Dziki Johnson
- Joined
- Jul 7, 2010
- Messages
- 2,061
- Reaction score
- 188
- Age
- 28
PACC / [-]FACC[/-]
Demony Yalahar
Profesja :
-Master Sorcerer
Polecany poziom :
Informacje dodatkowe :
100% afk
Skrypt :
<Creature />
<Item />
<HealRange>80 to 90 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>20 to all</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Light Healing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>300 to 400</SpamRate>
<HealRange>67 to 80 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>70 to all</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Intense Healing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 67 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>160 to all</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Ultimate Healing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>100 to 200</SpamRate>
<HealRange>30 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 40 %</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Great Mana Potion</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>1000 to 2000</SpamRate>
<HealRange>90 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Light Healing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>If paralyzed</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>100 to 200</SpamRate>
<Rules />
<HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<AmmoCount>0 to 0</AmmoCount>
<ExtraCondition>If no ring</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>500 to 1000</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 90 %</ManaRange>
<AmmoCount>0 to 0</AmmoCount>
<ExtraCondition>If no ring</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>500 to 1000</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<AmmoCount>0 to 0</AmmoCount>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>500 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>local cavebot = getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Enabled")
local targeting = getsettings("Settings/Targeting/Enabled")
if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then
<Condition>Client focus required</Condition>
Name: Auto Reconnect by WT
Version: v1.0
-- Account:
accountNameIs = ("abcdefg")
-- Password:
passwordNameIs = ("1234567")
-- Character name:
characterNameIs = ("WithTrybe")
if (connected == false)
connect(accountNameIs, passwordNameIs, characterNameIs)
wait(600, 1800)
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>stake(7, true)</Script>
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>if mp >= 100 and not hasted then
cast("utani gran hur")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>--Name of boots to use apart from soft:
local idBootsToUse = ("boots of haste")
--Unequip soft boots at % health:
local hpPctUnequipSb = 99
--Unequip soft boots at % mana:
local mpPctUnequipSb = 99
--Equip soft boots at % health or less:
local hpPctEquipSb = 95
--Equip soft boots at % mana or less:
local mpPctEquipSb = 95
--Soft Boots name:
local idSoftBoots = ("Soft Boots")
--Soft Boots in use ID:
local idUseSoftBoots = 3549
--Worn Soft Boots name:
local idWornSoftBoots = ("Worn Soft Boots")
if (pzone == true)
moveitems(idBootsToUse, mainBp, "boots", 1)
elseif (pzone == false)
if ((hppc <= hpPctEquipSb) and (mppc <= mpPctEquipSb) and (boots ~= idUseSoftBoots) and (lootbodies == false))
moveitems(idSoftBoots, mainBp, "boots", 1)
elseif ((hppc >= hpPctUnequipSb) and (mppc >= mpPctUnequipSb) and (boots == idUseSoftBoots) and (lootbodies == false))
moveitems(idBootsToUse, mainBp, "boots", 1)
if ((boots == itemid(idWornSoftBoots)) and (lootbodies == false))
moveitems(idBootsToUse, mainBp, "boots", 1)
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>if maround(7) > 0 and pzone == false and ((maround(1) == 0 and > 0 and standtime >= 2000) or standtime >= 20000) then
local rand = math.random(1,8)
if (rand == 1) then move('w')
elseif (rand == 2) then move('e')
elseif (rand == 3) then move('n')
elseif (rand == 4) then move('s')
elseif (rand == 5) then move('nw')
elseif (rand == 6) then move('ne')
elseif (rand == 7) then move('sw')
elseif (rand == 8) then move('se')
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Setup>-- Setup
-- Backpack Setup:
MainBP = "Backpack Of Holding" -- The Main BP.
mainBp = "Backpack Of Holding" -- The Main BP of Soft.
PotBP = "Dragon Backpack" -- The Potion BP.
LootBP = "Jewelled Backpack" -- Looting BP
LootDPBP = "Blue Backpack" -- BP to deposit loot on dp.
Soil = "Beach Backpack" -- Bp to Soil.
LifeRing = "Red Backpack" -- Bp to Life Ring.
Soil1 = "Natural Soil" -- Name of Soil
Ring2 = "Life Ring" -- Name of Ring
Soil1totake = 1 -- how many to take??
Ring2totake = 2 -- how many to take??
-- Potions Setup:
MPname = " great mana potion" -- Name of mana potion.
MPprice = 120 -- Price of mana potion to buy.
MPtobuy = 400 -- How many mana potions to buy?
MPtoback = 80 -- How many potions to back reffil?
ICIname = "icicle rune" -- Name of icicle .
ICIprice = 30 -- Price of icicle potion to buy.
ICItobuy = 1000 -- How many icicle potions to buy?
ICItoback = 150 -- How many icicle to back reffil?
SDname = "sudden death rune" -- Name of SD.
SDprice = 108 -- Price of SD potion to buy.
SDtobuy = 200 -- How many SD to buy?
SDtoback = 20 -- How many SD to back reffil?
-- Hunt:
Captoback = 100 -- How much cap to back reffil?
-- Refil Soft Boots? yes =true / no =false
softboots =true</Setup>
<StartDP>Stand 33168 31799 8</StartDP>
<w000>Stand 33168 31799 8</w000>
<w001>Action 33168 31799 8 setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "no");closewindows();wait(2000);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(MainBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(LootBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(LootBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(LootBP,LootBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(LootBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500)</w001>
<w002>Stand 33168 31799 8</w002>
<w003>Action 33168 31799 8 reachgrounditem("depot");wait(2000);openitem("depot");wait(2000);openitem(3502, "locker");wait(2000);openitem(LootDPBP, "depot chest");wait(2000);;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Talon", "Golden Legs", "Small Emerald", "Might Ring", "Platinum Amulet", "Fire Axe", "Ice Rapier", "Magic Plate Armor", "Gold Ring", "Giant Sword", "Demonrage Sword", "Demon Trophy", "Demon Shield", "Demon Horn", "Mastermind Shield", "Stealth Ring", "Fire Mushroom", "Ultimate Health Potion", "Assassin Star", "Demon Dust" );;if windowcount() < 3 then;gotolabel("StartDP");end</w003>
<soil>Action 33168 31798 8 setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "no");closewindows();wait(2000);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(MainBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(LootBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(LootBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500)</soil>
<openbpsoil>Action 33168 31798 8 openitem("depot");wait(2000);openitem(3502, "locker");wait(2000);openitem(Soil, "depot chest");wait(2000);;;moveitems(Soil1,Soil,LootBP,Soil1totake);;if windowcount() < 2 then;gotolabel("soil");end</openbpsoil>
<openbplr>Action 33168 31798 8 closewindows();wait(2000);openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(MainBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(LootBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(LootBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);;;openitem("depot");wait(2000);openitem(3502, "locker");wait(2000);openitem(LifeRing, "depot chest");wait(2000);;moveitems(Ring2,LifeRing,LootBP,Ring2totake);moveitems(Ring2,LifeRing,LootBP,Ring2totake);;if itemcount(Ring2) < Ring2totake then;gotolabel("error2");else gotolabel("check2");end</openbplr>
<error2>Action 33168 31798 8 moveitems(Ring2,LifeRing,LootBP,Ring2totake);openitem(LifeRing,LifeRing,false);wait(400,500);moveitems(Ring2,LifeRing,LootBP,Ring2totake);gotolabel("check2");wait(400,500)</error2>
<check2>Action 33168 31798 8 if itemcount(Soil1) < Soil1totake then;gotolabel("openbpsoil");else gotolabel("gobank");end</check2>
<gobank>Stand 33168 31802 8</gobank>
<w005>Stand 33171 31807 8</w005>
<w006>Stand 33169 31813 8</w006>
<w007>Stand 33169 31813 8</w007>
<w236>Stand 33169 31812 8</w236>
<w008>Stand 33171 31807 7</w008>
<w009>Stand 33173 31803 7</w009>
<w004>Action 33173 31803 7</w004>
<w010>Action 33173 31803 7 if islocation() then;gotolabel("bank") else gotolabel("gobank");end</w010>
<bank>Stand 33173 31803 7</bank>
<w011>Action 33173 31803 7 closewindows();wait(2000);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(MainBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(PotBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(PotBP,1);wait(200,300)</w011>
<w012>Action 33173 31803 7 if windowcount() < 2 then;gotolabel("bank");end</w012>
