backpack Depot Setup:
MainDPBP = "Red Backpack" -- Main Backpack in Depo
StackableDPBP = "Blue Backpack" --Backpack for Stackable items
LootDPBP = "Red Backpack" -- Backpack for rare loot in Depot
-- Potions Setup:
MPname = "Mana Potion" -- Name of mana potion.
MPprice = 50 -- Price of mana potion to buy.
MPtobuy = 1000 -- How many mana potions to buy?
MPtoback = 250 -- How many potions to back reffil?
HPname = "Ultimate Health Potion" -- Name of mana potion.
HPprice = 310 -- Price of mana potion to buy.
HPtobuy = 100 -- How many mana potions to buy?
HPtoback = 40 -- How many potions to back reffil?</Setup>
<w001>Action 32791 31250 7 --showas Find Where Are You;if posz == 6 then gotolabel("dpplus");elseif;posz == 7 then gotolabel("OpenBp");end;</w001>
<OpenBp>Action 32791 31250 7 closewindows();wait(500, 1000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(500, 1000);resizewindows() ;wait(500, 1000);openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows();wait(500, 1000);openitem(GoldBP, MainBP, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows();wait(500, 1000);openitem(PotionsBP, MainBP, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows()</OpenBp>
<CheckBpStart>Action 32791 31250 7 if windowcount() < 4 then gotolabel("OpenBp") end</CheckBpStart>
<start>Stand 32688 31128 7</start>
<w028>Action 32688 31125 7 if AlertPlayer then;setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\PlaySound","yes");else;setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\PlaySound","no");end</w028>
<w005>Node 32693 31129 7</w005>
<way1>Action 32693 31129 7 if NorthEast then gotolabel('northeast') else gotolabel('northeastleave') end</way1>
<northeast>Stand 32694 31129 7</northeast>
<w008>Stand 32695 31128 7</w008>
<w009>Node 32692 31131 8</w009>
<w010>Stand 32690 31132 8</w010>
<w011>Node 32692 31126 9 3 3</w011>
<w012>Stand 32691 31125 9</w012>
<w013>Node 32690 31128 10 3 2</w013>
<w014>Stand 32690 31133 10</w014>
<w015>Stand 32690 31134 11</w015>
<w016>Action 32690 31134 11 if not islocation() then gotolabel('northeast') end</w016>
<northeastbottom>Node 32692 31130 11</northeastbottom>
<w018>Node 32690 31125 11 3 3</w018>
<w019>Node 32692 31131 11</w019>
<w020>Stand 32690 31133 11</w020>
<w021>Node 32691 31128 10 1 3</w021>
<w022>Stand 32691 31125 10</w022>
<w023>Node 32691 31126 9 2 4</w023>
<w024>Stand 32690 31132 9</w024>
<w025>Node 32690 31127 8 2 2</w025>
<w026>Stand 32693 31128 8</w026>
<w027>Action 32693 31128 8 if not islocation() then gotolabel('northeastbottom') end</w027>
<northeastleave>Stand 32695 31128 8</northeastleave>
<w029>Stand 32694 31131 7</w029>
<w030>Action 32694 31131 7 if not islocation() then gotolabel('northeastleave') end</w030>
<w031>Node 32694 31136 7</w031>
<way2>Action 32694 31136 7 if East then gotolabel('east') else gotolabel('eastleave') end</way2>
<east>Stand 32695 31137 7</east>
<w034>Stand 32696 31138 7</w034>
<w035>Node 32694 31139 8 2 3</w035>
<w036>Stand 32695 31145 8</w036>
<eastbottom>Stand 32697 31147 9</eastbottom>
<w038>Action 32697 31147 9 if not islocation() then gotolabel('east') end</w038>
<w039>Node 32701 31148 9</w039>
<w040>Node 32707 31153 9 3 3</w040>
<easthardcore>Stand 32710 31148 11</easthardcore>
<w042>Stand 32704 31156 10</w042>
<w043>Node 32701 31148 9</w043>
<w044>Stand 32697 31147 9</w044>
<w045>Action 32697 31147 9 if not islocation() then gotolabel('easthardcore') end</w045>
<eastbottom2>Stand 32695 31145 9</eastbottom2>
<w047>Node 32694 31140 8 2 2</w047>
<w048>Stand 32695 31139 8</w048>
<w049>Action 32695 31139 8 if not islocation() then gotolabel('eastbottom2') end</w049>
<eastleave>Stand 32696 31138 8</eastleave>
<w051>Stand 32694 31140 7</w051>
<w052>Action 32694 31140 7 if not islocation() then gotolabel('east leave') end</w052>
<w053>Node 32688 31142 7</w053>
<way3>Action 32688 31142 7 if South then gotolabel('south') else gotolabel('southleave') end</way3>
<south>Stand 32687 31143 7</south>
<w056>Stand 32686 31144 7</w056>
<w057>Node 32685 31146 8 2 3</w057>
<w058>Stand 32684 31150 8</w058>
<w059>Stand 32683 31153 9</w059>
<w060>Action 32683 31153 9 if not islocation() then gotolabel('south') end</w060>
<southbottom>Stand 32683 31155 9</southbottom>
<southhardcore>Stand 32684 31150 11</southhardcore>
<w064>Stand 32684 31161 10</w064>
<w065>Stand 32684 31153 9</w065>
<w066>Action 32684 31153 9 if not islocation() then gotolabel('southhardcore') else end</w066>
<southbottom2>Stand 32684 31152 9</southbottom2>
<w068>Stand 32684 31150 9</w068>
<w069>Node 32685 31146 8 2 3</w069>
<w070>Stand 32686 31145 8</w070>
<southleave>Stand 32686 31144 8</southleave>
<w072>Stand 32686 31143 7</w072>
<w073>Action 32686 31143 7 if not islocation() then gotolabel('southleave') end</w073>
<w074>Node 32681 31144 7</w074>
<w075>Node 32678 31143 7</w075>
<way4>Action 32678 31143 7 if SouthWest then gotolabel('southwest') else gotolabel('southwestleave') end</way4>
