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Knight [PACC] [40] Port Hope Banuta Apes

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Dec 3, 2012
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[EK][40] Port Hope Banuta Apes

- <Settings>
- <Alerts>
- <Player>
- <OnScreen>
- <Attacking>
  <Creature /> 
  <Item /> 
- <Message>
- <PrivateMessage>
- <Advanced>
- <Raid>
- <Capacity>
- <StandTime>
- <Disconnect>
- <Healer>
- <Rules>
- <Exori-Ico>
  <HealRange>0 to 75 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>40 to all</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Wound Cleansing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <HP-Potion>
  <HealRange>0 to 40 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Great Health Potion</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <MP-Potion>
  <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 50 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Mana Potion</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <Paralyze>
  <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>40 to all</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Wound Cleansing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>If paralyzed</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <Mana-Burn>
  <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>95 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Wound Cleansing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <FriendHealer>
  <Rules /> 
- <Refiller>
  <Rules /> 
- <HotKeys>
- <List>
- <ShowBot>
- <PauseBot>
  <Script>local cavebot = getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Enabled") local targeting = getsettings("Settings/Targeting/Enabled") if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then setcavebot('on') settargeting('on') setlooting('on') else setcavebot('off') settargeting('off') setlooting('off') end wait(500)</Script> 
- <ShowClient>
- <ShowSettings>
  <Condition>Client focus required</Condition> 
- <Actions>
- <List>
- <WTP-changer>
  <Script>----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- if ((pzone) or (isPvp == 2)) then setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Pathfinding\\WalkThroughPlayers", "yes") else setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Pathfinding\\WalkThroughPlayers", "no") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>100 to 200</SpamRate> 
- <Auto-Mount>
  <Script>----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- if autoMount then setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\AutoMount", "yes") else setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\AutoMount", "no") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Loot-Small-Stones>
  <Script>----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- if lootSmallStone then setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\small stone\\Id", "1781") else setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\small stone\\Id", "0") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Auto-Haste>
  <Script>----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- if ((not hasted) and (not pzone)) then cast("utani hur") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Drop-Vials>
  <Script>--[[ Action Name: Soft Boots Changer Author: Y4rR0 from IMBAscripts Version: 1.0 ]]-- ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- local flaskCount = (itemcount(285)+itemcount(284)+itemcount(283)) local vials = {283, 284, 285} if ((flaskCount >= flasksToDrop) and dropFlask) then for i=1, 3 do dropitems(vials[i]) end end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Player-On-Resp-Alarm>
  <Script>----< Player on Resp Alarm >---- ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- if playerOnRespAlarm then setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Enabled", "yes") setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\PlaySound", "yes") setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\FlashClient", "yes") else setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\PlaySound", "no") setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\FlashClient", "no") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Player-Attack-alarm>