<money>Stand 33173 31803 7</money>
<w013>Action 33173 31803 7 local mana = positive(MPtobuy - itemcount(MPname)) * MPprice;local icicle = positive(ICItobuy - itemcount(ICIname)) * ICIprice;local sd = positive(SDtobuy - itemcount(SDname)) * SDprice;local pass = positive(2) * 1000;;local Total = mana + icicle + sd + pass;;say("hi");wait(2500,3500);npcsay("deposit all");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000);;if Total > 0 then; npcsay("withdraw "..Total); wait(500,1000); npcsay("yes"); wait(500,1000); npcsay("balance"); wait(500,1000);end</w013>
<w014>Stand 33173 31803 7</w014>
<w015>Action 33173 31803 7 if softboots then gotolabel('soft') else gotolabel('potion') end</w015>
<soft>Stand 33173 31803 7</soft>
<w016>Action 33173 31803 7 local soft = positive(itemcount("worn soft boots")) * 11000;local Total = soft;;say("hi");wait(2500,3500);npcsay("balance");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000);;if Total > 0 then; npcsay("withdraw "..Total); wait(500,1000); npcsay("yes"); wait(500,1000);end</w016>
<w017>Action 33173 31803 7 if itemcount("worn soft boots") >= 1 then ;gotolabel("softrefil") else gotolabel("potion");end</w017>
<softrefil>Stand 33171 31807 7</softrefil>
<w018>Stand 33171 31812 7</w018>
<w019>Stand 33175 31820 7</w019>
<w020>Walk 33187 31820 7</w020>
<w021>Walk 33200 31807 7</w021>
<w022>Stand 33200 31799 7</w022>
<w023>Walk 33193 31790 7</w023>
<w024>Stand 33180 31776 7</w024>
<w025>Stand 33176 31775 7</w025>
<w026>Use 33175 31775 7</w026>
<w027>Stand 33174 31774 6</w027>
<w028>Stand 33176 31765 6</w028>
<w029>Action 33176 31765 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("refilsoft1") else gotolabel("softrefil");end</w029>
<refilsoft1>Stand 33176 31765 6</refilsoft1>
<w030>Action 33176 31765 6 say("hi");wait(1000);npcsay("venore");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000)</w030>
<w031>Stand 32954 32025 6</w031>
<w032>Action 32954 32025 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("softrefil2") else gotolabel("refilsoft1");end</w032>
<softrefil2>Stand 32955 32029 6</softrefil2>
<w033>Stand 32954 32036 6</w033>
<w034>Walk 32953 32046 6</w034>
<w035>Walk 32953 32056 6</w035>
<w036>Stand 32954 32062 6</w036>
<w037>Stand 32954 32075 6</w037>
<w038>Stand 32953 32084 6</w038>
<w039>Walk 32953 32090 6</w039>
<w040>Walk 32949 32099 6</w040>
<w041>Stand 32953 32108 6</w041>
<w042>Action 32953 32108 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("softrefil3") else gotolabel("softrefil2");end</w042>
<softrefil3>Stand 32953 32108 6</softrefil3>
<w043>Action 32953 32108 6 say("hi");wait(1000);npcsay("repair");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000)</w043>
<w044>Action 32953 32108 6 if itemcount("worn soft boots") >= 1 then ;gotolabel("softrefil3") else gotolabel("goboat");end</w044>
<goboat>Stand 32949 32105 6</goboat>
<w045>Stand 32949 32099 6</w045>
<w046>Stand 32953 32088 6</w046>
<w047>Stand 32954 32080 6</w047>
<w048>Stand 32954 32073 6</w048>
<w049>Walk 32954 32059 6</w049>
<w050>Walk 32954 32047 6</w050>
<w051>Stand 32954 32040 6</w051>
<w052>Walk 32955 32034 6</w052>
<w053>Stand 32955 32027 6</w053>
<w054>Stand 32954 32023 6</w054>
<w055>Action 32954 32023 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("goedron") else gotolabel("goboat");end</w055>
<goedron>Stand 32955 32023 6</goedron>
<w056>Action 32955 32023 6 say("hi");wait(1000);npcsay("edron");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000)</w056>
<w057>Stand 33176 31767 6</w057>
<w058>Action 33176 31767 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("gopotion") else gotolabel("goedron");end</w058>
<gopotion>Stand 33176 31772 6</gopotion>
<w059>Stand 33175 31774 6</w059>
<w060>Stand 33175 31775 6</w060>
<w061>Stand 33181 31777 7</w061>
<w062>Stand 33190 31782 7</w062>
<w063>Walk 33197 31789 7</w063>
<w064>Walk 33200 31798 7</w064>
<w065>Walk 33200 31811 7</w065>
<potion>Stand 33192 31818 7</potion>
<w067>Walk 33192 31830 7</w067>
<w068>Stand 33197 31842 7</w068>
<w069>Stand 33209 31845 7</w069>
<w070>Walk 33230 31841 7</w070>
<w071>Stand 33240 31841 7</w071>
<w072>Stand 33246 31841 7</w072>
<w073>Stand 33247 31841 7</w073>
<w074>Stand 33250 31840 6</w074>
<w075>Stand 33257 31840 6</w075>
<w076>Stand 33258 31840 6</w076>
<w077>Stand 33256 31842 5</w077>
<w078>Stand 33257 31842 5</w078>
<w079>Stand 33254 31842 4</w079>
<w080>Stand 33255 31842 4</w080>
<w081>Stand 33256 31841 3</w081>
<w082>Action 33256 31841 3 if islocation() then;gotolabel("icicle") else gotolabel("potion");end</w082>
<icicle>Stand 33256 31841 3</icicle>
<w066>Action 33256 31841 3 closewindows();wait(300,400);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(MainBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(PotBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(PotBP,1);wait(200,300)</w066>
<w083>Action 33256 31841 3 if windowcount() < 2 then;gotolabel("icicle");end</w083>
<w084>Action 33256 31841 3 opentrade();;buyitemsupto(ICIname,ICItobuy);wait(200,300);;npcsay("bye");wait(400,600);;moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);;;npcsay("bye");wait(400,600)</w084>
<gobuymp>Stand 33255 31841 3</gobuymp>
<w086>Stand 33255 31842 3</w086>
<w087>Stand 33257 31841 4</w087>
<w088>Stand 33257 31842 4</w088>
<w089>Stand 33258 31839 5</w089>
<w090>Stand 33258 31840 5</w090>
<w091>Stand 33255 31837 6</w091>
<w092>Stand 33255 31838 6</w092>
<w093>Stand 33255 31840 7</w093>
<w094>Action 33255 31840 7 if islocation(2) then;gotolabel("buymp") else gotolabel("gobuymp");end</w094>
<buymp>Stand 33255 31840 7</buymp>
<w085>Action 33255 31840 7 closewindows();wait(300,400);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(MainBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(PotBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(PotBP,1);wait(200,300)</w085>
<w096>Action 33255 31840 7 if windowcount() < 2 then;gotolabel("buymp");end</w096>
<w095>Action 33255 31840 7 opentrade();sellflasks();;buyitemsupto(MPname,MPtobuy);wait(200,300);;npcsay("bye");wait(400,600);;moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);;if itemcount(MPname) < MPtobuy then;gotolabel("buymp") else gotolabel("yalaharboat");end;;</w095>
<yalaharboat>Stand 33255 31839 7</yalaharboat>
<w098>Stand 33255 31838 7</w098>
<w099>Stand 33254 31840 6</w099>
<w100>Stand 33248 31841 6</w100>
<w101>Stand 33247 31841 6</w101>
<w102>Stand 33237 31842 7</w102>
<w103>Walk 33217 31841 7</w103>
<w104>Walk 33203 31844 7</w104>
<w105>Walk 33194 31837 7</w105>
<w106>Walk 33193 31819 7</w106>
<w107>Walk 33201 31816 7</w107>
<w108>Stand 33201 31806 7</w108>
<w109>Stand 33201 31793 7</w109>
<w110>Stand 33191 31789 7</w110>
<w111>Walk 33191 31782 7</w111>
<w112>Walk 33183 31778 7</w112>
<w113>Stand 33176 31775 7</w113>
<w114>Use 33175 31775 7</w114>
<w115>Stand 33176 31772 6</w115>
<w116>Stand 33176 31765 6</w116>
<w117>Action 33176 31765 6 if islocation(2) then;gotolabel("goyalahar") else gotolabel("yalaharboat");end</w117>
<goyalahar>Stand 33176 31765 6</goyalahar>
<w097>Action 33176 31765 6 say("hi");wait(1000);npcsay("venore");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000)</w097>
<w118>Stand 32954 32022 6</w118>
<w119>Action 32954 32022 6 if islocation(2) then;gotolabel("goyalahar1") else gotolabel("goyalahar");end</w119>
<goyalahar1>Stand 32954 32022 6</goyalahar1>
<w120>Action 32954 32022 6 say("hi");wait(1000);npcsay("yalahar");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000)</w120>
<w121>Stand 32814 31272 6</w121>
<w122>Action 32814 31272 6 if islocation(2) then;gotolabel("gosd") else gotolabel("goyalahar1");end</w122>
<gosd>Stand 32812 31269 6</gosd>
<w123>Walk 32811 31261 6</w123>
<w124>Stand 32805 31258 6</w124>
<w125>Stand 32802 31257 6</w125>
<w126>Stand 32802 31256 6</w126>
<w127>Walk 32802 31248 7</w127>
<w128>Stand 32798 31233 7</w128>
<w129>Stand 32789 31239 7</w129>
<w130>Stand 32790 31239 7</w130>
<w131>Stand 32788 31239 6</w131>
<w132>Stand 32789 31239 6</w132>
<w133>Stand 32789 31238 5</w133>
<w134>Action 32789 31238 5 if islocation(3) then;gotolabel("gosd1") else gotolabel("gosd");end</w134>
<gosd1>Stand 32789 31238 5</gosd1>
<w135>Action 32789 31238 5 closewindows();wait(300,400);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(MainBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(PotBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(PotBP,1);wait(200,300)</w135>
<w136>Action 32789 31238 5 if windowcount() < 2 then;gotolabel("gosd1");end</w136>
<w137>Action 32789 31238 5 opentrade();sellflasks();;buyitemsupto(SDname,SDtobuy);wait(200,300);;npcsay("bye");wait(400,600)</w137>
<w138>Stand 32789 31239 5</w138>
<w139>Stand 32791 31239 6</w139>
<w140>Stand 32790 31239 6</w140>
<w141>Stand 32789 31237 7</w141>
<bps>Stand 32800 31232 7</bps>
