Dziki Johnson
- Joined
- Jul 7, 2010
- Messages
- 2,061
- Reaction score
- 188
- Age
- 28
PACC / [-]FACC[/-]
Svargrond - Crystal Spiders
Profesja :
-Master Sorcerer
Polecany poziom :
Informacje dodatkowe :
-Ca?y respawn
Skrypt :
<HealRange>0 to 35 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>180 to all</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Ultimate Healing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>150 to 300</SpamRate>
<HealRange>71 to 89 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>20 to all</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Light Healing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 65 %</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Strong Mana Potion</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
<HealRange>86 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Light Healing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>If paralyzed</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>95 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
<HealRange>36 to 70 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>70 to all</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Intense Healing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<AmmoCount>0 to 50</AmmoCount>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>500 to 1000</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<AmmoCount>0 to 1</AmmoCount>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>500 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>local cavebot = getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Enabled")
local targeting = getsettings("Settings/Targeting/Enabled")
if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then
<Condition>Client focus required</Condition>
<Script>--Minimum count of vials to check:
local countDropVial = 10
if ((maround(7) == 0) and (lootbodies == false) and ((itemcount(285) + itemcount(284) + itemcount(283)) >= countDropVial))
wait(700, 900)
wait(700, 900)
wait(700, 900)
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>accountNameIs = ("Your account")
passwordNameIs = ("Your PassWord")
--Character name:
characterNameIs = ("Your Char name")
if (connected == false)
connect(accountNameIs, passwordNameIs, characterNameIs)
wait(600, 1800)
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>local minBpWindows = 3
if (windowcount() < (minBpWindows))
openitem(mainBp, "back")
wait(1500, 2000)
openitem(lootBp, mainBp, true)
wait(1500, 2000)
openitem(goldBp, mainBp, true)
wait(1500, 2000)
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>if (hppc <= 10)
screenshot(name.." died at level "..level)
wait(1000, 1500)
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>local msgs = getmessages("NPCs")
local qtd = msgs.count-1
for i=0,qtd
if msgs[qtd].text:find("There is not enough gold on your account.")
setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Disconnect\\PlaySound", "no")
setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Reconnect\\Enabled", "no")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>if pzone == true then
setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\WalkThroughPlayers", "yes")
elseif pzone == false then
setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\WalkThroughPlayers", "no")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
if cap > GoldCap then
setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\gold coin\\Destination", "02")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
if cap < GoldCap then
setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\gold coin\\Destination", "ground")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
if cap < ArmorCap then
setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\knight armor\\Destination", "ground")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
if cap < ArmorCap then
setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\knight legs\\Destination", "ground")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Setup>--Name of Main backpack:
mainBp = ("blue backpack")
--Name of loot backpack:
lootBp = ("orange Backpack")
--Name of gold backpack:
goldBp = ("golden Backpack")
--Name of backpack inside depot with multiple backpacks inside:
mainDpBp = ("fur Backpack")
--Name of backpack for stack items:
stackDpBp = ("fur Backpack")
--Name of backpack for non-stack items:
nonStackDpBp = ("fur Backpack")
--Name of mana potion to use:
MPtype = ("strong mana potion")
--Maximum amount of mana potions to carry:
MPmax = 260
--Minimum amount of mana potions to carry:
MPmin = 45
--Minimum amount of capacity (cap):
minCapacity = 60
CapToLeave = 60
--Price of single mana potion:
priceManaPot = 80
serverType = ("PVP")
--Use Main backpack:
useMainBp = ("yes")
--Use Loot backpack:
useLootBp = ("yes")
--Use Gold backpack:
useGoldBp = ("yes")
GoldCap = 70
ArmorCap = 130</Setup>
<w000>Stand 32269 31140 7</w000>
<w001>Stand 32279 31140 7</w001>
<w002>Stand 32292 31134 7</w002>
<w003>Stand 32299 31129 7</w003>
<w004>Stand 32299 31131 7</w004>
<w005>Stand 32299 31134 7</w005>
<w006>Action 32299 31134 7 wait(2000,3000);say("hi");wait(2000,3000);npcsay("deposit all");wait(2000,3000);npcsay("yes");wait(2000,3000);npcsay("withdraw 35000");wait(2000,3000);npcsay("yes");wait(2000,3000)</w006>
<w007>Stand 32302 31134 7</w007>
<w008>Action 32302 31134 7 closewindows()</w008>
<bps>Stand 32308 31132 7</bps>
<w010>Action 32308 31132 7 wait(2000,3000)</w010>
<w011>Action 32308 31132 7 if windowcount() < 3 then;wait(2000,3000);gotolabel("bps");end</w011>
<w009>Action 32308 31132 7 minimizewindows("equip");wait(2000,3000)</w009>
<pots>Action 32308 31132 7 --Name of mana potions to buy:;local nameMpToBuy = (nameManaPot);;--Total amount of mana potions to buy:;local totalMpToBuy = (maxManaPot);;wait(2000,3000);say("hi");wait(2000,3000);while ((itemcount(285) + itemcount(284) + itemcount(283)) >= 10) ;do; npcsay("vials"); wait(2000,3000); npcsay("yes"); wait(2000,3000);end;wait(2000,3000);npcsay("trade");wait(2000,3000);buyitemsupto("strong mana potion",260);wait(2000,3000)</pots>
<w012>Action 32308 31132 7 if itemcount(MPtype) < MPmax;then;gotolabel("pots");else;gotolabel("town");end</w012>
<town>Stand 32308 31128 7</town>
<w013>Stand 32299 31128 7</w013>
<w014>Stand 32285 31127 7</w014>
<w015>Stand 32267 31127 7</w015>
<w016>Stand 32251 31127 7</w016>
<w017>Stand 32240 31129 7</w017>
<w018>Stand 32239 31143 7</w018>
<w019>Stand 32224 31147 7</w019>
<w020>Stand 32224 31165 7</w020>
<w021>Stand 32210 31166 7</w021>
<w022>Stand 32204 31174 7</w022>
<w023>Stand 32202 31187 7</w023>
<stairs>Stand 32196 31187 7</stairs>
<w024>Stand 32195 31187 7</w024>
<w025>Stand 32192 31187 6</w025>
<w026>Stand 32191 31187 6</w026>
<w027>Stand 32184 31187 7</w027>
<w028>Action 32184 31187 7 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("stairs");return;end</w028>
<w029>Stand 32184 31175 7</w029>
<w030>Stand 32180 31167 7</w030>
<w031>Stand 32174 31161 7</w031>
<cliff>Stand 32171 31161 7</cliff>
<w033>Action 32171 31161 7 turn('w') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur up')</w033>
<w032>Stand 32170 31161 6</w032>
<w034>Action 32170 31161 6 turn('w') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur up')</w034>
<w035>Stand 32169 31161 5</w035>
<w036>Action 32169 31161 5 turn('w') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur up')</w036>
<w037>Stand 32168 31161 4</w037>
<w038>Action 32168 31161 4 turn('w') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur up')</w038>
<w039>Stand 32167 31161 3</w039>
<w040>Stand 32164 31161 3</w040>
<w041>Action 32164 31161 3 turn('w') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur up')</w041>
<w042>Stand 32159 31160 2</w042>
<w043>Action 32159 31160 2 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("cliff");return;end</w043>
<w044>Stand 32160 31151 2</w044>
<w045>Stand 32167 31144 2</w045>
<w046>Stand 32171 31137 2</w046>
<w047>Stand 32173 31126 2</w047>
<spawn>Stand 32166 31125 2</spawn>
<w049>Action 32166 31125 2 turn('w') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur up')</w049>
<w050>Stand 32162 31125 1</w050>
<w051>Action 32162 31125 1 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("sapwn");return;end</w051>
<start>Stand 32158 31133 1</start>
<w052>Stand 32157 31139 1</w052>
<w053>Stand 32149 31139 1</w053>
<w054>Stand 32143 31139 1</w054>
<w055>Stand 32143 31145 1</w055>
<w056>Stand 32146 31150 1</w056>
<w057>Stand 32149 31157 1</w057>
<w058>Stand 32137 31156 1</w058>
<w059>Stand 32146 31156 1</w059>
<w060>Stand 32145 31149 1</w060>
<w061>Stand 32143 31146 1</w061>
<w095>Action 32143 31146 1 if itemcount(MPtype) <= MPmin or cap <= CapToLeave;then;gotolabel("out");else;gotolabel("up0");end;</w095>
<up0>Stand 32142 31146 1</up0>
<w063>Stand 32141 31146 1</w063>
<w064>Stand 32139 31146 0</w064>
<w065>Action 32139 31146 0 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("up0");return;end</w065>
<w062>Stand 32133 31146 0</w062>
<w066>Stand 32130 31141 0</w066>
<w067>Stand 32133 31132 0</w067>
<w068>Stand 32138 31126 0</w068>
<w069>Stand 32142 31121 0</w069>
<w070>Stand 32147 31127 0</w070>
<w071>Stand 32138 31135 0</w071>
<w072>Stand 32134 31143 0</w072>
<w073>Action 32134 31143 0 if itemcount(MPtype) <= MPmin or cap <= CapToLeave;then;gotolabel("leave");else;gotolabel("check");end;</w073>
<check>Stand 32131 31146 0</check>
<w074>Stand 32125 31152 0</w074>
<w075>Stand 32113 31151 0</w075>
<w076>Stand 32107 31143 0</w076>
<w077>Stand 32102 31129 0</w077>
<w078>Stand 32106 31137 0</w078>
<w079>Stand 32110 31146 0</w079>
<w080>Stand 32110 31154 0</w080>
<w081>Stand 32094 31158 0</w081>
<w161>Stand 32098 31163 0</w161>
<w166>Stand 32088 31169 0</w166>
<w167>Stand 32084 31178 0</w167>
<w168>Stand 32080 31186 0</w168>
<w169>Stand 32084 31178 0</w169>
<w170>Stand 32085 31168 0</w170>
<w171>Stand 32078 31166 0</w171>
<w172>Stand 32074 31160 0</w172>
<left>Stand 32071 31165 0</left>
<w174>Stand 32070 31165 0</w174>
<w173>Stand 32067 31166 1</w173>
<w175>Action 32067 31166 1 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("left");return;end</w175>
<w176>Stand 32064 31160 1</w176>
<w177>Stand 32064 31151 1</w177>
<w178>Stand 32074 31151 1</w178>
<w179>Stand 32081 31156 1</w179>
<w180>Stand 32087 31157 1</w180>
<w181>Stand 32082 31146 1</w181>
<w182>Stand 32080 31136 1</w182>
<w183>Stand 32080 31126 1</w183>
<w184>Stand 32080 31136 1</w184>
<w185>Stand 32083 31146 1</w185>
<w186>Stand 32086 31154 1</w186>
<w187>Stand 32076 31154 1</w187>
<w188>Stand 32068 31150 1</w188>
<w189>Stand 32063 31153 1</w189>
<w190>Stand 32066 31165 1</w190>
<w191>Action 32066 31165 1 if itemcount(MPtype) <= MPmin or cap <= CapToLeave;then;gotolabel("leftup");else;gotolabel("leftdown");end;</w191>
<leftup>Stand 32069 31165 1</leftup>
<w193>Stand 32070 31165 1</w193>
<w192>Stand 32074 31164 0</w192>
<w194>Action 32074 31164 0 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("leftup");return;end</w194>
<w195>Stand 32089 31165 0</w195>
<w196>Stand 32100 31162 0</w196>
