Hello everyone, I'm selling my project, 3 years of development, I'm selling for personal reasons, I don't have time to continue developing or serving, I'll sell it so that I'm ready to continue as the project.
- Discord: JulianBernalV#7033
- Tfs 1.2 (events system)
- New Walk System
- Monsters 7.4 + News Monsters
- Addon System
- Mount System
- Spells 7.4
- Map 7.4 + Port Hope + Yalahar
- Sprites 7.4
- Security key ( they can only connect with their own client)
- Booster monsters 30- 50 % more EXP
- Task system
- Bring me to travel in boat
- Buy bp of in NPC
- Client 7.4 (Copia retrocores)
- Auto Updater
- Shop in game
- Anti bot system
- Exp analyzer
- Loot analyzer
- Wiki Monster in Game
- Automatic buy points:
- Discord: JulianBernalV#7033
- Facebook: