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Mods [MOD] Pandora Box Event

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Forum friend
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
1. Autor - Oskar

2. Oryginalny w?tek -

3. Opis - Niekt?rym znany, innym nie. Event, w kt?rym na mapie pojawia si? tajemnicza puszka Pandory, po u?yciu kt?rej wok?? pojawia si? mn?stwo jej stra?nik?w, by po ich pokonaniu na ?wiat zes?a? sam? Pandor?.

Pozostaje kwestia wyja?nie?:
[lua]dateToStart = {
['monday'] = false,
['tuesday'] = true,
['wednesday'] = false,
['thursday'] = false,
['friday'] = true,
['saturday'] = true,
['sunday'] = false
W jakich dniach event mo?e si? odby?, czyli samoistnie uruchomi?.
[lua]monstersPositions = {
leftTopCorner = {x=1421,y=1248,z=7},
rightBottomCorner = {x=1441,y=1265,z=7}
Lewy g?rny oraz prawy dolny r?g prostok?ta, w kt?rym b?d? si? pojawia? potworki.
[lua]pandoraBoxAccesToUseCommand = 4,[/lua]
Wymagany acces do r?cznego uruchomienia eventu komend? "!pandoraBox".
[lua]boxId = 9661,[/lua]
ID puszki, wygl?da jak zwyk?y crate.
[lua]timeOnPutBox = 10,[/lua]
Czas po jakim puszka pojawi si? na mapie, w minutach, je?li nie pojawi si? za pierwszym razem, gdy? event ten uruchamia si? cyklicznie i, je?li wylosuje si? szansa na pojawienie puszki, wtedy przerywa losowanie do czasu a? zniknie z mapy, czyli wtedy, gdy event si? zako?czy.
[lua]chance = 100,[/lua]
Zwi?zane z poprzednim podpunktem. Tutaj jest szansa na to, ?e puszka si? pojawi. Zalecane jest da? oko?o 10% przy czasie 20 minut.
[lua]pandoraBoxPosition = {x=1440,y=1258,z=7},[/lua]
Oraz pozycja gdzie ?w puszka si? pojawi.
[lua]monstersName = {'slime',4,'dragon',25},[/lua]
Rodzaje potwor?w, kt?re b?d? si? pojawia? po otwarciu puszki. Wype?niamy w ten spos?b {'monsterName1', chance1, 'monsterName2', chance2, ... , 'monsterNameX', chanceX'}. Jest to o tyle dobre, ?e mo?emy swobodnie dobiera? w jakich ilo?ciach maj? pojawia? si? co silniejsze potwory.
[lua]monstersSpawnCount = {80,110},[/lua]
Ilo?? wy?ej wymienionych potwor?w ma si? pojawi? w prostok?cie, kt?rego wyznaczyli?my na pocz?tku. Nie zalecam dawa? zbyt du?o, gdy? to mo?e niepotrzebnie obci??y? silnik.
[lua]wavesCount = {9,11},[/lua]
Ilo?? fal potwor?w, kt?re zaatakuj? ?wiat gry po otwarciu puszki. Po pokonaniu wszystkich pojawia si? Pandora.
[lua]timeBetweenWaves = 90,[/lua]
Czas po jakim nast?puj? po sobie fale. W sekundach.
[lua]timeOnKillAllMonsters = 13,[/lua]
Czas na zabicie wszystkich potwor?w, ze wszystkich fal. Je?li nie zd??ymy to wszystkim graczom online zmniejsza si? exp rate.
[lua]timeOnGetRewards = 20,[/lua]
Czas jaki mamy na wzi?cie nagr?d z puszki po zabiciu Pandory.
[lua]bossPositionToSamePandoraBox = true,[/lua]
Czy Pandora, jako boss, ma si? pojawi? na tej samej pozycji co puszka czy losowo w prostok?cie, kt?ry wyznaczyli?my na pocz?tku.
[lua]bossName = 'Pandora',[/lua]
Nazwa bossa.
[lua]pandoraGuards = 'fallen island warlock',[/lua]
Nazwa stra?nik?w, kt?rzy pojawiaj? si? razem z bossem.
[lua]pandoraGuardsCount = 10,[/lua]
Oraz ich ilo??.
[lua]expRateValue = 0.25,[/lua]
Exp rate, na kt?ry si? zmieni, je?li nie zd??ymy zabi? wszystkich potwor?w, wr?ci do normy, gdy ju? pokonamy wszystkie potwory z fal plus bossa.