<w143>Action 32800 31232 7 setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "yes");closewindows();wait(2000);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(MainBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(PotBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(PotBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(LootBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(LootBP,1);wait(200,300)</w143>
<w142>Action 32800 31232 7 if windowcount() < 3 then;gotolabel("bps");end</w142>
<w144>Walk 32815 31232 7</w144>
<w145>Walk 32822 31215 7</w145>
<w146>Walk 32825 31205 7</w146>
<w147>Stand 32828 31200 7</w147>
<w148>Walk 32829 31188 7</w148>
<w149>Walk 32842 31180 7</w149>
<w150>Stand 32844 31174 7</w150>
<w151>Walk 32831 31162 7</w151>
<w152>Stand 32833 31156 7</w152>
<w153>Stand 32833 31155 7</w153>
<w154>Stand 32833 31153 6</w154>
<w155>Stand 32833 31148 5</w155>
<w156>Stand 32833 31146 5</w156>
<w157>Stand 32833 31145 5</w157>
<w158>Stand 32833 31143 6</w158>
<w159>Walk 32834 31136 7</w159>
<w160>Walk 32838 31125 7</w160>
<w161>Walk 32848 31115 7</w161>
<w162>Walk 32859 31105 7</w162>
<w163>Walk 32868 31099 7</w163>
<w164>Walk 32868 31084 7</w164>
<w165>Stand 32868 31076 7</w165>
<w166>Walk 32878 31063 7</w166>
<w167>Stand 32883 31051 7</w167>
<w238>Action 32883 31051 7 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Hur\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\TimeRing\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\Boh\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\SoftBoots\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000);;local iRing = { normal = "time Ring", crazy = "life ring" };;if drunk == true and ring ~= itemid(iRing.crazy) then; moveitems(iRing.crazy, "all", "ring", 1) wait(10*1000); elseif drunk == false and ring ~= itemid(iRing.normal) then; moveitems(iRing.normal, "all", "ring", 1) wait(1500);end</w238>
<w168>Stand 32882 31051 7</w168>
<w169>Stand 32880 31051 6</w169>
<w170>Stand 32874 31051 7</w170>
<w171>Walk 32858 31051 7</w171>
<w172>Walk 32845 31049 7</w172>
<w173>Walk 32842 31047 7</w173>
<w174>Stand 32834 31049 7</w174>
<w175>Walk 32829 31043 7</w175>
<w176>Stand 32829 31041 7</w176>
<w177>Stand 32829 31040 7</w177>
<w178>Stand 32829 31043 8</w178>
<w179>Stand 32827 31051 8</w179>
<w180>Walk 32828 31060 8</w180>
<w181>Walk 32833 31073 8</w181>
<w182>Walk 32837 31082 8</w182>
<w183>Walk 32848 31088 8</w183>
<w184>Walk 32863 31092 8</w184>
<w185>Walk 32878 31089 8</w185>
<w186>Walk 32884 31079 8</w186>
<w187>Stand 32885 31067 8</w187>
<w188>Stand 32888 31059 8</w188>
<w189>Stand 32894 31050 8</w189>
<dece>Stand 32898 31048 8</dece>
<w191>Stand 32898 31047 8</w191>
<w379>Stand 32896 31047 9</w379>
<w380>Action 32896 31047 9 if islocation() then;gotolabel("soill") else gotolabel("dece");end</w380>
<soill>Stand 32894 31045 9</soill>
<w193>Action 32894 31045 9 wait(800);moveitems("natural soil", ground(32894,31044,9), 1);;</w193>
<w195>Stand 32894 31046 9</w195>
<w196>Stand 32893 31046 9</w196>
<w209>Stand 32887 31043 9</w209>
<w210>Action 32887 31043 9 if islocation() then;gotolabel("cave") else gotolabel("EnergySoil");end</w210>
<EnergySoil>Stand 32896 31045 9</EnergySoil>
<w197>Stand 32894 31045 9</w197>
<w198>Action 32894 31045 9 wait(800);moveitems("energy soil", ground(32894,31044,9), 1)</w198>
<w199>Stand 32894 31046 9</w199>
<w200>Stand 32893 31046 9</w200>
<w211>Stand 32887 31043 9</w211>
<w212>Action 32887 31043 9 if islocation() then;gotolabel("cave") else gotolabel("IcedSoil");end</w212>
<IcedSoil>Stand 32896 31045 9</IcedSoil>
<w201>Stand 32894 31045 9</w201>
<w202>Action 32894 31045 9 wait(800);moveitems("iced soil", ground(32894,31044,9), 1)</w202>
<w203>Stand 32894 31046 9</w203>
<w204>Stand 32893 31046 9</w204>
<w213>Stand 32887 31043 9</w213>
<w214>Action 32887 31043 9 if islocation() then;gotolabel("cave") else gotolabel("GlimmeringSoil");end</w214>
<GlimmeringSoil>Stand 32896 31045 9</GlimmeringSoil>
<w205>Stand 32894 31045 9</w205>
<w206>Action 32894 31045 9 wait(800);moveitems("glimmering soil", ground(32894,31044,9), 1)</w206>
<w207>Stand 32894 31046 9</w207>
<w208>Stand 32893 31046 9</w208>
<cave>Stand 32886 31042 9</cave>
<w239>Action 32886 31042 9 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Hur\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\Boh\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\SoftBoots\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\TimeRing\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000);;local iRing = { normal = "Life Ring", crazy = "time ring" };;if drunk == true and ring ~= itemid(iRing.crazy) then; moveitems(iRing.crazy, "all", "ring", 1) wait(10*1000); elseif drunk == false and ring ~= itemid(iRing.normal) then; moveitems(iRing.normal, "all", "ring", 1) wait(1500);end</w239>
<w240>Stand 32884 31041 9</w240>
<w215>Action 32884 31041 9 settargeting('no');wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Hur\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000)</w215>
<w216>Stand 32883 31041 9</w216>
<w217>Stand 32882 31040 10</w217>
<w219>Walk 32893 31041 10</w219>
<w220>Walk 32894 31043 10</w220>
<w221>Walk 32898 31044 10</w221>
<w222>Stand 32899 31044 10</w222>
<w218>Action 32899 31044 10 settargeting('yes');wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Hur\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000)</w218>
<w192>Stand 32900 31041 10</w192>
<w223>Stand 32900 31047 10</w223>
<w224>Stand 32901 31047 10</w224>
<w225>Action 32901 31047 10 settargeting('no');wait(1000)</w225>
<w226>Walk 32903 31050 10</w226>
<w227>Walk 32904 31054 10</w227>
<w228>Stand 32906 31057 10</w228>
<w229>Node 32906 31055 10</w229>
<w376>Stand 32909 31057 10</w376>
<w230>Stand 32906 31052 10</w230>
<w377>Stand 32910 31055 10</w377>
<w231>Node 32905 31050 10</w231>
<w378>Stand 32907 31051 10</w378>
<w281>Stand 32905 31046 10</w281>
<w375>Stand 32904 31043 10</w375>
<w237>Action 32904 31044 10 settargeting('yes');wait(1000)</w237>
<w241>Stand 32905 31049 10</w241>
<w242>Action 32905 31049 10 settargeting('no');wait(1000)</w242>
<w243>Walk 32906 31051 10</w243>
<w244>Walk 32908 31055 10</w244>
<w246>Walk 32908 31060 10</w246>
<w245>Stand 32907 31065 10</w245>
<w247>Action 32907 31065 10 settargeting('yes');wait(1000)</w247>
<w248>Stand 32904 31062 10</w248>
<w249>Action 32904 31062 10 settargeting('no');wait(1000)</w249>
<w250>Walk 32900 31059 10</w250>
<w251>Walk 32897 31056 10</w251>
<w252>Stand 32883 31050 10</w252>
<w253>Stand 32888 31053 10</w253>
<w279>Stand 32888 31053 10</w279>
<w254>Stand 32896 31055 10</w254>
<w190>Stand 32888 31054 10</w190>
<w280>Stand 32896 31055 10</w280>
<w194>Stand 32896 31056 10</w194>
<w255>Stand 32899 31058 10</w255>
<w381>Stand 32895 31055 10</w381>
<w256>Stand 32902 31060 10</w256>
<w257>Stand 32907 31066 10</w257>
<w258>Action 32907 31067 10 settargeting('yes');wait(1000)</w258>
<w259>Stand 32905 31065 10</w259>
<w264>Action 32905 31065 10 settargeting('no');wait(1000)</w264>
<w260>Walk 32899 31061 10</w260>
<w261>Walk 32895 31054 10</w261>
<w262>Walk 32887 31054 10</w262>
<w263>Walk 32881 31048 10</w263>
<w265>Walk 32880 31046 10</w265>
<w266>Walk 32882 31036 10</w266>
<w267>Stand 32881 31035 10</w267>
<w268>Node 32880 31040 10</w268>
<w382>Stand 32881 31037 10</w382>
<w269>Node 32880 31043 10</w269>
<w383>Stand 32880 31040 10</w383>
<w270>Node 32882 31049 10</w270>
<w384>Stand 32880 31044 10</w384>
<w271>Stand 32882 31049 10</w271>
<w272>Action 32882 31049 10 settargeting('yes');wait(1000)</w272>
<w273>Stand 32881 31048 10</w273>
<w274>Action 32881 31048 10 settargeting('no');wait(1000)</w274>
<w275>Walk 32881 31044 10</w275>
<w276>Walk 32881 31041 10</w276>
<w277>Stand 32882 31041 10</w277>
<w278>Stand 32883 31041 10</w278>
<w232>Action 32884 31041 9 moveitems(283, "ground", 100);moveitems(284, "ground", 100);moveitems(285, "ground", 100);moveitems(283, "ground", 100);moveitems(284, "ground", 100);moveitems(285, "ground", 100);moveitems(283, "ground", 100);moveitems(284, "ground", 100);moveitems(285, "ground", 100);moveitems(283, "ground", 100);moveitems(284, "ground", 100);moveitems(285, "ground", 100);moveitems(283, "ground", 100);moveitems(284, "ground", 100);moveitems(285, "ground", 100);moveitems(283, "ground", 100);moveitems(284, "ground", 100);moveitems(285, "ground", 100);moveitems(283, "ground", 100);moveitems(284, "ground", 100);moveitems(285, "ground", 100);moveitems(283, "ground", 100);moveitems(284, "ground", 100)</w232>
<w233>Action 32884 31041 9 if cap >= Captoback and countitem(MPname) >= MPtoback then;gotolabel("checkrune1") else gotolabel("refil");end</w233>
<checkrune1>Action 32884 31041 9 if cap >= Captoback and countitem(ICIname) >= ICItoback then;gotolabel("checkrune2") else gotolabel("refil");end</checkrune1>
<checkrune2>Action 32884 31041 9 if cap >= Captoback and countitem(SDname) >= SDtoback then;gotolabel("cave") else gotolabel("refil");end</checkrune2>
<refil>Stand 32886 31042 9</refil>
<w234>Stand 32888 31045 9</w234>
<w235>Stand 32889 31045 9</w235>
<w284>Stand 32895 31047 9</w284>
<w285>Action 32895 31047 9 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Hur\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\TimeRing\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\Boh\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\SoftBoots\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000);;local iRing = { normal = "time Ring", crazy = "life ring" };;if drunk == true and ring ~= itemid(iRing.crazy) then; moveitems(iRing.crazy, "all", "ring", 1) wait(10*1000); elseif drunk == false and ring ~= itemid(iRing.normal) then; moveitems(iRing.normal, "all", "ring", 1) wait(1500);end</w285>
<w282>Stand 32897 31047 9</w282>
<w283>Stand 32898 31047 9</w283>
<w286>Stand 32897 31050 8</w286>
<w287>Walk 32893 31052 8</w287>
<w288>Walk 32889 31057 8</w288>
<w289>Walk 32886 31061 8</w289>
<w290>Walk 32885 31076 8</w290>
<w291>Walk 32881 31081 8</w291>
<w292>Walk 32871 31089 8</w292>
<w293>Walk 32858 31090 8</w293>
<w294>Stand 32834 31079 8</w294>
<w295>Walk 32830 31063 8</w295>
<w296>Walk 32828 31049 8</w296>
<w297>Stand 32830 31040 8</w297>
<w298>Stand 32829 31040 8</w298>
<w299>Stand 32828 31043 7</w299>
<w300>Stand 32833 31050 7</w300>
<w301>Walk 32842 31051 7</w301>
<w302>Walk 32850 31052 7</w302>
<w303>Walk 32859 31052 7</w303>
<w304>Walk 32876 31052 7</w304>
<w305>Stand 32878 31051 7</w305>
<w306>Stand 32879 31051 7</w306>
<w307>Stand 32882 31051 6</w307>
<w308>Stand 32883 31055 7</w308>
<w309>Action 32883 31055 7 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Hur\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\SoftBoots\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\BootsOfHaste\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\TimeRing\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000);;local iRing = { normal = "Life Ring", crazy = "time ring" };;if drunk == true and ring ~= itemid(iRing.crazy) then; moveitems(iRing.crazy, "all", "ring", 1) wait(10*1000); elseif drunk == false and ring ~= itemid(iRing.normal) then; moveitems(iRing.normal, "all", "ring", 1) wait(1500);end</w309>
<indobank>Stand 32881 31059 7</indobank>
<w311>Walk 32875 31066 7</w311>
<w312>Walk 32869 31073 7</w312>
<w313>Walk 32868 31083 7</w313>
<w314>Walk 32868 31095 7</w314>
<w315>Walk 32861 31103 7</w315>
<w316>Walk 32851 31113 7</w316>
<w317>Walk 32844 31120 7</w317>
<w318>Walk 32837 31127 7</w318>
<w319>Stand 32835 31138 7</w319>
<w320>Stand 32835 31142 7</w320>
<w321>Stand 32835 31143 7</w321>
<w322>Stand 32835 31145 6</w322>
<w323>Stand 32835 31152 5</w323>
<w324>Stand 32835 31153 5</w324>
<w325>Stand 32835 31155 6</w325>
<w326>Stand 32836 31161 7</w326>
<w327>Walk 32846 31171 7</w327>
<w328>Walk 32841 31182 7</w328>
<w329>Walk 32832 31187 7</w329>
<w330>Walk 32827 31192 7</w330>
<w331>Walk 32828 31206 7</w331>
<w332>Walk 32827 31221 7</w332>
<w333>Walk 32831 31237 7</w333>
<w334>Stand 32830 31248 7</w334>
<w335>Stand 32824 31249 7</w335>
<w336>Action 32824 31249 7 if islocation() then;gotolabel("take") else gotolabel("indobank");end</w336>
<take>Stand 32824 31249 7</take>
<w310>Action 32824 31249 7 local pass = positive(2) * 1000;;local Total = pass;;say("hi");wait(2500,3500);npcsay("deposit all");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000);;if Total > 0 then; npcsay("withdraw "..Total); wait(500,1000); npcsay("yes"); wait(500,1000); npcsay("balance"); wait(500,1000);end</w310>
<w337>Stand 32828 31249 7</w337>
<w338>Stand 32818 31255 7</w338>
<w339>Walk 32807 31254 7</w339>
<w340>Stand 32802 31254 7</w340>
<w341>Stand 32802 31255 7</w341>
<w342>Stand 32805 31259 6</w342>
<w343>Walk 32811 31264 6</w343>
<w344>Walk 32812 31271 6</w344>
<w345>Stand 32817 31273 6</w345>
<w346>Stand 32816 31277 6</w346>
<w347>Action 32816 31277 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("use") else gotolabel("door");end</w347>
<door>Stand 32817 31274 6</door>
<w348>Use 32817 31275 6</w348>
<w349>Stand 32818 31274 6</w349>
<w350>Use 32818 31275 6</w350>
<w351>Stand 32816 31277 6</w351>
<w352>Action 32816 31277 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("use") else gotolabel("door");end</w352>
<use>Stand 32816 31277 6</use>
<w353>Use 32815 31277 6</w353>
<w354>Stand 32817 31278 5</w354>
<w355>Action 32817 31278 5 say("hi");wait(1000);npcsay("venore");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000)</w355>
<w356>Stand 32955 32022 6</w356>
<w357>Action 32955 32022 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("edrondp") else gotolabel("use");end</w357>
<edrondp>Stand 32955 32022 6</edrondp>
<w358>Action 32955 32022 6 say("hi");wait(1000);npcsay("edron");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000)</w358>
<w359>Stand 33175 31766 6</w359>
<w360>Action 33175 31766 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("edrondp1") else gotolabel("edrondp");end</w360>
<edrondp1>Stand 33176 31771 6</edrondp1>
<w361>Stand 33175 31774 6</w361>
<w362>Stand 33175 31775 6</w362>
<w363>Stand 33180 31777 7</w363>
<w364>Walk 33191 31783 7</w364>
<w365>Walk 33193 31790 7</w365>
<w366>Walk 33200 31803 7</w366>
<w367>Walk 33200 31814 7</w367>
<w368>Walk 33187 31817 7</w368>
<w369>Walk 33170 31817 7</w369>
<w370>Stand 33169 31811 7</w370>
<w371>Stand 33169 31812 7</w371>
<w372>Stand 33172 31812 8</w372>
<w373>Stand 33168 31804 8</w373>
<w374>Action 33168 31804 8 if islocation() then;gotolabel("StartDP") else gotolabel("edrondp1");end</w374>
<Coordinates>32875 31042 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>5 12</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32875 31053 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>20 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32881 31033 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>3 2</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32879 31029 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32887 31032 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>17 6</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32876 31038 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>20 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32890 31038 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>6 14</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32896 31048 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>14 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32907 31052 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>6 8</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32898 31060 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>17 3</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32898 31063 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>7 8</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32905 31070 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>13 6</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32913 31063 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>4 7</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32880 31031 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>5 5</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32906 31042 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>5 6</Dimensions>
<WalkingMethod>Map Clicks</WalkingMethod>
<MapWalkDistance>20 to 50</MapWalkDistance>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<Condition>Corpses with listed items</Condition>
<Style>After all dead</Style>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>Keep Away</Stance>
<Spell0>Icicle Rune</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>Keep Away</Stance>
<Spell0>Sudden Death Rune</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Sudden Death Rune</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Sudden Death Rune</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Ice Strike</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Ice Strike</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Ice Strike</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Ice Strike</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Icicle Rune</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<PlayerOnScreenSecurity>If cavebotting</PlayerOnScreenSecurity>
addtext("LvL :", 150,30)
addtext(level, 180,30)
addtext("Next LvL :", 150,45)
addtext(exptolevel(), 210,45)
addtext("Pos X : ", 10,45)
addtext(posx, 54,45)
addtext("Pos Y : ", 10,60)
addtext(posy, 54,60)
addtext("Pos Z : ", 10,75)
addtext(posz, 54,75)</Script>
<Show>If focused</Show>
<StuckCtrlShift>If cavebot on, release after 1 sec</StuckCtrlShift>
<TypingStyle>Keyboard keys</TypingStyle>
<PressWaitTime>45 to 65</PressWaitTime>
<Scroll>Use mouse wheel</Scroll>
<ClickWaitTime>30 to 50</ClickWaitTime>
<OpenMenuPolicy>Confirm if cavebotting</OpenMenuPolicy>
Demony Yalahar
Profesja :
-Master Sorcerer
Polecany poziom :
Informacje dodatkowe :
100% afk
Skrypt :
<Creature />
<Item />
<HealRange>80 to 90 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>20 to all</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Light Healing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>300 to 400</SpamRate>
<HealRange>67 to 80 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>70 to all</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Intense Healing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 67 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>160 to all</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Ultimate Healing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>100 to 200</SpamRate>
<HealRange>30 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 40 %</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Great Mana Potion</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>1000 to 2000</SpamRate>
<HealRange>90 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<HealMethod>Light Healing</HealMethod>
<ExtraCondition>If paralyzed</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>100 to 200</SpamRate>
<Rules />
<HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<AmmoCount>0 to 0</AmmoCount>
<ExtraCondition>If no ring</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>500 to 1000</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 90 %</ManaRange>
<AmmoCount>0 to 0</AmmoCount>
<ExtraCondition>If no ring</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>500 to 1000</SpamRate>
<HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
<ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
<AmmoCount>0 to 0</AmmoCount>
<ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
<SpamRate>500 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>local cavebot = getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Enabled")
local targeting = getsettings("Settings/Targeting/Enabled")
if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then
<Condition>Client focus required</Condition>
Name: Auto Reconnect by WT
Version: v1.0
-- Account:
accountNameIs = ("abcdefg")
-- Password:
passwordNameIs = ("1234567")
-- Character name:
characterNameIs = ("WithTrybe")
if (connected == false)
connect(accountNameIs, passwordNameIs, characterNameIs)
wait(600, 1800)
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>stake(7, true)</Script>
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>if mp >= 100 and not hasted then
cast("utani gran hur")
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>--Name of boots to use apart from soft:
local idBootsToUse = ("boots of haste")
--Unequip soft boots at % health:
local hpPctUnequipSb = 99
--Unequip soft boots at % mana:
local mpPctUnequipSb = 99
--Equip soft boots at % health or less:
local hpPctEquipSb = 95
--Equip soft boots at % mana or less:
local mpPctEquipSb = 95
--Soft Boots name:
local idSoftBoots = ("Soft Boots")
--Soft Boots in use ID:
local idUseSoftBoots = 3549
--Worn Soft Boots name:
local idWornSoftBoots = ("Worn Soft Boots")
if (pzone == true)
moveitems(idBootsToUse, mainBp, "boots", 1)
elseif (pzone == false)
if ((hppc <= hpPctEquipSb) and (mppc <= mpPctEquipSb) and (boots ~= idUseSoftBoots) and (lootbodies == false))
moveitems(idSoftBoots, mainBp, "boots", 1)
elseif ((hppc >= hpPctUnequipSb) and (mppc >= mpPctUnequipSb) and (boots == idUseSoftBoots) and (lootbodies == false))
moveitems(idBootsToUse, mainBp, "boots", 1)
if ((boots == itemid(idWornSoftBoots)) and (lootbodies == false))
moveitems(idBootsToUse, mainBp, "boots", 1)
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Script>if maround(7) > 0 and pzone == false and ((maround(1) == 0 and > 0 and standtime >= 2000) or standtime >= 20000) then
local rand = math.random(1,8)
if (rand == 1) then move('w')
elseif (rand == 2) then move('e')
elseif (rand == 3) then move('n')
elseif (rand == 4) then move('s')
elseif (rand == 5) then move('nw')
elseif (rand == 6) then move('ne')
elseif (rand == 7) then move('sw')
elseif (rand == 8) then move('se')
<SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
<Setup>-- Setup
-- Backpack Setup:
MainBP = "Backpack Of Holding" -- The Main BP.
mainBp = "Backpack Of Holding" -- The Main BP of Soft.
PotBP = "Dragon Backpack" -- The Potion BP.
LootBP = "Jewelled Backpack" -- Looting BP
LootDPBP = "Blue Backpack" -- BP to deposit loot on dp.
Soil = "Beach Backpack" -- Bp to Soil.
LifeRing = "Red Backpack" -- Bp to Life Ring.
Soil1 = "Natural Soil" -- Name of Soil
Ring2 = "Life Ring" -- Name of Ring
Soil1totake = 1 -- how many to take??
Ring2totake = 2 -- how many to take??
-- Potions Setup:
MPname = " great mana potion" -- Name of mana potion.
MPprice = 120 -- Price of mana potion to buy.
MPtobuy = 400 -- How many mana potions to buy?
MPtoback = 80 -- How many potions to back reffil?
ICIname = "icicle rune" -- Name of icicle .
ICIprice = 30 -- Price of icicle potion to buy.
ICItobuy = 1000 -- How many icicle potions to buy?
ICItoback = 150 -- How many icicle to back reffil?
SDname = "sudden death rune" -- Name of SD.
SDprice = 108 -- Price of SD potion to buy.
SDtobuy = 200 -- How many SD to buy?
SDtoback = 20 -- How many SD to back reffil?
-- Hunt:
Captoback = 100 -- How much cap to back reffil?
-- Refil Soft Boots? yes =true / no =false
softboots =true</Setup>
<StartDP>Stand 33168 31799 8</StartDP>
<w000>Stand 33168 31799 8</w000>
<w001>Action 33168 31799 8 setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "no");closewindows();wait(2000);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(MainBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(LootBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(LootBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(LootBP,LootBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(LootBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500)</w001>
<w002>Stand 33168 31799 8</w002>
<w003>Action 33168 31799 8 reachgrounditem("depot");wait(2000);openitem("depot");wait(2000);openitem(3502, "locker");wait(2000);openitem(LootDPBP, "depot chest");wait(2000);;depotdeposit(LootDPBP, "Talon", "Golden Legs", "Small Emerald", "Might Ring", "Platinum Amulet", "Fire Axe", "Ice Rapier", "Magic Plate Armor", "Gold Ring", "Giant Sword", "Demonrage Sword", "Demon Trophy", "Demon Shield", "Demon Horn", "Mastermind Shield", "Stealth Ring", "Fire Mushroom", "Ultimate Health Potion", "Assassin Star", "Demon Dust" );;if windowcount() < 3 then;gotolabel("StartDP");end</w003>
<soil>Action 33168 31798 8 setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "no");closewindows();wait(2000);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(MainBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(LootBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(LootBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500)</soil>
<openbpsoil>Action 33168 31798 8 openitem("depot");wait(2000);openitem(3502, "locker");wait(2000);openitem(Soil, "depot chest");wait(2000);;;moveitems(Soil1,Soil,LootBP,Soil1totake);;if windowcount() < 2 then;gotolabel("soil");end</openbpsoil>
<openbplr>Action 33168 31798 8 closewindows();wait(2000);openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(MainBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(LootBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(LootBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);;;openitem("depot");wait(2000);openitem(3502, "locker");wait(2000);openitem(LifeRing, "depot chest");wait(2000);;moveitems(Ring2,LifeRing,LootBP,Ring2totake);moveitems(Ring2,LifeRing,LootBP,Ring2totake);;if itemcount(Ring2) < Ring2totake then;gotolabel("error2");else gotolabel("check2");end</openbplr>
<error2>Action 33168 31798 8 moveitems(Ring2,LifeRing,LootBP,Ring2totake);openitem(LifeRing,LifeRing,false);wait(400,500);moveitems(Ring2,LifeRing,LootBP,Ring2totake);gotolabel("check2");wait(400,500)</error2>
<check2>Action 33168 31798 8 if itemcount(Soil1) < Soil1totake then;gotolabel("openbpsoil");else gotolabel("gobank");end</check2>
<gobank>Stand 33168 31802 8</gobank>
<w005>Stand 33171 31807 8</w005>
<w006>Stand 33169 31813 8</w006>
<w007>Stand 33169 31813 8</w007>
<w236>Stand 33169 31812 8</w236>
<w008>Stand 33171 31807 7</w008>
<w009>Stand 33173 31803 7</w009>
<w004>Action 33173 31803 7</w004>
<w010>Action 33173 31803 7 if islocation() then;gotolabel("bank") else gotolabel("gobank");end</w010>
<bank>Stand 33173 31803 7</bank>
<w011>Action 33173 31803 7 closewindows();wait(2000);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(MainBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(PotBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(PotBP,1);wait(200,300)</w011>
<w012>Action 33173 31803 7 if windowcount() < 2 then;gotolabel("bank");end</w012>
<money>Stand 33173 31803 7</money>
