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Item ID List

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Never Give Up!
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
Je?eli brakuje jakiego? ID, a posiadasz dost?p itemu, u?yj tego HUD'a do uzyskania ID.


[761] flash arrow
[762] shiver arrow
[763] flaming arrow
[774] earth arrow
[3446] bolt
[3447] arrow
[3448] poison arrow
[3449] burst arrow
[3450] power bolt
[6528] infernal bolt
[7363] piercing bolt
[7364] sniper arrow
[7365] onyx arrow
[14251] tarsal arrow
[14252] vortex bolt
[15792] crystal bolt
[15793] crystalline arrow
[16141] prismatic bolt
[16142] drill bolt
[16143] envenomed arrow


[814] terra amulet
[815] glacier amulet
[816] lightning pendant
[817] magma amulet
[3008] crystal necklace
[3009] bronze necklace
[3012] wolf tooth chain
[3013] golden amulet
[3014] star amulet
[3015] silver necklace
[3016] ruby necklace
[3018] scarab amulet
[3019] demonbone amulet
[3021] sapphire amulet
[3025] ancient amulet
[3045] strange talisman
[3054] silver amulet
[3055] platinum amulet
[3056] bronze amulet
[3057] amulet of loss
[3080] broken amulet
[3081] stone skin amulet
[3082] elven amulet
[3083] garlic necklace
[3084] protection amulet
[3085] dragon necklace
[3102] paw amulet
[3572] scarf
[5940] wolf tooth chain
[7532] Koshei's ancient amulet
[7754] Jerom's family necklace
[9301] bonfire amulet
[9302] sacred tree amulet
[9303] leviathan's amulet
[9304] shockwave amulet
[10412] wailing widow's necklace
[10457] beetle necklace
[11468] ornamented brooch
[12542] golden scorpion pendant
[12543] golden hyena pendant
[13990] necklace of the deep
[16108] gill necklace
[16113] prismatic necklace


[811] terra mantle
[824] glacier robe
[825] lightning robe
[826] magma coat
[3357] plate armor
[3358] chain armor
[3359] brass armor
[3360] golden armor
[3361] leather armor
[3366] magic plate armor
[3370] knight armor
[3377] scale armor
[3378] studded armor
[3379] doublet
[3380] noble armor
[3381] crown armor
[3383] dark armor
[3386] dragon scale mail
[3388] demon armor
[3394] amazon armor
[3397] dwarven armor
[3399] elven mail
[3402] native armor
[3404] leopard armor
[3561] jacket
[3562] coat
[3563] green tunic
[3564] red tunic
[3565] cape
[3566] red robe
[3567] blue robe
[3568] simple dress
[3569] white dress
[3570] ball gown
[3571] ranger's cloak
[4836] spectral dress
[6095] pirate shirt
[7463] mammoth fur cape
[7991] magician's robe
[7993] witchhunter's coat
[8037] dark lord's cape
[8038] robe of the ice queen
[8039] dragon robe
[8040] velvet mantle
[8041] greenwood coat
[8042] spirit cloak
[8043] focus cape
[8044] belted cape
[8045] hibiscus dress
[8046] summer dress
[8047] tunic
[8048] girl's dress
[8049] lavos armor
[8050] crystalline armor
[8051] voltage armor
[8052] swamplair armor
[8053] fireborn giant armor
[8054] earthborn titan armor
[8055] windborn colossus armor
[8056] oceanborn leviathan armor
[8057] divine plate
[8058] molten plate
[8059] frozen plate
[8060] master archer's armor
[8061] skullcracker armor
[8062] robe of the underworld
[8063] paladin armor
[8064] ethno coat
[8862] yalahari armor
[9015] flower dress
[9379] heavy metal t-shirt
[9400] the rain coat
[9446] the rain coat
[10384] zaoan armor
[10438] spellweaver's robe
[10439] zaoan robe
[11651] elite draken mail
[11686] royal draken mail
[11687] royal scale robe
[11701] old cape
[13993] ornate chestplate
[13994] depth lorica
[14086] calopteryx cape
[16105] gill coat
[16110] prismatic armor
[16229] tail of Abyssador
[16230] torso of Abyssador
[16231] head of Abyssador
[16232] statue of Abyssador
[16233] the legs of Deathstrike
[16234] the torso of Deathstrike
[16235] head of Deathstrike
[16236] statue of Deathstrike
[16237] legs of Gnomevil
[16238] torso of Gnomevil
[16239] head of Gnomevil
[16240] statue of Gnomevil


[665] fiery barbarian axe
[666] fiery knight axe
[667] fiery heroic axe
[668] fiery headchopper
[669] fiery war axe
[684] icy barbarian axe
[685] icy knight axe
[686] icy heroic axe
[687] icy headchopper
[688] icy war axe
[784] earth barbarian axe
[785] earth knight axe
[786] earth heroic axe
[787] earth headchopper
[788] earth war axe
[801] energy barbarian axe
[802] energy knight axe
[803] energy heroic axe
[804] energy headchopper
[805] energy war axe
[919] hallowed axe
[3266] battle axe
[3268] hand axe
[3269] halberd
[3274] axe
[3275] double axe
[3276] hatchet
[3293] sickle
[3302] dragon lance
[3303] great axe
[3306] golden sickle
[3313] obsidian lance
[3314] naginata
[3315] guardian halberd
[3316] orcish axe
[3317] barbarian axe
[3318] knight axe
[3319] stonecutter axe
[3320] fire axe
[3323] dwarven axe
[3328] daramanian waraxe
[3329] daramanian axe
[3331] ravager's axe
[3335] twin axe
[3342] war axe
[3344] beastslayer axe
[3346] ripper lance
[6553] ruthless axe
[7380] headchopper
[7388] vile axe
[7389] heroic axe
[7411] ornamented axe
[7412] butcher's axe
[7413] titan axe
[7419] dreaded cleaver
[7420] reaper's axe
[7433] ravenwing
[7434] royal axe
[7435] impaler
[7436] angelic axe
[7453] executioner
[7454] glorious axe
[7455] mythril axe
[7456] noble axe
[7773] steel axe
[8096] hellforged axe
[8097] solar axe
[8098] demonwing axe
[9384] scythe of the reaper
[9386] farmer's avenger
[10388] drakinata
[10406] zaoan halberd
[12683] heavy trident
[13991] deepling axe
[14040] warrior's axe
[14043] guardian axe
[14089] hive scythe
[16161] crystalline axe


