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Paladin [PACC] Hellspawn - 1 ~ Full Afk

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Never Give Up!
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
[RP] Hellspawn - 1 ~ Full Afk

    <Creature />
    <Item />
        <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
        <ManaRange>0 to 50 %</ManaRange>
        <HealMethod>Strong Mana Potion</HealMethod>
        <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
        <SpamRate>1010 to 1100</SpamRate>
        <HealRange>0 to 40 %</HealRange>
        <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
        <HealMethod>Great Spirit Potion</HealMethod>
        <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
        <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
    <Rules />
    <Rules />
        <Script>local cavebot = getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Enabled")
local targeting = getsettings("Settings/Targeting/Enabled")

if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then
    <Condition>Client focus required</Condition>
        <Script>if maround(5, false, "Hellspawn", "Plaguesmith") >= 3 then
	if hppc < 65 and cancast("exura gran san") then
		cast("exura gran san")
	elseif hppc < 75 and hppc >= 65 and cancast("exura san") then
		cast("exura san")
	elseif hppc < 90 and hppc >= 75 and cancast("exura") then
	elseif hppc >= 90 and cancast("exura") and paralyzed then 
	elseif hppc >= 90 and hppc < 94 and cancast("utura gran") and not strengthened then
		cast("utura gran") 
	if hppc < 40 and cancast("exura gran san") then
		cast("exura gran san")
	elseif hppc < 55 and hppc >= 40 and cancast("exura san") then
		cast("exura san")
	elseif hppc < 90 and hppc >= 55 and cancast("exura") then
	elseif hppc >= 90 and cancast("exura") and paralyzed then 
	elseif hppc >= 90 and hppc < 94 and cancast("utura gran") and not strengthened then
		cast("utura gran") 
        <SpamRate>40 to 60</SpamRate>
        <Script>if maround(7, false) > 0 then
setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\SMP\\ManaRange", "0 to 50 %")
setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\SMP\\ManaRange", "0 to 75 %")
        <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
        <Script>local softequip = 85 
local softunequip = 96
local softid = 6529
local softuseid = 3549
local wornsoftid = 6530
local BootsId = itemid(BootsName)

if mppc <= softequip and not pzone and boots ~= softuseid and itemcount(softid) > 0 then
	moveitems(softid, 'all', 'boots', 1)
	wait(500, 600)
elseif ((mppc >= softunequip) or (mppc < softunequip and boots == wornsoftid and itemcount(softid) == 0) or pzone) and boots ~= BootsId then
	moveitems(BootsId, 'all', 'boots', 1)
	wait(500, 600)
        <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
        <Script>if maround(7) == 0 and (itemcount(285) + itemcount(284) + itemcount(283)) >= 1 and cap <= 220 and lootbodies ~= true then
    moveitems(285, 'all', "ground", 100)
    wait(700, 900)
    moveitems(284, 'all', "ground", 100)
    wait(700, 900)
    moveitems(283, 'all', "ground", 100)
    wait(700, 900)
        <SpamRate>100 to 250</SpamRate>
        <Script>local msgs = getmessages("NPCs") 
local qtd = msgs.count-1 
for i=0,qtd do 
   if msgs[qtd].text:find('There is not enough gold on your account.') then 
        <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
        <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
        <Script>if maround(7, "Hellspawn", "Plaguesmith") >= 4 and posz == 8 then
        <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
        <Script>local trash = {"Scale Armor", "Chain Armor", "Brass Armor ", "Plate Armor"}

if maround(4) == 0 then
	if itemcount(8896) > 0 and itemcount(9016) > 0 then
		useitemon(9016, 8896, LootBP)
	for k, v in ipairs(trash) do
		if itemcount(v) > 0 then
			moveitems(v, "all", "ground", 1)
        <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
        <Script>if posz == 7 or paround(7, true) > 0 then
setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\Plaguesmith\\ListSettings\\Setting0\\ListSpell\\Spell0", "Ethereal Spear")
setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\Hellspawn\\ListSettings\\Setting0\\ListSpell\\Spell0", "Ethereal Spear")
setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\All\\ListSettings\\Setting0\\ListSpell\\Spell0", "Ethereal Spear")
setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\Plaguesmith\\ListSettings\\Setting0\\ListSpell\\Spell0", "Divine Missile")
setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\Hellspawn\\ListSettings\\Setting0\\ListSpell\\Spell0", "Divine Missile")
setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\All\\ListSettings\\Setting0\\ListSpell\\Spell0", "Divine Missile")
        <SpamRate>10 to 20</SpamRate>
        <Script>if posz == 7 then
setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\Hellspawn\\OnlyIfTrapped", "yes")
setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\Hellspawn\\OnlyIfTrapped", "no")
        <SpamRate>100 to 200</SpamRate>
        <Script>if posx > 32853 then
setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Pathfinding\\SpecialAreas\\north lure\\ConsideredBy", "Target")
setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Pathfinding\\SpecialAreas\\north lure\\ConsideredBy", "None")
        <SpamRate>100 to 200</SpamRate>
        <Script>if AmmoName == "assassin star" and weaponamount < 50 then
moveitems(AmmoName, "all", "weapon", 100)
elseif AmmoName ~= "assassin star" and ammoamount < 50 then
moveitems(AmmoName, "all", "ammo", 100)
        <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
    <Setup>-- Setup

--------------Backpack Setup----------------
MainBP = "backpack of holding"
AmmoBP = "Pirate backpack"
LootBP = "jewelled backpack"
GoldBP = "brocade backpack"

--------------Depo Setup--------------------
MainDPBP = "brown backpack"
AddonDPBP = "beach backpack"
RandomDPBP = "purple backpack"

--------------Mana Setup--------------------
ManaName = "strong mana potion"
ManaPrice = 80
BuyMana = 500

--------------Ammo Setup--------------------
AmmoName = "assassin star"
AmmoPrice = 100
BuyAmmo = 500

--------------Health Setup------------------
HealthName = "great spirit potion"
HealthPrice = 190
BuyHealth = 100

--------------Soft Boots Setup--------------
RefillSofts = true
BootsName = "boots of haste"

--------------Checker Setup-----------------
ManaCheck = 100
HealthCheck = 10
AmmoCheck = 50
CapCheck = 100
StaminaCheck = 840

--------------Others Setup------------------
HuntNorthSpawn = false</Setup>
      <finding_where_you_are>Action 32797 31249 7 if posy < 31102 and posz == 6 then;    gotolabel('fixing_settings_before_hunt');elseif posy >= 31102 and posz == 6 then;    gotolabel('in_depot');else;    gotolabel('open_bps');end</finding_where_you_are>
      <open_bps>Action 32796 31247 7 setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\FlashClient", "no");setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\PlaySound", "no");;if stamina <= StaminaCheck then;    closetibia();end;;;-------opening backpacks-------;while  windowcount(MainBP) ~= 1 or windowcount(AmmoBP) ~= 1 or windowcount() ~= 2 do;;closewindows();wait(400, 600);;openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(400, 600);resizewindow(MainBP, 0);wait(400, 600);;openitem(AmmoBP, MainBP, true);wait(400, 600);resizewindow(AmmoBP, 0);wait(400, 600);;end</open_bps>