  <Script>----< Player Attack Alarm >---- ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- if playerAttackAlarm then setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Enabled", "yes") setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\Attacking\\PlaySound", "yes") setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\Attacking\\FlashClient", "yes") else setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\Attacking\\PlaySound", "no") setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\Attacking\\FlashClient", "no") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Loot-changer>
  <Script>----< Loot Destination Changer >---- ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- local itemList1 = {"carrot on a stick", "banana staff", "wand of decay", "feather headdress", "ape fur", "honeycomb", "small amethyst", "seeds", "colourful feather", "kongras shoulderpad", "terrorbird beak", "banana sash", "carniphila seeds", "spider fangs", "small stone", "striped fur"} local itemList2 = {"health potion", "mana potion"} for i=1, 16 do setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\"..itemList1[i].."\\Destination", lootBp:lower()) end for i=1, 2 do setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\"..itemList2[i].."\\Destination", mainBp:lower()) end setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\gold coin\\Destination", goldBp:lower())</Script> 
  <SpamRate>10000 to 20000</SpamRate> 
- <Targeting-PK>
  <Script>----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- local monsters = {"Kongra", "Merlkin", "Sibang", "Carniphila", "Terror Bird", "Tiger", "Bat", "Wasp"} if (underattack("p")) then for i=1, 8 do setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\"..monsters[i].."\\OnlyIfTrapped", "yes") end else for i=1, 8 do setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\"..monsters[i].."\\OnlyIfTrapped", "no") end end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>8000 to 10000</SpamRate> 
- <SS-on-low-HP>
  <Script>--[[ Action Name: Screenshoot on Low Hp Author: Y4rR0 from IMBAscripts Version: 1.0 ]]-- ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- if ((hppc <= 15) and connected) then screenshot(""..name.."'s hp lower than 15percentage at "..tosec(time())) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Soft-Boots-Changer>
  <Script>--[[ Action Name: Soft Boots Changer Author: Y4rR0 from IMBAscripts Version: 1.0 ]]-- local minReqVal = {61, 70} local maxReqVal = {95, 98} local softInUseId = 3549 local softId = 6529 local softWornId = 6530 local otherBootsId = itemid(otherBoots) local otherBootsCount = itemcount(otherBootsId) local minRandom = math.random(minReqVal[1], minReqVal[2]) local maxRandom = math.random(maxReqVal[1], maxReqVal[2]) ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- if ((mppc <= minRandom) and (not pzone) and (boots ~= softInUseId) and (itemcount(softId) > 0)) then moveitems(softId, "all", "boots", 1) wait(1000, 1100) elseif ((mppc >= maxRandom) or (pzone) or (boots == softWornId)) then if ((otherBootsCount > 0) and ((boots == softInUseId) or (boots == softWornId))) then moveitems(otherBootsId, "all", "boots", 1) wait(1000, 1100) elseif ((otherBootsCount == 0) and (boots == softInUseId)) then moveitems(softInUseId, "boots", mainBp, 1) wait(1000, 1100) elseif ((otherBootsCount == 0) and (boots == softWornId)) then moveitems(softWornId, "boots", mainBp, 1) wait(1000, 1100) end end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Potions-Changer>