4. Klient - Bazowo pisa?em go pod 8.54, silnik 0.3.6pl1, ale powinien dzia?a? na innych.

5. Skrypt
Skrypt tworzymy w folderze mods i wklejamy tam:
[lua]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mod name="Pandora Box" version="0.1.2" author="Oskar" contact="http://otibia.pl/members/oskar-5/" enabled="yes">
Main Thread: <a href="http://otibia.pl/mods-inne-51/mods-pandora-box-event-28/" target="_blank">http://otibia.pl/mods-inne-51/mods-pandora-box-event-28/</a>
Author: Oskar
Date: 24/08 2013
<config name="pandoraBox_conf"><![CDATA[
dateToStart = {
['monday'] = false,
['tuesday'] = true,
['wednesday'] = false,
['thursday'] = false,
['friday'] = true,
['saturday'] = true,
['sunday'] = false

eventDate = {}
for k, v in pairs(dateToStart) do
if v then
table.insert(eventDate, k)

pandoraBox = {
monstersPositions = {
leftTopCorner = {x=1421,y=1248,z=7},
rightBottomCorner = {x=1441,y=1265,z=7}
pandoraBoxAccesToUseCommand = 4,
--box config
boxId = 9661,
timeOnPutBox = 10, --in minutes
chance = 100,
pandoraBoxPosition = {x=1440,y=1258,z=7},

--monsters config
monstersName = {'slime',4,'dragon',25}, --'name', chance, 'name1', chance1
monstersSpawnCount = {80,110}, --{from, to}

--waves config
wavesCount = {9,11}, --{from, to}
timeBetweenWaves = 90, --in seconds

timeOnKillAllMonsters = 13, --in minutes
timeOnGetRewards = 20, --in seconds
bossPositionToSamePandoraBox = true,
bossName = 'Pandora',
pandoraGuards = 'fallen island warlock',
pandoraGuardsCount = 10,
expRateValue = 0.25,

pandoraBoxRewards = {
--[vocationId] = {itemid, count, itemid1, count1, ...}
[1] = {2160, 25, 7898, 1, 7899, 1}, --sorc
[2] = {2160, 25, 7884, 1, 7897, 1}, --druid
[3] = {2160, 25, 8891, 1, 7368, 100}, --pall
[4] = {2160, 25, 8889, 1, 5741, 1}, --knight
[5] = {2160, 30, 8868, 1, 8867, 1}, --ms
[6] = {2160, 30, 8866, 1, 8869, 1}, --ed
[7] = {2160, 30, 8888, 1, 2537, 1}, --rp
[8] = {2160, 30, 8881, 1, 2522, 1}, --ek

function getArea(pandoraBox)
local LTCx, LTCy, LTCz = pandoraBox.monstersPositions.leftTopCorner.x, pandoraBox.monstersPositions.leftTopCorner.y, pandoraBox.monstersPositions.leftTopCorner.z
local RBCx, RBCy, RBCz = pandoraBox.monstersPositions.rightBottomCorner.x, pandoraBox.monstersPositions.rightBottomCorner.y, pandoraBox.monstersPositions.rightBottomCorner.z
local centerPos, rangex, rangey = {x=(LTCx+RBCx)/2,y=(LTCy+RBCy)/2,z=(LTCz+RBCz)/2}, math.abs(RBCx-LTCx), math.abs(RBCy-LTCy)
return centerPos, rangex, rangey

