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- Aug 7, 2013
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Siema. ?apcie tu ?wie?o napisany skrypt, jest to ?atwy do ustawienia skrypt (wymaga jedynie troch? inteligencji) na annihilator quest.
Mo?esz ustawi? takie rzeczy, jak:
Testowany na TFS 0.4 8.6, ale s?dz?, ?e skrypt jest napisany w taki spos?b, ?e i na 7.6 b?dzie dzia?a?. Je?li tak nie b?dzie, to piszcie w tym temacie.
W data/actions/scripts zr?bcie plik annihilator.lua i wklejcie to:
Author: Gandhi [PL]
Date: 24.03.2012 ~10.20-11.15
Contanct: GG - 38138073 (I can do some not easy scripts for cash (Self-promotion, hah) )
Simple script for annihilator quest. You can set:
- more or less than 4 players (numbers of tables with position in config.positions.before_teleport and config.positions.after_teleport (this number must be equal in these two tables) )
- player can do quest without all teammates
- player can do quest only at once
- players must kill all monsters to get prize
- placing of monsters
- prizes
Greetings for people of Go(o)d Will!
local config = {
positions = { -- positions
before_teleport = { -- positions where are players before teleport to quest
{x=1221, y=969, z=11, stackpos=253},
{x=1222, y=969, z=11, stackpos=253},
{x=1223, y=969, z=11, stackpos=253},
{x=1224, y=969, z=11, stackpos=253}
after_teleport = { -- positions of players after teleport
{x=1221, y=969, z=12, stackpos=253},
{x=1222, y=969, z=12, stackpos=253},
{x=1223, y=969, z=12, stackpos=253},
{x=1224, y=969, z=12, stackpos=253}
place_monsters = { -- positions to place monsters
placeMonstersAfterTeleport = true, -- use placing monsters on quest by script?
{name = 'Demon', position = {x=1222, y=967, z=12, stackpos=253}},
{name = 'Demon', position = {x=1224, y=967, z=12, stackpos=253}},
{name = 'Demon', position = {x=1221, y=971, z=12, stackpos=253}},
{name = 'Demon', position = {x=1223, y=971, z=12, stackpos=253}}
requiredLevel = 100, -- required level to join annihilator quest
checkForPlayers = false, -- if false, you can do quest when you don't have whole team
killAllMonstersToExitRoom = true, -- if true, you have to kill all monsters before exit the room
requiredStorage = {
storage = 8600, -- storage where are saving info that player has do this quest (has take a price)
valueDone = 1, -- value after do quest
checkStorage = false -- check storage before join (if true, players can do quest only once)
messagesType = 20, -- type of messages sent to players
items = {
itemActionIdType = 'uid', -- chest with price from annihilator quest have set its id in actionid ('aid') or uniqueid ('uid')?
[2650] = {count = 1, itemid = 2494, name = 'demon armor'},
[2651] = {count = 1, itemid = 2400, name = 'magic sword'},
[2652] = {count = 1, itemid = 2431, name = 'stonecutter axe'},
[2653] = {count = 1, itemid = 2421, name = 'thunder hammer'},
[2654] = {storage = 123233, value = 4, message = 'You have won pass to the forbidden city.'},
[2655] = {storage = {[22234] = 2, [56642] = 6}, message = 'You have earned two new functionality: demon lord exp place and something more...'},
[9000] = {switch = true}, -- is item with this id a switch to teleport?
[9001] = {doors = true} -- is item with this id a doors to exit room?
function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
local idType = (config.items.itemActionIdType == 'uid' and item.uid or item.actionid)
local prize = config.items[idType]
if(prize == nil) then
return 0
if(prize.itemid ~= nil or ~= nil) then
if(prize.itemid ~= nil) then
if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, == config.requiredStorage.valueDone) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.messagesType, 'You already take your price from this quest.')
