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Knight [PACC] Svargrond Chakoyas ~ Full Afk

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Never Give Up!
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
[EK] Svargrond Chakoyas ~ Full Afk

    <Creature />
    <Item />
        <HealRange>0 to 60 %</HealRange>
        <ManaRange>40 to all</ManaRange>
        <HealMethod>Wound Cleansing</HealMethod>
        <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
        <SpamRate>400 to 800</SpamRate>
        <HealRange>0 to 40 %</HealRange>
        <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange>
        <HealMethod>Health Potion</HealMethod>
        <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
        <SpamRate>400 to 800</SpamRate>
        <HealRange>0 to 80 %</HealRange>
        <ManaRange>75 to all</ManaRange>
        <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
        <SpamRate>40000 to 60000</SpamRate>
        <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
        <ManaRange>0 to 40</ManaRange>
        <HealMethod>Mana Potion</HealMethod>
        <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
        <SpamRate>1000 to 2000</SpamRate>
    <Rules />
    <Rules />
        <Script>local cavebot = getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Enabled")
local targeting = getsettings("Settings/Targeting/Enabled")

if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then
        <Script>local printscreen = true 
if hppc == 0 then 
    if (printscreen == true) then  
    printscreen = false 
    printscreen = true 
    <Condition>Client focus required</Condition>
        <Script>if standtime >= 30000 then settargeting('yes') end</Script>
        <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
        <Script>--Set true or false for reopen Backpacks
ReopenBackpack = false

--Configure here the name of Backpacks
--Configure aki o nome das Backpacks
local MainBP = "Blue Backpack"
local LootBP = "Camouflage Backpack"
local GoldBP = "Red Backpack"

--Configure here account, password and name of the character
--Configura aki o seuaccount, senha e nome do char
ACCname = "LOGIN"

--dont change below

local accounts = 
        {acc = ACCname, pass = PASSWORD, name = CHARACTERNAME}
local serversavetime = {from = '5:00', to = '5:20'}
serversavetime = {from = tosec(serversavetime.from), to = tosec(serversavetime.to)}
local randdelay = {min = 0, max = 300}
local startlabel = ''
local curchar = 1

--dont change things below

local randomdelay = math.random(randdelay.min, randdelay.max)
if not connected then
    local curtime = tosec(time())
    if curtime < serversavetime.from or curtime > serversavetime.to+randomdelay then
        connect(accounts[curchar].acc, accounts[curchar].pass, accounts[curchar].name)
        if connected then
            if startlabel ~= '' then
                  if ReopenBackpack == true then
                     wait(2000) openitem(MainBP, "back") wait(1000) openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true) wait(1000) resizewindows() wait(1000) openitem(GoldBP, MainBP, true) wait(1000) resizewindows() wait(1000) setcavebot("on") wait(300) settargeting("on") wait(300) setlooting("on")
        <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
        <Script>local MainBP = "Blue Backpack"
local LootBP = "Camouflage Backpack"
local GoldBP = "Red Backpack"

if windowcount() < 3 then

if windowcount(MainBP) < 1 and maround(2) == 0 and not lootbodies
openitem(MainBP, "back")

if windowcount(LootBP) < 1 and maround(2) == 0 and not lootbodies
openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true)

if windowcount(GoldBP) < 1 and maround(2) == 0 and not lootbodies
openitem(GoldBP, MainBP, true)

        <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
        <Script>while (standtime > 60000)do
        <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
        <Script>if hppc <= 10 then screenshot(name.." "..string.gsub(date(), "/", "_").." "..string.gsub(time(), ":", ".")) wait(1000) end</Script>
        <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate>
--    _____  _  _____  _____   __   ____   _  _   
--   |___ / / ||___  ||___ /  / /_ | ___| | || |  
--     |_ \ | |   / /   |_ \ | '_ \|___ \ | || |_ 
--    ___) || |  / /   ___) || (_) |___) ||__   _|
--   |____/ |_| /_/   |____/  \___/|____/    |_|  

