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Nowe dekoracje


Feb 23, 2011
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Oryginalny post ze strony Tibia.com

When nights are getting longer and freezing cold is conquering the land, Tibians should close the shutters and lock the door to keep the warmth inside their homes. Use the new items from the Store to decorate your home in a festive style and enjoy the sparkling eyes of your friends and visitors.
The Festive Fireplace and the Festive Rocking Chair are a perfect combination to warm up your cold feet after an extensive hunt in the snow while a Festive Tree is glowing in full pride and a Festive Pyramid is slowly spinning around in the background.
A fully laid Festive Table with all kinds of tasty delicacies will make your mouth start watering while childhood dreams come true with a Festive Pile of Presents. Even Santa will go green with envy when he sees the massive Festive Sack of Presents in your house and the stylish Festive Sleigh in your backyard.

When bought, these items are directly delivered to you as decoration kits, which can be unwrapped inside your house. The unwrapped decoration items are non-takeable and also indestructible.
Time to spread some festive atmosphere!
Your Community Managers​

Przet?umaczony post​

kiedy noce staj? si? coraz d?u?sze, a mro?ne zimno podbija ziemi?, Tibijczycy powinni zamkn?? okiennice oraz zamkn?? drzwi, aby utrzyma? ciep?o w ich domach. U?yj nowych przedmiot?w ze sklepu, aby ozdobi? sw?j dom w ?wi?tecznym stylu i cieszy? si? b?yszcz?cymi ozdobami Twoich znajomych i go?ci.
Festive Fireplace i Festive Rocking Chair to idealna kombinacja do rozgrzania zimnych st?p po intensywnym polowaniu w ?niegu, podczas gdy Festive Tree ?wieci pe?n? dum?, a Festive Pyramid powoli wiruje w tle.
W pe?ni nakryty ?wi?teczny st?? z wieloma smacznymi przysmakami sprawi, ?e Twoje usta zaczn? si? ?lini?, a dzieci?ce marzenia spe?ni? si? dzi?ki ?wi?tecznemu stosowi prezent?w. Nawet ?wi?ty Miko?aj Ci zazdro?ci, gdy zobaczy ogromny ?wi?teczny worek prezent?w w twoim domu i stylowe ?wi?teczne sanie na twoim podw?rku.

Po zakupie przedmioty te s? bezpo?rednio dostarczane do Ciebie jako zestawy do dekoracji, kt?re mo?na rozpakowa? w domu. Nieopakowane ozdoby nie nadaj? si? do zabrania i s? niezniszczalne.
Czas rozpromowa? ?wi?teczn? atmosfer?!
Twoi mened?erowie spo?eczno?ci


bez spiny, luźno
Aug 2, 2011
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Odp: Nowe dekoracje

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