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF)
return 1
doPlayerAddItem(cid, prize.itemid, prize.count)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.messagesType, 'You have found ' .. (prize.count == 1 and 'a' or prize.count) .. ' ' .. .. '.')
setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, config.requiredStorage.valueDone)
if( ~= nil) then
if(type( == 'table') then
for k, v in pairs( do setPlayerStorageValue(cid, k, v) end
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, prize.message)
elseif( ~= nil) then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, prize.value)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, prize.message)
error('Wrong type of storage, when taking prize with id ' .. idType .. '.')
elseif(prize.doors) then
if(config.killAllMonstersToExitRoom) then
local monsters, monster = {}, 0
for k, v in pairs(config.positions.place_monsters) do
if(type(v) == 'table') then
monster = getThingfromPos(v.position)
if(monster.uid > 0) then
table.insert(monsters, monster.uid)
if(table.getn(monsters) > 0) then
for _, v in pairs(monsters) do
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(v), CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.messagesType, 'You have to kill ' .. table.getn(monsters) .. ' monsters.')
return 1
doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid + 1)
doTeleportThing(cid, getThingPos(item.uid))
if(config.killAllMonstersToExitRoom) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.messagesType, 'Your team killed all monsters. You can pass doors.')
return 1
elseif(not prize.switch) then
return 0
if(table.getn(config.positions.before_teleport) ~= table.getn(config.positions.after_teleport)) then
error('Numbers of positions before teleport and after teleport doesn\'t match.')
return 0
local players, player = {}, 0
for k, v in pairs(config.positions.after_teleport) do
player = getThingfromPos(v)
if(isPlayer(player.uid)) then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'Another team is doing annihilator quest now. Wait a moment.')
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF)
return 1
local sendMessageNotEnoughPlayers = false
for k, v in pairs(config.positions.before_teleport) do
player = getThingfromPos(v)
if(not isPlayer(player.uid)) then
if(config.checkForPlayers) then
if(not sendMessageNotEnoughPlayers) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.messagesType, 'You need ' .. table.getn(config.positions.before_teleport) .. ' players to do annihilator quest.')
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(player.uid), CONST_ME_POFF)
sendMessageNotEnoughPlayers = true
table.insert(players, -1)
elseif(getPlayerLevel(player.uid) < config.requiredLevel) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.messagesType, 'Player ' .. getCreatureName(player.uid) .. ' from your team don\'t have required level (' .. config.requiredLevel .. ')')
doPlayerSendCancel(player.uid, 'You don\'t have enough level to do annihilator quest. Come back if you reach ' .. config.requiredLevel .. ' level.')
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(player.uid), CONST_ME_POFF)
elseif(config.requiredStorage.checkStorage and getPlayerStorageValue(player.uid, == config.requiredStorage.valueDone) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.messagesType, 'Player ' .. getCreatureName(player.uid) .. ' from your team has done this quest.')
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'You have done this quest.')
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(player.uid), CONST_ME_POFF)
table.insert(players, player.uid)
if(table.getn(players) ~= table.getn(config.positions.before_teleport)) then
return 1
local teleportPosition = 0
for i, v in ipairs(players) do
if(v ~= -1) then
teleportPosition = config.positions.after_teleport
doTeleportThing(v, teleportPosition)
doSendMagicEffect(teleportPosition, CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(v, config.messagesType, 'Now you are teleported to annihilator room. Good luck.')
if(config.positions.place_monsters.placeMonstersAfterTeleport) then
local monster = 0
for k, v in pairs(config.positions.place_monsters) do
if(type(v) == 'table') then
monster = getThingfromPos(v.position)
if(monster.uid == 0) then
doSummonCreature(, v.position)
doSendMagicEffect(v.position, CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED)
return 1
A do actions.xml wklejcie to:
Wersja dla nowszych TFS?w
<action uniqueid="9000;9001;2650;2651;2652;2653" event="script" value="annihilator.lua"/>
Wersja dla starszych silnik?w
<action uniqueid="9000" event="script" value="annihilator.lua"/>
<action uniqueid="9001" event="script" value="annihilator.lua"/>
<action uniqueid="2650" event="script" value="annihilator.lua"/>
<action uniqueid="2651" event="script" value="annihilator.lua"/>
<action uniqueid="2652" event="script" value="annihilator.lua"/>
<action uniqueid="2653" event="script" value="annihilator.lua"/>
Jak b?d? b??dy to piszcie, g?owy za to nie daj?.