[670] fiery clerical mace
[671] fiery crystal mace
[672] fiery cranial basher
[673] fiery orcish maul
[674] fiery war hammer
[689] icy clerical mace
[690] icy crystal mace
[691] icy cranial basher
[692] icy orcish maul
[693] icy war hammer
[789] earth clerical mace
[790] earth crystal mace
[791] earth cranial basher
[792] earth orcish maul
[793] earth war hammer
[806] energy clerical mace
[807] energy crystal mace
[808] energy cranial basher
[809] energy orcish maul
[810] energy war hammer
[3208] giant smithhammer
[3270] club
[3279] war hammer
[3282] morning star
[3286] mace
[3289] staff
[3304] crowbar
[3305] battle hammer
[3309] thunder hammer
[3310] iron hammer
[3311] clerical mace
[3312] silver mace
[3321] enchanted staff
[3322] dragon hammer
[3324] skull staff
[3325] light mace
[3327] daramanian mace
[3332] hammer of wrath
[3333] crystal mace
[3336] studded club
[3337] bone club
[3340] heavy mace
[3341] arcane staff
[3343] lich staff
[3348] banana staff
[3453] scythe
[7379] brutetamer's staff
[7381] mammoth whopper
[7387] diamond sceptre
[7392] orcish maul
[7409] northern star
[7410] queen's sceptre
[7414] abyss hammer
[7415] cranial basher
[7421] onyx flail
[7422] jade hammer
[7423] skullcrusher
[7424] lunar staff
[7425] taurus mace
[7426] amber staff
[7427] chaos mace
[7428] bonebreaker
[7429] blessed sceptre
[7430] dragonbone staff
[7431] demonbone
[7432] furry club
[7437] sapphire hammer
[7450] hammer of prophecy
[7451] shadow sceptre
[7452] spiked squelcher
[8099] dark trinity mace
[8100] obsidian truncheon
[8101] the stomper
[9373] glutton's mace
[9376] stale bread of ancientness
[9385] club of the fury
[10391] drachaku
[11692] snake god's sceptre
[13987] deepling staff
[14001] ornate mace
[14250] deepling squelcher
[16162] mycological mace


[660] fiery spike sword
[661] fiery relic sword
[662] fiery mystic blade
[663] fiery blacksteel sword
[664] fiery dragon slayer
[679] icy spike sword
[680] icy relic sword
[681] icy mystic blade
[682] icy blacksteel sword
[683] icy dragon slayer
[779] earth spike sword
[780] earth relic sword
[781] earth mystic blade
[782] earth blacksteel sword
[783] earth dragon slayer
[794] energy spike sword
[795] energy relic sword
[796] energy mystic blade
[797] energy blacksteel sword
[798] energy dragon slayer
[860] crimson sword
[3264] sword
[3265] two handed sword
[3267] dagger
[3271] spike sword
[3272] rapier
[3273] sabre
[3278] magic longsword
[3280] fire sword
[3281] giant sword
[3283] carlin sword
[3284] ice rapier
[3285] longsword
[3288] magic sword
[3290] silver dagger
[3291] knife
[3292] combat knife
[3294] short sword
[3295] bright sword
[3296] warlord sword
[3297] serpent sword
[3299] poison dagger
[3300] katana
[3301] broadsword
[3307] scimitar
[3308] machete
[3326] epee
[3330] heavy machete
[3334] pharaoh sword
[3338] bone sword
[3339] djinn blade
[3345] templar scytheblade
[6527] the avenger
[7382] demonrage sword
[7383] relic sword
[7384] mystic blade
[7385] crimson sword
[7386] mercenary sword
[7390] the justice seeker
[7391] thaian sword
[7402] dragon slayer
[7403] berserker
[7404] assassin dagger
[7405] havoc blade
[7406] blacksteel sword
[7407] haunted blade
[7408] wyvern fang
[7416] bloody edge
[7417] runed sword
[7418] nightmare blade
[7449] crystal sword
[7774] jagged sword
[8102] emerald sword
[8103] the epiphany
[8104] the calamity
[9375] pointed rabbitslayer
[9387] poet's fencing quill
[9396] incredible mumpiz slayer
[10389] sais
[10390] zaoan sword
[10392] twin hooks
[11657] twiceslicer
[11693] blade of corruption
[12673] wooden sword
[16160] crystalline sword
[16175] shiny blade


[813] terra boots
[818] magma boots
[819] glacier shoes
[820] lightning boots
[3079] boots of haste
[3246] boots of waterwalking
[3549] pair of soft boots
[3550] patched boots
[3551] sandals
[3552] leather boots
[3553] bunnyslippers
[3554] steel boots
[3555] golden boots
[3556] crocodile boots
[4033] draken boots
[5461] pirate boots
[6529] pair of soft boots
[6530] worn soft boots
[7457] fur boots
[9017] coconut shoes
[9018] firewalker boots
[9019] firewalker boots
[9020] worn firewalker boots
[10200] crystal boots
[10201] dragon scale boots
[10323] guardian boots
[10386] zaoan shoes
[13997] depth calcei
[16112] prismatic boots


[2469] box
[2471] crate
[2472] chest
[2473] box
[2478] treasure chest
[2480] chest
[2481] chest
[2482] chest
[2853] bag
[2854] backpack
[2855] basket
[2856] present
[2857] green bag
[2858] yellow bag
[2859] red bag
[2860] purple bag
[2861] blue bag
[2862] grey bag
[2863] golden bag
[2864] camouflage bag
[2865] green backpack
[2866] yellow backpack
[2867] red backpack
[2868] purple backpack
[2869] blue backpack
[2870] grey backpack
[2871] golden backpack
[2872] camouflage backpack
[2873] bucket
[2874] vial
[2875] bottle
[2876] vase
[2877] green flask
[2879] elven vase
[2880] mug
[2881] cup
[2882] jug
[2883] cup
[2884] cup
[2885] brown flask
[2893] amphora
[2901] waterskin
[2902] bowl
[2903] golden mug
[3244] old and used backpack
[3253] backpack of holding
[3465] pot
[3477] ewer
[3478] ewer
[3479] ewer
[3480] ewer
[3503] parcel
[3504] stamped parcel
[5552] rum flask
[5801] jewelled backpack
[5926] pirate backpack
[5927] pirate bag
[5949] beach backpack
[5950] beach bag
[6505] christmas present
[6509] christmas present
[6510] christmas present
[7342] fur backpack
[7343] fur bag
[8860] brocade backpack
[8861] brocade bag
[9232] cocktail glass
[9601] demon backpack
[9602] orange backpack
[9603] orange bag
[9604] moon backpack
[9605] crown backpack
[10202] heart backpack
[10324] expedition backpack
[10325] expedition bag
[10326] dragon backpack
[10327] minotaur backpack
[10346] santa backpack
[12478] delicate vase
[14248] deepling backpack
[14249] buggy backpack
[14674] anniversary backpack
[16099] mushroom backpack
[16100] crystal backpack