function isWalkable(pos, creature, proj, pz)
if getTileThingByPos({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z,stackpos=0}).itemid == 0 then return false end
if getTopCreature(pos).uid > 0 and creature then return false end
if getTileInfo(pos).protection and pz then return false, true end
local n = not proj and 3 or 2
for i = 0, 255 do
pos.stackpos = i
local tile = getTileThingByPos(pos)
if tile.itemid ~= 0 and not isCreature(tile.uid) then
if hasProperty(tile.uid, n) or hasProperty(tile.uid, 7) then
return false
return true

function checkPositions(fromPos, toPos, nb)
local pos = {x=math.random(fromPos.x,toPos.x), y=math.random(fromPos.y,toPos.y), z=math.random(fromPos.z,toPos.z)}
if isWalkable(pos, true, true, true) then
return pos
return (nb < 200 and checkPositions(fromPos, toPos, nb+1) or pos)

function setMonster(pandoraBox)
for i = 1, #pandoraBox.monstersName/2 do
local pos = checkPositions(pandoraBox.monstersPositions.leftTopCorner, pandoraBox.monstersPositions.rightBottomCorner, 0)
if pos and math.random(100000) <= pandoraBox.monstersName[i*2]*1000 then
local mon = doCreateMonster(pandoraBox.monstersName[i*2-1], pos, false)
return (isCreature(mon) and doCreatureSetStorage(mon, 1000, 1) or true)
return setMonster(pandoraBox)

function setPandoraBoxMonsters(pandoraBox)
for j = 1, math.random(pandoraBox.wavesCount[1], pandoraBox.wavesCount[2]) do
doBroadcastMessage('Next wave is raid on the city! Beware mortals, death come for you!')
for i = 1, math.random(pandoraBox.monstersSpawnCount[1], pandoraBox.monstersSpawnCount[2]) do
addEvent(setMonster, i * 50, pandoraBox)
end return true end,
(j == 1 and 1000 or pandoraBox.timeBetweenWaves * 1000 * (j-1)),
return true

function setPandoraBox(pandoraBox)
if getStorage(5000) ~= -1 then
return addEvent(setPandoraBox, pandoraBox.timeOnPutBox * 60 * 1000, pandoraBox)
if math.random(100000) <= pandoraBox.chance*1000 then
doSetStorage(5000, 0)
local item = doCreateItem(pandoraBox.boxId, pandoraBox.pandoraBoxPosition)
doItemSetAttribute(item, 'uid', 2000)
doItemSetAttribute(item, 'name', 'Pandora Box')
return doBroadcastMessage('Pandora Box is appeared somewhere in the city!')
return doSetStorage(5000, -1) and addEvent(setPandoraBox, pandoraBox.timeOnPutBox * 60 * 1000, pandoraBox)

function checkMonsters(pandoraBox, n)
local centerPos, rangex, rangey = getArea(pandoraBox)
local newSpectators = getSpectators(centerPos, rangex, rangey)
if newSpectators then
for _, v in ipairs(newSpectators) do
if isMonster(v) and getCreatureStorage(v, 1000) == 1 then
for _, k in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
if n == 0 then
doBroadcastMessage('Experience rate is to decreased by '.. pandoraBox.expRateValue * 100 ..' percent and not grow, until the evil from Pandora Box walk on the city.')
n = 60
doPlayerSetExperienceRate(k, pandoraBox.expRateValue)
return addEvent(checkMonsters, 5000, pandoraBox, n - 1)
doBroadcastMessage('Evil from Pandora Box is defeated! '..pandoraBox.bossName..' in his own person be came to the city for revenage!')
local pand = doCreateMonster(pandoraBox.bossName, (pandoraBox.bossPositionToSamePandoraBox and pandoraBox.pandoraBoxPosition or checkPositions(pandoraBox.monstersPositions.leftTopCorner, pandoraBox.monstersPositions.rightBottomCorner, 0)), false)
local pos = getThingPos(pand)
for i = 1, pandoraBox.pandoraGuardsCount do
pos.x = pos.x + math.random(-4,4)
pos.y = pos.y + math.random(-4,4)
doCreateMonster(pandoraBox.pandoraGuards, pos, false)
return (isMonster(pand) and registerCreatureEvent(pand, 'pandoraDeath') or false)