  <Script>--[[ Action Name: Potions Changer Author: Y4rR0 from IMBAscripts Version: 1.0 ]]-- ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- if (hpName:lower() == "health potion") then setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\HP Potion\\HealMethod", "Health Potion") elseif (hpName:lower() == "strong health potion") then setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\HP Potion\\HealMethod", "Strong Health Potion") elseif (hpName:lower() == "great health potion") then setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\HP Potion\\HealMethod", "Great Health Potion") elseif (hpName:lower() == "ultimate health potion") then setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\HP Potion\\HealMethod", "Ultimate Health Potion") end if (mpName:lower() == "mana potion") then setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\MP Potion\\HealMethod", "Mana Potion") elseif (mpName:lower() == "strong mana potion") then setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\MP Potion\\HealMethod", "Strong Mana Potion") elseif (mpName:lower() == "great mana potion") then setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\MP Potion\\HealMethod", "Great Mana Potion") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>8000 to 10000</SpamRate> 
- <HUD-borders>
  <Script>--[[ CODE, DONT EDIT ]]-- if (IMBAhudBorders) then setsettings("Settings\\Hud\\List\\IMBA HUD Borders\\Enabled", "yes") else setsettings("Settings\\Hud\\List\\IMBA HUD Borders\\Enabled", "no") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>8000 to 10000</SpamRate> 
- <Safe-Exori>
  <Script>--[[ Action Name: Safe Exori Author: Y4rR0 Version: 1.0 ]]-- local exoriMonsters = {"Kongra"} local monstersCount = 4 local exoriSpell = "exori" --[[ CODE, DONT EDIT ]]-- if ((useExori) and (maround(1, unpack(exoriMonsters)) >= monstersCount) and (cancast(exoriSpell)) and (((lasttimeplayeronscreen > 3000) and (paround() == 0) and (paround(3,true) == 0)) or (isPvp == 2))) then cast(exoriSpell) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Standtime-Error>
  <Script>--[[ Action Name: Standtime Error Author: Y4rR0 Version: 1.0 ]]-- --[[ CODE, DONT EDIT ]]-- if ((standtime > 30000) and (System.isCaveBotEnabled()) and ((System.HuntingTime() > 30000) and (not pzone))) then print("Standing on "..posx..", "..posy..", "..posz..". Waypoint ID: "..wpt.id..". Script version: "..scriptVersion..".") screenshot("Standing Error"..tosec(time())) setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Standtime Error\\Enabled", "no") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
  <Setup>--[[ Script Name: IMBA Banuta Apes Author: Y4rR0 from IMBAscripts ]]-- scriptVersion = 1.1 -- DONT CHANGE ----< Backpacks Settings >---- -- Main backpack on yourself mainBp = "expedition Backpack" -- Loot backpack on yourself lootBp = "dragon Backpack" -- Gold backpack on yourself goldBp = "blue Backpack" -- Main backpack in depot mainDpBp = "Backpack" -- Stackables backpack in depot main backpack stackableBp = "yellow Backpack" -- Nonstackables backpack in depot main backpack nonStackableBp = "fur Backpack" -- Potions backpack in depot ((if potionsFromDepot = true)) potionDpBp = "camouflage Backpack" ---< Potions Settings >---- -- Name of mana potion mpName = "mana potion" -- Name of health potion hpName = "great health potion" -- How many mana potions to buy mpBuy = 100 -- How many health potions to buy hpBuy = 30 -- Minimum mana potions to refill mpMin = 50 -- Minimum health potions to refill hpMin = 20 -- Minimum cap to refill capMin = 100 -- Take potions from potionBp? potionsFromDepot = true -- Take health potions from potionBp? hpPotionsFromDp = true -- Take mana potions from potionBp? mpPotionsFromDp = true ----< Spawn Settings >---- -- Use shortcut? ((10+ task points)) isShortcut = false -- Hunt surface? huntSurface = true -- Hunt towers? (( only with huntSurface = true)) huntTowers = false -- Hunt -1? huntBasement1 = false -- Hunt -2? huntBasement2 = false ----< Script Settings >---- -- Pvp or Opt-Pvp ((Pvp = 1, Opt-Pvp = 2)) isPvp = 1 -- Use exori? ((Settings in Actions/List/Safe Exori)) useExori = true -- Name of your boots otherBoots = "boots of haste" -- Auto mount? autoMount = true -- Auto haste on the way to spawn? autoHaste = true -- Loot Small Stones? lootSmallStone = false -- Drop Vials? dropFlask = false -- How many vials to drop flasksToDrop = 5 -- Player on resp Alarm? playerOnRespAlarm = false -- Player attack Alarm? playerAttackAlarm = true -- IMBA HUD borders? ((bigger CPU usage)) IMBAhudBorders = false</Setup> 
- <CaveBot>
- <Waypoints>