<southwest>Stand 32676 31143 7</southwest>
<w078>Stand 32675 31144 7</w078>
<w079>Node 32673 31142 8 2 2</w079>
<w080>Stand 32672 31141 8</w080>
<w081>Stand 32672 31142 9</w081>
<w082>Action 32672 31142 9 if not islocation() then gotolabel('southwest') end</w082>
<southwestbottom>Stand 32670 31145 9</southwestbottom>
<w084>Node 32661 31148 9 2 2</w084>
<w085>Node 32663 31153 9 2 2</w085>
<southwesthardcore>Stand 32661 31147 11</southwesthardcore>
<w087>Stand 32662 31156 10</w087>
<w088>Node 32664 31150 9 2 2</w088>
<w089>Stand 32671 31144 9</w089>
<w090>Action 32671 31144 9 if not islocation() then gotolabel('southwesthardcore') end</w090>
<southwestbottom2>Stand 32671 31143 9</southwestbottom2>
<w092>Stand 32672 31141 9</w092>
<w093>Node 32673 31142 8 2 2</w093>
<southwestleave>Stand 32675 31144 8</southwestleave>
<w095>Stand 32676 31140 7</w095>
<w096>Action 32676 31140 7 if not islocation() then gotolabel('southwestleave') end</w096>
<w097>Node 32679 31134 7</w097>
<w098>Node 32681 31133 7</w098>
<way5>Action 32681 31133 7 if NorthWest then gotolabel('northwest') else gotolabel('northwestleave') end</way5>
<northwest>Stand 32682 31133 7</northwest>
<w101>Stand 32683 31134 7</w101>
<w102>Node 32681 31126 8 2 2</w102>
<w103>Node 32678 31130 8 2 2</w103>
<w104>Stand 32677 31132 8</w104>
<w105>Node 32674 31127 9 3 3</w105>
<w106>Action 32674 31127 9 if Destroyers then gotolabel('destroyers') else gotolabel('destroyersleave') end</w106>
<destroyers>Stand 32678 31125 9</destroyers>
<w108>Node 32675 31127 10 3 3</w108>
<w109>Stand 32674 31132 10</w109>
<w110>Node 32677 31127 11 3 3</w110>
<w111>Stand 32674 31132 11</w111>
<w112>Node 32675 31128 10 2 3</w112>
<destroyersleave>Stand 32678 31125 10</destroyersleave>
<w114>Node 32675 31127 9 2 3</w114>
<w115>Stand 32677 31132 9</w115>
<w116>Node 32680 31131 8 3 3</w116>
<northwestleave>Stand 32683 31134 8</northwestleave>
<w118>Node 32686 31131 7 2 2</w118>
<w119>Stand 32688 31124 6</w119>
<w120>Action 32686 31131 7 if itemcount(MPname) < MPtoback or itemcount(HPname) < HPtoback or cap < CapCheck then gotolabel("Depositer") else gotolabel("CheckBpStart") end</w120>
<Depositer>Stand 32688 31125 7</Depositer>
<w122>Stand 32688 31124 7</w122>
<w123>Stand 32688 31123 6</w123>
<w124>Action 32688 31123 6 if not islocation() then gotolabel('Depositer') end;setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\PlaySound","no")</w124>
<w125>Stand 32701 31128 6</w125>
<w126>Stand 32708 31144 6</w126>
<w127>Stand 32710 31156 6</w127>
<w128>Stand 32709 31168 6</w128>
<back1>Stand 32711 31175 6</back1>
<w130>Stand 32711 31176 7</w130>
<w131>Action 32711 31176 7 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back1') end</w131>
<w132>Stand 32725 31169 7</w132>
<w133>Stand 32740 31160 7</w133>
<w134>Action 32740 31160 7 if CanUseMechanism then gotolabel("back2") else gotolabel('around2') end</w134>
<back2>Stand 32741 31160 7</back2>
<w136>Stand 32742 31160 6</w136>
<w137>Action 32742 31160 6 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back2') end</w137>
<back3>Stand 32743 31160 6</back3>
<w139>Stand 32744 31160 5</w139>
<w140>Action 32744 31160 5 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back3') end</w140>
<back4>Stand 32744 31161 5</back4>
<w142>Action 32744 31161 5 wait(500)</w142>
<w143>Use 32743 31161 5</w143>
<w144>Action 32744 31161 5 wait(500)</w144>
<w145>Stand 32747 31168 5</w145>
<w146>Action 32747 31168 5 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back4') end</w146>
<back5>Stand 32748 31168 5</back5>
<w148>Stand 32749 31168 6</w148>
<w149>Action 32749 31168 6 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back5') end</w149>
<back6>Stand 32750 31170 6</back6>
<w151>Stand 32750 31171 7</w151>
<w152>Action 32750 31171 7 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back6') end</w152>
<around2back>Stand 32745 31207 7</around2back>
<w154>Stand 32744 31209 7</w154>
<dpplus>Stand 32759 31238 7</dpplus>
<w156>Stand 32777 31246 7</w156>
<w003>Stand 32786 31248 7</w003>
<w006>Stand 32780 31249 6</w006>
<OpenBPLoot>Action 32787 31244 6 setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp","no");;closewindows();wait(500, 1000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(500, 1000);resizewindows() ;wait(500, 1000);openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows()</OpenBPLoot>
<w160>Action 32787 31244 6 if windowcount() < 2 then gotolabel("OpenBPLoot") end</w160>
<depo>Action 32787 31244 7 reachgrounditem("depot");wait(1000,2000);openitem("depot");wait(1000,2000);openitem(3502, "locker");wait(1000,2000);openitem(MainDPBP, "depot chest")wait(500,2000)</depo>
<checkbpdeop>Action 32781 31251 6 if windowcount(MainDPBP) == 0 then gotolabel('depo') end</checkbpdeop>