<w197>Action 32101 31162 0 if itemcount(MPtype) <= MPmin or cap <= CapToLeave;then;gotolabel("leave1");else;gotolabel("lo");end;</w197>
<leftdown>Stand 32067 31166 1</leftdown>
<w082>Stand 32074 31170 1</w082>
<w198>Stand 32075 31177 1</w198>
<w199>Stand 32068 31188 1</w199>
<w200>Stand 32072 31193 1</w200>
<w201>Stand 32084 31195 1</w201>
<w202>Stand 32090 31189 1</w202>
<w203>Stand 32091 31179 1</w203>
<w204>Stand 32096 31170 1</w204>
<w205>Stand 32107 31176 1</w205>
<w206>Stand 32118 31187 1</w206>
<w207>Stand 32132 31177 1</w207>
<w208>Stand 32119 31170 1</w208>
<w209>Stand 32121 31159 1</w209>
<hurleft>Stand 32123 31156 1</hurleft>
<w211>Action 32123 31156 1 turn('n') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur up')</w211>
<w210>Stand 32123 31155 0</w210>
<w212>Action 32123 31155 0 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("hurleft");return;end</w212>
<w091>Stand 32124 31152 0</w091>
<w213>Action 32124 31152 0 if itemcount(MPtype) <= MPmin or cap <= CapToLeave;then;gotolabel("offload");else;gotolabel("preload");end;</w213>
<preload>Stand 32114 31152 0</preload>
<w214>Stand 32104 31158 0</w214>
<lo>Stand 32091 31147 0</lo>
<w083>Stand 32089 31139 0</w083>
<w084>Stand 32085 31125 0</w084>
<w085>Stand 32088 31131 0</w085>
<w086>Stand 32090 31140 0</w086>
<w087>Stand 32093 31147 0</w087>
<w088>Action 32093 31147 0 if itemcount(MPtype) <= MPmin or cap <= CapToLeave;then;gotolabel("leave1");else;gotolabel("check1");end;</w088>
<leave1>Stand 32093 31154 0</leave1>
<w089>Stand 32097 31160 0</w089>
<w090>Stand 32116 31153 0</w090>
<offload>Stand 32126 31153 0</offload>
<w092>Stand 32129 31149 0</w092>
<leave>Stand 32137 31146 0</leave>
<down>Stand 32140 31146 0</down>
<w094>Stand 32141 31146 0</w094>
<w096>Stand 32143 31146 1</w096>
<w097>Action 32143 31146 1 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("down");return;end</w097>
<out>Stand 32143 31139 1</out>
<w048>Stand 32155 31139 1</w048>
<w093>Stand 32160 31131 1</w093>
<leave2>Stand 32165 31126 1</leave2>
<w098>Action 32165 31126 1 turn('e') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur down')</w098>
<w122>Stand 32170 31123 2</w122>
<w123>Action 32170 31123 2 gotolabel("home")</w123>
<check1>Stand 32095 31149 0</check1>
<w099>Action 32095 31149 0 turn('e') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur down')</w099>
<w100>Stand 32099 31149 1</w100>
<w101>Action 32099 31149 1 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("check1");return;end</w101>
<w102>Stand 32098 31149 2</w102>
<w103>Stand 32098 31148 2</w103>
<w104>Stand 32099 31143 1</w104>
<w105>Stand 32095 31137 1</w105>
<w106>Stand 32092 31130 1</w106>
<w107>Stand 32090 31125 1</w107>
<w108>Stand 32095 31120 1</w108>
<w109>Stand 32109 31121 1</w109>
<w110>Stand 32111 31125 1</w110>
<w111>Stand 32112 31129 1</w111>
<w112>Stand 32115 31138 1</w112>
<w113>Stand 32120 31143 1</w113>
<w114>Stand 32120 31137 1</w114>
<w115>Stand 32125 31129 1</w115>
<w116>Stand 32130 31121 1</w116>
<w117>Stand 32140 31114 1</w117>
<w118>Stand 32150 31114 1</w118>
<w119>Stand 32161 31118 1</w119>
<w120>Stand 32162 31123 1</w120>
<w121>Action 32162 31123 1 if itemcount(MPtype) <= MPmin or cap <= CapToLeave;then;gotolabel("leave2");else;gotolabel("start");end;</w121>
<home>Action 32170 31123 2 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("leave2");return;end</home>
<w124>Stand 32170 31131 2</w124>
<w125>Stand 32167 31146 2</w125>
<w126>Stand 32159 31155 2</w126>
<w127>Stand 32159 31160 2</w127>
<hurdown>Stand 32163 31161 2</hurdown>
<w128>Action 32163 31161 2 turn('e') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur down')</w128>
<w129>Stand 32164 31161 3</w129>
<w130>Stand 32167 31161 3</w130>
<w131>Action 32167 31161 3 turn('e') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur down')</w131>
<w132>Stand 32168 31161 4</w132>
<w133>Action 32168 31161 4 turn('e') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur down')</w133>
<w134>Stand 32169 31161 5</w134>
<w135>Action 32169 31161 5 turn('e') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur down')</w135>
<w136>Stand 32170 31161 6</w136>
<w137>Action 32170 31161 6 turn('e') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur down')</w137>
<w138>Stand 32175 31161 7</w138>
<w139>Action 32175 31161 7 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("hurdown");return;end</w139>
<w140>Stand 32180 31163 7</w140>
<w141>Stand 32184 31173 7</w141>
<w142>Stand 32184 31182 7</w142>
<w143>Stand 32186 31188 7</w143>
<stairs1>Stand 32190 31187 7</stairs1>
<w145>Stand 32191 31187 7</w145>
<w146>Stand 32192 31187 6</w146>
<w147>Stand 32194 31187 6</w147>
<w148>Stand 32195 31187 6</w148>
<w149>Stand 32198 31187 7</w149>
<w150>Action 32198 31187 7 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("stairs1");return;end</w150>
<w144>Stand 32203 31177 7</w144>
<w151>Stand 32215 31177 7</w151>
<w152>Stand 32230 31177 7</w152>
<w153>Stand 32229 31165 7</w153>
<w154>Stand 32237 31164 7</w154>
<w155>Stand 32242 31158 7</w155>
<w156>Stand 32242 31141 7</w156>
<w157>Stand 32250 31141 7</w157>
<w158>Stand 32260 31141 7</w158>
<w159>Stand 32270 31141 7</w159>
<w160>Action 32270 31141 7 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\OpenBps\\Enabled", 'no');setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", 'no');setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\EatFood", 'no')</w160>
<dpbps>Action 32270 31141 7 closewindows();wait(500,2000);openitem(mainBp, "back");resizewindows();wait(700, 1500);openitem(lootBp, mainBp, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows()</dpbps>