  <whereIam>Action 32621 32750 7 setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Pathfinding\\WalkingMethod", "Map Clicks");setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Standtime Error\\Enabled", "yes");if (posz == 7) then; if pzone and (posy >= 32737) and (posy <= 32748) then; if (posx >= 32620) and (posx <= 32625) then; gotolabel('depo1'); elseif (posx >= 32629) and (posx <= 32634) then; gotolabel('depo2'); end; elseif not pzone and (posx >= 32568) and (posy >= 32733) and (posy <= 32777) then; gotolabel("dp"..random(1,3)); elseif (posx >= 32697) and (posy <= 32727) then; gotolabel("whereToGo"); else; print("Go to north side of Port Hope"); logout(); end;elseif (posz == 8) then; gotolabel("keepBasement1");elseif (posz == 9) then; gotolabel("keepBasement2");end</whereIam> 
  <depo1>Stand 32622 32742 7</depo1> 
  <w002>Action 32632 32742 7 if (stamina <= 850) then; while(battlesigned) do; wait(60000, 61000); end; logout(); print("Logged out due to low stamina"); System.CaveBotEnabled(false);else; gotolabel("Depositing");end</w002> 
  <depo2>Stand 32632 32742 7</depo2> 
  <w004>Action 32632 32742 7 if (stamina <= 850) then; while(battlesigned) do; wait(60000, 61000); end; logout(); print("Logged out due to low stamina"); System.CaveBotEnabled(false);else; gotolabel("Depositing");end</w004> 
  <Depositing>Action 32623 32742 7 ----< Depositer >----;;setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\WTP changer\\Enabled", "no");setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Pathfinding\\WalkThroughPlayers", "no");setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Pathfinding\\WalkingMethod", 'Map Clicks');setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\keep haste\\Enabled", 'no');setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\FlashClient", "no");setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\PlaySound", "no");setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "no");;----< Opening Backpacks >----;while (windowcount(mainBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount(lootBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount(lootBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount() ~= 2) do; closewindows(); wait(400, 600); openitem(mainBp, 'back'); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(mainBp, 0); wait(400, 600); openitem(lootBp, mainBp, true); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(lootBp, 0); wait(400, 600);end;;----< Reaching Depot >----;reachgrounditem("depot");wait(500, 900);openitem("depot");wait(600, 1100);openitem(3502, "locker");wait(600, 1100);openitem(mainDpBp, 'Depot Chest');wait(600, 1100);;----< Depositing >----;local CONFIG = {; LOOT_BACKPACK = lootBp,; ; STACKABLE_BACKPACK = stackableBp,; STACKABLE_BACKPACK_AMOUNT = 4,; ; NOT_STACKABLE_BACKPACK = nonStackableBp,; NOT_STACKABLE_BACKPACK_AMOUNT = 16,; ; DEPOSIT_ITEMS = {"carrot on a stick", "wand of decay", "banana staff", "feather headdress", "ape fur", "small amethyst", "honeycomb", "seeds", "colourful feather", "kongra's shoulderpad", "terrorbird beak", "banana sash", "carniphila seeds", "spider fangs", "small stone", "striped fur"},;};;local NOT_STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO, ITEM_INDEX = 0, 1;;while (#CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS >= ITEM_INDEX) do; if (type(CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS[ITEM_INDEX]) == "string") then; local ITEM_ID = itemid(CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS[ITEM_INDEX]); ; if (ITEM_ID > 0) then; CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS[ITEM_INDEX], ITEM_INDEX = ITEM_ID, ITEM_INDEX + 1; else; table.remove(CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS, ITEM_INDEX); end; elseif (type(CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS[ITEM_INDEX]) == "number") then; if (CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS[ITEM_INDEX] > 0) then; ITEM_INDEX = ITEM_INDEX + 1; else; table.remove(CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS, ITEM_INDEX); end; else; table.remove(CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS, ITEM_INDEX); end;end;;while (true) do; for _, DEPOSIT_ITEM in ipairs(CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS) do; if (itemcount(DEPOSIT_ITEM, CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK) > 