--####################### [SETUP] ########################--
--####################### [Basic] ########################--
--###############[true = sim / false = não]###############--
Captoback = 50 -- How much cap to back reffil?
Mount = true -- Change it to false if you don't have a mount. 
--###################### [Backpack] ######################--
MainBP = "Blue Backpack" -- The Main BP.
LootBP = "Camouflage Backpack" -- Looting BP 
PotionsBP = "fur bag" -- Bp to put the pots.
GoldBP = "Red Backpack" -- BP to gold.  
MainDPBP = "Beach Backpack" -- Main backpack on DP.
LootDPBP = "Fur Backpack" -- BP to deposit loot on dp.
HamDPBP = "Backpack" -- Ham.
--####################### [Potions] ######################--
MPname = "Mana Potion" -- Name of mana potion.
MPprice = 50 -- Price of mana potion to buy.
MPtobuy = 50 -- How many mana potions to buy?
MPtoback = 10 -- How many potions to back reffil?
HPname = "Health Potion" -- Name of health potion.
HPprice = 45 -- Price of health potion to buy
HPtobuy = 30 -- How many potions buy?
HPtoback = 10 -- How many potions to back reffil?
      <START>Stand 32278 31141 7</START>
      <w001>Stand 32277 31141 7</w001>
      <w037>Action 32435 31069 7 setsettings("Settings\\Action\\List\\on\\Enabled", "no")</w037>
      <BPdp>Action 32277 31141 7 closewindows();wait(500, 1000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(500, 1000);resizewindows() ;wait(500, 1000);openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows();wait(500, 1000);openitem(GoldBP, MainBP, true);resizewindows()</BPdp>
      <BPCheck>Action 32277 31141 7 if windowcount() < 3 then;gotolabel("BPdp") end</BPCheck>
      <w002>Node 32271 31141 7</w002>
      <w003>Stand 32266 31142 7</w003>
      <LOOTDP>Action 32266 31142 7 closewindows();wait(1500, 2500);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(1500, 2500);resizewindows();wait(1500, 2500);openitem(GoldBP, MainBP, true);wait(1500, 2500);openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true);wait(1500, 2500);resizewindows();reachgrounditem('depot') ;wait (1000);openitem("depot") ;wait (1000) ;openitem(3502, "locker") ;wait (1000) ;openitem(MainDPBP, "depot chest") ;wait (1000) ;depotdeposit(LootDPBP,"Mammoth Whopper","Shard","Green Perch","Northern Pike","Ice Cube","Rainbow Trout","Winter Wolf Fur","Bear Paw","Polar Bear Paw","Plate Armor");wait(700,900);</LOOTDP>
      <w004>Node 32272 31141 7</w004>
      <w034>Node 32271 31142 7</w034>
      <w035>Stand 32271 31142 7</w035>
      <w036>Action 32271 31142 7 local Food = "Ham";local quantopegar = 2;;reachgrounditem("depot");wait(1000,2000);openitem("depot");wait(700,900);openitem(3502, "locker");wait(700,900);openitem(MainDPBP, "depot chest");wait(1000);openitem(HamDPBP, MainDPBP);wait(1000);if itemcount(Food) >= 0 then;moveitems(Food, MainBP, quantopegar);end</w036>
      <w005>Node 32281 31139 7</w005>
      <w006>Node 32283 31138 7</w006>
      <w007>Node 32292 31134 7</w007>
      <w008>Node 32299 31131 7</w008>
      <w009>Node 32299 31134 7</w009>
      <w010>Stand 32298 31131 7</w010>
      <w011>Node 32298 31131 7</w011>
      <w012>Node 32299 31132 7</w012>
      <w013>Stand 32299 31134 7</w013>
      <w014>Stand 32299 31134 7</w014>
      <___Bank_Depositer>Action 32299 31134 7 -- Bank Depositer;closewindows();wait(1500, 2000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(1500, 2000);resizewindows() ;wait(1500, 2200);openitem(PotionsBP, MainBP, true);wait(1500, 2000);resizewindows() ;;local mana = positive(MPtobuy - itemcount(MPname)) * MPprice;local health = positive(HPtobuy - itemcount(HPname)) * HPprice;local Total = mana + health;;depositall();wait(1000,2000);say('hi');;if Total > 0 then;   npcsay("withdraw "..Total);   wait(200,300);   npcsay("yes");   wait(200,300);end</___Bank_Depositer>