<w162>Action 32270 31141 7 if windowcount() < 2 then;wait(2000,3000);gotolabel("dpbps");end</w162>
<w163>Action 32270 31141 7 reachgrounditem("depot");wait(1000,2000);openitem("depot");wait(1000,2000);openitem(3502, "locker");wait(1000,2000);openitem(mainDpBp, "depot chest")wait(500,2000)</w163>
<w164>Action 32270 31141 7 depotdeposit(stackDpBp, "spider silk", "wyvern talisman", "frosty heart", "black pearl", "time ring", "small sapphire", "sniper arrow", "shard", "knight legs", "knight armor", "glacier mask", "sapphire hammer", "platinum amulet", "mammoth tusk", "thick fur", "furry club", "tusk shield", "small diamond", "strong health potion", "wand of inferno", "wyvern fang", "emrald bangle", "power bolt", "northern pike", "ice cube", "7441", "7444", "7445", "ice rapier", "jewelled backpack");wait(200,300);openitem(LootBp, LootBp);wait(700,900);depotdeposit(stackDpBp, "spider silk", "wyvern talisman", "frosty heart", "black pearl", "time ring", "small sapphire", "sniper arrow", "shard", "knight legs", "knight armor", "glacier mask", "sapphire hammer", "platinum amulet", "mammoth tusk", "thick fur", "furry club", "tusk shield", "small diamond", "strong health potion", "wand of inferno", "wyvern fang", "emrald bangle", "power bolt", "northern pike", "ice cube", "7441", "7444", "7445", "ice rapier", "jewelled backpack");wait(200,300);openitem(LootBp, LootBp);wait(700,900);depotdeposit(stackDpBp, "spider silk", "wyvern talisman", "frosty heart", "black pearl", "time ring", "small sapphire", "sniper arrow", "shard", "knight legs", "knight armor", "glacier mask", "sapphire hammer", "platinum amulet", "mammoth tusk", "thick fur", "furry club", "tusk shield", "small diamond", "strong health potion", "wand of inferno", "wyvern fang", "emrald bangle", "power bolt", "northern pike", "ice cube", "7441", "7444", "7445", "ice rapier", "jewelled backpack");wait(200,300)</w164>
<w165>Action 32270 31141 7 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\OpenBps\\Enabled", 'yes');setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\EatFood", 'yes');setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", 'yes')</w165>
<Coordinates>32770 31083 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2 2</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32764 31091 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32744 31100 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32759 31059 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>4 2</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32757 31045 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32742 31047 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2 2</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32745 31043 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2 2</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32743 31034 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>4 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32742 31024 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32729 31024 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32763 31016 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>4 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32763 31035 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>4 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32715 31028 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>4 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32723 31024 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1 3</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32715 31041 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>4 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32715 31057 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32741 31076 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32734 31024 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32749 31080 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1 7</Dimensions>
<WalkingMethod>Map Clicks</WalkingMethod>
<MapWalkDistance>20 to 50</MapWalkDistance>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<Condition>Corpses with listed items</Condition>
<Style>After all dead</Style>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>Keep Away</Stance>
<Spell0>Flame Strike</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>Keep Away</Stance>
<Spell0>Energy Strike</Spell0>
<Spell1>Physical Strike</Spell1>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>Keep Away</Stance>
<Spell0>Energy Strike</Spell0>
<Spell1>Terra Strike</Spell1>
<Spell2>Physical Strike</Spell2>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<HpRange>20 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>Keep Away</Stance>
<Spell1>Physical Strike</Spell1>
<Spell0>Flame Strike</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<HpRange>0 to 20 %</HpRange>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<PlayerOnScreenSecurity>If cavebotting</PlayerOnScreenSecurity>
addtext("LvL :", 150,30)
addtext(level, 180,30)
addtext("Next LvL :", 150,45)
addtext(exptolevel(), 210,45)
addtext("Pos X : ", 10,45)
addtext(posx, 54,45)
addtext("Pos Y : ", 10,60)
addtext(posy, 54,60)
addtext("Pos Z : ", 10,75)
addtext(posz, 54,75)</Script>
<Show>If focused</Show>
<StuckCtrlShift>If cavebot on, release after 1 sec</StuckCtrlShift>
<TypingStyle>Keyboard keys</TypingStyle>
<PressWaitTime>45 to 65</PressWaitTime>
<Scroll>Use mouse wheel</Scroll>
<ClickWaitTime>30 to 50</ClickWaitTime>