[306] empty flower pot
[649] flower bouquet
[651] spellwand
[831] green bed kit
[832] yellow bed kit
[833] red bed kit
[834] blue bed kit
[872] trophy stand
[893] waterball
[895] jester staff
[896] Firlefanz
[900] yellow pillow
[902] marlin trophy
[903] badger fur
[2386] small purple pillow
[2387] small green pillow
[2388] small red pillow
[2389] small blue pillow
[2390] small orange pillow
[2391] small turquoise pillow
[2392] small white pillow
[2393] heart pillow
[2394] blue pillow
[2395] red pillow
[2396] green pillow
[2397] yellow pillow
[2398] round blue pillow
[2399] round red pillow
[2400] round purple pillow
[2401] round turquoise pillow
[2632] wall mirror
[2635] wall mirror
[2638] wall mirror
[2639] picture
[2640] picture
[2641] picture
[2644] purple tapestry
[2647] green tapestry
[2650] yellow tapestry
[2653] orange tapestry
[2656] red tapestry
[2659] blue tapestry
[2664] cuckoo clock
[2667] white tapestry
[2668] cuckoo clock
[2775] red cushioned chair kit
[2776] green cushioned chair kit
[2777] wooden chair kit
[2778] rocking chair kit
[2779] sofa chair kit
[2780] tusk chair kit
[2781] ivory chair kit
[2782] small table kit
[2783] round table kit
[2784] square table kit
[2785] big table kit
[2786] stone table kit
[2787] tusk table kit
[2788] bamboo table kit
[2789] drawer kit
[2790] dresser kit
[2791] locker kit
[2792] trough kit
[2793] barrel kit
[2794] trunk kit
[2795] bamboo drawer kit
[2796] birdcage kit
[2797] globe kit
[2798] table lamp kit
[2799] telescope kit
[2800] rocking horse kit
[2801] pendulum clock kit
[2802] knight statue kit
[2803] minotaur statue kit
[2804] goblin statue kit
[2805] large amphora kit
[2806] coal basin kit
[2807] piano kit
[2808] harp kit
[2809] trunk chair kit
[2810] trunk table kit
[2811] indoor plant kit
[2905] plate
[2948] wooden flute
[2949] lyre
[2950] lute
[2951] bongo drum
[2952] drum
[2953] panpipes
[2954] simple fanfare
[2955] fanfare
[2956] royal fanfare
[2957] post horn
[2958] war horn
[2965] didgeridoo
[2966] war drum
[2974] water pipe
[2977] pumpkinhead
[2978] pumpkinhead
[2980] water pipe
[2981] god flowers
[2983] flower bowl
[2984] honey flower
[2985] potted flower
[2988] exotic flowers
[2989] wooden doll
[2991] doll
[2993] teddy bear
[2994] model ship
[2995] piggy bank
[3001] bear doll
[3002] voodoo doll
[3046] magic light wand
[3068] crystal wand
[3076] crystal ball
[3077] ankh
[3078] mysterious fetish
[3209] voodoo doll
[3213] annihilation bear
[3215] phoenix egg
[3242] stuffed bunny
[3607] cheese
[3655] moon flower
[3658] red rose
[3659] blue rose
[3660] yellow rose
[3661] grave flower
[3668] tulip
[3673] orange star
[3674] goat grass
[3734] blood herb
[3735] stone herb
[3736] star herb
[3737] fern
[3738] sling herb
[3739] powder herb
[3740] shadow herb
[3741] troll green
[5080] panda teddy
[5086] monkey statue 'see' kit
[5087] monkey statue 'hear' kit
[5088] monkey statue 'speak' kit
[5479] cat's paw
[5615] pirate tapestry
[5668] mysterious voodoo skull
[5791] stuffed dragon
[5810] pirate voodoo doll
[5813] skull candle
[5928] empty goldfish bowl
[5929] goldfish bowl
[5953] raven herb
[6114] armor rack kit
[6115] weapon rack kit
[6371] oven kit
[6372] bookcase kit
[6387] christmas card
[6489] christmas branch
[6491] bat decoration
[6498] certificate
[6511] santa doll
[6525] skeleton decoration
[6566] stuffed dragon
[6567] santa doll
[6568] panda teddy
[6572] party trumpet
[6573] party trumpet
[6575] red balloons
[6576] fireworks rocket
[6577] green balloons
[7183] baby seal doll
[7184] baby seal doll
[7393] demon trophy
[7394] wolf trophy
[7395] orc trophy
[7396] behemoth trophy
[7397] deer trophy
[7398] cyclops trophy
[7399] dragon lord trophy
[7400] lion trophy
[7401] minotaur trophy
[7447] small ice statue
[7448] small ice statue
[7864] chimney kit
[8032] spiderwebs
[8146] oracle figurine
[8147] oracle figurine
[8178] toy spider
[8179] toy spider
[8191] vampire doll
[8531] blood goblet
[8532] blood skull
[8778] jester doll
[8923] velvet tapestry
[9027] crystal of focus
[9028] crystal of balance
[9045] royal tapestry
[9046] silky tapestry
[9056] black skull
[9059] small lamp
[9060] lit small lamp
[9061] crystal table kit
[9063] crystal pedestal
[9064] crystal pedestal
[9065] crystal pedestal
[9066] crystal pedestal
[9067] crystal of power
[9068] yalahari figurine
[9241] bloodkiss flower
[9389] fan doll of King Tibianus
[9613] sea serpent trophy
[10209] lizard weapon rack kit
[10216] dragon statue kit
[10244] bonebeast trophy
[10288] dragon throne kit
[10290] mini mummy
[10294] stuffed toad
[10338] santa teddy
[10339] snowman doll
[10347] dragon tapestry
[10398] draken trophy
[10419] lizard trophy
[10421] disgusting trophy
[11679] souleater trophy
[11694] snake god trophy
[11695] black jade cobra
[12482] hieroglyph banner
[12483] pharaoh banner
[12570] fan doll of Queen Eloise
[12571] fan doll of Queen Eloise
[12575] Whinona
[12576] Meandi
[12577] Impward
[12578] Evilina
[12579] Whinona
[12580] Meandi
[12581] Impward
[12582] Evilina
[12617] torn teddy
[12735] shimmer glower
[12807] shimmer ball
[14025] party lampions
[14026] party lampions
[14029] flower pot
[14033] flower pot
[14034] flower pot
[14035] flower pot
[14036] flower pot
[14037] flower pot
[14038] flower pot
[14153] basket
[14222] trophy of Obujos
[14223] trophy of Tanjis
[14224] trophy of Jaul
[14241] true heart of the sea
[14242] true heart of the sea
[14683] artist's brush
[14684] artist's palette
[14685] artist's canvas
[14686] artist's brush
[14741] easel kit
[14756] cake cabinet kit
[16094] crystal lamp
[16095] lit crystal lamp
[16097] glowing mushroom
[16098] lit glowing mushroom
[16165] pet pig
[16166] pet pig
[17820] soft cheese
[17821] rat cheese

Distance Weapons

[836] walnut
[841] peanut
[901] marlin
[3250] the carrot of doom
[3577] meat
[3578] fish
[3579] salmon
[3580] northern pike
[3581] shrimp
[3582] ham
[3583] dragon ham
[3584] pear
[3585] red apple
[3586] orange
[3587] banana
[3588] blueberry
[3589] coconut
[3590] cherry
[3591] strawberry
[3592] grapes
[3593] melon
[3594] pumpkin
[3595] carrot
[3596] tomato
[3597] corncob
[3598] cookie
[3599] candy cane
[3600] bread
[3601] roll
[3602] brown bread
[3603] flour
[3604] lump of dough
[3605] bunch of wheat
[3606] egg
[3607] cheese
[3723] white mushroom
[3724] red mushroom
[3725] brown mushroom
[3726] orange mushroom
[3727] wood mushroom
[3728] dark mushroom
[3729] some mushrooms
[3730] some mushrooms
[3731] fire mushroom
[3732] green mushroom
[5096] mango
[5466] bunch of sugar cane
[5678] tortoise egg
[6125] tortoise egg from Nargor
[6276] lump of cake dough
[6277] cake
[6278] cake
[6279] party cake
[6392] valentine's cake
[6393] cream cake
[6500] gingerbreadman
[6541] coloured egg
[6542] coloured egg
[6543] coloured egg
[6544] coloured egg
[6545] coloured egg
[6569] candy
[6574] bar of chocolate
[7158] rainbow trout
[7159] green perch
[7372] ice cream cone
[7373] ice cream cone
[7374] ice cream cone
[7375] ice cream cone
[7376] ice cream cone
[7377] ice cream cone
[8010] potato
[8011] plum
[8012] raspberry
[8013] lemon
[8014] cucumber
[8015] onion
[8016] jalapeno pepper
[8017] beetroot
[8018] lump of chocolate dough
[8019] chocolate cake
[8020] baking tray
[8177] yummy gummy worm
[8197] bulb of garlic
[9079] rotworm stew
[9080] hydra tongue salad
[9081] roasted dragon wings
[9082] tropical fried terrorbird
[9083] banana chocolate shake
[9084] veggie casserole
[9085] filled jalapeno peppers
[9086] blessed steak
[9087] carrot cake
[9088] northern fishburger
[10219] crocodile steak
[10328] bunch of ripe rice
[10329] rice ball
[10453] terramite eggs
[11459] pineapple
[11460] aubergine
[11461] broccoli
[11462] cauliflower
[11584] coconut shrimp bake
[11586] pot of blackjack
[11587] demonic candy ball
[11588] sweet mangonaise elixir
[11681] ectoplasmic sushi
[11682] dragonfruit
[11683] peas
[11685] cheese cookie
[12310] haunch of boar
[13992] sandfish
[14084] larvae
[14085] deepling filet
[14681] anniversary cake
[16103] mushroom pie

Helmets and Hats

[139] mining helmet
[827] magma monocle
[828] lightning headband
[829] glacier mask
[830] terra hood
[875] mining helmet
[894] jester hat
[3011] crown
[3022] ancient tiara
[3210] hat of the mad
[3226] damaged helmet
[3229] helmet of the ancients
[3230] helmet of the ancients
[3351] steel helmet
[3352] chain helmet
[3353] iron helmet
[3354] brass helmet
[3355] leather helmet
[3356] devil helmet
[3365] golden helmet
[3367] viking helmet
[3368] winged helmet
[3369] warrior helmet
[3373] strange helmet
[3374] legion helmet
[3375] soldier helmet
[3376] studded helmet
[3384] dark helmet
[3385] crown helmet
[3387] demon helmet
[3390] horned helmet
[3391] crusader helmet
[3392] royal helmet
[3393] amazon helmet
[3395] ceremonial mask
[3396] dwarven helmet
[3400] dragon scale helmet
[3403] tribal mask
[3405] horseman helmet
[3406] feather headdress
[3407] charmer's tiara
[3408] bonelord helmet
[3573] magician hat
[3574] mystic turban
[3575] wood cape
[3576] post officer's hat
[5460] helmet of the deep
[5741] skull helmet
[5917] bandana
[6096] pirate hat
[6531] santa hat
[6578] party hat
[7458] fur cap
[7459] pair of earmuffs
[7461] krimhorn helmet
[7462] ragnir helmet
[7992] mage hat
[8864] yalahari mask
[9013] flower wreath
[9103] batwing hat
[9374] odd hat
[9381] helmet of ultimate terror
[9382] helmet of nature
[9399] mighty helm of green sparks
[9653] witch hat
[10385] zaoan helmet
[10451] jade hat
[11585] helmet of the deep
[11674] cobra crown
[11689] elite draken helmet
[11700] sedge hat
[12599] mage's cap
[13995] depth galea
[14258] depth galea
[16104] gill gugel
[16109] prismatic helmet


[645] blue legs
[812] terra legs
[821] magma legs
[822] lightning legs
[823] glacier kilt
[3362] studded legs
[3363] dragon scale legs
[3364] golden legs
[3371] knight legs
[3372] brass legs
[3382] crown legs
[3389] demon legs
[3398] dwarven legs
[3401] elven legs
[3557] plate legs
[3558] chain legs
[3559] leather legs
[3560] bast skirt
[5918] pirate knee breeches
[7464] mammoth fur shorts
[8095] ranger legs
[8863] yalahari leg piece
[9014] leaf legs
[9383] trousers of the ancients
[10387] zaoan legs
[13996] depth ocrea
[13999] ornate legs
[14087] grasshopper legs
[16106] gill legs
[16111] prismatic legs