0) then; if (itemproperty(DEPOSIT_ITEM).isCumulative) then; local STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO = 0; ; while (CONFIG.STACKABLE_BACKPACK_AMOUNT > STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO) do; local ITEM_COUNT_BEFORE = itemcount(DEPOSIT_ITEM, CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK); ; moveitemsonto(DEPOSIT_ITEM, "all", CONFIG.STACKABLE_BACKPACK, 100, STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO) wait(500, 1000); ; local ITEM_COUNT_AFTER = itemcount(DEPOSIT_ITEM, CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK); ; if (ITEM_COUNT_BEFORE == ITEM_COUNT_AFTER and ITEM_COUNT_AFTER > 0) then; STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO = STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO + 1; elseif (ITEM_COUNT_AFTER == 0) then; break; end; end; else; while (CONFIG.NOT_STACKABLE_BACKPACK_AMOUNT > NOT_STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO) do; local ITEM_COUNT_BEFORE = itemcount(DEPOSIT_ITEM, CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK); ; moveitemsonto(DEPOSIT_ITEM, "all", CONFIG.NOT_STACKABLE_BACKPACK, 100, NOT_STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO) wait(500, 1000); ; local ITEM_COUNT_AFTER = itemcount(DEPOSIT_ITEM, CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK); ; if (ITEM_COUNT_BEFORE == ITEM_COUNT_AFTER and ITEM_COUNT_AFTER > 0) then; NOT_STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO = NOT_STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO + 1; elseif (ITEM_COUNT_AFTER == 0) then; break; end; end; end; end; end; ; if (itemcount(CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK, CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK) > 0) then; openitem(CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK, CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK, false) wait(2000, 3000); else; break; end; ; wait(100);end;setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "yes");setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\WTP changer\\Enabled", "yes")</Depositing> 
  <Withdraw_Potions>Action 32623 32743 7 if potionsFromDepot then; setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "no"); ;----< Opening Backpacks >----; while (windowcount(mainBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount() ~= 1) do; closewindows(); wait(400, 600); openitem(mainBp, 'back'); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(mainBp, 0); end;----< Reaching Depot >----; openitem("depot"); wait(600, 1100); openitem(3502, "locker"); wait(600, 1100); openitem(potionDpBp, 'Depot Chest'); wait(600, 1100);;----< Withdrawing Potions >----; if hpPotionsFromDp then; Self.MoveItemsUpTo(hpName, hpBuy, mainBp, potionDpBp); end; if mpPotionsFromDp then; Self.MoveItemsUpTo(mpName, mpBuy, mainBp, potionDpBp); end; setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "yes");end</Withdraw_Potions> 
  <w005>Action 32632 32747 7 if (posx >= 32620) and (posx <= 32625) then; gotolabel('aDepo1');elseif (posx >= 32629) and (posx <= 32634) then; gotolabel('aDepo2');end;</w005> 
  <aDepo1>Stand 32623 32746 7</aDepo1> 
  <w012>Action 32623 32748 7 gotolabel("checkerTown1")</w012> 
  <aDepo2>Stand 32631 32746 7</aDepo2> 
  <checkerTown1>Action 32623 32745 7 ----< Checker >----;local flaskCount = (itemcount(285)+itemcount(284)+itemcount(283));if ((itemcount(mpName) < mpBuy) or (itemcount(hpName) < hpBuy) or (itemcount("worn soft boots") ~= 0) or (flaskCount ~=0)) then; gotolabel("toBank");else; gotolabel("autoHaste1");end</checkerTown1> 
  <toBank>Stand 32629 32749 7</toBank> 
  <inBank>Stand 32632 32739 6</inBank> 
  <Banking>Action 32632 32739 6 if islocation() then;local flaskCount = (itemcount(285)+itemcount(284)+itemcount(283));local mpMoney = positive(mpBuy - itemcount(mpName)) * itemcost(mpName);local hpMoney = positive(hpBuy - itemcount(hpName)) * itemcost(hpName);local softMoney = (itemcount("worn soft boots") * 11000);local totalMoney = (mpMoney + hpMoney + softMoney) - (flaskCount*5);----< Opening Backpacks >----;while (windowcount(mainBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount() ~= 1) do; closewindows(); wait(400, 600); openitem(mainBp, 'back'); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(mainBp, 0);end;----< Talks >----;depositall();wait(100, 200);if (totalMoney > 0) then; npcsay('withdraw '..totalMoney); wait(100, 200); npcsay('yes'); wait(100, 200);end;npcsay('balance');wait(100, 200);else; gotolabel("toBank");end</Banking> 