<w000>Action 32793 31247 7 while itemcount("Demonic Essence") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Demonic Essence");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Essence of a Bad Dream") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Essence of a Bad Dream");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Scythe Leg") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Scythe Leg");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Boggy Dreads") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Boggy Dreads");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Metal Spike") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Metal Spike");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Small Amethyst") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Small Amethyst");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Great Health Potion") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Great Health Potion");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Great Spirit Potion") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Great Spirit Potion");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Strong Mana Potion") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Strong Mana Potion");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Strong Health Potion") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Strong Health Potion");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Striped Fur") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Striped Fur");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Sabretooth") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Sabretooth");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Mind Stone") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Mind Stone");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Soul Orb") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Soul Orb");wait(100,200);end;;while itemcount("Skull Helmet") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Skull Helmet");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Boots of Haste") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Boots of Haste");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Steel Boots") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Steel Boots");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Giant Sword") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Giant Sword");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Dreaded Cleaver") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Dreaded Cleaver");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Paladin Armor") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Paladin Armor");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Shadow Sceptre") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Shadow Sceptre");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Diamond Sceptre") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Diamond Sceptre");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Chaos Mace") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Chaos Mace");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("War Axe") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "War Axe");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Focus Cape") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Focus Cape");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Angelic Axe") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Angelic Axe");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Knight Legs") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Knight Legs");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Mysterious Voodoo Skull") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Mysterious Voodoo Skull");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Springsprout Rod") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Springsprout Rod");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Glorious Axe") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Glorious Axe");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Crown Helmet") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Crown Helmet");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Guardian Shield") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Guardian Shield");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Bar of Chocolate") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Bar of Chocolate");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Crystal of Focus") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Crystal of Focus");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Belted Cape") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Belted Cape");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Death Ring") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Death Ring");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Crystal