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Knight [PACC] 100lvl - Killer Caimans v. 1.0.1

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Towarzysz Stalin
Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score
[EK] 100lvl - Killer Caimans v. 1.0.1​

- <Settings>
- <Alerts>
- <Player>
- <OnScreen>
- <Attacking>
  <Creature /> 
  <Item /> 
- <Message>
- <PrivateMessage>
- <Advanced>
- <Raid>
- <Capacity>
- <StandTime>
- <Disconnect>
- <Healer>
- <Rules>
- <ManaPotion>
  <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 60 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Mana Potion</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <GreatHealthPotion>
  <HealRange>0 to 31 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Great Health Potion</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <Exura-Ico>
  <HealRange>32 to 80 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Wound Cleansing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <Utura-Gran>
  <HealRange>83 to 90 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Intense Recovery</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <UHP>
  <HealRange>0 to 31 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Ultimate Health Potion</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <FriendHealer>
  <Rules /> 
- <Refiller>
  <Rules /> 
- <HotKeys>
- <List>
- <ShowBot>
- <PauseBot>
  <Script>local cavebot = getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Enabled") local targeting = getsettings("Settings/Targeting/Enabled") if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then setcavebot('on') settargeting('on') setlooting('on') else setcavebot('off') settargeting('off') setlooting('off') end wait(500)</Script> 
- <ShowClient>
- <ShowSettings>
  <Condition>Client focus required</Condition> 
- <Actions>
- <List>
- <Safe-Bank>
  <Script>-- NPC name local npcname = 'Murim' local index = 0 local msgs = getmessages("NPCs") local qtd = msgs.count-1 for i=0,qtd do if msgs[qtd].sender == npcname and msgs[qtd].text:find('There is not enough gold on your account.') then setcavebot('off') wait(5000,10000) closetibia() end end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Exori>
  <Script>local m = 5 -- How many monster need to around you to cast spell local spell = 'exori' -- Spell to cast (exori gran , exori) if maround(1, 'Killer Caiman', 'Dragon lord', 'Rat') >= m and and paround(7, true) == 0 then cast(spell) wait(2000) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Mount>
  <Script>if Mount then setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\AutoMount", "yes") wait(5000) else setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\AutoMount", "no") wait(5000) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Exori-Hur-Con>
  <Script>if maround(3,true,'Killer Caiman') >= 3 or paround(3,true) > 0 and (SpellsIfPlayerOnScreen == true) and maround(3,true,'Killer Caiman') >= 1 then cast('exori hur') wait(2000,3000) cast('exori ico') wait(2000,3000) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Unlisted_1>
  <Script>-- Credits to Dehan local purchasemanaamount = MpToBuy-itemcount("mana potion") while purchasemanaamount > 0 do buyitems("mana potion", purchasemanaamount) wait(500,1000) wait(500,1000) purchasemanaamount = purchasemanaamount-100 moveitems("mana potion", SuppBP, all) wait(500,1000) wait(500,1000) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <SimpleCheckWorld>
  <Script>if PvP_World then setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Pathfinding\\WalkThroughPlayers", "no") wait(5000) setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Exori\\Enabled", "no") wait(5000) else setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Pathfinding\\WalkThroughPlayers", "yes") wait(5000) setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Exori\\Enabled", "yes") wait(5000) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Action0>