      <refill_check>Action 32796 31247 7 if (itemcount(ManaName) < BuyMana) or (itemcount(HealthName) < BuyHealth) or (itemcount(AmmoName) < BuyAmmo) or (RefillSofts == true and itemcount("worn soft boots") > 0) then;    gotolabel('go_bank');else;    gotolabel('go_hunt');end</refill_check>
      <go_bank>Stand 32824 31248 7</go_bank>
      <deposit_and_withdraw_gold>Action 32824 31248 7 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('go_bank');else;;local ManaCash = positive(BuyMana - itemcount(ManaName)) * ManaPrice;local HealthCash = positive(BuyHealth - itemcount(HealthName)) * HealthPrice;local AmmoCash = positive(BuyAmmo - itemcount(AmmoName)) * AmmoPrice;local SoftCash = 0;;if RefillSofts then;    SoftCash = (itemcount("worn soft boots") * 10000);end;;local TotalCash = ManaCash + HealthCash + AmmoCash + SoftCash + 5000;;say('hi') ;wait(1600, 2000);;npcsay('deposit all');wait(100, 200);npcsay('yes');wait(100, 200);npcsay('withdraw '..TotalCash);wait(100, 200);npcsay('yes');wait(100, 200);npcsay('balance');wait(100, 200);;end</deposit_and_withdraw_gold>
      <withdraw_check>Action 32824 31248 7 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('go_bank');else;;local ManaCash = positive(BuyMana - itemcount(ManaName)) * ManaPrice;local HealthCash = positive(BuyHealth - itemcount(HealthName)) * HealthPrice;local AmmoCash = positive(BuyAmmo - itemcount(AmmoName)) * AmmoPrice;local SoftCash = 0;;if RefillSofts then;    SoftCash = (itemcount("worn soft boots") * 10000);end;;local TotalCash = ManaCash + HealthCash + AmmoCash + SoftCash + 5000;;if gold() < TotalCash then;gotolabel('go_bank');end</withdraw_check>
      <what_to_do>Action 32824 31248 7 if (itemcount(ManaName) < BuyMana) or (itemcount(HealthName) < BuyHealth) or (AmmoName ~= "assassin star" and itemcount(AmmoName) < BuyAmmo) then;     gotolabel('go_mana_shop');elseif (RefillSofts == true and itemcount("worn soft boots") > 0) or (AmmoName == "assassin star" and itemcount(AmmoName) < BuyAmmo) then;     gotolabel('go_repair_soft_boots');else;     gotolabel('go_hunt');end</what_to_do>
      <go_mana_shop>Stand 32790 31233 7</go_mana_shop>
      <w000>Stand 32790 31239 7</w000>
      <w001>Stand 32789 31239 6</w001>
      <buying_potions>Action 32789 31238 5 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('go_mana_shop');else;;while windowcount(MainBP) ~= 1 or windowcount(AmmoBP) ~= 1 or windowcount() ~= 2 do;  closewindows();  wait(400, 600);;  openitem(MainBP, 'back');  wait(400, 600);  resizewindow(MainBP, 0);  wait(400, 600);;  openitem(AmmoBP, MainBP, true);  wait(400, 600);  resizewindow(AmmoBP, 0);  wait(400, 600);end;;if (itemcount(ManaName) < BuyMana) or (itemcount(HealthName) < BuyHealth) then;;say('hi') ;wait(2000, 2200) ;;local flaskcount = (itemcount(285)+itemcount(284)+itemcount(283));;if flaskcount > 0 then;    npcsay('vial');    wait(100, 200);;    while flaskcount > 0 do;        npcsay('yes');        wait(100, 200);        flaskcount = flaskcount - 200;    end;    npcsay('yes');    wait(100, 200);    npcsay('yes');    wait(100, 200);end;;npcsay('trade');wait(900, 1100);;buyitemsupto(HealthName, BuyHealth);wait(400, 600);;local stacks_to_buy = (BuyMana - itemcount(ManaName))/100;for i=1, stacks_to_buy do;    buyitems(ManaName, 100);    wait(200, 400);    moveitems(ManaName, MainBP, AmmoBP, 100);    wait(200, 400);    stacks_to_buy = stacks_to_buy - 100;end;;buyitemsupto(ManaName, BuyMana);wait(200, 400);moveitems(ManaName, MainBP, AmmoBP, 100);wait(100, 200);;while itemcount(ManaName, MainBP) > 0 and ((getcontainer(AmmoBP).maxslots - getcontainer(AmmoBP).usedslots) > 0) do;moveitems(ManaName, MainBP, AmmoBP, 100);wait(200, 400);end;;end;end</buying_potions>
      <need_ammo_check>Action 32789 31238 5 if (AmmoName == "assassin star" or itemcount(AmmoName) >= BuyAmmo) then;gotolabel("leave_mana_shop");end</need_ammo_check>
      <go_for_ammo>Stand 32790 31239 5</go_for_ammo>