Premium Scrolls

[14758] premium scroll


[102] white flower
[107] special flask
[110] special flask
[112] magical watch
[113] the dwarven emperor's beard
[117] crate
[118] crate
[119] box
[120] some special leaves
[121] whoopee cushion
[123] toy mouse
[124] easily inflammable sulphur
[125] special flask
[126] special flask
[127] magical inkwell
[128] signed contract
[129] contract
[130] exploding cookie
[131] ectoplasm container
[133] special flask
[135] special flask
[136] beer bottle
[138] empty beer bottle
[140] parcel
[141] cigar
[142] bale of white cloth
[143] bale of yellowed cloth
[144] mummy disguise
[145] heavy package
[170] fake dwarven beard
[172] blank poetry parchment
[235] bag
[347] scroll
[348] intelligence reports
[350] case of rust bugs
[396] technomancer beard
[397] amazon disguise kit
[399] building plans for a ship
[400] suspicious documents
[401] book
[402] secret letter
[403] File AH-X17L89
[404] barrel of beer
[405] weapons crate
[648] nature magic spellbook
[652] rotten heart of a tree
[892] package of potions
[897] mysterious package
[898] mysterious package
[899] mysterious package
[906] present
[939] bait
[940] natural soil
[941] glimmering soil
[942] flawless ice crystal
[943] holy soil
[944] iced soil
[945] energy soil
[946] eternal flames
[947] mother soil
[948] pure energy
[954] neutral matter
[3104] banana skin
[3105] dirty fur
[3110] piece of iron
[3114] skull
[3115] bone
[3120] mouldy cheese
[3205] family brooch
[3206] dragonfetish
[3207] skull of Ratha
[3211] witchesbroom
[3214] blessed ankh
[3216] bill
[3217] letterbag
[3218] present
[3219] Waldo's post horn
[3220] letter to Markwin
[3222] helmet ornament
[3223] gem holder
[3224] right horn
[3225] left horn
[3227] helmet piece
[3228] helmet adornment
[3231] gemmed lamp
[3232] spyreport
[3233] tear of daraman
[3234] cookbook
[4049] magical measurement device
[4050] spirit cage
[4827] whisper moss
[4828] flask of cough syrup
[4829] witches' cap spot
[4831] old parchment
[4832] giant ape's hair
[4834] family brooch
[4838] strange powder
[4839] hydra egg
[4840] spectral stone
[4841] memory stone
[4842] sheet of tracing paper
[4843] sheet of tracing paper
[4844] elven poetry book
[4845] dwarven pickaxe
[4846] wrinkled parchment
[4847] funeral urn
[4852] ectoplasm container
[4853] ectoplasm container
[4863] butterfly conservation kit
[4864] butterfly conservation kit
[4865] butterfly conservation kit
[4866] butterfly conservation kit
[4867] botanist's container
[4868] botanist's container
[4869] botanist's container
[4870] botanist's container
[5089] butterfly conservation kit
[5706] treasure map
[5786] wooden whistle
[5792] dice
[5793] dice
[5794] dice
[5795] dice
[5796] dice
[5797] dice
[5802] message in a bottle
[5924] damaged steel helmet
[5937] griffinclaw container
[5938] Ceiron's waterskin
[5939] Ceiron's waterskin
[5945] coral comb
[5947] Elane's crossbow
[5951] fish tail
[5957] lottery ticket
[5958] winning lottery ticket
[6086] faked label
[6087] music sheet
[6088] music sheet
[6089] music sheet
[6090] music sheet
[6091] very noble-looking watch
[6092] very noble-looking watch
[6093] crystal ring
[6105] Striker's favourite pillow
[6106] bottle of whisper beer
[6107] staff
[6108] atlas
[6113] letter to Eremo
[6119] poem scroll
[6120] Dragha's spellbook
[6124] damaged logbook
[6522] gingerbread recipe
[6547] yellow powder
[6548] purple powder
[6549] green powder
[6550] red powder
[6551] blue powder
[7140] mead horn
[7141] mead horn
[7242] resonance crystal
[7243] empty jug
[7244] jug
[7245] piece of cactus
[7246] Nilsor's waterskin
[7247] fine sulphur
[7248] frostbite herb
[7249] purple kiss blossom
[7251] mushroom spores
[7253] flask with paint
[7281] memory crystal
[7286] Nilsor's waterskin
[7289] frost charm
[7290] shard
[7314] scale from a frozen dragon
[7315] resonance crystal
[7441] ice cube
[7442] ice cube
[7444] ice cube
[7445] ice cube
[7446] ice mammoth
[7527] jewel case
[7528] piece of a broken amulet
[7529] piece of a broken amulet
[7530] piece of a broken amulet
[7531] piece of a broken amulet
[7533] nomad parchment
[7865] dwarf disguise kit
[7866] deed of ownership
[7870] stolen golden goblet
[7871] the famous Mina Losa painting
[7873] note from the thieves guild
[7924] the ring of the count
[7932] valuable vase
[7933] invitation
[7934] Theodore Loveless' key
[7935] compromising letter
[7936] fishnapped goldfish
[7939] precious necklace
[7940] letter to Chantalle
[8117] theatre script
[8194] garlic bread
[8195] lump of holy water dough
[8196] lump of garlic dough
[8199] garlic cookie
[8200] Julius' map
[8225] blood crystal
[8453] blood crystal
[8717] the dust of Boreth
[8718] the dust of Lersatio
[8719] the dust of Marziel
[8720] the dust of Arthei
[8746] ghost's tear
[8758] bottle of bug milk
[8759] sample of venorean spice
[8760] sample of sand wasp honey
[8761] jug of embalming fluid
[8762] piece of royal satin
[8763] bowl of evergreen flowers
[8764] research notes
[8772] food crate
[8773] Iriana's chest
[8774] cask of brown ale
[8777] Rerun's ring
[8818] the alchemists' formulas
[8819] animal cure
[8820] Morik's helmet
[8822] ghost charm
[8827] charged ghost charm
[8828] weapon matrix crystal
[8829] food matrix crystal
[9034] dracoyle statue
[9035] dracoyle statue
[9039] dracoyle statue
[9040] dracoyle statue
[9093] Jean Pierre's Cookbook I
[9106] molten wax
[9107] special polish
[9109] fish flakes
[9112] flask with magical oil
[9113] magical cage key
[9114] wooden ties
[9115] metal fitting
[9127] hat for Eclesius
[9128] hat for Eclesius
[9129] hat for Eclesius
[9131] Eclesius' sandals
[9142] Grodrik's favourite axe
[9143] Amarie's favourite book
[9172] prison cell key
[9173] love potion
[9181] the top right part of a map
[9182] the top left part of a map
[9183] the lower right part of a map
[9184] the lower left part of a map
[9185] very old piece of paper
[9186] old encrypted text
[9187] Xodet's first wand
[9188] formula for a memory potion
[9191] bundle of rags
[9201] heated worm punisher
[9204] old pirate poem
[9205] pirate treasure map
[9233] golem part
[9236] animal fetish
[9237] shadow orb
[9238] dark essence
[9239] worm queen tooth
[9240] deep crystal
[9247] golem blueprint
[9248] stabilizer
[9249] mago mechanic core
[9251] elemental crystal
[9252] old power core
[9255] golem head
[9307] mechanical fish
[9308] nautical map
[9388] holy icon
[9390] machine crate
[9391] fan club membership card
[9537] headache pill
[9586] wedding outfit box
[9616] bejeweled ship's telescope
[9617] bejeweled ship's telescope
[9618] bejeweled ship's telescope
[9619] bejeweled ship's telescope
[9696] plans for a strange device
[9697] rare crystal
[9698] carrying device
[9699] filled carrying device
[9843] flask with beaver bait
[10009] flask of crown polisher
[10011] map to the unknown
[10025] almanac of magic
[10026] baby rotworm
[10027] universal tool
[10028] soul contract
[10159] skull of a caveman
[10181] magic wall (casted on ground)
[10181] wild growth (casted on ground)
[10183] flask of poison
[10184] tactical map
[10189] flask of extra greasy oil
[10218] corned fish
[10247] weapons crate
[10422] clay lump
[10426] piece of marble rock
[11328] marked crate
[11329] lump of clay
[11331] sacred bowl
[11333] bowl with sacred water
[11334] sacred coal
[11339] unworked sacred wood
[11341] sacred earth
[11344] lump of sacred clay
[11347] sacred bowl of purification
[11362] replica of the sceptre
[11364] flask of plant poison
[11367] the tail of the Keeper
[11368] sceptre part
[11369] sceptre part
[11370] sceptre part
[11371] snake sceptre
[11372] interdimensional potion
[11426] scribbled sheet of paper
[11545] exquisite silk
[11546] spectral cloth
[11547] exquisite wood
[11548] strong sinew
[11549] old iron
[11550] flexible dragon scale
[11551] mystic root
[11552] magic crystal
[11699] botany almanach
[11982] dry piece of wood
[12057] reward box
[12077] slime gobbler
[12123] ghost duster
[12128] emergency kit
[12143] sweet and sugary substance
[12171] handcrafted ribbon
[12173] rabbit's foot lucky charm
[12174] fake rabbit's foot
[12175] spoon with a ribbon
[12178] demon infant
[12179] demon infant
[12180] demon infant
[12181] demon infant
[12182] demon infant
[12186] net
[12229] screaming cherry
[12230] meaty vortex
[12231] tonguefruit
[12232] rotten witches cauldron seed
[12233] toxic tulip seed
[12234] sprocketwhip cone
[12235] witherblossom
[12237] scum bag
[12251] shapechanger
[12252] bunch of winterberries
[12369] captured wolf
[12413] belongings of a deceased
[12602] small whistle
[12675] book of orc language
[12722] bucket of bog water
[12803] elemental spikes
[12819] prepared bucket
[14017] deepling scales
[14018] the Heart of the Sea
[14019] small golden anchor
[14020] soul net
[14027] party wall tinsel
[14028] party wall snake
[14052] flask of chitin dissolver
[14053] flask of dissolved chitin
[14054] reagent flask
[14156] dog collar
[14172] gooey mass
[14173] seashell book
[14174] seashell book
[14175] seashell book
[14176] notes and coordinates
[14751] pirates surprise
[15698] gnomish supply package
[16102] mucus plug
[16128] minor crystalline token
[16129] major crystalline token
[16167] teleport crystal
[16242] red teleport crystal
[16252] gnomish voucher type MB 
[16253] gnomish voucher type MA1 
[16254] gnomish voucher type MA2
[16255] gnomish voucher type CB 
[16256] gnomish voucher type CA1 
[16257] gnomish voucher type CA2


