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Monsters Master of Nature

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Mar 23, 2013
Reaction score
Autor: Dzyl

W data/monsters robiby plik Master of Nature.xml

I wklejamy do niego to :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
 <monster name="Master of Nature" nameDescription="Master of Nature" race="blood" experience="80000000" speed="500" manacost="0">
  <health now="1000000" max="1000000" /> 
  <look type="144" head="0" body="94" legs="94" feet="82" addons="3" corpse="3128" /> 
  <targetchange interval="2000" chance="50" /> 
  <strategy attack="100" defense="0" />

  <flag summonable="1" /> 
  <flag attackable="1" /> 
  <flag hostile="1" /> 
  <flag illusionable="1" /> 
  <flag convinceable="1" /> 
  <flag pushable="1" /> 
  <flag canpushitems="1" /> 
  <flag canpushcreatures="0" /> 
  <flag targetdistance="1" /> 
  <flag runonhealth="25" /> 

  <attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="200" attack="200" />
  <attack name="poison storm" interval="3000" chance="4000" min="-2500" max="-4000"/>
  <attack name="melee" interval="2000" min="-3600" max="-6700"/>
  <attack name="Ice Wave" interval="6000" chance="6500" min="-4000" max="-5000"/>
  <attack name="great fireball" interval="7000" chance="3000" min="-4500" max="-4800"/>
  <attack name="arrow" interval="2000" chance="100" min="-2000" max="-3800" /> 
  <attack name="ultimate explosion" interval="5000" chance="2000" min="-2700" max="-4500"/>
  <attack name="Eternal Winter" interval="10000" chance="6000" min="-3800" max="-5800"/>
  <attack name="hydra poisonwave" interval="3000" min="-2000" max="-3600" chance="-2000"/>

  <defenses armor="60" defense="60" /> 
  <immunity physical="0" /> 
  <immunity energy="0" /> 
  <immunity fire="0" /> 
  <immunity poison="0" /> 
  <immunity lifedrain="0" /> 
  <immunity paralyze="0" /> 
  <immunity outfit="0" /> 
  <immunity drunk="0" /> 
  <immunity invisible="0" /> 
<summons max="7">
      <summon name="Water Elemental" interval="5000" chance="20"/>
      <summon name="Hydra" interval="4000" chance="18"/>
      <summon name="Hellfire Fighter" interval="3000" chance="14"/>

 <voices interval="5000" chance="10">
  <voice sentence="Zdychaj albo ded!" /> 
  <voice sentence="*** ci w dupe!" />
<voice sentence="Spierdalaj z tond!" /> 
<voice sentence="Nature is Mine !" /> 

 <loot capacity="500">
  <item id="2148" countmax="15" chance1="82000" chancemax="0" /> gold
  <item id="2666" countmax="2" chance1="42000" chancemax="0" /> meat
  <item id="2649" chance="20000" /> leather l
  <item id="2465" chance="4000" /> brass a
 <item id="1987" chance="100000">
  <item id="2398" chance="9999" /> mace
  <item id="2458" chance="7777" /> chain h
  <item id="2509" chance="2857" /> steel s
  <item id="2386" chance="42000" /> axe
  <item id="2391" chance="2300" /> war h
  <item id="2511" chance="52000" /> brass s
  <item id="2110" chance="3000" /> doll
  <item id="2459" chance="1000" /> iron h

Loot nie zmienialem, jest taki jak z nomada.Mo?ecie sobie przecie? zmienic :)
Potwor wyglonda jak taki full druid, ma fajne kolorki xD
A zreszt? sami sprawdzicie bo nie chce mi sie screena dawac :p

Potwor na otsy raczej z expem 70+
Dla leveli powyzej 1k.
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