function isCorrectDate(days, months, years)
local years, months, days = years or {os.date('%Y')}, months or {os.date('%B')}, days or {os.date('%A')}
local year, month, day = os.date('%Y'), os.date('%B'), os.date('%A')
if isInArray(years, year) and isInArray(months, month:lower()) and isInArray(days, day:lower()) then
return true
return false

<event type="death" name="pandoraDeath" event="script"><![CDATA[
function onDeath(cid)
if getTileItemById(pandoraBox.pandoraBoxPosition, pandoraBox.boxId).uid == 2000 then
item = getTileItemById(pandoraBox.pandoraBoxPosition, pandoraBox.boxId)
for _, k in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
doPlayerSetExperienceRate(k, 1)
doSetStorage(5000, -1)
doBroadcastMessage('Pandora Box is disappeared from the world!')
if getTileItemById(pandoraBox.pandoraBoxPosition, pandoraBox.boxId).uid == 2000 then
return doRemoveItem(getTileItemById(pandoraBox.pandoraBoxPosition, pandoraBox.boxId).uid)
return true end,
pandoraBox.timeOnGetRewards * 1000,
return item and doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, 'pandoraBox', 1000) and doBroadcastMessage('The ancient evil has been defeated! The Pandora\'s Box are the reward for each, but only for '..timeOnGetRewards..' seconds!') or true

<action uniqueid="2000" event="script"><![CDATA[
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
if item.itemid == pandoraBox.boxId and not getItemAttribute(item.uid, 'pandoraBox') then
doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, 'pandoraBox', 500)
addEvent(checkMonsters, pandoraBox.timeOnKillAllMonsters * 1000 * 60, pandoraBox, 0)
return setPandoraBoxMonsters(pandoraBox)
elseif item.itemid == pandoraBox.boxId and getItemAttribute(item.uid, 'pandoraBox') == 1000 then
if getCreatureStorage(cid, 150) ~= -1 then
return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'It\'s empty.')
if pandoraBoxRewards[getPlayerVocation(cid)] then
doCreatureSetStorage(cid, 150, 0)
msg = 'You have found '
for i = 1, #pandoraBoxRewards[getPlayerVocation(cid)]/2 do
msg = msg .. getItemNameById(pandoraBoxRewards[getPlayerVocation(cid)][i*2-1]) .. (i < #pandoraBoxRewards[getPlayerVocation(cid)]/2-1 and ', ' or i == #pandoraBoxRewards[getPlayerVocation(cid)]/2-1 and ' and ' or '.')
doPlayerAddItem(cid, pandoraBoxRewards[getPlayerVocation(cid)][i*2-1], pandoraBoxRewards[getPlayerVocation(cid)][i*2])
return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg)
return false

<globalevent name='pandoraTime' time='17:22' event='script'><![CDATA[
function onTime(time)
if isCorrectDate(eventDate) then
return doSetStorage(5000, -1) and setPandoraBox(pandoraBox)
return true

<talkaction words="!pandoraBox" event="script"><![CDATA[
function onSay(cid, words, param, channel)
return getPlayerAccess(cid) >= pandoraBox.pandoraBoxAccesToUseCommand and doSetStorage(5000, -1) and setPandoraBox(pandoraBox)