[236] strong health potion
[237] strong mana potion
[238] great mana potion
[239] great health potion
[266] health potion
[268] mana potion
[283] empty potion flask
[284] empty potion flask
[285] empty potion flask
[7439] berserk potion
[7440] mastermind potion
[7443] bullseye potion
[7642] great spirit potion
[7643] ultimate health potion
[7644] antidote potion
[7876] small health potion



Never Give Up!
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
Odp: Item ID List


[349] signet ring
[907] shapeshifter ring
[3004] wedding ring
[3006] ring of the sky
[3007] crystal ring
[3048] might ring
[3049] stealth ring
[3050] power ring
[3051] energy ring
[3052] life ring
[3053] time ring
[3063] gold ring
[3091] sword ring
[3092] axe ring
[3093] club ring
[3097] dwarven ring
[3098] ring of healing
[3245] ring of wishes
[6299] death ring
[9394] claw of 'The Noxious Spawn'
[9585] engraved wedding ring
[9593] broken wedding ring
[12669] star ring
[12737] broken ring of ending
[16114] prismatic ring


[3147] blank rune
[3148] destroy field rune
[3149] energy bomb rune
[3152] intense healing rune
[3153] cure poison rune
[3155] sudden death rune
[3156] wild growth rune
[3158] icicle rune
[3160] ultimate healing rune
[3161] avalanche rune
[3164] energy field rune
[3165] paralyze rune
[3166] energy wall rune
[3172] poison field rune
[3173] poison bomb rune
[3174] light magic missile rune
[3175] stone shower rune
[3176] poison wall rune
[3177] convince creature rune
[3178] chameleon rune
[3179] stalagmite rune
[3180] magic wall rune
[3182] holy missile rune
[3188] fire field rune
[3189] fireball rune
[3190] fire wall rune
[3191] great fireball rune
[3192] fire bomb rune
[3195] soulfire rune
[3197] desintegrate rune
[3198] heavy magic missile rune
[3200] explosion rune
[3202] thunderstorm rune
[3203] animate dead rune


[3059] spellbook
[3409] steel shield
[3410] plate shield
[3411] brass shield
[3412] wooden shield
[3413] battle shield
[3414] mastermind shield
[3415] guardian shield
[3416] dragon shield
[3417] shield of honour
[3418] bonelord shield
[3419] crown shield
[3420] demon shield
[3421] dark shield
[3422] great shield
[3423] blessed shield
[3424] ornamented shield
[3425] dwarven shield
[3426] studded shield
[3427] rose shield
[3428] tower shield
[3429] black shield
[3430] copper shield
[3431] viking shield
[3432] ancient shield
[3433] griffin shield
[3434] vampire shield
[3435] castle shield
[3436] medusa shield
[3437] amazon shield
[3438] eagle shield
[3439] phoenix shield
[3440] scarab shield
[3441] bone shield
[3442] tempest shield
[3443] tusk shield
[3444] sentinel shield
[3445] salamander shield
[6131] tortoise shield
[6390] nightmare shield
[6432] necromancer shield
[7460] norse shield
[8072] spellbook of enlightenment
[8073] spellbook of warding
[8074] spellbook of mind control
[8075] spellbook of lost souls
[8076] spellscroll of prophecies
[8077] rainbow shield
[8078] fiery rainbow shield
[8079] icy rainbow shield
[8080] sparking rainbow shield
[8081] terran rainbow shield
[8090] spellbook of dark mysteries
[9372] meat shield
[9377] shield of the white knight
[9380] shield of care
[9401] the shield Nevermourn
[9447] the shield Nevermourn
[11688] shield of corruption
[11691] snake god's wristguard
[13998] depth scutum
[14000] ornate shield
[14042] warrior's shield
[14088] carapace shield
[14769] spellbook of ancient arcana
[16107] spellbook of vigilance
[16116] prismatic shield


[646] elvenhair rope
[650] watering can
[953] nail
[2906] watch
[2911] candelabrum
[2914] lamp
[2917] candlestick
[2920] torch
[2932] oil lamp
[2933] small oil lamp
[3003] rope
[3101] spellbook
[3243] gemmed lamp
[3247] djinn's lamp
[3249] frozen starlight
[3451] pitchfork
[3452] rake
[3454] broom
[3455] hoe
[3456] pick
[3457] shovel
[3459] wooden hammer
[3460] hammer
[3461] saw
[3462] small axe
[3463] mirror
[3464] baking tray
[3466] pan
[3467] fork
[3468] spoon
[3469] kitchen knife
[3470] wooden spoon
[3471] cleaver
[3472] oven spatula
[3473] rolling pin
[3474] bowl
[3475] bowl
[3476] bowl
[3481] closed trap
[3482] trap
[3483] fishing rod
[3492] worm
[3509] inkwell
[4835] snake destroyer
[4872] ice pick
[5467] fire bug
[5710] light shovel
[5865] juice squeezer
[5908] obsidian knife
[5941] wooden stake
[5942] blessed wooden stake
[5946] comb
[6561] ceremonial ankh
[7785] bricklayers' kit
[7889] lock pick
[9016] flask of rust remover
[9234] worm punisher
[9235] golem disassembler
[9306] mechanical fishing rod
[9594] sneaky stabber of eliteness
[9595] sneaky stabber of eliteness
[9596] squeezing gear of girlpower
[9597] squeezing gear of girlpower
[9598] whacking driller of fate
[9599] whacking driller of fate
[16101] muck remover