Mo?esz ustawi? takie rzeczy, jak:
- ilo?? graczy bior?cych udzia? w que?cie (mo?e ich by? mniej lub wi?cej ni? 4)
- warunek sprawdzania graczy (mo?esz ustawi?, ?e aby wykona? quest, nie potrzeba zebra? ca?ego teamu, tylko ile os?b przyjdzie)
- mo?liwo?? wielokrotnego wykonywania questy (nagrod? mo?na wzi?? tylko raz)
- warunek zabicia wszystkich potwor?w do wydostania si? z pokoju
- sprawdzanie levela
- summonowanie potwor?w
- i co? tam jeszcze
Testowany na TFS 0.4 8.6, ale s?dz?, ?e skrypt jest napisany w taki spos?b, ?e i na 7.6 b?dzie dzia?a?. Je?li tak nie b?dzie, to piszcie w tym temacie.
W data/actions/scripts zr?bcie plik annihilator.lua i wklejcie to:
Author: Gandhi [PL]
Date: 24.03.2012 ~10.20-11.15
Contanct: GG - 38138073 (I can do some not easy scripts for cash (Self-promotion, hah) )
Simple script for annihilator quest. You can set:
- more or less than 4 players (numbers of tables with position in config.positions.before_teleport and config.positions.after_teleport (this number must be equal in these two tables) )
- player can do quest without all teammates
- player can do quest only at once
- players must kill all monsters to get prize
- placing of monsters
- prizes
Greetings for people of Go(o)d Will!
local config = {
positions = { -- positions
before_teleport = { -- positions where are players before teleport to quest
{x=1221, y=969, z=11, stackpos=253},
{x=1222, y=969, z=11, stackpos=253},
{x=1223, y=969, z=11, stackpos=253},
{x=1224, y=969, z=11, stackpos=253}
after_teleport = { -- positions of players after teleport
{x=1221, y=969, z=12, stackpos=253},
{x=1222, y=969, z=12, stackpos=253},
{x=1223, y=969, z=12, stackpos=253},
{x=1224, y=969, z=12, stackpos=253}
place_monsters = { -- positions to place monsters
placeMonstersAfterTeleport = true, -- use placing monsters on quest by script?
{name = 'Demon', position = {x=1222, y=967, z=12, stackpos=253}},
{name = 'Demon', position = {x=1224, y=967, z=12, stackpos=253}},
{name = 'Demon', position = {x=1221, y=971, z=12, stackpos=253}},
{name = 'Demon', position = {x=1223, y=971, z=12, stackpos=253}}
requiredLevel = 100, -- required level to join annihilator quest
checkForPlayers = false, -- if false, you can do quest when you don't have whole team
killAllMonstersToExitRoom = true, -- if true, you have to kill all monsters before exit the room
requiredStorage = {
storage = 8600, -- storage where are saving info that player has do this quest (has take a price)
valueDone = 1, -- value after do quest
checkStorage = false -- check storage before join (if true, players can do quest only once)
messagesType = 20, -- type of messages sent to players
items = {
itemActionIdType = 'uid', -- chest with price from annihilator quest have set its id in actionid ('aid') or uniqueid ('uid')?
[2650] = {count = 1, itemid = 2494, name = 'demon armor'},
[2651] = {count = 1, itemid = 2400, name = 'magic sword'},
[2652] = {count = 1, itemid = 2431, name = 'stonecutter axe'},
[2653] = {count = 1, itemid = 2421, name = 'thunder hammer'},
[2654] = {storage = 123233, value = 4, message = 'You have won pass to the forbidden city.'},
[2655] = {storage = {[22234] = 2, [56642] = 6}, message = 'You have earned two new functionality: demon lord exp place and something more...'},
[9000] = {switch = true}, -- is item with this id a switch to teleport?
[9001] = {doors = true} -- is item with this id a doors to exit room?
function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
local idType = (config.items.itemActionIdType == 'uid' and item.uid or item.actionid)
local prize = config.items[idType]
if(prize == nil) then
return 0
if(prize.itemid ~= nil or ~= nil) then
if(prize.itemid ~= nil) then
if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, == config.requiredStorage.valueDone) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.messagesType, 'You already take your price from this quest.')