Necklace") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Crystal Necklace");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Ancient Shield") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Ancient Shield");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Life Ring") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Life Ring");wait(100,200);end;;openitem(LootBP, LootBP);wait(5000);;while itemcount("Demonic Essence") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Demonic Essence");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Essence of a Bad Dream") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Essence of a Bad Dream");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Scythe Leg") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Scythe Leg");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Boggy Dreads") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Boggy Dreads");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Metal Spike") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Metal Spike");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Small Amethyst") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Small Amethyst");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Great Health Potion") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Great Health Potion");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Great Spirit Potion") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Great Spirit Potion");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Strong Mana Potion") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Strong Mana Potion");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Strong Health Potion") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Strong Health Potion");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Striped Fur") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Striped Fur");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Sabretooth") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Sabretooth");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Mind Stone") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Mind Stone");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Soul Orb") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(StackableDPBP, "Soul Orb");wait(100,200);end;;while itemcount("Skull Helmet") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Skull Helmet");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Boots of Haste") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Boots of Haste");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Steel Boots") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Steel Boots");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Giant Sword") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Giant Sword");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Dreaded Cleaver") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Dreaded Cleaver");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Paladin Armor") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Paladin Armor");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Shadow Sceptre") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Shadow Sceptre");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Diamond Sceptre") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Diamond Sceptre");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Chaos Mace") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Chaos Mace");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("War Axe") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "War Axe");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Focus Cape") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Focus Cape");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Angelic Axe") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Angelic Axe");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Knight Legs") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Knight Legs");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Mysterious Voodoo Skull") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Mysterious Voodoo Skull");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Springsprout Rod") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Springsprout Rod");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Glorious Axe") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Glorious Axe");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Crown Helmet") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Crown Helmet");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Guardian Shield") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Guardian Shield");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Bar of Chocolate") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Bar of Chocolate");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Crystal of Focus") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Crystal of Focus");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Belted Cape") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Belted Cape");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Death Ring") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Death Ring");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Crystal Necklace") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Crystal Necklace");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Ancient Shield") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Ancient Shield");wait(100,200);end;while itemcount("Life Ring") ~= 0 do;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Life Ring");wait(100,200);end</w000>
<w002>Action 32793 31247 7</w002>
<w007>Stand 32786 31248 6</w007>
<w162>Stand 32796 31248 7</w162>
<w163>Action 32796 31248 7 --showas walking;setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp","yes");setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\MovePotions\\Enabled","yes")</w163>
<w164>Stand 32802 31239 7</w164>
<w165>Stand 32819 31234 7</w165>
<bankback>Stand 32828 31249 7</bankback>
<FixBpBank>Action 32828 31249 7 closewindows();wait(500, 1000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(500, 1000);resizewindows() ;wait(500, 1000);openitem(PotionsBP, MainBP, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows()</FixBpBank>
<w004>Action 32828 31249 7 if windowcount() < 2 then gotolabel("FixBpBank") end</w004>
<w172>Stand 32824 31250 7</w172>
<w173>Stand 32824 31249 7</w173>
<bank>Action 32824 31248 7 -- Bank Depositer;wait(500,900);depositall();;local mana = positive(MPtobuy - itemcount(MPname)) * MPprice;local health = positive(HPtobuy - itemcount(HPname)) * HPprice;local softs = positive(itemcount("worn soft boots")) * 12000;;local Total = mana + health + softs;;npcsay("withdraw "..Total);wait(200,300);npcsay("yes");wait(200,300)</bank>
<w175>Stand 32828 31249 7</w175>
<w176>Action 32828 31249 7</w176>
<w177>Walk 32830 31241 7</w177>
<w178>Walk 32805 31233 7</w178>
<w179>Walk 32790 31238 7</w179>
<back7>Stand 32790 31239 7</back7>
<w181>Stand 32790 31238 6</w181>
<w182>Action 32790 31238 6 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back7') end</w182>
<w183>Walk 32789 31238 6</w183>
<back8>Stand 32789 31239 6</back8>
<w185>Stand 32789 31238 5</w185>
<w186>Action 32789 31238 5 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back8') end</w186>
<w187>Stand 32789 31238 5</w187>
<buyer>Action 32789 31238 5 sellflasks();wait(500);;local CurrentManas = itemcount(MPname);local CurrentHealths = itemcount(HPname);;buyitemsupto(HPname,HPtobuy,CurrentHealths);wait(200,300);;amount = MPtobuy - CurrentManas ;while amount > 0 do ;buyitems(MPname, amount) ;wait(500,1000) ;moveitems(MPname,PotionsBP, 1000) ;wait(300,400) ;amount = amount-100;end</buyer>
<back13>Stand 32789 31239 5</back13>
<w192>Stand 32789 31240 6</w192>
<w193>Action 32789 31240 6 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back13') end</w193>
<w194>Walk 32790 31240 6</w194>
<back14>Stand 32790 31239 6</back14>
<w196>Stand 32790 31240 7</w196>
<w197>Action 32790 31240 7 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back14') end</w197>
<w198>Stand 32790 31233 7</w198>
<softcheck2>Action 32790 31233 7 if RefilSofts == true and itemcount("Worn Soft Boots") > 0 then gotolabel("softs") else end</softcheck2>
<bps>Action 32790 31233 7 closewindows();wait(500, 1000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(500, 1000);resizewindows() ;wait(500, 1000);openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows();wait(500, 1000);openitem(GoldBP, MainBP, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows();wait(500, 1000);openitem(PotionsBP, MainBP, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows()</bps>
<bpcheck>Action 32790 31233 7 if windowcount() < 4 then gotolabel("bps") end</bpcheck>
<w202>Action 32790 31233 7 if itemcount(MPname) < MPtobuy or itemcount(HPname) < HPtobuy then gotolabel("bankback") else end</w202>
<fromdp>Stand 32774 31232 7</fromdp>
<w204>Stand 32747 31221 7</w204>
<w205>Stand 32744 31195 7</w205>
<w206>Stand 32750 31174 7</w206>
<w207>Action 32750 31174 7 if CanUseMechanism then gotolabel("back15") else gotolabel("around1") end</w207>
<back15>Stand 32750 31170 7</back15>
<w209>Stand 32750 31169 6</w209>
<w210>Action 32750 31169 6 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back15') end</w210>
<back16>Stand 32748 31167 6</back16>
<w212>Stand 32747 31167 5</w212>
<w213>Action 32747 31167 5 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back16') end</w213>
<back17>Stand 32744 31164 5</back17>
<w215>Action 32744 31164 5 wait(500)</w215>
<w216>Use 32743 31164 5</w216>
<w217>Action 32745 31161 5 wait(500)</w217>
<w218>Stand 32744 31160 5</w218>
<w219>Action 32744 31160 5 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back17') end</w219>
<back18>Stand 32743 31160 5</back18>
<w221>Stand 32742 31160 6</w221>
<w222>Action 32742 31160 6 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back18') end</w222>
<back19>Stand 32741 31160 6</back19>
<w224>Stand 32740 31160 7</w224>
<w225>Action 32740 31160 7 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back19') end</w225>
<around1back>Stand 32725 31168 7</around1back>
<w227>Stand 32711 31176 7</w227>
<back20>Stand 32711 31175 7</back20>
<w229>Stand 32711 31174 6</w229>
<w230>Action 32711 31174 6 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back20') end</w230>
<w231>Stand 32707 31164 6</w231>
<w232>Stand 32710 31145 6</w232>
<w233>Stand 32703 31131 6</w233>
<w234>Stand 32689 31123 6</w234>
<back111>Stand 32688 31123 6</back111>
<w236>Stand 32688 31124 6</w236>
<w237>Stand 32688 31125 7</w237>
<w238>Action 32688 31125 7 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back111') end</w238>
<loop>Action 32711 31174 6 gotolabel("CheckBpStart")</loop>
<around1>Stand 32756 31167 7</around1>
<w241>Walk 32778 31155 7</w241>
<w242>Walk 32806 31150 7</w242>
<w243>Walk 32821 31155 7</w243>
<back21>Stand 32833 31155 7</back21>
<w245>Stand 32833 31154 6</w245>
<w246>Action 32833 31154 6 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back21') end</w246>
<back22>Stand 32833 31153 6</back22>
<w248>Stand 32833 31152 5</w248>
<w249>Action 32833 31152 5 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back22') end</w249>
<back23>Stand 32834 31145 5</back23>
<w251>Stand 32834 31144 6</w251>
<w252>Action 32834 31144 6 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back23') end</w252>
<back24>Stand 32834 31143 6</back24>
<w254>Stand 32834 31142 7</w254>
<w255>Action 32834 31142 7 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back24') end</w255>
<w256>Walk 32843 31119 7</w256>
<w257>Walk 32832 31107 7</w257>
<w258>Walk 32814 31104 7</w258>
<travel1>Stand 32804 31103 7</travel1>
<w260>Stand 32804 31102 7</w260>
<w261>Action 32804 31102 7 say("hi");wait(500,1000);npcsay("passage");wait(500,1000);npcsay("cemetery");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes")</w261>
<w262>Stand 32798 31102 7 if not islocation() then gotolabel('travel1') end</w262>
<w263>Action 32798 31102 7 if not islocation() then gotolabel('travel1') end</w263>
<w264>Walk 32791 31106 7</w264>
<w265>Walk 32785 31108 7</w265>
<w266>Walk 32767 31109 7</w266>
<w267>Walk 32756 31113 7</w267>
<travel2>Stand 32743 31112 7</travel2>
<w269>Stand 32743 31114 7</w269>
<w270>Action 32743 31112 7 say("hi");wait(500,1000);npcsay("passage");wait(500,1000);npcsay("alchemist");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes")</w270>
<w271>Stand 32737 31112 7</w271>
<w272>Action 32737 31112 7 if not islocation() then gotolabel('travel2') end</w272>
<w274>Walk 32734 31129 7</w274>
<w275>Walk 32739 31144 7</w275>
<w276>Walk 32737 31156 7</w276>
<loop208>Action 32737 31156 7 gotolabel('around1back')</loop208>
<around2>Stand 32739 31143 7</around2>
<w279>Walk 32735 31123 7</w279>
<travel3>Stand 32738 31114 7</travel3>
<w281>Stand 32738 31113 7</w281>
<w282>Action 32738 31113 7 say("hi");wait(500,1000);npcsay("passage");wait(500,1000);npcsay("cemetery");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes")</w282>
<w283>Stand 32745 31113 7</w283>
<w284>Action 32745 31113 7 if not islocation() then gotolabel('travel3') end</w284>
<w285>Walk 32761 31111 7</w285>
<w286>Walk 32781 31106 7</w286>
<w287>Walk 32793 31104 7</w287>
<travel4>Stand 32799 31104 7</travel4>
<w289>Stand 32799 31103 7</w289>
<w290>Action 32799 31103 7 say("hi");wait(500,1000);npcsay("passage");wait(500,1000);npcsay("magician");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes")</w290>
<w291>Stand 32806 31103 7</w291>
<w292>Action 32806 31103 7 if not islocation() then gotolabel('travel4') end</w292>
<w293>Walk 32832 31105 7</w293>
<w294>Walk 32843 31121 7</w294>
<w295>Walk 32834 31139 7</w295>
<back25>Stand 32834 31143 7</back25>
<w297>Stand 32834 31144 6</w297>
<w298>Action 32834 31144 6 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back25') end</w298>
<back26>Stand 32834 31145 6</back26>
<w300>Stand 32834 31146 5</w300>
<w301>Action 32834 31146 5 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back26') end</w301>
<back27>Stand 32833 31153 5</back27>
<w303>Stand 32833 31154 6</w303>
<w304>Action 32833 31154 6 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back27') end</w304>
<back28>Stand 32833 31155 6</back28>
<w306>Stand 32833 31156 7</w306>
<w307>Action 32833 31156 7 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back28') end</w307>
<w308>Walk 32821 31156 7</w308>
<w309>Walk 32800 31151 7</w309>
<w310>Walk 32768 31161 7</w310>