<OpenMenuPolicy>Confirm if cavebotting</OpenMenuPolicy>
Svargrond - Crystal Spiders
Profesja :
-Master Sorcerer
Polecany poziom :
Informacje dodatkowe :
-Ca?y respawn
Skrypt :
<HealRange>0 to 35 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>180 to all</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Ultimate Healing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>150 to 300</SpamRate>
<HealRange>71 to 89 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>20 to all</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Light Healing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 65 %</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Strong Mana Potion</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
<HealRange>86 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Light Healing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>If paralyzed</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>95 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
<HealRange>36 to 70 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>70 to all</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Intense Healing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<AmmoCount>0 to 50</AmmoCount>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>500 to 1000</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<AmmoCount>0 to 1</AmmoCount>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>500 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>local cavebot = getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Enabled")
local targeting = getsettings("Settings/Targeting/Enabled")
if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then
<Condition>Client focus required</Condition>
<Script>--Minimum count of vials to check:
local countDropVial = 10
if ((maround(7) == 0) and (lootbodies == false) and ((itemcount(285) + itemcount(284) + itemcount(283)) >= countDropVial))
wait(700, 900)
wait(700, 900)
wait(700, 900)
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>accountNameIs = ("Your account")
passwordNameIs = ("Your PassWord")
--Character name:
characterNameIs = ("Your Char name")
if (connected == false)
connect(accountNameIs, passwordNameIs, characterNameIs)
wait(600, 1800)
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>local minBpWindows = 3
if (windowcount() < (minBpWindows))
openitem(mainBp, "back")
wait(1500, 2000)
openitem(lootBp, mainBp, true)
wait(1500, 2000)
openitem(goldBp, mainBp, true)
wait(1500, 2000)
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>if (hppc <= 10)
screenshot(name.." died at level "..level)
wait(1000, 1500)
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>local msgs = getmessages("NPCs")
local qtd = msgs.count-1
for i=0,qtd
if msgs[qtd].text:find("There is not enough gold on your account.")
setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Disconnect\\PlaySound", "no")
setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Reconnect\\Enabled", "no")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>if pzone == true then
setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\WalkThroughPlayers", "yes")
elseif pzone == false then
setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\WalkThroughPlayers", "no")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
if cap > GoldCap then
setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\gold coin\\Destination", "02")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
if cap < GoldCap then
setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\gold coin\\Destination", "ground")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
if cap < ArmorCap then
setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\knight armor\\Destination", "ground")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
if cap < ArmorCap then
setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\knight legs\\Destination", "ground")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Setup>--Name of Main backpack:
mainBp = ("blue backpack")
--Name of loot backpack:
lootBp = ("orange Backpack")
--Name of gold backpack:
goldBp = ("golden Backpack")
--Name of backpack inside depot with multiple backpacks inside:
mainDpBp = ("fur Backpack")
--Name of backpack for stack items:
stackDpBp = ("fur Backpack")
--Name of backpack for non-stack items:
nonStackDpBp = ("fur Backpack")
--Name of mana potion to use:
MPtype = ("strong mana potion")
--Maximum amount of mana potions to carry:
MPmax = 260
--Minimum amount of mana potions to carry:
MPmin = 45
--Minimum amount of capacity (cap):
minCapacity = 60
CapToLeave = 60
--Price of single mana potion:
priceManaPot = 80
serverType = ("PVP")
--Use Main backpack:
useMainBp = ("yes")
--Use Loot backpack:
useLootBp = ("yes")
--Use Gold backpack:
useGoldBp = ("yes")
GoldCap = 70
ArmorCap = 130</Setup>
<w000>Stand 32269 31140 7</w000>
<w001>Stand 32279 31140 7</w001>
<w002>Stand 32292 31134 7</w002>
<w003>Stand 32299 31129 7</w003>
<w004>Stand 32299 31131 7</w004>
<w005>Stand 32299 31134 7</w005>
<w006>Action 32299 31134 7 wait(2000,3000);say("hi");wait(2000,3000);npcsay("deposit all");wait(2000,3000);npcsay("yes");wait(2000,3000);npcsay("withdraw 35000");wait(2000,3000);npcsay("yes");wait(2000,3000)</w006>
<w007>Stand 32302 31134 7</w007>
<w008>Action 32302 31134 7 closewindows()</w008>
<bps>Stand 32308 31132 7</bps>
<w010>Action 32308 31132 7 wait(2000,3000)</w010>
<w011>Action 32308 31132 7 if windowcount() < 3 then;wait(2000,3000);gotolabel("bps");end</w011>