<w013>Action 33173 31803 7 local mana = positive(MPtobuy - itemcount(MPname)) * MPprice;local icicle = positive(ICItobuy - itemcount(ICIname)) * ICIprice;local sd = positive(SDtobuy - itemcount(SDname)) * SDprice;local pass = positive(2) * 1000;;local Total = mana + icicle + sd + pass;;say("hi");wait(2500,3500);npcsay("deposit all");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000);;if Total > 0 then; npcsay("withdraw "..Total); wait(500,1000); npcsay("yes"); wait(500,1000); npcsay("balance"); wait(500,1000);end</w013>
<w014>Stand 33173 31803 7</w014>
<w015>Action 33173 31803 7 if softboots then gotolabel('soft') else gotolabel('potion') end</w015>
<soft>Stand 33173 31803 7</soft>
<w016>Action 33173 31803 7 local soft = positive(itemcount("worn soft boots")) * 11000;local Total = soft;;say("hi");wait(2500,3500);npcsay("balance");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000);;if Total > 0 then; npcsay("withdraw "..Total); wait(500,1000); npcsay("yes"); wait(500,1000);end</w016>
<w017>Action 33173 31803 7 if itemcount("worn soft boots") >= 1 then ;gotolabel("softrefil") else gotolabel("potion");end</w017>
<softrefil>Stand 33171 31807 7</softrefil>
<w018>Stand 33171 31812 7</w018>
<w019>Stand 33175 31820 7</w019>
<w020>Walk 33187 31820 7</w020>
<w021>Walk 33200 31807 7</w021>
<w022>Stand 33200 31799 7</w022>
<w023>Walk 33193 31790 7</w023>
<w024>Stand 33180 31776 7</w024>
<w025>Stand 33176 31775 7</w025>
<w026>Use 33175 31775 7</w026>
<w027>Stand 33174 31774 6</w027>
<w028>Stand 33176 31765 6</w028>
<w029>Action 33176 31765 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("refilsoft1") else gotolabel("softrefil");end</w029>
<refilsoft1>Stand 33176 31765 6</refilsoft1>
<w030>Action 33176 31765 6 say("hi");wait(1000);npcsay("venore");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000)</w030>
<w031>Stand 32954 32025 6</w031>
<w032>Action 32954 32025 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("softrefil2") else gotolabel("refilsoft1");end</w032>
<softrefil2>Stand 32955 32029 6</softrefil2>
<w033>Stand 32954 32036 6</w033>
<w034>Walk 32953 32046 6</w034>
<w035>Walk 32953 32056 6</w035>
<w036>Stand 32954 32062 6</w036>
<w037>Stand 32954 32075 6</w037>
<w038>Stand 32953 32084 6</w038>
<w039>Walk 32953 32090 6</w039>
<w040>Walk 32949 32099 6</w040>
<w041>Stand 32953 32108 6</w041>
<w042>Action 32953 32108 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("softrefil3") else gotolabel("softrefil2");end</w042>
<softrefil3>Stand 32953 32108 6</softrefil3>
<w043>Action 32953 32108 6 say("hi");wait(1000);npcsay("repair");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000)</w043>
<w044>Action 32953 32108 6 if itemcount("worn soft boots") >= 1 then ;gotolabel("softrefil3") else gotolabel("goboat");end</w044>
<goboat>Stand 32949 32105 6</goboat>
<w045>Stand 32949 32099 6</w045>
<w046>Stand 32953 32088 6</w046>
<w047>Stand 32954 32080 6</w047>
<w048>Stand 32954 32073 6</w048>
<w049>Walk 32954 32059 6</w049>
<w050>Walk 32954 32047 6</w050>
<w051>Stand 32954 32040 6</w051>
<w052>Walk 32955 32034 6</w052>
<w053>Stand 32955 32027 6</w053>
<w054>Stand 32954 32023 6</w054>
<w055>Action 32954 32023 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("goedron") else gotolabel("goboat");end</w055>
<goedron>Stand 32955 32023 6</goedron>
<w056>Action 32955 32023 6 say("hi");wait(1000);npcsay("edron");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000)</w056>
<w057>Stand 33176 31767 6</w057>
<w058>Action 33176 31767 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("gopotion") else gotolabel("goedron");end</w058>
<gopotion>Stand 33176 31772 6</gopotion>
<w059>Stand 33175 31774 6</w059>
<w060>Stand 33175 31775 6</w060>
<w061>Stand 33181 31777 7</w061>
<w062>Stand 33190 31782 7</w062>
<w063>Walk 33197 31789 7</w063>
<w064>Walk 33200 31798 7</w064>
<w065>Walk 33200 31811 7</w065>
<potion>Stand 33192 31818 7</potion>
<w067>Walk 33192 31830 7</w067>
<w068>Stand 33197 31842 7</w068>
<w069>Stand 33209 31845 7</w069>
<w070>Walk 33230 31841 7</w070>
<w071>Stand 33240 31841 7</w071>
<w072>Stand 33246 31841 7</w072>
<w073>Stand 33247 31841 7</w073>
<w074>Stand 33250 31840 6</w074>
<w075>Stand 33257 31840 6</w075>
<w076>Stand 33258 31840 6</w076>
<w077>Stand 33256 31842 5</w077>
<w078>Stand 33257 31842 5</w078>
<w079>Stand 33254 31842 4</w079>
<w080>Stand 33255 31842 4</w080>
<w081>Stand 33256 31841 3</w081>
<w082>Action 33256 31841 3 if islocation() then;gotolabel("icicle") else gotolabel("potion");end</w082>
<icicle>Stand 33256 31841 3</icicle>
<w066>Action 33256 31841 3 closewindows();wait(300,400);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(MainBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(PotBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(PotBP,1);wait(200,300)</w066>
<w083>Action 33256 31841 3 if windowcount() < 2 then;gotolabel("icicle");end</w083>
<w084>Action 33256 31841 3 opentrade();;buyitemsupto(ICIname,ICItobuy);wait(200,300);;npcsay("bye");wait(400,600);;moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(ICIname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);;;npcsay("bye");wait(400,600)</w084>
<gobuymp>Stand 33255 31841 3</gobuymp>
<w086>Stand 33255 31842 3</w086>
<w087>Stand 33257 31841 4</w087>
<w088>Stand 33257 31842 4</w088>
<w089>Stand 33258 31839 5</w089>
<w090>Stand 33258 31840 5</w090>
<w091>Stand 33255 31837 6</w091>
<w092>Stand 33255 31838 6</w092>
<w093>Stand 33255 31840 7</w093>
<w094>Action 33255 31840 7 if islocation(2) then;gotolabel("buymp") else gotolabel("gobuymp");end</w094>
<buymp>Stand 33255 31840 7</buymp>
<w085>Action 33255 31840 7 closewindows();wait(300,400);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(MainBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(PotBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(PotBP,1);wait(200,300)</w085>
<w096>Action 33255 31840 7 if windowcount() < 2 then;gotolabel("buymp");end</w096>
<w095>Action 33255 31840 7 opentrade();sellflasks();;buyitemsupto(MPname,MPtobuy);wait(200,300);;npcsay("bye");wait(400,600);;moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);moveitems(MPname,MainBP,PotBP, 100);;if itemcount(MPname) < MPtobuy then;gotolabel("buymp") else gotolabel("yalaharboat");end;;</w095>
<yalaharboat>Stand 33255 31839 7</yalaharboat>
<w098>Stand 33255 31838 7</w098>
<w099>Stand 33254 31840 6</w099>
<w100>Stand 33248 31841 6</w100>
<w101>Stand 33247 31841 6</w101>
<w102>Stand 33237 31842 7</w102>
<w103>Walk 33217 31841 7</w103>
<w104>Walk 33203 31844 7</w104>
<w105>Walk 33194 31837 7</w105>
<w106>Walk 33193 31819 7</w106>
<w107>Walk 33201 31816 7</w107>
<w108>Stand 33201 31806 7</w108>
<w109>Stand 33201 31793 7</w109>
<w110>Stand 33191 31789 7</w110>
<w111>Walk 33191 31782 7</w111>
<w112>Walk 33183 31778 7</w112>
<w113>Stand 33176 31775 7</w113>
<w114>Use 33175 31775 7</w114>
<w115>Stand 33176 31772 6</w115>
<w116>Stand 33176 31765 6</w116>
<w117>Action 33176 31765 6 if islocation(2) then;gotolabel("goyalahar") else gotolabel("yalaharboat");end</w117>
<goyalahar>Stand 33176 31765 6</goyalahar>
<w097>Action 33176 31765 6 say("hi");wait(1000);npcsay("venore");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000)</w097>
<w118>Stand 32954 32022 6</w118>
<w119>Action 32954 32022 6 if islocation(2) then;gotolabel("goyalahar1") else gotolabel("goyalahar");end</w119>
<goyalahar1>Stand 32954 32022 6</goyalahar1>
<w120>Action 32954 32022 6 say("hi");wait(1000);npcsay("yalahar");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000)</w120>
<w121>Stand 32814 31272 6</w121>
<w122>Action 32814 31272 6 if islocation(2) then;gotolabel("gosd") else gotolabel("goyalahar1");end</w122>
<gosd>Stand 32812 31269 6</gosd>
<w123>Walk 32811 31261 6</w123>
<w124>Stand 32805 31258 6</w124>
<w125>Stand 32802 31257 6</w125>
<w126>Stand 32802 31256 6</w126>
<w127>Walk 32802 31248 7</w127>
<w128>Stand 32798 31233 7</w128>
<w129>Stand 32789 31239 7</w129>
<w130>Stand 32790 31239 7</w130>
<w131>Stand 32788 31239 6</w131>
<w132>Stand 32789 31239 6</w132>
<w133>Stand 32789 31238 5</w133>
<w134>Action 32789 31238 5 if islocation(3) then;gotolabel("gosd1") else gotolabel("gosd");end</w134>
<gosd1>Stand 32789 31238 5</gosd1>
<w135>Action 32789 31238 5 closewindows();wait(300,400);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(MainBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(PotBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(PotBP,1);wait(200,300)</w135>
<w136>Action 32789 31238 5 if windowcount() < 2 then;gotolabel("gosd1");end</w136>
<w137>Action 32789 31238 5 opentrade();sellflasks();;buyitemsupto(SDname,SDtobuy);wait(200,300);;npcsay("bye");wait(400,600)</w137>
<w138>Stand 32789 31239 5</w138>
<w139>Stand 32791 31239 6</w139>
<w140>Stand 32790 31239 6</w140>
<w141>Stand 32789 31237 7</w141>
<bps>Stand 32800 31232 7</bps>