[281] giant shimmering pearl
[282] giant shimmering pearl
[647] seeds
[653] costume bag
[654] costume bag
[655] costume bag
[675] small enchanted sapphire
[676] small enchanted ruby
[677] small enchanted emerald
[678] small enchanted amethyst
[768] document of the follower
[769] document of the officer
[770] document of the leader
[2848] purple tome
[2849] green tome
[2850] blue tome
[2851] grey tome
[2852] red tome
[3005] elven brooch
[3010] emerald bangle
[3017] silver brooch
[3020] some golden fruits
[3023] holy scarab
[3024] holy falcon
[3026] white pearl
[3027] black pearl
[3028] small diamond
[3029] small sapphire
[3030] small ruby
[3031] gold coin
[3032] small emerald
[3033] small amethyst
[3034] talon
[3035] platinum coin
[3036] violet gem
[3037] yellow gem
[3038] green gem
[3039] red gem
[3040] gold nugget
[3041] blue gem
[3042] scarab coin
[3043] crystal coin
[3044] tusk
[3058] strange symbol
[3060] orb
[3061] life crystal
[3062] mind stone
[3103] cornucopia
[3997] Tibiora's box
[4010] Tibiora's box
[4061] stone of wisdom
[4065] statue of Devovorga
[4115] phoenix statue
[4871] explorer brooch
[5014] mandrake
[5021] orichalcum pearl
[5804] nose ring
[5808] orshabaal's brain
[5809] soul stone
[5875] sniper gloves
[5876] lizard leather
[5877] green dragon leather
[5878] minotaur leather
[5879] spider silk
[5880] iron ore
[5881] lizard scale
[5882] red dragon scale
[5883] ape fur
[5884] spirit container
[5885] flask of warrior's sweat
[5886] spool of yarn
[5887] piece of royal steel
[5888] piece of hell steel
[5889] piece of draconian steel
[5890] chicken feather
[5891] enchanted chicken wing
[5892] huge chunk of crude iron
[5893] perfect behemoth fang
[5894] bat wing
[5895] fish fin
[5896] bear paw
[5897] wolf paw
[5898] bonelord eye
[5899] turtle shell
[5900] dwarven beard
[5901] wood
[5902] honeycomb
[5903] Ferumbras' hat
[5904] magic sulphur
[5905] vampire dust
[5906] demon dust
[5907] slingshot
[5909] white piece of cloth
[5910] green piece of cloth
[5911] red piece of cloth
[5912] blue piece of cloth
[5913] brown piece of cloth
[5914] yellow piece of cloth
[5919] dragon claw
[5920] green dragon scale
[5921] heaven blossom
[5922] holy orchid
[5925] hardened bone
[5930] behemoth claw
[5943] morgaroth's heart
[5944] soul orb
[5948] red dragon leather
[5954] demon horn
[6097] hook
[6098] eye patch
[6099] Brutus Bloodbeard's hat
[6100] the Lethal Lissy's shirt
[6101] Ron the Ripper's sabre
[6102] Deadeye Devious' eye patch
[6104] jewel case
[6126] peg leg
[6496] christmas present bag
[6499] demonic essence
[6526] christmas token
[6534] the Imperor's trident
[6535] the Plasmother's remains
[6536] Countess Sorrow's frozen tear
[6537] Mr. Punish's handcuffs
[6539] the Handmaiden's protector
[6540] piece of Massacre's shell
[6546] Dracola's eye
[6558] concentrated demonic blood
[6570] surprise bag
[6571] surprise bag
[7250] hydra tongue
[7786] orc tusk
[8031] spider fangs
[8143] gland
[8148] golden falcon
[8149] Tibiacity Encyclopedia
[8153] golden newspaper
[8154] norseman doll
[8157] norseman doll
[8174] Tibiacity Encyclopedia
[8175] golden falcon
[8176] golden newspaper
[8192] vampire lord token
[8775] gear wheel
[8779] the head of a jester doll
[8780] the torso of a jester doll
[8781] part of a jester doll
[8782] part of a jester doll
[8783] part of a jester doll
[8784] part of a jester doll
[8853] suspicious surprise bag
[8894] rusty armor
[8895] rusty armor
[8896] rusty armor
[8897] rusty legs
[8898] rusty legs
[8899] rusty legs
[9041] vampiric crest
[9053] glob of mercury
[9054] glob of acid slime
[9055] glob of tar
[9057] small topaz
[9058] gold ingot
[9144] Epaminondas doll
[9145] Epaminondas doll
[9189] hand puppets
[9190] hand puppets
[9215] gold medal
[9216] silver medal
[9217] bronze medal
[9606] egg of The Many
[9615] midnight shard
[9631] scarab pincers
[9632] ancient stone
[9633] bloody pincers
[9634] cobra tongue
[9635] elvish talisman
[9636] fiery heart
[9637] hellhound slobber
[9638] cultish mask
[9639] cultish robe
[9640] poisonous slime
[9641] piece of scarab shell
[9642] spooky blue eye
[9643] thorn
[9644] wyvern talisman
[9645] black hood
[9646] book of prayers
[9647] demonic skeletal hand
[9648] frosty ear of a troll
[9649] gauze bandage
[9650] polar bear paw
[9651] scorpion tail
[9652] witch broom
[9654] war crystal
[9655] gear crystal
[9656] broken gladiator shield
[9657] cyclops toe
[9658] frost giant pelt
[9659] half-eaten brain
[9660] mystical hourglass
[9661] frosty heart
[9662] mutated bat ear
[9663] piece of dead brain
[9664] piece of hellfire armor
[9665] wyrm scale
[9666] sea serpent scale
[9667] boggy dreads
[9668] mutated rat tail
[9683] haunted piece of wood
[9684] tattered piece of robe
[9685] vampire teeth
[9686] swamp grass
[9688] bundle of cursed straw
[9689] bunch of troll hair
[9690] ghostly tissue
[9691] lion's mane
[9692] lump of dirt
[9693] pig foot
[9694] snake skin
[9802] friendship amulet
[9803] friendship amulet
[10196] orc tooth
[10198] tribal crest
[10199] serpent crest
[10217] Tome of Knowledge
[10227] nightmare doll
[10272] crab pincers
[10273] terrorbird beak
[10274] skunk tail
[10275] carrion worm fang
[10276] elder bonelord tentacle
[10277] bony tail
[10278] stone wing
[10279] piece of crocodile leather
[10280] giant eye
[10281] tarantula egg
[10282] hydra head
[10283] half-digested piece of meat
[10289] red lantern
[10291] rotten piece of cloth
[10292] silky fur
[10293] striped fur
[10295] winter wolf fur
[10296] acorn
[10297] antlers
[10298] metal spike
[10299] badger fur
[10300] carniphila seeds
[10301] centipede leg
[10302] compass
[10303] dark rosary
[10304] hellspawn tail
[10305] lump of earth
[10306] essence of a bad dream
[10307] thick fur
[10308] mutated flesh
[10309] strand of medusa hair
[10310] shiny stone
[10311] sabretooth
[10312] scythe leg
[10313] winged tail
[10314] nettle blossom
[10315] sulphurous stone
[10316] unholy bone
[10317] werewolf fur
[10318] warwolf fur
[10319] wool
[10320] book of necromantic rituals
[10321] mammoth tusk
[10341] phoenix charm
[10342] unity charm
[10343] spiritual charm
[10344] twin sun charm
[10345] solitude charm
[10397] weaver's wandtip
[10404] bone shoulderplate
[10405] warmaster's wristguards
[10407] shaggy tail
[10408] spiked iron ball
[10409] corrupted flag
[10410] cursed shoulder spikes
[10411] widow's mandibles
[10413] zaogun flag
[10414] zaogun shoulderplates
[10415] high guard flag
[10416] high guard shoulderplates
[10417] legionnaire flags
[10418] broken halberd
[10420] petrified scream
[10444] dragon priest's wandtip
[10449] ghastly dragon head
[10450] undead heart
[10452] terramite shell
[10454] terramite legs
[10455] lancer beetle shell
[10456] sandcrawler shell
[10476] lucky clover amulet
[10477] dragon goblet
[10798] ferumbras doll
[10799] ferumbras doll
[10800] orc's jaw shredder
[10801] orc's jaw shredder
[10817] bag of oriental spices
[10818] bag of oriental spices
[11443] girlish hair decoration