      <w015>Stand 32299 31134 7</w015>
      <w016>Stand 32307 31132 7</w016>
      <buy>Action 32307 31132 7 closewindows();wait(500, 1000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(500, 1000);resizewindows() ;wait(500, 1000);openitem(PotionsBP, MainBP, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows() ;wait(500,900);sellflasks();wait(500,900);opentrade();wait(500, 1000);if itemcount(HPname) < HPtobuy then;buyitemsupto(HPname, HPtobuy);end;wait(500,1000);buyitemsupto(MPname, MPtobuy);npcsay('Bye');wait(500,1000)</buy>
      <w017>Action 32299 31133 7 if itemcount(MPname) < MPtobuy and itemcount(HPname) < HPtobuy then;gotolabel("buy") ;end</w017>
      <w018>Stand 32299 31134 7</w018>
      <w100>Action 32300 31133 7 wait(1000);say("hi");wait(1000);npcsay("deposit all");wait(1000);npcsay("yes");wait(1000);npcsay("withdraw 100");wait(1000);npcsay("yes");wait(1000)</w100>
      <w020>Stand 32300 31133 7</w020>
      <w021>Node 32300 31129 7</w021>
      <w022>Node 32313 31120 7</w022>
      <w023>Node 32307 31107 7</w023>
      <w024>Node 32302 31089 7</w024>
      <w025>Node 32302 31083 7</w025>
      <Iskan>Stand 32302 31083 7</Iskan>
      <w027>Action 32302 31083 7 reachcreature('Iskan');wait(2000,3000);say('hi');wait(2000,3000);npcsay('passage');wait(600,900);npcsay('yes');wait(1500,2000)</w027>
      <w028>Node 32360 31056 7</w028>
      <w019>Stand 32351 31051 7</w019>
      <w136>Stand 32351 31051 7</w136>
      <w137>Action 32351 31051 7 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('Iskan')</w137>
      <w029>Stand 32364 31057 7</w029>
      <w030>Node 32365 31058 7</w030>
      <w031>Node 32366 31058 7</w031>
      <GO_DOG>Stand 32367 31057 7</GO_DOG>
      <w033>Stand 32367 31058 7</w033>
      <w000>Stand 32412 31066 7</w000>
      <w026>Stand 32412 31066 7</w026>
      <w138>Action 32412 31066 7 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('GO_DOG')</w138>
      <Hunt>Stand 32420 31067 7</Hunt>
      <OpenBPs>Action 32440 31064 8 closewindows();wait(500, 1000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(500, 1000);resizewindows() ;wait(500, 1000);openitem(PotionsBP, MainBP, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows();openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true) ;wait(500, 1000);resizewindows();openitem(GoldBP, MainBP, true) ;wait(1000, 2000);resizewindows();wait(1000, 2000)</OpenBPs>
      <w032>Node 32429 31070 7</w032>
      <w038>Action 32435 31069 7 setsettings("Settings\\Action\\List\\on\\Enabled", "yes")</w038>
      <GO_CHAKOYA>Stand 32436 31064 7</GO_CHAKOYA>
      <w040>Stand 32436 31064 7</w040>
      <w041>Stand 32436 31063 7</w041>
      <w042>Stand 32436 31063 8</w042>
      <w043>Action 32436 31063 8 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('GO_CHAKOYA')</w043>
      <CHK_1>Stand 32436 31063 8</CHK_1>
      <w044>Stand 32461 31074 8</w044>
      <w045>Stand 32461 31075 8</w045>
      <w046>Stand 32461 31075 9</w046>
      <w047>Stand 32461 31075 9</w047>
      <w048>Action 32461 31075 9 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('CHK_1')</w048>
      <w039>Node 32472 31076 9</w039>
      <w049>Node 32481 31080 9</w049>
      <w050>Node 32491 31086 9</w050>
      <w051>Node 32492 31088 9</w051>
      <w052>Node 32493 31093 9</w052>
      <w053>Stand 32493 31095 9</w053>
      <w054>Stand 32493 31102 9</w054>
      <w055>Walk 32493 31104 9</w055>
      <w056>Walk 32492 31105 9</w056>
      <w057>Walk 32492 31109 9</w057>
      <CHK_2>Stand 32487 31113 9</CHK_2>
      <w059>Stand 32487 31113 9</w059>
      <w060>Ladder 32487 31113 9</w060>
      <w061>Stand 32487 31114 8</w061>