<w143>Action 32800 31232 7 setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "yes");closewindows();wait(2000);;openitem(MainBP,"back",true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(MainBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(PotBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(PotBP,1);wait(200,300);;openitem(LootBP,MainBP,true);wait(400,500);resizewindow(LootBP,1);wait(200,300)</w143>
<w142>Action 32800 31232 7 if windowcount() < 3 then;gotolabel("bps");end</w142>
<w144>Walk 32815 31232 7</w144>
<w145>Walk 32822 31215 7</w145>
<w146>Walk 32825 31205 7</w146>
<w147>Stand 32828 31200 7</w147>
<w148>Walk 32829 31188 7</w148>
<w149>Walk 32842 31180 7</w149>
<w150>Stand 32844 31174 7</w150>
<w151>Walk 32831 31162 7</w151>
<w152>Stand 32833 31156 7</w152>
<w153>Stand 32833 31155 7</w153>
<w154>Stand 32833 31153 6</w154>
<w155>Stand 32833 31148 5</w155>
<w156>Stand 32833 31146 5</w156>
<w157>Stand 32833 31145 5</w157>
<w158>Stand 32833 31143 6</w158>
<w159>Walk 32834 31136 7</w159>
<w160>Walk 32838 31125 7</w160>
<w161>Walk 32848 31115 7</w161>
<w162>Walk 32859 31105 7</w162>
<w163>Walk 32868 31099 7</w163>
<w164>Walk 32868 31084 7</w164>
<w165>Stand 32868 31076 7</w165>
<w166>Walk 32878 31063 7</w166>
<w167>Stand 32883 31051 7</w167>
<w238>Action 32883 31051 7 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Hur\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\TimeRing\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\Boh\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\SoftBoots\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000);;local iRing = { normal = "time Ring", crazy = "life ring" };;if drunk == true and ring ~= itemid(iRing.crazy) then; moveitems(iRing.crazy, "all", "ring", 1) wait(10*1000); elseif drunk == false and ring ~= itemid(iRing.normal) then; moveitems(iRing.normal, "all", "ring", 1) wait(1500);end</w238>
<w168>Stand 32882 31051 7</w168>
<w169>Stand 32880 31051 6</w169>
<w170>Stand 32874 31051 7</w170>
<w171>Walk 32858 31051 7</w171>
<w172>Walk 32845 31049 7</w172>
<w173>Walk 32842 31047 7</w173>
<w174>Stand 32834 31049 7</w174>
<w175>Walk 32829 31043 7</w175>
<w176>Stand 32829 31041 7</w176>
<w177>Stand 32829 31040 7</w177>
<w178>Stand 32829 31043 8</w178>
<w179>Stand 32827 31051 8</w179>
<w180>Walk 32828 31060 8</w180>
<w181>Walk 32833 31073 8</w181>
<w182>Walk 32837 31082 8</w182>
<w183>Walk 32848 31088 8</w183>
<w184>Walk 32863 31092 8</w184>
<w185>Walk 32878 31089 8</w185>
<w186>Walk 32884 31079 8</w186>
<w187>Stand 32885 31067 8</w187>
<w188>Stand 32888 31059 8</w188>
<w189>Stand 32894 31050 8</w189>
<dece>Stand 32898 31048 8</dece>
<w191>Stand 32898 31047 8</w191>
<w379>Stand 32896 31047 9</w379>
<w380>Action 32896 31047 9 if islocation() then;gotolabel("soill") else gotolabel("dece");end</w380>
<soill>Stand 32894 31045 9</soill>
<w193>Action 32894 31045 9 wait(800);moveitems("natural soil", ground(32894,31044,9), 1);;</w193>
<w195>Stand 32894 31046 9</w195>
<w196>Stand 32893 31046 9</w196>
<w209>Stand 32887 31043 9</w209>
<w210>Action 32887 31043 9 if islocation() then;gotolabel("cave") else gotolabel("EnergySoil");end</w210>
<EnergySoil>Stand 32896 31045 9</EnergySoil>
<w197>Stand 32894 31045 9</w197>
<w198>Action 32894 31045 9 wait(800);moveitems("energy soil", ground(32894,31044,9), 1)</w198>
<w199>Stand 32894 31046 9</w199>
<w200>Stand 32893 31046 9</w200>
<w211>Stand 32887 31043 9</w211>
<w212>Action 32887 31043 9 if islocation() then;gotolabel("cave") else gotolabel("IcedSoil");end</w212>
<IcedSoil>Stand 32896 31045 9</IcedSoil>
<w201>Stand 32894 31045 9</w201>
<w202>Action 32894 31045 9 wait(800);moveitems("iced soil", ground(32894,31044,9), 1)</w202>
<w203>Stand 32894 31046 9</w203>
<w204>Stand 32893 31046 9</w204>
<w213>Stand 32887 31043 9</w213>
<w214>Action 32887 31043 9 if islocation() then;gotolabel("cave") else gotolabel("GlimmeringSoil");end</w214>
<GlimmeringSoil>Stand 32896 31045 9</GlimmeringSoil>
<w205>Stand 32894 31045 9</w205>
<w206>Action 32894 31045 9 wait(800);moveitems("glimmering soil", ground(32894,31044,9), 1)</w206>
<w207>Stand 32894 31046 9</w207>
<w208>Stand 32893 31046 9</w208>
<cave>Stand 32886 31042 9</cave>
<w239>Action 32886 31042 9 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Hur\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\Boh\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\SoftBoots\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\TimeRing\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000);;local iRing = { normal = "Life Ring", crazy = "time ring" };;if drunk == true and ring ~= itemid(iRing.crazy) then; moveitems(iRing.crazy, "all", "ring", 1) wait(10*1000); elseif drunk == false and ring ~= itemid(iRing.normal) then; moveitems(iRing.normal, "all", "ring", 1) wait(1500);end</w239>
<w240>Stand 32884 31041 9</w240>
<w215>Action 32884 31041 9 settargeting('no');wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Hur\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000)</w215>
<w216>Stand 32883 31041 9</w216>
<w217>Stand 32882 31040 10</w217>
<w219>Walk 32893 31041 10</w219>
<w220>Walk 32894 31043 10</w220>
<w221>Walk 32898 31044 10</w221>
<w222>Stand 32899 31044 10</w222>
<w218>Action 32899 31044 10 settargeting('yes');wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Hur\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000)</w218>
<w192>Stand 32900 31041 10</w192>
<w223>Stand 32900 31047 10</w223>
<w224>Stand 32901 31047 10</w224>
<w225>Action 32901 31047 10 settargeting('no');wait(1000)</w225>
<w226>Walk 32903 31050 10</w226>
<w227>Walk 32904 31054 10</w227>
<w228>Stand 32906 31057 10</w228>
<w229>Node 32906 31055 10</w229>
<w376>Stand 32909 31057 10</w376>
<w230>Stand 32906 31052 10</w230>
<w377>Stand 32910 31055 10</w377>
<w231>Node 32905 31050 10</w231>
<w378>Stand 32907 31051 10</w378>
<w281>Stand 32905 31046 10</w281>
<w375>Stand 32904 31043 10</w375>
<w237>Action 32904 31044 10 settargeting('yes');wait(1000)</w237>
<w241>Stand 32905 31049 10</w241>
<w242>Action 32905 31049 10 settargeting('no');wait(1000)</w242>
<w243>Walk 32906 31051 10</w243>
<w244>Walk 32908 31055 10</w244>
<w246>Walk 32908 31060 10</w246>
<w245>Stand 32907 31065 10</w245>
<w247>Action 32907 31065 10 settargeting('yes');wait(1000)</w247>
<w248>Stand 32904 31062 10</w248>
<w249>Action 32904 31062 10 settargeting('no');wait(1000)</w249>
<w250>Walk 32900 31059 10</w250>
<w251>Walk 32897 31056 10</w251>
<w252>Stand 32883 31050 10</w252>
<w253>Stand 32888 31053 10</w253>
<w279>Stand 32888 31053 10</w279>
<w254>Stand 32896 31055 10</w254>
<w190>Stand 32888 31054 10</w190>
<w280>Stand 32896 31055 10</w280>
<w194>Stand 32896 31056 10</w194>
<w255>Stand 32899 31058 10</w255>
<w381>Stand 32895 31055 10</w381>
<w256>Stand 32902 31060 10</w256>
<w257>Stand 32907 31066 10</w257>
<w258>Action 32907 31067 10 settargeting('yes');wait(1000)</w258>
<w259>Stand 32905 31065 10</w259>
<w264>Action 32905 31065 10 settargeting('no');wait(1000)</w264>
<w260>Walk 32899 31061 10</w260>
<w261>Walk 32895 31054 10</w261>
<w262>Walk 32887 31054 10</w262>
<w263>Walk 32881 31048 10</w263>
<w265>Walk 32880 31046 10</w265>
<w266>Walk 32882 31036 10</w266>
<w267>Stand 32881 31035 10</w267>
<w268>Node 32880 31040 10</w268>
<w382>Stand 32881 31037 10</w382>
<w269>Node 32880 31043 10</w269>
<w383>Stand 32880 31040 10</w383>
<w270>Node 32882 31049 10</w270>
<w384>Stand 32880 31044 10</w384>
<w271>Stand 32882 31049 10</w271>
<w272>Action 32882 31049 10 settargeting('yes');wait(1000)</w272>
<w273>Stand 32881 31048 10</w273>
<w274>Action 32881 31048 10 settargeting('no');wait(1000)</w274>
<w275>Walk 32881 31044 10</w275>
<w276>Walk 32881 31041 10</w276>
<w277>Stand 32882 31041 10</w277>
<w278>Stand 32883 31041 10</w278>
<w232>Action 32884 31041 9 moveitems(283, "ground", 100);moveitems(284, "ground", 100);moveitems(285, "ground", 100);moveitems(283, "ground", 100);moveitems(284, "ground", 100);moveitems(285, "ground", 100);moveitems(283, "ground", 100);moveitems(284, "ground", 100);moveitems(285, "ground", 100);moveitems(283, "ground", 100);moveitems(284, "ground", 100);moveitems(285, "ground", 100);moveitems(283, "ground", 100);moveitems(284, "ground", 100);moveitems(285, "ground", 100);moveitems(283, "ground", 100);moveitems(284, "ground", 100);moveitems(285, "ground", 100);moveitems(283, "ground", 100);moveitems(284, "ground", 100);moveitems(285, "ground", 100);moveitems(283, "ground", 100);moveitems(284, "ground", 100)</w232>
<w233>Action 32884 31041 9 if cap >= Captoback and countitem(MPname) >= MPtoback then;gotolabel("checkrune1") else gotolabel("refil");end</w233>
<checkrune1>Action 32884 31041 9 if cap >= Captoback and countitem(ICIname) >= ICItoback then;gotolabel("checkrune2") else gotolabel("refil");end</checkrune1>
<checkrune2>Action 32884 31041 9 if cap >= Captoback and countitem(SDname) >= SDtoback then;gotolabel("cave") else gotolabel("refil");end</checkrune2>
<refil>Stand 32886 31042 9</refil>
<w234>Stand 32888 31045 9</w234>
<w235>Stand 32889 31045 9</w235>
<w284>Stand 32895 31047 9</w284>