      <w007>Stand 32789 31239 4</w007>
      <buying_ammo>Action 32789 31238 3 if not islocation(5) then;gotolabel("go_for_ammo");else;;while windowcount(MainBP) ~= 1 or windowcount(AmmoBP) ~= 1 or windowcount() ~= 2 do;  closewindows();  wait(400, 600);;  openitem(MainBP, 'back');  wait(400, 600);  resizewindow(MainBP, 0);  wait(400, 600);;  openitem(AmmoBP, MainBP, true);  wait(400, 600);  resizewindow(AmmoBP, 0);  wait(400, 600);end;;say('hi') ;wait(2000, 2200) ;;npcsay('trade');wait(900, 1100);;local stacks_to_buy = (BuyAmmo - itemcount(AmmoName))/100;for i=1, stacks_to_buy do;    buyitems(AmmoName, 100);    wait(200, 400);    moveitems(AmmoName, MainBP, AmmoBP, 100);    wait(200, 400);    stacks_to_buy = stacks_to_buy - 100;end;;buyitemsupto(AmmoName, BuyAmmo);wait(200, 400);moveitems(AmmoName, MainBP, AmmoBP, 100);wait(100, 200);;while itemcount(AmmoName, MainBP) > 0 and ((getcontainer(AmmoBP).maxslots - getcontainer(AmmoBP).usedslots) > 0) do;moveitems(AmmoName, MainBP, AmmoBP, 100);wait(200, 400);end;;end</buying_ammo>
      <leave_mana_shop>Stand 32789 31239 3</leave_mana_shop>
      <w006>Stand 32790 31239 4</w006>
      <w008>Stand 32789 31239 5</w008>
      <w009>Stand 32790 31239 6</w009>
      <w004>Stand 32790 31233 7</w004>
      <what_to_do_2>Action 32790 31233 7 if not islocation(5) then;gotolablel("leave_mana_shop");else;  if (itemcount(ManaName) >= BuyMana) and (itemcount(HealthName) >= BuyHealth) and (AmmoName == "assassin star" or itemcount(AmmoName) >= BuyAmmo) then;    gotolabel('what_to_do');  else;    gotolabel('go_bank');  end;end</what_to_do_2>
      <go_repair_soft_boots>Stand 32802 31255 7</go_repair_soft_boots>
      <w002>Stand 32817 31274 6</w002>
      <open_door>Action 32817 31274 6 if toptileitem(32817, 31274, 6) == 4912 then;useitem(4912, 32817, 31274, 6);end</open_door>
      <w005>Ladder 32815 31277 6</w005>
      <where_to_travel>Action 32815 31278 5 if not islocation(3) then;	gotolabel('go_repair_soft_boots');else;	reachcreature("Karith");	wait(500, 800);;	say('hi') ;	wait(1000, 1200);;	if (AmmoName == "assassin star" and itemcount(AmmoName) < BuyAmmo) and (RefillSofts == false or itemcount("worn soft boots") == 0) then;		npcsay('liberty bay');		wait(100, 200);		npcsay('yes');		wait(800, 1000);		gotolabel("at_lb");	else;		npcsay("venore");		wait(100, 200);		npcsay('yes');		wait(800, 1000);	end;end</where_to_travel>
      <at_aldo>Stand 32953 32108 6</at_aldo>
      <repairing_soft_boots>Action 32953 32108 6 if not islocation() then;gotolabel("at_aldo");end;;if itemcount(6530) > 0 and islocation() and gold() > 10500 then;   say("hi");   wait(1500,1900);;   while itemcount(6530) > 0 and islocation() and gold() > 10500 do;      npcsay("repair");      wait(200,400);      npcsay("yes");      wait(200, 400);   end;end</repairing_soft_boots>
      <repair_check>Action 32953 32108 6 if itemcount(6530) > 0 and gold() > 10500 then;gotolabel('at_aldo');end</repair_check>
      <back_at_veno_boat>Stand 32955 32022 6</back_at_veno_boat>
      <where_to_travel_2>Action 32955 32022 6 if not islocation(3) then ;gotolabel("back_at_veno_boat");else;;reachcreature("Captain Fearless");wait(500, 600);;say("hi") ;wait(1000, 1200) ;;if (AmmoName == "assassin star" and itemcount(AmmoName) < BuyAmmo) then;npcsay("liberty bay");wait(100, 200);npcsay("yes");wait(800, 1000);gotolabel("at_lb");else;npcsay("yalahar");wait(100, 200);npcsay("yes");wait(800, 1000);end;end</where_to_travel_2>
      <check_location>Action 32816 31272 6 if not islocation(5) then;gotolabel("where_to_travel_2");else;gotolabel("to_city");end</check_location>
      <at_lb>Stand 32283 32893 6</at_lb>
      <to_goroma>Action 32283 32893 6 if islocation(5) then;reachcreature("Jack Fate");wait(500, 600);;say("hi") ;wait(1000, 1200) ;;npcsay("goroma");wait(100, 200);npcsay("yes");wait(800, 1000);end</to_goroma>