Nast?pnie przechodzimy do data/monsters i tworzymy tam nowe potworki o nazwach:
Fallen Island Warlock.xml:
[lua]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<monster name="Fallen Island Warlock" nameDescription="Fallen Island Warlock" monsterType="human/magic" race="blood" experience="11300" speed="230">
<health now="10100" max="10100"/>
<look type="130" head="78" body="76" legs="109" feet="32" addons="2" corpse="6080"/>
<targetchange interval="1000" chance="23"/>
<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
<flag attackable="1"/>
<flag hostile="1"/>
<flag convinceable="1"/>
<flag canpushitems="1"/>
<flag canpushcreatures="1"/>
<flag targetdistance="4"/>
<flag staticattack="30"/>
<flag runonhealth="100"/>
<attack name="melee" interval="2000" min="0" max="-304"/>
<attack name="death" interval="1099" chance="10" target="1" min="-142" max="-248">
<attribute key="shootEffect" value="suddendeath"/>
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="mortarea"/>
<attack name="fire" interval="1099" chance="10" target="1" min="-108" max="-285">
<attribute key="shootEffect" value="fire"/>
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="firearea"/>
<attack name="death" interval="1163" chance="9" target="0" radius="5" min="-24" max="-355">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="poff"/>
<attack name="fire" interval="1041" chance="7" target="1" radius="2" min="-235" max="-452">
<attribute key="shootEffect" value="fire"/>
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="fire"/>
<attack name="death" interval="1086" chance="11" length="5" spread="0" min="-8" max="-778">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="bigclouds"/>
<attack name="manadrain" interval="999" chance="14" target="1" min="0" max="-210">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/>
<defenses armor="455" defense="45">
<defense name="healing" interval="1091" chance="18" min="193" max="221">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>
<defense name="healing" interval="1980" chance="6" min="354" max="542">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>
<defense name="invisible" interval="1269" chance="10" duration="3000">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/>
<element physicalPercent="-10"/>
<element holyPercent="-15"/>
<element earthPercent="5"/>
<element energyPercent="95"/>
<immunity fire="1"/>
<immunity ice="1"/>
<immunity death="1"/>
<immunity paralyze="1"/>
<immunity invisible="1"/>
<voices interval="5000" chance="10">
<voice sentence="Learn the secret of our magic! YOUR death!"/>
<voice sentence="Even a rat is a better mage than you."/>
<voice sentence="We don't like intruders!"/>
<voice sentence="KILL HIM!" yell="1"/>
<item id="7453" chance="50"/> --executioner
<item id="8902" chance="90"/> --sb of mind control
<item id="8865" chance="110"/> --dark lord's cape
<item id="2466" chance="240"/> --golden armor
<item id="2123" chance="430"/> --rots
<item id="2197" chance="480"/> --ssa
<item id="7404" chance="510"/> --assassin dagger
<item id="2195" chance="970"/> --boh
<item id="2488" chance="1240"/> --crown legs
<item id="7407" chance="1690"/> --haunted blade
<item id="2178" chance="1970"/> --mind stone
<item id="2656" chance="2410"/> --blue robe
<item id="2792" chance="2610"/> --dark mushroom
<item id="2489" chance="4350"/> --dark armor
<item id="2153" chance="4444"/> --violet gem
<item id="2177" chance="4870"/> --life crystal
<item id="8922" chance="5164"/> --wand of voodoo
<item id="2191" chance="5980"/> --wand of dragonbreath
<item id="8900" chance="6000"/> --sb of enlightnment
<item id="9813" chance="6750"/> --rusty legs
<item id="2436" chance="6790"/> --skull staff
<item id="7590" count="3" chance="7908"/> --GMP
<item id="7591" count="3" chance="8007"/> --GHP
<item id="2149" count="8" chance="9760"/> --small emerald
<item id="8870" chance="9870"/> --spirit cloak
<item id="2150" count="5" chance="11860"/> --small amethyst
<item id="2678" count="2" chance="12190"/> --cocount
<item id="2152" count="12" chance="15870"/> --platinum coin