[11444] protective charm
[11445] bamboo stick
[11446] hair of a banshee
[11447] battle stone
[11448] black wool
[11449] blood preservation
[11450] small notebook
[11451] broken crossbow
[11452] broken shamanic staff
[11453] broken helmet
[11454] luminous orb
[11455] cultish symbol
[11456] dirty turban
[11457] dragon's tail
[11458] geomancer's robe
[11463] geomancer's staff
[11464] elven scouting glass
[11465] elven astral observer
[11466] flask of embalming fluid
[11467] ghoul snack
[11469] hunter's quiver
[11470] jewelled belt
[11471] kongra's shoulderpad
[11472] minotaur horn
[11473] purple robe
[11474] miraculum
[11475] necromantic robe
[11476] nettle spit
[11477] orcish gear
[11478] shamanic hood
[11479] orc leather
[11480] skull belt
[11481] pelvis bone
[11482] piece of warrior armor
[11483] piece of archer armor
[11484] pile of grave earth
[11485] poison spider shell
[11486] noble turban
[11487] quara tentacle
[11488] quara eye
[11489] mantassin tail
[11490] quara pincers
[11491] quara bone
[11492] rope belt
[11493] safety pin
[11510] scroll of heroic deeds
[11511] banana sash
[11512] small flask of eyedrops
[11513] small pitchfork
[11514] colourful feather
[11515] trollroot
[11539] goblin ear
[11603] silver rune emblem
[11604] golden rune emblem
[11605] silver rune emblem
[11606] golden rune emblem
[11607] silver rune emblem
[11608] golden rune emblem
[11609] silver rune emblem
[11610] golden rune emblem
[11611] silver rune emblem
[11612] golden rune emblem
[11613] silver rune emblem
[11614] golden rune emblem
[11615] silver rune emblem
[11616] golden rune emblem
[11617] silver rune emblem
[11618] golden rune emblem
[11619] silver rune emblem
[11620] golden rune emblem
[11621] silver rune emblem
[11622] golden rune emblem
[11623] silver rune emblem
[11624] golden rune emblem
[11625] silver rune emblem
[11626] golden rune emblem
[11627] silver rune emblem
[11628] golden rune emblem
[11629] silver rune emblem
[11630] golden rune emblem
[11631] silver rune emblem
[11632] golden rune emblem
[11633] silver rune emblem
[11634] golden rune emblem
[11635] silver rune emblem
[11636] golden rune emblem
[11637] silver rune emblem
[11638] golden rune emblem
[11639] silver rune emblem
[11640] golden rune emblem
[11641] silver rune emblem
[11642] golden rune emblem
[11643] silver rune emblem
[11644] golden rune emblem
[11645] silver rune emblem
[11646] golden rune emblem
[11647] silver rune emblem
[11648] golden rune emblem
[11649] silver rune emblem
[11650] golden rune emblem
[11652] broken key ring
[11658] draken sulphur
[11659] draken wristbands
[11660] broken draken mail
[11661] broken slicer
[11666] tentacle piece
[11671] eye of corruption
[11672] tail of corruption
[11673] scale of corruption
[11680] lizard essence
[11684] downy feather
[11702] brimstone fangs
[11703] brimstone shell
[12039] panther head
[12040] panther paw
[12041] frozen heart
[12042] frozen heart
[12043] draken doll
[12044] draken doll
[12045] music box
[12046] music box
[12172] rabbit's foot
[12260] hunting horn
[12304] maxilla maximus
[12305] tin key
[12306] leather whip
[12307] harness
[12308] reins
[12309] draptor scales
[12311] carrot on a stick
[12312] stampor horn
[12313] stampor talons
[12314] hollow stampor hoof
[12315] maxilla
[12316] cavebear skull
[12317] giant crab pincer
[12318] giant shrimp
[12320] sweet smelling bait
[12509] scorpion sceptre
[12517] medicine pouch
[12519] slug drug
[12541] demonic finger
[12544] white deer antlers
[12545] white deer skin
[12546] fist on a stick
[12547] diapason
[12548] bag of apple slices
[12549] bamboo leaves
[12550] golden fir cone
[12551] ominous piece of cloth
[12552] dubious piece of cloth
[12553] voluminous piece of cloth
[12554] obvious piece of cloth
[12555] ludicrous piece of cloth
[12556] luminous piece of cloth
[12557] shimmer swimmer
[12572] dragon goblet
[12600] coal
[12601] slime mould
[12730] eye of a deepling
[12736] babel swimmer
[12742] yielowax
[12786] plague mask
[12787] plague bell
[12801] golden can of oil
[12802] sugar oat
[12805] yielocks
[12806] flintstone
[12809] The Epic Wisdom
[12810] The Epic Wisdom
[12811] Imortus
[12812] Imortus
[12813] old radio
[12814] old radio
[12904] dread doll
[12905] dread doll
[13844] ice flower seeds
[14008] spellsinger's seal
[14009] key to the Drowned Library
[14010] deepling guard belt buckle
[14011] deepling breaktime snack
[14012] deepling warts
[14013] deeptags
[14021] Jaul's Pearl
[14022] Tanjis' Sight
[14023] Obujos' Shell
[14041] deepling ridge
[14044] deepling claw
[14076] swarmer antenna
[14077] kollos shell
[14078] spitter nose
[14079] crawler head plating
[14080] waspoid claw
[14081] waspoid wing
[14082] spidris mandible
[14083] compound eye
[14112] bar of gold
[14142] foxtail
[14143] four-leaf clover
[14225] dung ball
[14671] Delany's golden bug trophy
[14672] Bolfrim's golden bug trophy
[14673] Siramal's golden bug trophy
[14682] Chayenne's magical key
[14753] dung ball
[14759] surprise nest
[14760] mathmaster shield
[14761] mathmaster shield
[14762] medusa skull
[14763] medusa skull
[14764] doll of Durin The Almighty
[14765] doll of Durin The Almighty
[14766] majestic shield
[14767] majestic shield
[16119] blue crystal shard
[16120] violet crystal shard
[16121] green crystal shard
[16122] green crystal splinter
[16123] brown crystal splinter
[16124] blue crystal splinter
[16125] cyan crystal fragment
[16126] red crystal fragment
[16127] green crystal fragment
[16130] magma clump
[16131] blazing bone
[16132] eye of a weeper
[16133] pulverized ore
[16134] cliff strider claw
[16135] vein of ore
[16136] Deathstrike's snippet
[16137] stone nose
[16138] crystalline spikes
[16139] humongous chunk
[16140] hideous chunk
[16153] iron loadstone
[16154] glow wine
[16155] decorative ribbon
[16205] Gnomevil's hat
[16206] Abyssador's lash
[16244] music box
[16251] golem wrench
[16262] dragon eye
[16263] dragon eye

Wands and Rods

[3065] terra rod
[3066] snakebite rod
[3067] hailstorm rod
[3069] necrotic rod
[3070] moonlight rod
[3071] wand of inferno
[3072] wand of decay
[3073] wand of cosmic energy
[3074] wand of vortex
[3075] wand of dragonbreath
[8082] underworld rod
[8083] northwind rod
[8084] springsprout rod
[8092] wand of starstorm
[8093] wand of draconia
[8094] wand of voodoo
[12603] wand of dimensions
[16096] wand of defiance
[16115] wand of everblazing
[16117] muck rod
[16118] glacial rod


[2118] ?
[2119] ?
[2120] ?
[2121] ?
[2122] ?
[2123] ?
[2124] ?
[2125] ?
[2126] ?
[2127] ?


Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
Odp: Item ID List

Od siebie dodam, i? gdyby kto? potrzebowa? ID itemu kt?rego nie ma na tej li?cie, wystarczy wej?? w LOOTING -> LIST -> ADD -> (WPISA? NAZW? PRZEDMIOTU). Nast?pnie wystarczy rozwin?? strza?eczk? obok wpisanej nazwy i poni?ej b?dzie widoczne automatycznie uzupe?nione przez bota ID dowolnego itemu.

Zamykam :)
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