      <at_goroma>Stand 32159 32555 6</at_goroma>
      <w010>Stand 32097 32576 7</w010>
      <w003>Stand 32092 32576 8</w003>
      <w015>Stand 32091 32576 8</w015>
      <w026>Stand 32087 32577 8</w026>
      <w011>Rope 32086 32577 8</w011>
      <w012>Stand 32083 32578 7</w012>
      <w080>Stand 32075 32573 7</w080>
      <w013>Stand 32075 32573 7</w013>
      <w014>Stand 32075 32545 7</w014>
      <w097>Stand 32075 32541 7</w097>
      <open_door>Action 32075 32541 7 if toptileitem(32074, 32541, 7) == 4078 then;useitem(4078, 32074, 32541, 7);end</open_door>
      <w016>Stand 32075 32538 7</w016>
      <w017>Stand 32076 32535 8</w017>
      <w018>Stand 32076 32534 9</w018>
      <buy_stars>Action 32076 32534 9 if not islocation(5) then;gotolabel("at_lb");else;;while windowcount(MainBP) ~= 1 or windowcount(AmmoBP) ~= 1 or windowcount() ~= 2 do;  closewindows();  wait(400, 600);;  openitem(MainBP, 'back');  wait(400, 600);  resizewindow(MainBP, 0);  wait(400, 600);;  openitem(AmmoBP, MainBP, true);  wait(400, 600);  resizewindow(AmmoBP, 0);  wait(400, 600);end;;say('hi') ;wait(2000, 2200) ;;npcsay('trade');wait(900, 1100);;local stacks_to_buy = (BuyAmmo - itemcount(AmmoName))/100;for i=1, stacks_to_buy do;    buyitems(AmmoName, 100);    wait(200, 400);    moveitems(AmmoName, MainBP, AmmoBP, 100);    wait(200, 400);    stacks_to_buy = stacks_to_buy - 100;end;;buyitemsupto(AmmoName, BuyAmmo);wait(200, 400);moveitems(AmmoName, MainBP, AmmoBP, 100);wait(100, 200);;while itemcount(AmmoName, MainBP) > 0 and ((getcontainer(AmmoBP).maxslots - getcontainer(AmmoBP).usedslots) > 0) do;moveitems(AmmoName, MainBP, AmmoBP, 100);wait(200, 400);end;;end</buy_stars>
      <leave_stars>Ladder 32076 32535 9</leave_stars>
      <w019>Ladder 32075 32538 8</w019>
      <open_door>Action 32075 32539 7 if toptileitem(32074, 32541, 7) == 4078 then;useitem(4078, 32074, 32541, 7);end</open_door>
      <w020>Stand 32086 32577 7</w020>
      <w027>Stand 32091 32576 8</w027>
      <w021>Rope 32097 32576 8</w021>
      <w022>Stand 32099 32577 7</w022>
      <w023>Node 32118 32564 7</w023>
      <w024>Node 32145 32555 7</w024>
      <w025>Stand 32159 32555 7</w025>
      <check_location>Action 32160 32555 6 if not islocation(5) then;gotolabel("leave_stars");elseif AmmoName == "assassin star" and itemcount(AmmoName) < BuyAmmo and gold() >= (((BuyAmmo-itemcount(AmmoName)) * AmmoPrice) + 400) then;gotolabel("at_goroma");end;</check_location>
      <leave_goroma>Stand 32161 32558 6</leave_goroma>
      <travel_to_lb>Action 32161 32558 6 if islocation(5) then;reachcreature("Jack Fate");wait(500, 600);;say("hi") ;wait(1000, 1200) ;;npcsay("passage");wait(100, 200);npcsay("yes");wait(800, 1000);end</travel_to_lb>
      <w028>Stand 32285 32891 6</w028>
      <back_to_yalahar>Action 32285 32891 6 if islocation(5) then;reachcreature("Jack Fate");wait(500, 600);;say("hi") ;wait(1000, 1200) ;;npcsay("yalahar");wait(100, 200);npcsay("yes");wait(800, 1000);end</back_to_yalahar>
      <check_location>Action 32816 31272 6 if not islocation(5) then;gotolabel("leave_goroma");end</check_location>
      <to_city>Stand 32801 31256 6</to_city>
      <check_location>Action 32801 31253 7 if not islocation(5) then;gotolabel("to_city");else;gotolabel("what_to_do");end</check_location>
      <go_hunt>Stand 32802 31232 7</go_hunt>
      <w029>Node 32828 31193 7</w029>
      <w030>Node 32835 31159 7</w030>
      <w031>Stand 32834 31155 7</w031>
      <w032>Stand 32834 31153 6</w032>
      <w033>Stand 32834 31145 5</w033>
      <w034>Stand 32834 31143 6</w034>
      <w035>Node 32851 31111 7</w035>
      <w036>Node 32867 31094 7</w036>
      <w037>Node 32875 31066 7</w037>
      <w038>Stand 32882 31052 7</w038>
      <w081>Stand 32881 31052 6</w081>
