4. Not playing to strengths of the remaining demographic
After you put things through all the filters I listed above, you get a bit of a demographic that looks like this:
People who, still in this day and age, have terrible hardware so they have to resort to playing games like Tibia. Which is, honest to god, a surprisingly large part of its appeal. As we know, Tibia is mostly popular in third world countries for this exact reason. Brazil, Poland and Egypt come to mind as "huge" communities of tibia players, and those are countries with poor economy which push their people really hard in order to make it in the world.
This creates our second subcategory: ambitious people from poor economies - who are not going to spend their time if it's not going to make them some money. Even when they get extremely good at something, they will not contribute it for free. And given their situation, I don't see a reason why they should.
However, this fact seems to be ignored by those who get to decide whether a marketplace for OT resources will exist, and users who attempt to make any coin on anything OT related are berated. Meanwhile, head admin of OTLand shills his OT-predisposed hosting service to people, under the guise that it's not strictly OT related, after all, you can host anything on his machines, but he'll gladly offer you those with OT software installed on them, even at a discount!
Now, what would happen if on top of that, global economy collapses because of a major COVID epidemic? People lose their jobs, housing, etc.
You think someone will sit around and use their time pleasing TFS maintainers for free while they struggle to put bread on the table? Forget it.
Then we have aspiring developers who are still trying to do something, but as mentioned in chapter #2, are shut down due to their inadequacy in providing perfect code, without being at least provided a framework or facilities that would encourage or tutor them related to TFS. Documentation is poor, some bad coding patterns in the code are present and not eliminated, etc.
Turns out that, if you learn by reading a shitty codebase, you will produce shitty code. Who knew.
So naturally, once you come to this realization, you will turn your head away from TFS and go learn from other resources... which might lead to you not even coming back to TFS at all.
Then, there are mythological beings called diehard Tibia fans, and oldschool Tibia fans. The stalemate produced in the above situations resulted in TFS development stalling on a certain Tibia version, failing to catch up with what Cipsoft is doing. This means that those who want to experience OTs with latest Tibia features can only find that in a small set of highly developed and invested in servers who have their own engineers doing this work, while TFS sleeps.
Oldschool fans are something else, I won't even get into how that crowd might be pleased...
And then, you have a minority which is artists, mappers, that sort of thing. And while their work is certainly nice and desirable to have around, it does not contribute to TFS at all. As an artist and mapper myself, I think those guys are treated relatively well, but like I said, not much to contribute code-wise, and that's what needs most of the work in order to keep OTs alive.
We could extrapolate a few more minorities, but I think I covered the main ones.
I could write more if you want, but I think that about makes a great chunk of the issue.
In summary, we are in a bit of a vicious circle here.
Without abandoning the meaning of either Open, or Tibia, or both, the community is stuck in vicious circle of the negligence and gatekeeping of higher ups negatively impacting the userbase, and the userbase's (mostly expectable) behavior antagonizes the experienced ones and the gatekeepers.
Add into that mix the fact that even the userbase itself is divided in ideas like emancipation from Cipsoft's resources, and lack of clear goals to play toe to toe with them, while Cipsoft just keeps growing Tibia, and it gets worse.
What else can I tell you except make an important disclaimer:
By criticizing some of these things, I am totally aware I have personally contributed to the problem in some capacity, that, I am willing to discuss if there's interest, and am in no way saying I know any perfect cure. We all have notions and ideas.
I have drawn the above conclusions from the times of my active experience, interest and participation in the OT community as well as from what I heard from other fellow users.
Personally, I have made a career and a bunch of money both directly and indirectly from interacting with the OT community, and am in no way ashamed of what I did, in fact, I am proud of the accomplishments participation in this community has driven me to achieve, and many of its users who I cooperated with seem to be happy with that too.
Nevertheless, I recognize that, and have also tried to contribute useful knowledge or resources, but due to a dwindling lack of time which most of us experience as we grow from teenage kids with no obligations to responsible adults, I find myself at a loss for time to continue contributing in large capacities.
Furthermore, I have been developing on a number of custom projects, and talked to even more custom project developers.
It turns out that none of them like being shackled by TFS capabilities, and went on to change and fix up the engine on their own to walk their own path.
When asked why they didn't share such contributions, the most common answer is (which applies to me as well), something along the lines of:
"Because the fixes are wrapped in a bunch of other changes which work on my project, but would break TFS."
Thanks to the extremely coupled and untestable codebase that TFS is, this is bound to happen as soon as you start diverging into the path of a custom server with custom features, + the strictness of its repo maintainers, there is no wonder why this seems to be common.
This post is getting way too long, so I'll stop now. Hopefully this sheds some light on the situation.