<w009>Action 32308 31132 7 minimizewindows("equip");wait(2000,3000)</w009>
<pots>Action 32308 31132 7 --Name of mana potions to buy:;local nameMpToBuy = (nameManaPot);;--Total amount of mana potions to buy:;local totalMpToBuy = (maxManaPot);;wait(2000,3000);say("hi");wait(2000,3000);while ((itemcount(285) + itemcount(284) + itemcount(283)) >= 10) ;do; npcsay("vials"); wait(2000,3000); npcsay("yes"); wait(2000,3000);end;wait(2000,3000);npcsay("trade");wait(2000,3000);buyitemsupto("strong mana potion",260);wait(2000,3000)</pots>
<w012>Action 32308 31132 7 if itemcount(MPtype) < MPmax;then;gotolabel("pots");else;gotolabel("town");end</w012>
<town>Stand 32308 31128 7</town>
<w013>Stand 32299 31128 7</w013>
<w014>Stand 32285 31127 7</w014>
<w015>Stand 32267 31127 7</w015>
<w016>Stand 32251 31127 7</w016>
<w017>Stand 32240 31129 7</w017>
<w018>Stand 32239 31143 7</w018>
<w019>Stand 32224 31147 7</w019>
<w020>Stand 32224 31165 7</w020>
<w021>Stand 32210 31166 7</w021>
<w022>Stand 32204 31174 7</w022>
<w023>Stand 32202 31187 7</w023>
<stairs>Stand 32196 31187 7</stairs>
<w024>Stand 32195 31187 7</w024>
<w025>Stand 32192 31187 6</w025>
<w026>Stand 32191 31187 6</w026>
<w027>Stand 32184 31187 7</w027>
<w028>Action 32184 31187 7 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("stairs");return;end</w028>
<w029>Stand 32184 31175 7</w029>
<w030>Stand 32180 31167 7</w030>
<w031>Stand 32174 31161 7</w031>
<cliff>Stand 32171 31161 7</cliff>
<w033>Action 32171 31161 7 turn('w') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur up')</w033>
<w032>Stand 32170 31161 6</w032>
<w034>Action 32170 31161 6 turn('w') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur up')</w034>
<w035>Stand 32169 31161 5</w035>
<w036>Action 32169 31161 5 turn('w') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur up')</w036>
<w037>Stand 32168 31161 4</w037>
<w038>Action 32168 31161 4 turn('w') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur up')</w038>
<w039>Stand 32167 31161 3</w039>
<w040>Stand 32164 31161 3</w040>
<w041>Action 32164 31161 3 turn('w') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur up')</w041>
<w042>Stand 32159 31160 2</w042>
<w043>Action 32159 31160 2 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("cliff");return;end</w043>
<w044>Stand 32160 31151 2</w044>
<w045>Stand 32167 31144 2</w045>
<w046>Stand 32171 31137 2</w046>
<w047>Stand 32173 31126 2</w047>
<spawn>Stand 32166 31125 2</spawn>
<w049>Action 32166 31125 2 turn('w') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur up')</w049>
<w050>Stand 32162 31125 1</w050>
<w051>Action 32162 31125 1 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("sapwn");return;end</w051>
<start>Stand 32158 31133 1</start>
<w052>Stand 32157 31139 1</w052>
<w053>Stand 32149 31139 1</w053>
<w054>Stand 32143 31139 1</w054>
<w055>Stand 32143 31145 1</w055>
<w056>Stand 32146 31150 1</w056>
<w057>Stand 32149 31157 1</w057>
<w058>Stand 32137 31156 1</w058>
<w059>Stand 32146 31156 1</w059>
<w060>Stand 32145 31149 1</w060>
<w061>Stand 32143 31146 1</w061>
<w095>Action 32143 31146 1 if itemcount(MPtype) <= MPmin or cap <= CapToLeave;then;gotolabel("out");else;gotolabel("up0");end;</w095>
<up0>Stand 32142 31146 1</up0>
<w063>Stand 32141 31146 1</w063>
<w064>Stand 32139 31146 0</w064>
<w065>Action 32139 31146 0 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("up0");return;end</w065>
<w062>Stand 32133 31146 0</w062>
<w066>Stand 32130 31141 0</w066>
<w067>Stand 32133 31132 0</w067>
<w068>Stand 32138 31126 0</w068>
<w069>Stand 32142 31121 0</w069>
<w070>Stand 32147 31127 0</w070>
<w071>Stand 32138 31135 0</w071>
<w072>Stand 32134 31143 0</w072>
<w073>Action 32134 31143 0 if itemcount(MPtype) <= MPmin or cap <= CapToLeave;then;gotolabel("leave");else;gotolabel("check");end;</w073>
<check>Stand 32131 31146 0</check>
<w074>Stand 32125 31152 0</w074>
<w075>Stand 32113 31151 0</w075>
<w076>Stand 32107 31143 0</w076>
<w077>Stand 32102 31129 0</w077>
<w078>Stand 32106 31137 0</w078>
<w079>Stand 32110 31146 0</w079>
<w080>Stand 32110 31154 0</w080>
<w081>Stand 32094 31158 0</w081>
<w161>Stand 32098 31163 0</w161>
<w166>Stand 32088 31169 0</w166>
<w167>Stand 32084 31178 0</w167>
<w168>Stand 32080 31186 0</w168>
<w169>Stand 32084 31178 0</w169>
<w170>Stand 32085 31168 0</w170>
<w171>Stand 32078 31166 0</w171>
<w172>Stand 32074 31160 0</w172>
<left>Stand 32071 31165 0</left>
<w174>Stand 32070 31165 0</w174>
<w173>Stand 32067 31166 1</w173>
<w175>Action 32067 31166 1 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("left");return;end</w175>
<w176>Stand 32064 31160 1</w176>
<w177>Stand 32064 31151 1</w177>
<w178>Stand 32074 31151 1</w178>
<w179>Stand 32081 31156 1</w179>
<w180>Stand 32087 31157 1</w180>
<w181>Stand 32082 31146 1</w181>
<w182>Stand 32080 31136 1</w182>
<w183>Stand 32080 31126 1</w183>
<w184>Stand 32080 31136 1</w184>
<w185>Stand 32083 31146 1</w185>
<w186>Stand 32086 31154 1</w186>
<w187>Stand 32076 31154 1</w187>
<w188>Stand 32068 31150 1</w188>
<w189>Stand 32063 31153 1</w189>
<w190>Stand 32066 31165 1</w190>
<w191>Action 32066 31165 1 if itemcount(MPtype) <= MPmin or cap <= CapToLeave;then;gotolabel("leftup");else;gotolabel("leftdown");end;</w191>
<leftup>Stand 32069 31165 1</leftup>
<w193>Stand 32070 31165 1</w193>
<w192>Stand 32074 31164 0</w192>
<w194>Action 32074 31164 0 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("leftup");return;end</w194>
<w195>Stand 32089 31165 0</w195>
<w196>Stand 32100 31162 0</w196>
<w197>Action 32101 31162 0 if itemcount(MPtype) <= MPmin or cap <= CapToLeave;then;gotolabel("leave1");else;gotolabel("lo");end;</w197>