      <fixing_settings_before_hunt>Action 32881 31052 6 if not islocation(5) then;gotolabel("go_hunt");else;setlooting('yes');settargeting('yes');;-------opening backpacks-------;while windowcount(MainBP) ~= 1 or windowcount(AmmoBP) ~= 1 or windowcount(LootBP) ~= 1 or windowcount(GoldBP) ~= 1 or windowcount() < 4 do;;closewindows();wait(400, 600);;openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(400, 600);resizewindow(MainBP, 0);wait(400, 600);;openitem(AmmoBP, MainBP, true);wait(400, 600);resizewindow(AmmoBP, 0);wait(400, 600);;openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true);wait(400, 600);resizewindow(LootBP, 0);wait(400, 600);;openitem(GoldBP, MainBP, true);wait(400, 600);resizewindow(GoldBP, 0);wait(400, 600);;end;end</fixing_settings_before_hunt>
      <go_to_spawn>Stand 32880 31051 6</go_to_spawn>
      <w039>Node 32846 31051 7</w039>
      <w040>Stand 32829 31040 7</w040>
      <check_if_at_spawn>Action 32828 31037 8 if not islocation(50) then;gotolabel("go_to_spawn");else;setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\FlashClient", "yes");setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\PlaySound", "yes");end</check_if_at_spawn>
      <start>Stand 32828 31037 8</start>
      <checker1>Action 32828 31037 8 if ((itemcount(ManaName) <= ManaCheck) or (itemcount(HealthName) <= HealthCheck) or (itemcount(AmmoName) <= AmmoCheck) or (cap <= CapCheck) or (RefillSofts == true and softs == 0) or stamina <= StaminaCheck) then;gotolabel('go_refill');end</checker1>
      <w041>Node 32827 31050 8</w041>
      <w042>Node 32832 31070 8</w042>
      <w043>Node 32836 31081 8</w043>
      <w044>Node 32845 31087 8</w044>
      <w045>Node 32854 31090 8</w045>
      <w046>Node 32879 31084 8</w046>
      <w047>Node 32885 31076 8</w047>
      <w049>Stand 32898 31047 9</w049>
      <w048>Stand 32897 31050 8</w048>
      <north_spawn>Action 32897 31048 8 if HuntNorthSpawn == false then;gotolabel("back_to_start");else;gotolabel("go_north");end</north_spawn>
      <back_to_start>Node 32891 31054 8</back_to_start>
      <w050>Node 32884 31078 8</w050>
      <w051>Node 32869 31089 8</w051>
      <w052>Node 32859 31090 8</w052>
      <w053>Node 32847 31088 8</w053>
      <w054>Node 32833 31079 8</w054>
      <w055>Node 32832 31071 8</w055>
      <w056>Node 32827 31048 8</w056>
      <w057>Stand 32828 31036 8</w057>
      <no_north_loop>Action 32828 31036 8 gotolabel("start")</no_north_loop>
      <go_north>Stand 32896 31043 8</go_north>
      <w058>Node 32885 31028 8</w058>
      <w059>Node 32878 31025 8</w059>
      <w060>Node 32872 31024 8</w060>
      <w061>Node 32860 31026 8</w061>
      <w062>Node 32849 31028 8</w062>
      <w063>Node 32827 31028 8</w063>
      <w064>Stand 32828 31037 8</w064>
      <north_done>Action 32828 31037 8 gotolabel("start")</north_done>
      <go_refill>Action 32829 31037 8 setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\FlashClient", "no");setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\PlaySound", "no");setlooting('no');settargeting('yes')</go_refill>
      <w065>Stand 32829 31040 8</w065>
      <w066>Node 32842 31050 7</w066>
      <w067>Node 32867 31051 7</w067>
      <w068>Stand 32879 31051 7</w068>
      <w069>Stand 32882 31051 6</w069>
      <w070>Node 32850 31114 7</w070>
      <w071>Node 32834 31135 7</w071>
      <w072>Stand 32834 31143 7</w072>
      <w073>Stand 32834 31145 6</w073>
      <w074>Stand 32834 31153 5</w074>
      <w075>Stand 32834 31155 6</w075>
      <w076>Node 32841 31181 7</w076>
      <w077>Node 32826 31195 7</w077>
      <w078>Node 32816 31226 7</w078>
      <w079>Stand 32786 31248 7</w079>