  <checkerTown2>Action 32632 32739 6 ----< Checker >----;local flaskCount = (itemcount(285)+itemcount(284)+itemcount(283));if ((itemcount(mpName) < mpBuy) or (itemcount(hpName) < hpBuy) or (flaskCount ~=0)) then; gotolabel("upToMagic");else; gotolabel("downToSurface");end</checkerTown2> 
  <upToMagic>Ladder 32626 32742 6</upToMagic> 
  <inMagic>Stand 32624 32741 5</inMagic> 
  <magicShopping>Action 32624 32741 5 ----< Mana Shop >----;local flaskCount = (itemcount(285)+itemcount(284)+itemcount(283));----< Checking Pos >----;if not islocation() then; gotolabel('upToMagic');end;----< Opening Backpacks >----;while (windowcount(mainBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount() ~= 1) do; closewindows(); wait(400, 600); openitem(mainBp, 'back'); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(mainBp, 0);end;----< Talks >----;say("hi");wait(1000, 1100);if flaskCount > 0 then; npcsay('flasks'); wait(50, 100); for i=1, math.floor(flaskCount/100)+1 do; npcsay('yes'); wait(50, 100); end;end;npcsay("trade");wait(1000, 1100);buyitemsupto(hpName, hpBuy);wait(50,100);buyitemsupto(mpName, mpBuy)</magicShopping> 
  <w003>Stand 32626 32742 5</w003> 
  <downToSurface>Stand 32625 32749 6</downToSurface> 
  <checkerTown3>Action 32625 32750 7 ----< Checker >----;if (itemcount(mpName) < mpBuy) or (itemcount(hpName) < hpBuy) then; gotolabel("toBank");elseif (itemcount("worn soft boots") ~= 0) then; gotolabel("goFood");else; gotolabel("autoHaste1");end;</checkerTown3> 
  <goFood>Walk 32611 32761 7</goFood> 
  <w006>Stand 32578 32760 7</w006> 
  <foodOrSofts>Action 32578 32760 7 ----< Go to label >----;gotolabel("toPhBoat")</foodOrSofts> 
  <inFood>Stand 32575 32754 7</inFood> 
  <foodShopping>Action 32575 32754 7 --[[ ;TODO;food shopping for other scripts;]]--</foodShopping> 
  <toPhBoat>Ladder 32568 32766 7</toPhBoat> 
  <w008>Walk 32556 32772 6</w008> 
  <w009>Walk 32545 32786 6</w009> 
  <onPhBoat>Stand 32530 32784 6</onPhBoat> 
  <goToVenore>Action 32529 32784 6 ----< Travel to Venore >----;local npcName = "Charles";reachcreature(npcName);----< Talks >----;say('hi');wait(1000, 1100);npcsay('venore');wait(50, 100);npcsay('yes')</goToVenore> 
  <isloc1>Action 32954 32023 6 if not islocation() then;gotolabel("onPhBoat");end</isloc1> 
  <w007>Walk 32953 32038 6</w007> 
  <w010>Walk 32953 32052 6</w010> 
  <w011>Walk 32949 32096 6</w011> 
  <randomSoft>Action 32951 32106 6 ----< Go to random soft waypoint >----;gotolabel("soft"..random(1,4))</randomSoft> 
  <soft1>Stand 32952 32108 6</soft1> 
  <goTo>Action 32954 32108 6 gotolabel("softRefilling")</goTo> 
  <soft2>Stand 32953 32108 6</soft2> 
  <goTo>Action 32954 32108 6 gotolabel("softRefilling")</goTo> 
  <soft3>Stand 32954 32108 6</soft3> 
  <softRefilling>Action 32954 32108 6 ----< Soft refilling >----;local npcDist = getcreature("Aldo").dist;local wornSofts = itemcount("worn soft boots");if ((posx >= 32952) and (posx <= 32954)) then;----< Talks >----; say('hi'); wait(1000, 1100); if ((wornSofts ~= 0) and (gold() >= (wornSofts*10000))) then; for i=1, wornSofts do; npcsay('repair'); wait(50, 100); npcsay('yes'); wait(50, 100); end; end;else; gotolabel("soft2");end</softRefilling> 
  <softCheck>Action 32952 32107 6 ----< Soft checker >----;local wornSofts = itemcount("worn soft boots");if ((wornSofts > 0) and (gold() >= (wornSofts*10000))) then; gotolabel("randomSoft");end</softCheck> 
  <toVenoBoat>Walk 32954 32090 6</toVenoBoat> 
  <w014>Walk 32954 32067 6</w014> 
  <w015>Walk 32954 32050 6</w015> 
  <w016>Walk 32954 32035 6</w016> 
  <onVenoBoat>Stand 32954 32023 6</onVenoBoat> 
  <goToPh>Action 32954 32023 6 ----< Travel to Port Hope >----;local npcName = "Captain Fearless";reachcreature(npcName);----< Talks >----;say('hi');wait(1000, 1100);npcsay('port hope');wait(50, 100);npcsay('yes')</goToPh> 
  <isloc2>Action 32530 32784 6 if not islocation() then;gotolabel("onVenoBoat");end</isloc2> 
  <w013>Walk 32555 32784 6</w013> 
  <w017>Walk 32558 32767 6</w017> 
  <w018>Stand 32568 32766 6</w018> 
  <w019>Walk 32586 32762 7</w019> 
  <w020>Walk 32610 32761 7</w020> 
  <w021>Stand 32629 32761 7</w021> 
  <autoHaste1>Action 32787 32575 7 ----< Auto haste >----;if autoHaste then; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "yes");else; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "no");end</autoHaste1> 
  <isShortcut>Action 32629 32761 7 ----< Choosing way >----;if isShortcut then; gotolabel("goShortcut");else; gotolabel("noShortcut");end</isShortcut> 
  <goShortcut>Stand 32629 32771 7</goShortcut> 
  <goToEastPh>Action 32629 32771 7 local npcName = "Old Adall";if islocation() then; reachcreature(npcName);----< Talks >----; say('hi'); wait(1000, 1100); npcsay('east'); wait(50, 100); npcsay('yes');else; gotolabel("goShortcut");end</goToEastPh> 
  <goToBanutaShortcut>Action 32679 32777 7 local npcName = "Lorek";if islocation() then; reachcreature("npcName");----< Talks >----; say('hi'); wait(1000, 1100); npcsay('banuta'); wait(50, 100); npcsay('yes'); gotolabel("doneShortcut");else; gotolabel("goShortcut");end</goToBanutaShortcut> 
  <noShortcut>Stand 32632 32753 7</noShortcut> 
  <Opening_bps_czeking__sup>Action 32632 32752 7 ----< Opening Backpacks >----;while (windowcount(mainBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount(lootBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount(goldBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount() ~= 3) do; closewindows(); wait(400, 600); openitem(mainBp, 'back'); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(mainBp, 0); wait(400, 600); openitem(lootBp, mainBp, true); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(lootBp, 0); wait(400, 600); openitem(goldBp, mainBp, true); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(goldBp, 0);end</Opening_bps_czeking__sup> 
  <w023>Walk 32664 32745 7</w023> 
  <w024>Node 32695 32714 7</w024> 
  <w025>Node 32705 32704 7</w025> 
  <w026>Node 32717 32688 7</w026> 
  <w027>Node 32722 32672 7</w027> 
  <w028>Node 32730 32654 7</w028> 
  <w029>Node 32741 32642 7</w029> 
  <w030>Node 32750 32626 7</w030> 
  <w031>Node 32774 32593 7</w031> 
  <w032>Node 32785 32583 7</w032> 
  <w001>Action 32623 32745 7 if (playerOnRespAlarm) then; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Player On Resp Alarm\\Enabled", "yes");else; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Player On Resp Alarm\\Enabled", "no");end</w001> 
  <whereToGo>Action 32787 32581 7 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "no");setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "yes");----< Spawn chooser >----;if huntSurface then; gotolabel("huntSurface");elseif huntBasement1 or huntBasement2 then; setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\Kongra\\OnlyIfTrapped", "yes"); setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\Merlkin\\OnlyIfTrapped", "yes"); setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\Sibang\\OnlyIfTrapped", "yes"); gotolabel("withoutSurface");end</whereToGo> 
  <huntSurface>Stand 32787 32575 7</huntSurface> 
  <w034>Action 32775 32574 7 if (huntTowers) then; gotolabel("t1");else; gotolabel("at1");end</w034> 
  <t1>Stand 32775 32572 7</t1> 
  <w036>Node 32773 32566 6</w036> 
  <w037>Stand 32775 32569 6</w037> 
  <w038>Stand 32775 32569 5</w038> 
  <w039>Stand 32770 32572 6</w039> 
  <w033>Action 32826 32631 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("t1");end</w033> 
  <at1>Node 32772 32563 7</at1> 
  <w040>Node 32773 32539 7</w040> 
  <w041>Action 32773 32539 7 if (huntTowers) then; gotolabel("t2");else; gotolabel("at2");end;</w041> 
  <t2>Stand 32773 32537 7</t2> 
  <w043>Stand 32773 32533 6</w043> 
  <w035>Action 32826 32631 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("t2");end</w035> 
  <at2>Stand 32778 32528 7</at2> 
  <w044>Action 32778 32528 7 if (huntTowers) then; gotolabel("t3");else; gotolabel("at3");end;</w044> 
  <t3>Stand 32779 32526 7</t3> 
  <w046>Stand 32781 32519 6</w046> 
  <w047>Stand 32781 32519 5</w047> 
  <w048>Stand 32782 32526 6</w048> 