<leftdown>Stand 32067 31166 1</leftdown>
<w082>Stand 32074 31170 1</w082>
<w198>Stand 32075 31177 1</w198>
<w199>Stand 32068 31188 1</w199>
<w200>Stand 32072 31193 1</w200>
<w201>Stand 32084 31195 1</w201>
<w202>Stand 32090 31189 1</w202>
<w203>Stand 32091 31179 1</w203>
<w204>Stand 32096 31170 1</w204>
<w205>Stand 32107 31176 1</w205>
<w206>Stand 32118 31187 1</w206>
<w207>Stand 32132 31177 1</w207>
<w208>Stand 32119 31170 1</w208>
<w209>Stand 32121 31159 1</w209>
<hurleft>Stand 32123 31156 1</hurleft>
<w211>Action 32123 31156 1 turn('n') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur up')</w211>
<w210>Stand 32123 31155 0</w210>
<w212>Action 32123 31155 0 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("hurleft");return;end</w212>
<w091>Stand 32124 31152 0</w091>
<w213>Action 32124 31152 0 if itemcount(MPtype) <= MPmin or cap <= CapToLeave;then;gotolabel("offload");else;gotolabel("preload");end;</w213>
<preload>Stand 32114 31152 0</preload>
<w214>Stand 32104 31158 0</w214>
<lo>Stand 32091 31147 0</lo>
<w083>Stand 32089 31139 0</w083>
<w084>Stand 32085 31125 0</w084>
<w085>Stand 32088 31131 0</w085>
<w086>Stand 32090 31140 0</w086>
<w087>Stand 32093 31147 0</w087>
<w088>Action 32093 31147 0 if itemcount(MPtype) <= MPmin or cap <= CapToLeave;then;gotolabel("leave1");else;gotolabel("check1");end;</w088>
<leave1>Stand 32093 31154 0</leave1>
<w089>Stand 32097 31160 0</w089>
<w090>Stand 32116 31153 0</w090>
<offload>Stand 32126 31153 0</offload>
<w092>Stand 32129 31149 0</w092>
<leave>Stand 32137 31146 0</leave>
<down>Stand 32140 31146 0</down>
<w094>Stand 32141 31146 0</w094>
<w096>Stand 32143 31146 1</w096>
<w097>Action 32143 31146 1 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("down");return;end</w097>
<out>Stand 32143 31139 1</out>
<w048>Stand 32155 31139 1</w048>
<w093>Stand 32160 31131 1</w093>
<leave2>Stand 32165 31126 1</leave2>
<w098>Action 32165 31126 1 turn('e') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur down')</w098>
<w122>Stand 32170 31123 2</w122>
<w123>Action 32170 31123 2 gotolabel("home")</w123>
<check1>Stand 32095 31149 0</check1>
<w099>Action 32095 31149 0 turn('e') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur down')</w099>
<w100>Stand 32099 31149 1</w100>
<w101>Action 32099 31149 1 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("check1");return;end</w101>
<w102>Stand 32098 31149 2</w102>
<w103>Stand 32098 31148 2</w103>
<w104>Stand 32099 31143 1</w104>
<w105>Stand 32095 31137 1</w105>
<w106>Stand 32092 31130 1</w106>
<w107>Stand 32090 31125 1</w107>
<w108>Stand 32095 31120 1</w108>
<w109>Stand 32109 31121 1</w109>
<w110>Stand 32111 31125 1</w110>
<w111>Stand 32112 31129 1</w111>
<w112>Stand 32115 31138 1</w112>
<w113>Stand 32120 31143 1</w113>
<w114>Stand 32120 31137 1</w114>
<w115>Stand 32125 31129 1</w115>
<w116>Stand 32130 31121 1</w116>
<w117>Stand 32140 31114 1</w117>
<w118>Stand 32150 31114 1</w118>
<w119>Stand 32161 31118 1</w119>
<w120>Stand 32162 31123 1</w120>
<w121>Action 32162 31123 1 if itemcount(MPtype) <= MPmin or cap <= CapToLeave;then;gotolabel("leave2");else;gotolabel("start");end;</w121>
<home>Action 32170 31123 2 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("leave2");return;end</home>
<w124>Stand 32170 31131 2</w124>
<w125>Stand 32167 31146 2</w125>
<w126>Stand 32159 31155 2</w126>
<w127>Stand 32159 31160 2</w127>
<hurdown>Stand 32163 31161 2</hurdown>
<w128>Action 32163 31161 2 turn('e') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur down')</w128>
<w129>Stand 32164 31161 3</w129>
<w130>Stand 32167 31161 3</w130>
<w131>Action 32167 31161 3 turn('e') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur down')</w131>
<w132>Stand 32168 31161 4</w132>
<w133>Action 32168 31161 4 turn('e') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur down')</w133>
<w134>Stand 32169 31161 5</w134>
<w135>Action 32169 31161 5 turn('e') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur down')</w135>
<w136>Stand 32170 31161 6</w136>
<w137>Action 32170 31161 6 turn('e') wait(500,600) cast('exani hur down')</w137>
<w138>Stand 32175 31161 7</w138>
<w139>Action 32175 31161 7 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("hurdown");return;end</w139>
<w140>Stand 32180 31163 7</w140>
<w141>Stand 32184 31173 7</w141>
<w142>Stand 32184 31182 7</w142>
<w143>Stand 32186 31188 7</w143>
<stairs1>Stand 32190 31187 7</stairs1>
<w145>Stand 32191 31187 7</w145>
<w146>Stand 32192 31187 6</w146>
<w147>Stand 32194 31187 6</w147>
<w148>Stand 32195 31187 6</w148>
<w149>Stand 32198 31187 7</w149>
<w150>Action 32198 31187 7 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("stairs1");return;end</w150>
<w144>Stand 32203 31177 7</w144>
<w151>Stand 32215 31177 7</w151>
<w152>Stand 32230 31177 7</w152>
<w153>Stand 32229 31165 7</w153>
<w154>Stand 32237 31164 7</w154>
<w155>Stand 32242 31158 7</w155>
<w156>Stand 32242 31141 7</w156>
<w157>Stand 32250 31141 7</w157>
<w158>Stand 32260 31141 7</w158>
<w159>Stand 32270 31141 7</w159>
<w160>Action 32270 31141 7 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\OpenBps\\Enabled", 'no');setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", 'no');setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\EatFood", 'no')</w160>
<dpbps>Action 32270 31141 7 closewindows();wait(500,2000);openitem(mainBp, "back");resizewindows();wait(700, 1500);openitem(lootBp, mainBp, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows()</dpbps>
<w162>Action 32270 31141 7 if windowcount() < 2 then;wait(2000,3000);gotolabel("dpbps");end</w162>