  <Script>local backpackName = SuppBP -- Backpack with Supplies local amountToDrop = 30 local capToDrop = 1200 --DO NOT EDIT BELOW! if (itemcount(283)+itemcount(284)+itemcount(285)) >= amountToDrop and maround(4) == 0 and cap <= capToDrop then pausewalking(3000) for i = 283,285 do if itemcount(i) > 0 then moveitems(i, backpackName, 'ground', amountToDrop) end end end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
  <Setup>-- Script made by Eli Scripts! Highest Quality for Lowest Price! -- Customize your Backpacks Settings: MainBP = "Orange Backpack" -- Backpack that you use as the main LootBP = "Red Backpack" -- Backpack with items (rares, stackable) GoldBP = "Brocade Backpack" -- Backapck with gold SuppBP = "Golden Backpack" -- Backpack with supplies -- Customize Depot Backpack Settings: MainDpBp = "Pirate Backpack" StackItems = "Purple Backpack" LootRares = "Expedition Backpack" -- Customize your Supplies Settings: MpToBuy = 600 -- Amount of wanted Mana Potions HpToBuy = 50 -- Amount of wanted Great Health Potions MpToLeave = 50 -- Amount of Mana Potions to Leave HpToLeave = 10 -- Amount of GHP to Leave CapToLeave = 20 -- Cap to Leave lol -- Others: SpellsIfPlayerOnScreen = true -- choose true if you want attack exori ico/hur if player on screen Mount = true -- choose true if you want to use mount PvP_World = false -- put true if you're playing on PvP server</Setup> 
- <CaveBot>
- <Waypoints>
  <WhereAreYou>Action 33026 31456 11 if posz == 7 then; gotolabel("OpenHuntBp");else; gotolabel("Depot");end</WhereAreYou> 
  <Depot>Stand 33026 31456 11</Depot> 
  <OpenBPDP>Action 33026 31456 11 setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "no");;closewindows();wait(500, 1000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(500, 1000);resizewindows();openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows();</OpenBPDP> 
  <CheckBPDP>Action 33026 31456 11 if windowcount() ~= 2 then gotolabel("OpenBPDP") end</CheckBPDP> 
  <Deposit>Action 33029 31453 11 reachgrounditem("depot");wait(1000,2000);openitem("depot");wait(700,900);openitem(3502, "locker");wait(700,900);openitem(MainDpBp, "depot chest");wait(700,900);;depotdeposit(StackItems,"Small Emerald", "Giant Shimmering Pearl","Piece of Crocodile Leather", "Bunch of Ripe Rice");wait(700,900);;depotdeposit(LootRares,"crocodile boots", "Obsidian Lance");wait(700,1000);;openitem(LootBP, LootBP, false);wait(700,900);;depotdeposit(StackItems,"Small Emerald", "Giant Shimmering Pearl","Piece of Crocodile Leather", "Bunch of Ripe Rice");wait(700,900);;depotdeposit(LootRares,"crocodile boots", "Obsidian Lance");wait(700,1000);;openitem(LootBP, LootBP, false);wait(700,900);;depotdeposit(StackItems,"Small Emerald", "Giant Shimmering Pearl","Piece of Crocodile Leather", "Bunch of Ripe Rice");wait(700,900);;depotdeposit(LootRares,"crocodile boots", "Obsidian Lance");wait(700,1000);;openitem(LootBP, LootBP, false);wait(700,900);;depotdeposit(StackItems,"Small Emerald", "Giant Shimmering Pearl","Piece of Crocodile Leather", "Bunch of Ripe Rice");wait(700,900);;depotdeposit(LootRares,"crocodile boots", "Obsidian Lance");wait(700,1000);;setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "yes")</Deposit> 
  <w000>Node 33024 31457 11</w000> 
  <w001>Stand 33019 31458 11</w001> 
  <w002>Node 33016 31469 10</w002> 
  <w003>Node 33011 31478 10</w003> 
  <OpenBpForBank>Action 33011 31478 10 closewindows();wait(500, 1000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(500, 1000);resizewindows();openitem(SuppBP, MainBP, true);;if windowcount() ~= 2 then gotolabel("OpenBpForBank") end;;</OpenBpForBank> 