<w311>Walk 32754 31170 7</w311>
<loop236>Action 32754 31170 7 gotolabel('around2back')</loop236>
<softs>Stand 32800 31234 7</softs>
<w315>Walk 32809 31233 7</w315>
<w316>Walk 32825 31233 7</w316>
<w317>Walk 32830 31242 7</w317>
<w318>Stand 32828 31249 7</w318>
<w320>Stand 32824 31250 7</w320>
<w321>Stand 32824 31249 7</w321>
<bank245>Action 32824 31248 7 -- Bank Depositer;wait(500,900);depositall();;local softs = positive(itemcount("worn soft boots")) * 12000;;local Total = softs;;npcsay("withdraw "..Total);wait(200,300);npcsay("yes");wait(200,300)</bank245>
<w323>Stand 32828 31249 7</w323>
<aftersoftbank>Walk 32801 31250 7</aftersoftbank>
<back29>Stand 32801 31255 7</back29>
<w327>Stand 32801 31257 6</w327>
<w328>Action 32801 31257 6 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back29') end</w328>
<w329>Walk 32811 31262 6</w329>
<w330>Walk 32812 31271 6</w330>
<door1>Stand 32817 31274 6</door1>
<w332>Action 32817 31274 6 if islocation(1) and toptileitem(32817,31275,6) == 4912 then;useitem(4912,32817,31275,6);end</w332>
<w333>Stand 32817 31276 6</w333>
<w334>Action 32817 31276 6 if not islocation() then gotolabel('door1') end</w334>
<back30>Ladder 32815 31277 6</back30>
<w336>Stand 32815 31278 5</w336>
<w337>Action 32815 31278 5 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back30') end</w337>
<yalaship1>Action 32815 31278 5 --showas Ship;reachcreature('Karith');wait(1000);say('hi');wait(2000,3000);npcsay('venore');npcsay('yes')</yalaship1>
<w339>Stand 32954 32023 6</w339>
<w340>Action 32954 32023 6 if not islocation() then gotolabel('yalaship1') end</w340>
<w341>Walk 32954 32041 6</w341>
<w342>Walk 32954 32067 6</w342>
<w343>Walk 32954 32086 6</w343>
<w344>Walk 32949 32101 6</w344>
<w345>Stand 32952 32108 6</w345>
<w346>Stand 32953 32108 6</w346>
<w347>Action 32953 32108 6 --showas Softs;say('hi');wait(2000,3000);npcsay('soft boots');npcsay('yes');wait(500,1000)</w347>
<w348>Walk 32950 32096 6</w348>
<w349>Walk 32954 32075 6</w349>
<w350>Walk 32954 32050 6</w350>
<w351>Walk 32954 32033 6</w351>
<w352>Stand 32955 32023 6</w352>
<venoship>Action 32955 32023 6 --showas Ship;reachcreature('Captain Fearless');wait(1000);say('hi');wait(2000,3000);npcsay('yalahar');npcsay('yes')</venoship>
<w354>Stand 32816 31272 6</w354>
<w355>Action 32816 31272 6 if not islocation() then gotolabel('venoship') end</w355>
<w356>Walk 32811 31267 6</w356>
<w357>Walk 32809 31260 6</w357>
<back31>Stand 32802 31256 6</back31>
<w359>Stand 32802 31254 7</w359>
<w360>Action 32802 31254 7 if not islocation() then gotolabel('back31') end</w360>
<w361>Walk 32801 31243 7</w361>
<w362>Stand 32796 31233 7</w362>
<loop279>Action 32796 31233 7 gotolabel('softcheck2')</loop279>
<w017>Stand 32687 31123 6</w017>
<Coordinates>32685 31128 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32689 31134 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>4, 2</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32689 31122 9</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32685 31132 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2, 3</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32685 31121 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>3, 2</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32686 31122 11</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32695 31129 11</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32691 31140 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 7</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32696 31141 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 6</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32703 31155 9</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>3, 3</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32687 31138 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32683 31160 9</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>3, 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32675 31154 9</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2, 2</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32692 31159 9</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32691 31154 9</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2, 2</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32679 31140 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 9</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32678 31140 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32660 31146 9</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32655 31152 9</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32665 31155 9</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 5</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32661 31155 9</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>3, 3</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32673 31135 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32679 31128 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 2</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32674 31124 11</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32673 31134 11</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>10, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32672 31127 11</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32679 31121 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>4, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32679 31129 7</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>3, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32673 31136 7</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2, 3</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32677 31148 7</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32700 31133 7</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32694 31126 7</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>3, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32671 31132 9</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32679 31121 9</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32683 31124 9</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32710 31176 7</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 8</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32703 31157 6</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>4, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32701 31158 6</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 9</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32710 31156 6</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 3</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32714 31154 6</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 2</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32714 31145 6</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 6</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32701 31146 6</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>3, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32702 31142 6</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 3</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32710 31131 6</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 6</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32709 31131 6</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32699 31131 6</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32697 31121 6</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>3, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32685 31116 6</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>9, 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32684 31121 6</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32695 31119 6</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1, 2</Dimensions>
<WalkingMethod>Map Clicks</WalkingMethod>
<MapWalkDistance>20 to 50</MapWalkDistance>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>Couldn't Loot</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<Condition>All corpses</Condition>
<Style>After melee kill</Style>
<HpRange>0 to 20 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Whirlwind Throw</Spell0>
<Spell1>Brutal Strike</Spell1>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Spell0>Brutal Strike</Spell0>
<Spell1>Whirlwind Throw</Spell1>
<SpellRate>300 to 700</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Spell0>Brutal Strike</Spell0>
<Spell1>Whirlwind Throw</Spell1>
<SpellRate>300 to 700</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Spell0>Brutal Strike</Spell0>
<Spell1>Whirlwind Throw</Spell1>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Spell0>Whirlwind Throw</Spell0>
<Spell1>Brutal Strike</Spell1>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Attack>No Action</Attack>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Attack>No Action</Attack>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Attack>No Action</Attack>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Attack>No Action</Attack>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Whirlwind Throw</Spell0>
<Spell1>Brutal Strike</Spell1>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Whirlwind Throw</Spell0>
<Spell1>Brutal Strike</Spell1>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Whirlwind Throw</Spell0>
<Spell1>Brutal Strike</Spell1>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<PlayerOnScreenSecurity>If cavebotting</PlayerOnScreenSecurity>
<Show>If focused</Show>
<StuckCtrlShift>If cavebot on, release after 1 sec</StuckCtrlShift>
<TypingStyle>Keyboard keys</TypingStyle>
<PressWaitTime>45 to 65</PressWaitTime>
<Scroll>Use mouse wheel</Scroll>
<ClickWaitTime>30 to 50</ClickWaitTime>
<OpenMenuPolicy>Confirm if cavebotting</OpenMenuPolicy>