<w163>Action 32270 31141 7 reachgrounditem("depot");wait(1000,2000);openitem("depot");wait(1000,2000);openitem(3502, "locker");wait(1000,2000);openitem(mainDpBp, "depot chest")wait(500,2000)</w163>
<w164>Action 32270 31141 7 depotdeposit(stackDpBp, "spider silk", "wyvern talisman", "frosty heart", "black pearl", "time ring", "small sapphire", "sniper arrow", "shard", "knight legs", "knight armor", "glacier mask", "sapphire hammer", "platinum amulet", "mammoth tusk", "thick fur", "furry club", "tusk shield", "small diamond", "strong health potion", "wand of inferno", "wyvern fang", "emrald bangle", "power bolt", "northern pike", "ice cube", "7441", "7444", "7445", "ice rapier", "jewelled backpack");wait(200,300);openitem(LootBp, LootBp);wait(700,900);depotdeposit(stackDpBp, "spider silk", "wyvern talisman", "frosty heart", "black pearl", "time ring", "small sapphire", "sniper arrow", "shard", "knight legs", "knight armor", "glacier mask", "sapphire hammer", "platinum amulet", "mammoth tusk", "thick fur", "furry club", "tusk shield", "small diamond", "strong health potion", "wand of inferno", "wyvern fang", "emrald bangle", "power bolt", "northern pike", "ice cube", "7441", "7444", "7445", "ice rapier", "jewelled backpack");wait(200,300);openitem(LootBp, LootBp);wait(700,900);depotdeposit(stackDpBp, "spider silk", "wyvern talisman", "frosty heart", "black pearl", "time ring", "small sapphire", "sniper arrow", "shard", "knight legs", "knight armor", "glacier mask", "sapphire hammer", "platinum amulet", "mammoth tusk", "thick fur", "furry club", "tusk shield", "small diamond", "strong health potion", "wand of inferno", "wyvern fang", "emrald bangle", "power bolt", "northern pike", "ice cube", "7441", "7444", "7445", "ice rapier", "jewelled backpack");wait(200,300)</w164>
<w165>Action 32270 31141 7 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\OpenBps\\Enabled", 'yes');setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\EatFood", 'yes');setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", 'yes')</w165>
<Coordinates>32770 31083 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2 2</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32764 31091 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32744 31100 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32759 31059 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>4 2</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32757 31045 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32742 31047 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2 2</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32745 31043 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2 2</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32743 31034 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>4 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32742 31024 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32729 31024 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32763 31016 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>4 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32763 31035 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>4 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32715 31028 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>4 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32723 31024 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1 3</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32715 31041 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>4 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32715 31057 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>2 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32741 31076 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32734 31024 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32749 31080 8</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1 7</Dimensions>
<WalkingMethod>Map Clicks</WalkingMethod>
<MapWalkDistance>20 to 50</MapWalkDistance>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<Condition>Corpses with listed items</Condition>
<Style>After all dead</Style>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>Keep Away</Stance>
<Spell0>Flame Strike</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>Keep Away</Stance>
<Spell0>Energy Strike</Spell0>
<Spell1>Physical Strike</Spell1>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>Keep Away</Stance>
<Spell0>Energy Strike</Spell0>
<Spell1>Terra Strike</Spell1>
<Spell2>Physical Strike</Spell2>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<HpRange>20 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>Keep Away</Stance>
<Spell1>Physical Strike</Spell1>
<Spell0>Flame Strike</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<HpRange>0 to 20 %</HpRange>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<PlayerOnScreenSecurity>If cavebotting</PlayerOnScreenSecurity>
addtext("LvL :", 150,30)
addtext(level, 180,30)
addtext("Next LvL :", 150,45)
addtext(exptolevel(), 210,45)
addtext("Pos X : ", 10,45)
addtext(posx, 54,45)
addtext("Pos Y : ", 10,60)
addtext(posy, 54,60)
addtext("Pos Z : ", 10,75)
addtext(posz, 54,75)</Script>
<Show>If focused</Show>
<StuckCtrlShift>If cavebot on, release after 1 sec</StuckCtrlShift>
<TypingStyle>Keyboard keys</TypingStyle>
<PressWaitTime>45 to 65</PressWaitTime>
<Scroll>Use mouse wheel</Scroll>
<ClickWaitTime>30 to 50</ClickWaitTime>
<OpenMenuPolicy>Confirm if cavebotting</OpenMenuPolicy>