Oraz Pandora.xml
[lua]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<monster name="Pandora" nameDescription="Pandora" race="blood" experience="35000" speed="276">
<health now="150300" max="150300"/>
<look type="366" corpse="6068"/>
<targetchange interval="2000" chance="18"/>
<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>
<flag attackable="1"/>
<flag hostile="1"/>
<flag canpushitems="1"/>
<flag canpushcreatures="1"/>
<flag staticattack="70"/>
<flag targetdistance="1"/>
<flag runonhealth="0"/>
<attack name="melee" interval="2000" min="0" max="-1770"/>
<attack name="earth" interval="2091" chance="11" target="0" radius="5" min="-387" max="-1165">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="carniphila"/>
<attack name="skills" interval="2102" chance="13" target="1" radius="4" meleePercent="25">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="smallclouds"/>
<attack name="death" interval="2010" chance="19" target="1" min="-97" max="-1364">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="mortarea"/>
<attribute key="shootEffect" value="suddendeath"/>
<attack name="earth" interval="2086" chance="17" target="1" min="-7" max="-2484">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="mortarea"/>
<attribute key="shootEffect" value="suddendeath"/>
<attack name="death" interval="2037" chance="12" length="8" spread="2" min="-1070" max="-3020">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="explosion"/>
<defenses armor="230" defense="140">
<defense name="healing" interval="2101" chance="3" min="8" max="15338">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>
<defense name="healing" interval="2065" chance="19" min="108" max="548">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/>
<defense name="speed" interval="2010" chance="12" speedchange="413" duration="9000">
<attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/>
<element physicalPercent="10"/>
<element holyPercent="-5"/>
<element energyPercent="-5"/>
<element icePercent="-5"/>
<immunity paralyze="1"/>
<immunity lifedrain="1"/>
<immunity drown="1"/>
<immunity fire="1"/>
<immunity death="1"/>
<immunity invisible="1"/>
<voices interval="5000" chance="10">
<voice sentence="There is no pass for you, go away if you wan't to stay alive!" yell="1"/>
<item id="2471" chance="760"/> --golden helmet
<item id="7431" chance="1241"/> --demonbone
<item id="2522" chance="1286"/> --great shield
<item id="2421" chance="2643"/> --thunder hammer
<item id="7382" chance="3087"/> --demonrage sword
<item id="11240" chance="3120"/> --guardian boots
<item id="11307" chance="4590"/> --zaoan sword
<item id="11302" chance="4780"/> --zaoan helmet
<item id="2493" chance="4860"/> --demon helmet
<item id="8928" chance="4890"/> --obsidian truncheon
<item id="2430" chance="4955"/> --knight axe
<item id="2393" chance="4986"/> --giant sword
<item id="2528" chance="5080"/> --tower shield
<item id="2498" chance="5124"/> --RH
<item id="2515" chance="5362"/> --guardian shield
<item id="2487" chance="5760"/> --crown armor
<item id="7885" chance="5990"/> --terra legs
<item id="8889" chance="6780"/> --skullcrasker armor
<item id="11304" chance="7160"/> --zaoan legs
<item id="6132" chance="7429"/> --soft boots
<item id="2151" count="9" chance="7547"/> --talon
<item id="2645" chance="7840"/> --steel boots
<item id="2656" chance="7777"/> --blue robe
<item id="2470" chance="7999"/> --golden legs
<item id="8870" chance="8000"/> --spirit cloak
<item id="2457" chance="8164"/> --steel helmet
<item id="2158" chance="9760"/> --blue gem
<item id="11303" chance="14530"/> --zaoan shoes
<item id="11323" chance="15760"/> --zaoan halberd
<item id="2477" chance="19706"/> --knight legs
<item id="2157" count="4" chance="7590"/> --gold nugget
<item id="2150" count="18" chance="10966"/> --small amethyst
<item id="2152" count="33" chance="15320"/> --platinum coin
<item id="2148" count="190" chance="28790"/> --gold coin

6. Zdj?cia dzia?ania:



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