      <w062>Action 32487 31114 8 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('CHK_2')</w062>
      <w058>Stand 32487 31114 8</w058>
      <w063>Stand 32488 31113 8</w063>
      <w064>Ladder 32488 31113 8</w064>
      <w070>Action 32488 31114 7 settargeting('no')</w070>
      <w065>Stand 32488 31114 7</w065>
      <w066>Stand 32488 31114 7</w066>
      <w067>Action 32488 31114 7 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('CHK_3')</w067>
      <w068>Stand 32488 31114 7</w068>
      <w069>Stand 32488 31115 7</w069>
      <w073>Stand 32484 31113 7</w073>
      <w071>Stand 32486 31108 7</w071>
      <CHK_4>Stand 32485 31105 7</CHK_4>
      <w074>Stand 32482 31104 7</w074>
      <w075>Stand 32482 31104 7</w075>
      <w076>Stand 32482 31103 7</w076>
      <w077>Stand 32482 31103 8</w077>
      <w078>Action 32482 31103 8 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('CHK_4')</w078>
      <w083>Action 32480 31103 9 settargeting('yes')</w083>
      <CHK_5>Stand 32482 31103 8</CHK_5>
      <w079>Stand 32481 31103 8</w079>
      <w080>Stand 32480 31103 9</w080>
      <w081>Stand 32480 31103 9</w081>
      <w082>Action 32480 31103 9 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('CHK_5')</w082>
      <START_CHK>Stand 32480 31103 9</START_CHK>
      <w085>Walk 32478 31110 9</w085>
      <w086>Walk 32480 31120 9</w086>
      <w087>Stand 32480 31120 9</w087>
      <w088>Node 32474 31132 9</w088>
      <w089>Stand 32472 31134 9</w089>
      <w090>Walk 32469 31134 9</w090>
      <w091>Walk 32461 31131 9</w091>
      <w092>Walk 32458 31121 9</w092>
      <w093>Walk 32446 31120 9</w093>
      <w094>Stand 32433 31120 9</w094>
      <w095>Walk 32420 31119 9</w095>
      <w096>Stand 32418 31114 9</w096>
      <w097>Walk 32418 31100 9</w097>
      <w098>Node 32416 31086 9</w098>
      <w099>Stand 32416 31086 9</w099>
      <w101>Node 32415 31077 9</w101>
      <w102>Stand 32417 31070 9</w102>
      <w103>Walk 32418 31067 9</w103>
      <w104>Walk 32421 31047 9</w104>
      <w105>Walk 32423 31039 9</w105>
      <w106>Walk 32424 31033 9</w106>
      <CHK_6>Stand 32425 31033 9</CHK_6>
      <w108>Stand 32425 31027 9</w108>
      <w109>Stand 32424 31027 9</w109>
      <w110>Stand 32424 31027 10</w110>
      <w111>Stand 32424 31027 10</w111>
      <w112>Action 32424 31027 10 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('CHK_6')</w112>
      <w072>Walk 32420 31033 10</w072>
      <w107>Walk 32416 31034 10</w107>
      <w113>Stand 32417 31040 10</w113>
      <w114>Stand 32425 31050 10</w114>
      <w124>Stand 32423 31060 10</w124>
      <w125>Stand 32430 31081 10</w125>
      <w126>Stand 32442 31089 10</w126>
      <w127>Walk 32443 31091 10</w127>
      <w128>Stand 32449 31092 10</w128>
      <w129>Stand 32458 31092 10</w129>
      <w130>Stand 32471 31083 10</w130>
      <w131>Stand 32472 31075 10</w131>
      <w132>Stand 32471 31071 10</w132>
      <w133>Stand 32463 31069 10</w133>
      <w135>Walk 32460 31070 10</w135>
      <CHK_7>Stand 32453 31072 10</CHK_7>
      <w140>Stand 32453 31081 10</w140>
      <w141>Stand 32453 31081 10</w141>
      <w142>Stand 32453 31082 10</w142>
      <w143>Stand 32453 31082 11</w143>
      <w144>Action 32453 31082 11 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('CHK_7')</w144>
      <CHK_8>Stand 32453 31082 11</CHK_8>
      <w145>Ladder 32453 31082 11</w145>
      <w146>Stand 32453 31083 10</w146>
      <w147>Action 32453 31083 10 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('CHK_8')</w147>
      <w139>Stand 32453 31083 10</w139>
      <w148>Ladder 32453 31082 11</w148>
      <w149>Walk 32459 31069 10</w149>
      <w150>Stand 32463 31069 10</w150>
      <w151>Stand 32470 31070 10</w151>