  <GoBank>Node 33011 31482 10</GoBank> 
  <CheckDoor1>Stand 33012 31487 10</CheckDoor1> 
  <OpenDoor1>Action 33012 31487 10 if toptileitem(33012,31488,10) == 6252 then; useitem(6252,33012,31488,10);end</OpenDoor1> 
  <Bank>Stand 33012 31492 10</Bank> 
  <GetCash>Action 33012 31492 10 local mana = positive(MpToBuy - itemcount("mana potion"))*50;local health = positive(HpToBuy - itemcount("great health potion"))*190;local Total = mana + health + 2000;;say("hi");wait(1500,2500);npcsay("deposit all");wait(200,300);npcsay("yes");wait(200,300);;if Total > 0 then; npcsay("withdraw "..Total); wait(200,300); npcsay("yes"); wait(200,300); npcsay("balance"); wait(200,400);end;</GetCash> 
  <CheckDoor2>Stand 33009 31491 10</CheckDoor2> 
  <OpenDoor2>Action 33009 31491 10 if toptileitem(33008,31491,10) == 6249 then; useitem(6249,33008,31491,10);end</OpenDoor2> 
  <w008>Node 33003 31494 10</w008> 
  <w009>Node 33001 31510 10</w009> 
  <w010>Node 33011 31523 10</w010> 
  <w011>Node 33014 31536 10</w011> 
  <CheckDoor3>Stand 33010 31538 10</CheckDoor3> 
  <OpenDoor3>Action 33010 31538 10 if toptileitem(33010,31537,10) == 7715 then; useitem(7715,33010,31537,10);end</OpenDoor3> 
  <ManaShop>Stand 33009 31534 10</ManaShop> 
  <BuySupp>Action 33009 31534 10 say("Hi");wait(500,900);sellflasks();wait(500,900);opentrade();wait(500, 1000);buyitemsupto("Mana Potion", MpToBuy,itemcount("Mana Potion"));wait(500,900);buyitemsupto("Great Health Potion", HpToBuy,itemcount("Great Health Potion"));wait(500,900);moveitems("Great Health Potion", MainBP, SuppBP, all);wait(500,1000);moveitems("Mana Potion", MainBP, SuppBP, all);npcsay('Bye');</BuySupp> 
  <w004>Stand 33010 31536 10</w004> 
  <OpenDoor3_2>Action 33010 31536 10 if toptileitem(33010,31537,10) == 7715 then; useitem(7715,33010,31537,10);end</OpenDoor3_2> 
  <w005>Stand 33024 31541 10</w005> 
  <CheckSuppBeforeHunt>Action 33024 31541 10 if itemcount("mana potion") < MpToBuy or itemcount("great health potion") < HpToBuy then gotolabel("OpenBpForBank");else;gotolabel("OpenALLbp");end;;</CheckSuppBeforeHunt> 
  <OpenALLbp>Action 33024 31541 10 closewindows();wait(500, 1000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(500, 1000);resizewindows();openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows();openitem(GoldBP, MainBP, true);wait(500,800);resizewindows();openitem(SuppBP, MainBP, true);wait(500,800);resizewindows();;if windowcount() ~= 4 then gotolabel("OpenALLbp") end</OpenALLbp> 
  <WayToHunt>Node 33030 31536 10</WayToHunt> 
  <w006>Node 33042 31535 10</w006> 
  <w007>Node 33057 31532 10</w007> 
  <OpenDoor4>Stand 33060 31530 10</OpenDoor4> 
  <w012>Use 33060 31529 10</w012> 
  <w013>Stand 33060 31528 10</w013> 
  <CheckDoor4>Action 33060 31528 10 if not islocation(2);then; gotolabel("OpenDoor4");end</CheckDoor4> 
  <Leaver>Stand 33061 31527 10</Leaver> 
  <w014>Use 33062 31527 10</w014> 
  <w016>Stand 32993 31550 4</w016> 
  <CheckPos>Action 32993 31550 4 if not islocation(2);then; gotolabel("Leaver");end</CheckPos> 
  <w015>Node 32998 31555 4</w015> 
  <w018>Stand 33004 31557 4</w018> 
  <HurUp>Stand 33008 31555 5</HurUp> 
  <HurUp_1>Action 33008 31555 5 levitate("n", "up")</HurUp_1> 
  <w020>Stand 33011 31553 4</w020> 
  <CheckPos_1>Action 33011 31553 4 if not islocation(2);then; gotolabel("HurUp");end</CheckPos_1> 
  <w022>Stand 33013 31555 4</w022> 
  <w023>Node 33019 31554 5</w023> 
  <HurDown>Stand 33026 31548 5</HurDown> 
  <HurDown_1>Action 33026 31548 5 levitate("e","down")</HurDown_1> 
  <w026>Stand 33029 31547 6</w026> 
  <CheckPos_2>Action 33029 31547 6 if not islocation(2);then; gotolabel("HurDown");end</CheckPos_2> 
  <w028>Node 33044 31551 6</w028> 
  <w029>Node 33057 31552 6</w029> 
  <w030>Node 33070 31542 6</w030> 