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF)
return 1
doPlayerAddItem(cid, prize.itemid, prize.count)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.messagesType, 'You have found ' .. (prize.count == 1 and 'a' or prize.count) .. ' ' .. .. '.')
setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, config.requiredStorage.valueDone)
if( ~= nil) then
if(type( == 'table') then
for k, v in pairs( do setPlayerStorageValue(cid, k, v) end
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, prize.message)
elseif( ~= nil) then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, prize.value)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, prize.message)
error('Wrong type of storage, when taking prize with id ' .. idType .. '.')
elseif(prize.doors) then
if(config.killAllMonstersToExitRoom) then
local monsters, monster = {}, 0
for k, v in pairs(config.positions.place_monsters) do
if(type(v) == 'table') then
monster = getThingfromPos(v.position)
if(monster.uid > 0) then
table.insert(monsters, monster.uid)
if(table.getn(monsters) > 0) then
for _, v in pairs(monsters) do
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(v), CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.messagesType, 'You have to kill ' .. table.getn(monsters) .. ' monsters.')
return 1
doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid + 1)
doTeleportThing(cid, getThingPos(item.uid))
if(config.killAllMonstersToExitRoom) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.messagesType, 'Your team killed all monsters. You can pass doors.')
return 1
elseif(not prize.switch) then
return 0
if(table.getn(config.positions.before_teleport) ~= table.getn(config.positions.after_teleport)) then
error('Numbers of positions before teleport and after teleport doesn\'t match.')
return 0
local players, player = {}, 0
for k, v in pairs(config.positions.after_teleport) do
player = getThingfromPos(v)
if(isPlayer(player.uid)) then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'Another team is doing annihilator quest now. Wait a moment.')
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF)
return 1
local sendMessageNotEnoughPlayers = false
for k, v in pairs(config.positions.before_teleport) do
player = getThingfromPos(v)
if(not isPlayer(player.uid)) then
if(config.checkForPlayers) then
if(not sendMessageNotEnoughPlayers) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.messagesType, 'You need ' .. table.getn(config.positions.before_teleport) .. ' players to do annihilator quest.')
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(player.uid), CONST_ME_POFF)
sendMessageNotEnoughPlayers = true
table.insert(players, -1)
elseif(getPlayerLevel(player.uid) < config.requiredLevel) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.messagesType, 'Player ' .. getCreatureName(player.uid) .. ' from your team don\'t have required level (' .. config.requiredLevel .. ')')
doPlayerSendCancel(player.uid, 'You don\'t have enough level to do annihilator quest. Come back if you reach ' .. config.requiredLevel .. ' level.')
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(player.uid), CONST_ME_POFF)
elseif(config.requiredStorage.checkStorage and getPlayerStorageValue(player.uid, == config.requiredStorage.valueDone) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.messagesType, 'Player ' .. getCreatureName(player.uid) .. ' from your team has done this quest.')
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'You have done this quest.')
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(player.uid), CONST_ME_POFF)
table.insert(players, player.uid)
if(table.getn(players) ~= table.getn(config.positions.before_teleport)) then
return 1
local teleportPosition = 0
for i, v in ipairs(players) do
if(v ~= -1) then
teleportPosition = config.positions.after_teleport
doTeleportThing(v, teleportPosition)
doSendMagicEffect(teleportPosition, CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(v, config.messagesType, 'Now you are teleported to annihilator room. Good luck.')
if(config.positions.place_monsters.placeMonstersAfterTeleport) then
local monster = 0
for k, v in pairs(config.positions.place_monsters) do
if(type(v) == 'table') then
monster = getThingfromPos(v.position)
if(monster.uid == 0) then
doSummonCreature(, v.position)
doSendMagicEffect(v.position, CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED)
return 1
A do actions.xml wklejcie to:
Wersja dla nowszych TFS?w
<action uniqueid="9000;9001;2650;2651;2652;2653" event="script" value="annihilator.lua"/>
Wersja dla starszych silnik?w
<action uniqueid="9000" event="script" value="annihilator.lua"/>
<action uniqueid="9001" event="script" value="annihilator.lua"/>
<action uniqueid="2650" event="script" value="annihilator.lua"/>
<action uniqueid="2651" event="script" value="annihilator.lua"/>
<action uniqueid="2652" event="script" value="annihilator.lua"/>
<action uniqueid="2653" event="script" value="annihilator.lua"/>
Jak b?d? b??dy to piszcie, g?owy za to nie daj?.
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