<w285>Action 32895 31047 9 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Hur\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\TimeRing\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\Boh\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\SoftBoots\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000);;local iRing = { normal = "time Ring", crazy = "life ring" };;if drunk == true and ring ~= itemid(iRing.crazy) then; moveitems(iRing.crazy, "all", "ring", 1) wait(10*1000); elseif drunk == false and ring ~= itemid(iRing.normal) then; moveitems(iRing.normal, "all", "ring", 1) wait(1500);end</w285>
<w282>Stand 32897 31047 9</w282>
<w283>Stand 32898 31047 9</w283>
<w286>Stand 32897 31050 8</w286>
<w287>Walk 32893 31052 8</w287>
<w288>Walk 32889 31057 8</w288>
<w289>Walk 32886 31061 8</w289>
<w290>Walk 32885 31076 8</w290>
<w291>Walk 32881 31081 8</w291>
<w292>Walk 32871 31089 8</w292>
<w293>Walk 32858 31090 8</w293>
<w294>Stand 32834 31079 8</w294>
<w295>Walk 32830 31063 8</w295>
<w296>Walk 32828 31049 8</w296>
<w297>Stand 32830 31040 8</w297>
<w298>Stand 32829 31040 8</w298>
<w299>Stand 32828 31043 7</w299>
<w300>Stand 32833 31050 7</w300>
<w301>Walk 32842 31051 7</w301>
<w302>Walk 32850 31052 7</w302>
<w303>Walk 32859 31052 7</w303>
<w304>Walk 32876 31052 7</w304>
<w305>Stand 32878 31051 7</w305>
<w306>Stand 32879 31051 7</w306>
<w307>Stand 32882 31051 6</w307>
<w308>Stand 32883 31055 7</w308>
<w309>Action 32883 31055 7 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Hur\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\SoftBoots\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\BootsOfHaste\\Enabled", "yes");wait(1000);setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Rules\\TimeRing\\Enabled", "no");wait(1000);;local iRing = { normal = "Life Ring", crazy = "time ring" };;if drunk == true and ring ~= itemid(iRing.crazy) then; moveitems(iRing.crazy, "all", "ring", 1) wait(10*1000); elseif drunk == false and ring ~= itemid(iRing.normal) then; moveitems(iRing.normal, "all", "ring", 1) wait(1500);end</w309>
<indobank>Stand 32881 31059 7</indobank>
<w311>Walk 32875 31066 7</w311>
<w312>Walk 32869 31073 7</w312>
<w313>Walk 32868 31083 7</w313>
<w314>Walk 32868 31095 7</w314>
<w315>Walk 32861 31103 7</w315>
<w316>Walk 32851 31113 7</w316>
<w317>Walk 32844 31120 7</w317>
<w318>Walk 32837 31127 7</w318>
<w319>Stand 32835 31138 7</w319>
<w320>Stand 32835 31142 7</w320>
<w321>Stand 32835 31143 7</w321>
<w322>Stand 32835 31145 6</w322>
<w323>Stand 32835 31152 5</w323>
<w324>Stand 32835 31153 5</w324>
<w325>Stand 32835 31155 6</w325>
<w326>Stand 32836 31161 7</w326>
<w327>Walk 32846 31171 7</w327>
<w328>Walk 32841 31182 7</w328>
<w329>Walk 32832 31187 7</w329>
<w330>Walk 32827 31192 7</w330>
<w331>Walk 32828 31206 7</w331>
<w332>Walk 32827 31221 7</w332>
<w333>Walk 32831 31237 7</w333>
<w334>Stand 32830 31248 7</w334>
<w335>Stand 32824 31249 7</w335>
<w336>Action 32824 31249 7 if islocation() then;gotolabel("take") else gotolabel("indobank");end</w336>
<take>Stand 32824 31249 7</take>
<w310>Action 32824 31249 7 local pass = positive(2) * 1000;;local Total = pass;;say("hi");wait(2500,3500);npcsay("deposit all");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000);;if Total > 0 then; npcsay("withdraw "..Total); wait(500,1000); npcsay("yes"); wait(500,1000); npcsay("balance"); wait(500,1000);end</w310>
<w337>Stand 32828 31249 7</w337>
<w338>Stand 32818 31255 7</w338>
<w339>Walk 32807 31254 7</w339>
<w340>Stand 32802 31254 7</w340>
<w341>Stand 32802 31255 7</w341>
<w342>Stand 32805 31259 6</w342>
<w343>Walk 32811 31264 6</w343>
<w344>Walk 32812 31271 6</w344>
<w345>Stand 32817 31273 6</w345>
<w346>Stand 32816 31277 6</w346>
<w347>Action 32816 31277 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("use") else gotolabel("door");end</w347>
<door>Stand 32817 31274 6</door>
<w348>Use 32817 31275 6</w348>
<w349>Stand 32818 31274 6</w349>
<w350>Use 32818 31275 6</w350>
<w351>Stand 32816 31277 6</w351>
<w352>Action 32816 31277 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("use") else gotolabel("door");end</w352>
<use>Stand 32816 31277 6</use>
<w353>Use 32815 31277 6</w353>
<w354>Stand 32817 31278 5</w354>
<w355>Action 32817 31278 5 say("hi");wait(1000);npcsay("venore");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000)</w355>
<w356>Stand 32955 32022 6</w356>
<w357>Action 32955 32022 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("edrondp") else gotolabel("use");end</w357>
<edrondp>Stand 32955 32022 6</edrondp>
<w358>Action 32955 32022 6 say("hi");wait(1000);npcsay("edron");wait(500,1000);npcsay("yes");wait(500,1000)</w358>
<w359>Stand 33175 31766 6</w359>
<w360>Action 33175 31766 6 if islocation() then;gotolabel("edrondp1") else gotolabel("edrondp");end</w360>
<edrondp1>Stand 33176 31771 6</edrondp1>
<w361>Stand 33175 31774 6</w361>
<w362>Stand 33175 31775 6</w362>
<w363>Stand 33180 31777 7</w363>
<w364>Walk 33191 31783 7</w364>
<w365>Walk 33193 31790 7</w365>
<w366>Walk 33200 31803 7</w366>
<w367>Walk 33200 31814 7</w367>
<w368>Walk 33187 31817 7</w368>
<w369>Walk 33170 31817 7</w369>
<w370>Stand 33169 31811 7</w370>
<w371>Stand 33169 31812 7</w371>
<w372>Stand 33172 31812 8</w372>
<w373>Stand 33168 31804 8</w373>
<w374>Action 33168 31804 8 if islocation() then;gotolabel("StartDP") else gotolabel("edrondp1");end</w374>
<Coordinates>32875 31042 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>5 12</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32875 31053 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>20 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32881 31033 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>3 2</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32879 31029 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>1 1</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32887 31032 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>17 6</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32876 31038 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>20 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32890 31038 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>6 14</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32896 31048 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>14 4</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32907 31052 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>6 8</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32898 31060 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>17 3</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32898 31063 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>7 8</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32905 31070 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>13 6</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32913 31063 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>4 7</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32880 31031 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>5 5</Dimensions>
<Coordinates>32906 31042 10</Coordinates>
<Dimensions>5 6</Dimensions>
<WalkingMethod>Map Clicks</WalkingMethod>
<MapWalkDistance>20 to 50</MapWalkDistance>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No alarm</AlarmOn>
<AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
<Condition>Corpses with listed items</Condition>
<Style>After all dead</Style>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>Keep Away</Stance>
<Spell0>Icicle Rune</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>Keep Away</Stance>
<Spell0>Sudden Death Rune</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Sudden Death Rune</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Sudden Death Rune</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Ice Strike</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Ice Strike</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Ice Strike</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Ice Strike</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
<Stance>No movement</Stance>
<Spell0>Icicle Rune</Spell0>
<SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
<AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
<PlayerOnScreenSecurity>If cavebotting</PlayerOnScreenSecurity>
addtext("LvL :", 150,30)
addtext(level, 180,30)
addtext("Next LvL :", 150,45)
addtext(exptolevel(), 210,45)
addtext("Pos X : ", 10,45)
addtext(posx, 54,45)
addtext("Pos Y : ", 10,60)
addtext(posy, 54,60)
addtext("Pos Z : ", 10,75)
addtext(posz, 54,75)</Script>
<Show>If focused</Show>
<StuckCtrlShift>If cavebot on, release after 1 sec</StuckCtrlShift>
<TypingStyle>Keyboard keys</TypingStyle>
<PressWaitTime>45 to 65</PressWaitTime>
<Scroll>Use mouse wheel</Scroll>
<ClickWaitTime>30 to 50</ClickWaitTime>
<OpenMenuPolicy>Confirm if cavebotting</OpenMenuPolicy>