  <w019>Node 33076 31535 6</w019> 
  <GoShitFloor>Stand 33081 31533 6</GoShitFloor> 
  <w017>Stand 33086 31530 7</w017> 
  <CheckPos_3>Action 33086 31530 7 if not islocation(2);then; gotolabel("GoShitFloor");end</CheckPos_3> 
  <w021>Walk 33090 31522 7</w021> 
  <w024>Walk 33099 31508 7</w024> 
  <w025>Walk 33109 31492 7</w025> 
  <w027>Walk 33114 31473 7</w027> 
  <w031>Walk 33122 31464 7</w031> 
  <w032>Walk 33134 31455 7</w032> 
  <w033>Stand 33137 31451 7</w033> 
  <OpenHuntBp>Action 33137 31451 7 closewindows();wait(500, 1000);openitem(MainBP, 'back');wait(500, 1000);resizewindows();openitem(LootBP, MainBP, true);wait(500, 1000);resizewindows();openitem(GoldBP, MainBP, true);wait(500,800);resizewindows();openitem(SuppBP, MainBP, true);wait(500,800);resizewindows()</OpenHuntBp> 
  <CheckHuntBp>Action 33137 31451 7 if windowcount() ~= 4 then gotolabel("OpenHuntBp") end</CheckHuntBp> 
  <Enter_Cave>Stand 33137 31449 7</Enter_Cave> 
  <w034>Stand 33137 31452 8</w034> 
  <CheckPos_4>Action 33137 31452 8 if not islocation(2);then; gotolabel("Enter_Cave");end</CheckPos_4> 
  <Hunt>Stand 33135 31453 8</Hunt> 
  <w035>Node 33128 31459 8</w035> 
  <w036>Node 33138 31463 8</w036> 
  <w037>Node 33148 31461 8</w037> 
  <w038>Node 33149 31451 8</w038> 
  <w039>Node 33154 31451 8</w039> 
  <w040>Node 33140 31445 8</w040> 
  <w041>Node 33141 31434 8</w041> 
  <w042>Node 33150 31433 8</w042> 
  <w043>Node 33161 31434 8</w043> 
  <w044>Node 33154 31434 8</w044> 
  <w045>Node 33136 31434 8</w045> 
  <w046>Node 33129 31429 8</w046> 
  <w047>Stand 33131 31427 8</w047> 
  <GoSecondFloor>Stand 33131 31428 8</GoSecondFloor> 
  <w049>Stand 33133 31430 9</w049> 
  <CheckPos_5>Action 33133 31430 9 if not islocation(2);then; gotolabel("GoSecondFloor");end;</CheckPos_5> 
  <w048>Node 33139 31438 9</w048> 
  <w050>Node 33145 31444 9</w050> 
  <w051>Node 33131 31445 9</w051> 
  <w052>Node 33121 31438 9</w052> 
  <w053>Node 33118 31440 9</w053> 
  <w054>Node 33119 31429 9</w054> 
  <w055>Node 33114 31425 9</w055> 
  <w056>Node 33126 31421 9</w056> 
  <w057>Node 33127 31414 9</w057> 
  <w058>Node 33146 31415 9</w058> 
  <w059>Node 33138 31425 9</w059> 
  <SecondFloor_Done>Stand 33131 31429 9</SecondFloor_Done> 
  <w060>Stand 33131 31428 9</w060> 
  <w061>Stand 33132 31432 8</w061> 
  <Check_Pos6>Action 33132 31432 8 if not islocation(2);then; gotolabel("SecondFloor_Done");end</Check_Pos6> 
  <w062>Node 33136 31438 8</w062> 
  <Check>Stand 33139 31447 8</Check> 
  <SuppliesCheckerAtSpawn>Action 33139 31447 8 if itemcount("mana potion") < MpToLeave or itemcount("great health potion") < HpToLeave or cap < CapToLeave then;gotolabel("Leave");else;gotolabel("Hunt");end;</SuppliesCheckerAtSpawn> 
  <Leave>Stand 33137 31451 8</Leave> 
  <w063>Stand 33137 31449 8</w063> 
  <w064>Stand 33133 31452 7</w064> 
  <CheckPos_7>Action 33133 31452 7 if not islocation(2);then; gotolabel("Leave");end</CheckPos_7> 
  <w065>Walk 33126 31455 7</w065> 
  <w066>Walk 33107 31480 7</w066> 
  <w067>Walk 33100 31512 7</w067> 
  <w068>Walk 33091 31530 7</w068> 
  <GoUp>Stand 33082 31532 7</GoUp> 
  <w070>Stand 33081 31532 7</w070> 
  <w071>Stand 33077 31533 6</w071> 
  <w072>Action 33077 31533 6 if not islocation(2);then; gotolabel("GoUp");end</w072> 
  <w069>Node 33072 31539 6</w069> 
  <w073>Node 33055 31553 6</w073> 
  <w074>Node 33037 31546 6</w074> 
  <HurUp2>Stand 33027 31547 6</HurUp2> 
  <HurUp_2>Action 33027 31547 6 levitate("w", "up")</HurUp_2> 
  <w075>Stand 33022 31550 5</w075> 
  <CheckPos_8>Action 33022 31550 5 if not islocation(2);then; gotolabel("HurUp2");end</CheckPos_8> 
  <w076>Node 33018 31555 5</w076> 
  <w077>Stand 33013 31556 5</w077> 
  <GoUp3>Stand 33013 31555 5</GoUp3> 
  <w079>Stand 33011 31552 4</w079> 