      <w152>Walk 32471 31071 10</w152>
      <w153>Node 32463 31088 10</w153>
      <w154>Stand 32462 31089 10</w154>
      <w155>Walk 32461 31089 10</w155>
      <w156>Walk 32445 31092 10</w156>
      <w157>Walk 32440 31087 10</w157>
      <w158>Stand 32435 31083 10</w158>
      <w159>Stand 32422 31073 10</w159>
      <w160>Walk 32422 31069 10</w160>
      <w161>Stand 32417 31037 10</w161>
      <CHK_9>Stand 32424 31027 10</CHK_9>
      <w163>Stand 32424 31027 10</w163>
      <w164>Ladder 32424 31027 10</w164>
      <w165>Stand 32424 31028 9</w165>
      <w166>Action 32424 31028 9 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('CHK_9')</w166>
      <w162>Stand 32424 31028 9</w162>
      <w167>Ladder 32424 31027 10</w167>
      <w168>Node 32424 31033 9</w168>
      <w169>Walk 32424 31034 9</w169>
      <w170>Walk 32420 31052 9</w170>
      <w171>Stand 32419 31053 9</w171>
      <w172>Walk 32419 31064 9</w172>
      <w173>Node 32416 31066 9</w173>
      <w174>Stand 32416 31069 9</w174>
      <w175>Walk 32417 31090 9</w175>
      <w176>Walk 32418 31093 9</w176>
      <w177>Stand 32419 31094 9</w177>
      <w178>Walk 32419 31102 9</w178>
      <w179>Node 32419 31104 9</w179>
      <w180>Stand 32419 31111 9</w180>
      <w181>Walk 32419 31113 9</w181>
      <w182>Walk 32425 31120 9</w182>
      <w183>Node 32436 31120 9</w183>
      <w184>Walk 32437 31119 9</w184>
      <w185>Stand 32452 31120 9</w185>
      <w186>Stand 32460 31132 9</w186>
      <w187>Stand 32472 31134 9</w187>
      <w188>Walk 32477 31131 9</w188>
      <w189>Walk 32478 31116 9</w189>
      <w190>Stand 32478 31106 9</w190>
      <Count>Action 32478 31106 9 if itemcount(MPname) > MPtoback and itemcount(HPname) > HPtoback and cap > Captoback then;gotolabel('START_CHK');end</Count>
      <CHK_10>Stand 32478 31106 9</CHK_10>
      <w115>Stand 32481 31103 9</w115>
      <w116>Stand 32481 31103 9</w116>
      <w117>Ladder 32481 31103 9</w117>
      <w119>Stand 32481 31104 8</w119>
      <w120>Action 32481 31104 8 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('CHK_10')</w120>
      <CHK_11>Stand 32482 31103 8</CHK_11>
      <w084>Stand 32478 31104 7</w084>
      <w121>Ladder 32482 31103 8</w121>
      <w134>Action 32482 31104 7 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('CHK_11')</w134>
      <w122>Stand 32478 31104 7</w122>
      <w191>Stand 32478 31100 7</w191>
      <w192>Stand 32479 31094 7</w192>
      <w193>Stand 32475 31090 7</w193>
      <w194>Walk 32464 31084 7</w194>
      <w195>Stand 32463 31084 7</w195>
      <w196>Stand 32457 31082 7</w196>
      <w197>Stand 32447 31076 7</w197>
      <w198>Walk 32435 31072 7</w198>
      <w199>Stand 32431 31070 7</w199>
      <w200>Stand 32417 31067 7</w200>
      <Wait>Action 32418 31066 7 wait(10000);settargeting('yes')</Wait>
      <w201>Stand 32410 31066 7</w201>
      <w202>Stand 32410 31066 7</w202>
      <w203>Stand 32409 31066 7</w203>
      <w204>Stand 32364 31058 7</w204>
      <w205>Action 32364 31058 7 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('Wait');setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Ham\\Destination", "All");else;setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Ham\\Destination", "ground");end</w205>
      <w206>Stand 32364 31058 7</w206>
      <w207>Walk 32357 31055 7</w207>
      <w208>Stand 32350 31052 7</w208>
      <w209>Stand 32340 31047 7</w209>
      <w210>Stand 32332 31046 7</w210>
      <BACK_SVAR>Stand 32330 31043 7</BACK_SVAR>
      <w118>Action 32330 31043 7 reachcreature('Nilsor');wait(2000,3000);say('hi');wait(2000,3000);npcsay('passage');wait(600,900);npcsay('yes');wait(1500,2000)</w118>
      <w212>Stand 32312 31074 7</w212>