      <depositing_items>Action 32786 31247 6 if not islocation(10) then;gotolabel("go_refill");else;;-------opening backpacks-------;setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "no");;while windowcount(LootBP) ~= 1 or windowcount() ~= 1 do;closewindows();wait(500, 800);;openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(500, 800);resizewindow(MainBP, 0);wait(500, 800);;openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true);wait(700, 900);;closewindow(MainBP);wait(500, 800);end;;--depositing items;reachgrounditem("depot");wait(1000, 1500);openitem("depot");wait(900, 1400);openitem(3502, "locker");wait(900, 1400);;openitem(MainDPBP, 'Depot Chest');wait(900, 1400);;local Addons = {"soul orb", "silver brooch", "great health potion", "ultimate health potion", "small amethyst", "small topaz", "hellspawn tail", "piece of hell steel", "emerald bangle", "berserk potion", "demonic essence", "piece of draconian steel", "piece of royal steel"};;local Randoms = {"black skull", 8896, "war hammer", 9035, 9034, 3040, 9039, "knight legs", "warrior helmet", "spiked squelcher", "war horn", "onyx flail", "steel boots", "hammer of wrath", "Knight Armor", "Paladin Armor", "Crown Armor", "Golden Armor", 3554};;--addons;depotdeposit(AddonDPBP, unpack(Addons));wait(400, 600);;--randoms;depotdeposit(RandomDPBP, unpack(Randoms));wait(400, 600);;while itemcount(LootBP) > 0 do;       wait(900, 1400);	openitem(LootBP, LootBP);	wait(900, 1400);;	--addons;	depotdeposit(AddonDPBP, unpack(Addons));	wait(900, 1400);;	--randoms;	depotdeposit(RandomDPBP, unpack(Randoms));	wait(900, 1400);end;;wait(900, 1400);;setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "yes");setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\keep haste\\Enabled", "no");end</depositing_items>
      <leave_dp>Stand 32786 31248 6</leave_dp>
      <script_loop>Action 32786 31250 7 if not islocation then;gotolabel("leave_dp");else;gotolabel("open_bps");end</script_loop>
          <Coordinates>32829 31040 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32824 31031 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>6 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32826 31046 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>3 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32824 31060 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32836 31074 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32836 31074 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32832 31076 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>3 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32841 31085 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 3</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32856 31087 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 6</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32852 31086 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>3 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32858 31096 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32867 31086 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32872 31085 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 7</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32876 31091 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32881 31090 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32881 31080 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>5 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32896 31078 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32899 31087 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32903 31086 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32890 31070 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 3</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32886 31055 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32887 31053 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32896 31055 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32893 31045 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>14 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32904 31049 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32906 31044 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32903 31044 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32899 31041 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32889 31038 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32876 31029 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>4 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32869 31023 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 3</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32855 31035 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>5 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32862 31031 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32845 31027 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 3</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32850 31030 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32846 31030 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32831 31076 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32842 31089 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>2 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32870 31086 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>2 1</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32853 31026 8</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 4</Dimensions>
      <WalkingMethod>Map Clicks</WalkingMethod>
      <MapWalkDistance>20 to 50</MapWalkDistance>
        <AlarmOn>Couldn't loot</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>Couldn't loot</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>Couldn't loot</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>Couldn't loot</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>Couldn't loot</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>Couldn't loot</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>Couldn't loot</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>Couldn't loot</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>Couldn't loot</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>Couldn't loot</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>Couldn't loot</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>Couldn't loot</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
    <Condition>All corpses</Condition>
    <Style>After all dead</Style>
            <HpRange>10 to 100 %</HpRange>
            <Stance>Keep Away</Stance>
              <Spell0>Divine Missile</Spell0>
            <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
            <HpRange>0 to 10 %</HpRange>
              <Spell0>Ethereal Spear</Spell0>
            <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
            <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
            <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
            <Stance>Keep Away</Stance>
              <Spell0>Divine Missile</Spell0>
            <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
            <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
              <Spell0>Divine Missile</Spell0>
            <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
      <PlayerOnScreenSecurity>If cavebotting</PlayerOnScreenSecurity>
    <List />
    <Show>If focused</Show>
      <StuckCtrlShift>If cavebot on, release after 1 sec</StuckCtrlShift>
      <TypingStyle>Keyboard keys</TypingStyle>
      <PressWaitTime>45 to 65</PressWaitTime>
      <Scroll>Use mouse wheel</Scroll>
      <ClickWaitTime>30 to 50</ClickWaitTime>
    <OpenMenuPolicy>Confirm if cavebotting</OpenMenuPolicy>
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