  <w080>Action 33011 31552 4 if not islocation(2);then; gotolabel("GoUp3");end</w080> 
  <HurDown2>Stand 33008 31554 4</HurDown2> 
  <HurDown_2>Action 33008 31554 4 levitate("s","down")</HurDown_2> 
  <w078>Stand 33007 31557 5</w078> 
  <CheckPos_9>Action 33007 31557 5 if not islocation(2);then; gotolabel("HurDown2");end</CheckPos_9> 
  <GoUp4>Stand 33005 31557 5</GoUp4> 
  <w082>Stand 33004 31557 5</w082> 
  <w083>Stand 33000 31555 4</w083> 
  <w084>Action 33000 31555 4 if not islocation(2);then; gotolabel("GoUp4");end</w084> 
  <w081>Node 32994 31553 4</w081> 
  <LeverBack>Stand 32993 31547 4</LeverBack> 
  <w085>Use 32994 31547 4</w085> 
  <w086>Stand 33060 31527 10</w086> 
  <CheckPos_10>Action 33060 31527 10 if not islocation(2);then; gotolabel("LeverBack");end</CheckPos_10> 
  <Door4_1>Stand 33060 31528 10</Door4_1> 
  <w088>Use 33060 31529 10</w088> 
  <w089>Stand 33060 31531 10</w089> 
  <w090>Action 33060 31531 10 if not islocation(2);then; gotolabel("Door4_1");end</w090> 
  <w087>Node 33046 31532 10</w087> 
  <w091>Node 33020 31529 10</w091> 
  <w092>Node 33001 31500 10</w092> 
  <w093>Node 33015 31471 10</w093> 
  <GoDepot_Finally>Stand 33018 31459 10</GoDepot_Finally> 
  <w095>Stand 33019 31459 10</w095> 
  <w096>Stand 33023 31458 11</w096> 
  <CheckPos_11>Action 33023 31458 11 if not islocation(2);then; gotolabel("GoDepot_Finally");else; gotolabel("Depot")</CheckPos_11> 
- <Pathfinding>
  <SpecialAreas /> 
  <WalkingMethod>Map Clicks</WalkingMethod> 
  <MapWalkDistance>20 to 50</MapWalkDistance> 
- <Settings>
- <Looting>
- <List>
- <Gold-Coin>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Obsidian-Lance>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Piece-of-Crocodile-leather>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Small-Emerald>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Giant-Shimmering-Pearl>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <Crocodile-Boots>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <bunch-of-ripe-rice>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
  <Condition>Corpses with listed items</Condition> 
  <Style>After melee kill</Style> 
- <Targeting>
- <Monsters>
- <Killer-Caiman>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>No movement</Stance> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Orc-Sperman>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>No movement</Stance> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Gnarlhound>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>No movement</Stance> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Sandcrawler>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>No movement</Stance> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Settings>
  <PlayerOnScreenSecurity>Do nothing</PlayerOnScreenSecurity> 
- <Hud>
- <List>
- <Hud-By-Ryadan>
  <Script>local fontfamily = "Verdana" local fontsize = 8 local headfontsize = 11 local fontcolor = 0x000000 local headfontcolor = 0x000000 local startposx = 10 local startposy = 40 setfontstyle(fontfamily, headfontsize, headfontcolor) setfontcolor("orange") addtext("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", startposx, startposy) addtext(" ~ Botting Information ~", startposx, startposy+10) addtext("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", startposx, startposy+20) setfontstyle(fontfamily, fontsize, fontcolor) setfontcolor("white") addtext("Level: ", startposx+10, startposy+45) addtext(level, startposx+120, startposy+45) setfontcolor("white") addtext("EXP to Level: ", startposx+10, startposy+60) addtext(exptolevel(), startposx+120, startposy+60) setfontcolor("white") addtext("EXP gained: ", startposx+10, startposy+75) addtext(expgained, startposx+120, startposy+75) setfontcolor("white") addtext("EXP/h (Bot): ", startposx+10, startposy+90) addtext(exphour, startposx+120, startposy+90) setfontcolor("white") addtext("EXP/h (Tibia): ", startposx+10, startposy+105) addtext(exphour, startposx+120, startposy+105) setfontcolor("white") addtext("Time to Level: ", startposx+10, startposy+120) addtext(timetolevel, startposx+120, startposy+120) setfontcolor("white") addtext("Played Time: ", startposx+10, startposy+135) addtext(timehunt, startposx+120, startposy+135) setfontstyle(fontfamily, headfontsize, headfontcolor) setfontcolor("orange") addtext("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", startposx, startposy+155) addtext(" ~ Cavebot Information ~", startposx, startposy+165) addtext("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", startposx, startposy+175) setfontstyle(fontfamily, fontsize, fontcolor) setfontcolor("white") addtext("Position X: ", startposx+10, startposy+200) addtext(posx, startposx+120, startposy+200) setfontcolor("white") addtext("Position Y: ", startposx+10, startposy+215) addtext(posy, startposx+120, startposy+215) setfontcolor("white") addtext("Position Z: ", startposx+10, startposy+230) addtext(posz, startposx+120, startposy+230) setfontcolor("white") addtext("Item ID below: ", startposx+10, startposy+245) addtext(toptileitem(posx, posy, posz), startposx+120, startposy+245) setfontstyle(fontfamily, headfontsize, headfontcolor) setfontcolor("orange") addtext("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", startposx, startposy+265) addtext(" ~ Character Information ~", startposx, startposy+275) addtext("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", startposx, startposy+285) setfontstyle(fontfamily, fontsize, fontcolor) setfontcolor("white") addtext("Health Points: ", startposx+10, startposy+310) addtext(hp .. " / " .. maxhp .. " (" .. hppc .. "%)", startposx+120, startposy+310) setfontcolor("white") addtext("Mana Points: ", startposx+10, startposy+325) addtext(mp .. " / " .. maxmp .. " (" .. mppc .. "%)", startposx+120, startposy+325) setfontcolor("white") addtext("Cap: ", startposx+10, startposy+340) addtext(cap, startposx+120, startposy+340) setfontcolor("white") addtext("Soul: ", startposx+10, startposy+355) addtext(soul, startposx+120, startposy+355) setfontstyle(fontfamily, headfontsize, headfontcolor) setfontcolor("orange") addtext("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", startposx, startposy+375) addtext(" ~ Made by Rydan ~", startposx, startposy+385) addtext("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", startposx, startposy+395)</Script> 
- <Recent-Loot>
  <Script>-- you can add more items here local warnitems = {'giant shimmering pearl', 'small emerald', 'crocodile boots','dragon hammer'} -- max lines to display at once local maxindex = 5 -- spacing between lines local spacing = 15 local index = 0 local msgs = getmessages("Server Log") local qtd = msgs.count-1 for i=0,qtd do if msgs[qtd-i].type == 19 and msgs[qtd-i].text:find('Loot of ') then local colorm = false local l = 0 for l=1, table.getn(warnitems) do if msgs[qtd-i].text:find(warnitems[l]) then colorm = true break end end if colorm then setfontcolor('red') else setfontcolor('green') end addtext(msgs[qtd-i].text, worldwin.left+5,worldwin.bottom-(maxindex*spacing)+20+(index*spacing)) index=index+1 if index == maxindex then break end end end</Script> 
  <Show>If Focused</Show> 
- <Input>
- <Keyboard>
  <StuckCtrlShift>If cavebot on, release after 1 sec</StuckCtrlShift> 
  <TypingStyle>Keyboard keys</TypingStyle> 
  <PressWaitTime>45 to 65</PressWaitTime> 
- <Mouse>
  <Scroll>Use mouse wheel</Scroll> 
  <ClickWaitTime>30 to 50</ClickWaitTime> 
  <OpenMenuPolicy>Confirm if cavebotting</OpenMenuPolicy> 
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