      <w213>Action 32312 31074 7 if not islocation() then;gotolabel('BACK_SVAR')</w213>
      <w123>Stand 32311 31074 7</w123>
      <w211>Action 32311 31074 7 setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\Ham\\Destination", "ground")</w211>
      <w214>Stand 32311 31074 7</w214>
      <w215>Walk 32302 31089 7</w215>
      <w216>Walk 32302 31089 7</w216>
      <w217>Stand 32302 31090 7</w217>
      <w218>Stand 32306 31097 7</w218>
      <w219>Walk 32307 31105 7</w219>
      <w220>Stand 32306 31108 7</w220>
      <w221>Stand 32300 31125 7</w221>
      <w222>Walk 32300 31127 7</w222>
      <w223>Stand 32288 31129 7</w223>
      <w224>Action 32288 31129 7 --##########[END_CHAKOYAS]###########--</w224>
          <Coordinates>32482 31109 7</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>3 3</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32461 31118 9</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>1 4</Dimensions>
          <Coordinates>32476 31100 7</Coordinates>
          <Dimensions>2 3</Dimensions>
      <WalkingMethod>Map Clicks</WalkingMethod>
      <MapWalkDistance>20 to 50</MapWalkDistance>
      <OpenNextBp>if cavebot enabled</OpenNextBp>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
    <Condition>All corpses</Condition>
    <Style>After melee kill</Style>
            <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
            <ListSpell />
            <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
            <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
            <ListSpell />
            <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
            <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
            <Stance>No movement</Stance>
            <ListSpell />
            <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
            <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
            <Stance>No movement</Stance>
            <ListSpell />
            <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
            <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
            <Stance>No movement</Stance>
            <ListSpell />
            <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
            <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
            <Stance>No movement</Stance>
            <ListSpell />
            <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
            <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
            <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
            <Stance>No movement</Stance>
            <ListSpell />
            <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
            <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
            <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
            <Stance>No movement</Stance>
            <ListSpell />
            <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
            <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
      <PlayerOnScreenSecurity>If cavebotting</PlayerOnScreenSecurity>

addtext("LvL :", 150,30)
addtext(level, 180,30)
addtext("Next LvL :", 150,45)
addtext(exptolevel(), 210,45)

addtext("Pos X : ", 10,45)
addtext(posx, 54,45)
addtext("Pos Y : ", 10,60)
addtext(posy, 54,60)
addtext("Pos Z : ", 10,75)
addtext(posz, 54,75)</Script>
    <Show>If focused</Show>
      <StuckCtrlShift>If cavebot on, release after 1 sec</StuckCtrlShift>
      <TypingStyle>Keyboard keys</TypingStyle>
      <PressWaitTime>45 to 65</PressWaitTime>
      <Scroll>Use mouse wheel</Scroll>
      <ClickWaitTime>30 to 50</ClickWaitTime>
    <OpenMenuPolicy>Confirm after 1sec</OpenMenuPolicy>
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