  <w042>Action 32826 32631 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("t3");end</w042> 
  <at3>Node 32785 32519 7</at3> 
  <w050>Node 32802 32524 7</w050> 
  <w051>Action 32802 32524 7 if (huntTowers) then; gotolabel("t4");else; gotolabel("at4");end;</w051> 
  <t4>Stand 32800 32528 7</t4> 
  <w052>Stand 32804 32528 6</w052> 
  <w045>Action 32826 32632 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("t4");end</w045> 
  <at4>Node 32816 32517 7</at4> 
  <w053>Node 32815 32511 7</w053> 
  <w054>Action 32815 32511 7 if (huntTowers) then; gotolabel("t5");else; gotolabel("at5");end;</w054> 
  <t5>Stand 32815 32509 7</t5> 
  <w056>Stand 32816 32509 6</w056> 
  <w049>Action 32826 32632 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("t5");end</w049> 
  <at5>Stand 32836 32509 7</at5> 
  <w057>Action 32836 32510 7 if (huntTowers) then; gotolabel("t6");else; gotolabel("at6");end;</w057> 
  <t6>Stand 32835 32513 7</t6> 
  <w059>Stand 32835 32513 6</w059> 
  <w055>Action 32826 32632 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("t6");end</w055> 
  <at6>Stand 32842 32528 7</at6> 
  <w173>Stand 32840 32535 7</w173> 
  <w060>Action 32845 32534 7 if (huntTowers) then; gotolabel("t7");else; gotolabel("at7");end;</w060> 
  <t7>Stand 32840 32533 7</t7> 
  <w062>Node 32841 32527 6</w062> 
  <w063>Stand 32843 32531 6</w063> 
  <w064>Stand 32843 32529 5</w064> 
  <w065>Stand 32843 32529 4</w065> 
  <w066>Stand 32843 32531 5</w066> 
  <w067>Stand 32843 32533 6</w067> 
  <w058>Action 32826 32632 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("t7");end</w058> 
  <at7>Node 32860 32538 7</at7> 
  <w068>Action 32860 32548 7 if (huntTowers) then; gotolabel("t8");else; gotolabel("at8");end;</w068> 
  <t8>Stand 32858 32547 7</t8> 
  <w070>Stand 32858 32547 6</w070> 
  <w061>Action 32826 32632 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("t8");end</w061> 
  <at8>Node 32839 32547 7</at8> 
  <w071>Action 32837 32547 7 if (huntTowers) then; gotolabel("t9");else; gotolabel("at9");end;</w071> 
  <t9>Stand 32839 32551 7</t9> 
  <w073>Stand 32838 32549 6</w073> 
  <w074>Stand 32836 32549 5</w074> 
  <w075>Stand 32835 32551 6</w075> 
  <w069>Action 32826 32632 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("t9");end</w069> 
  <at9>Node 32823 32535 7</at9> 
  <w076>Node 32811 32537 7</w076> 
  <w077>Node 32812 32557 7</w077> 
  <w078>Action 32812 32557 7 if (huntTowers) then; gotolabel("t10");else; gotolabel("at10");end;</w078> 
  <t10>Stand 32811 32556 7</t10> 
  <w080>Node 32813 32547 6</w080> 
  <w081>Stand 32814 32553 6</w081> 
  <w082>Node 32815 32550 5</w082> 
  <w083>Stand 32814 32551 5</w083> 
  <w084>Stand 32814 32551 4</w084> 
  <w085>Stand 32815 32553 5</w085> 
  <w086>Stand 32816 32556 6</w086> 
  <w072>Action 32826 32632 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("t10");end</w072> 
  <at10>Node 32823 32559 7</at10> 
  <w087>Node 32847 32568 7</w087> 
  <w088>Action 32847 32568 7 if (huntTowers) then; gotolabel("t11");else; gotolabel("at11");end;</w088> 
  <t11>Stand 32846 32572 7</t11> 
  <w090>Stand 32846 32569 6</w090> 
  <w091>Stand 32849 32569 5</w091> 
  <w092>Stand 32849 32572 6</w092> 
  <w079>Action 32826 32632 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("t11");end</w079> 
  <at11>Node 32849 32582 7</at11> 
  <w093>Action 32848 32582 7 if (huntTowers) then; gotolabel("t12");else; gotolabel("at12");end;;</w093> 
  <t12>Stand 32847 32586 7</t12> 
  <w095>Stand 32847 32586 6</w095> 
  <w089>Action 32826 32632 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("t12");end</w089> 
  <at12>Stand 32837 32596 7</at12> 
  <w097>Action 32837 32596 7 if (huntTowers) then; gotolabel("t13");else; gotolabel("at13");end;;</w097> 
  <t13>Stand 32833 32595 7</t13> 
  <w098>Stand 32831 32597 6</w098> 
  <w099>Stand 32831 32597 5</w099> 
  <w100>Stand 32833 32595 6</w100> 
  <w094>Action 32826 32632 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("t13");end</w094> 
  <at13>Node 32830 32584 7</at13> 
  <w101>Action 32830 32584 7 if (huntTowers) then; gotolabel("t14");else; gotolabel("at14");end;;</w101> 
  <t14>Stand 32829 32579 7</t14> 
  <w103>Stand 32828 32577 6</w103> 
  <w104>Stand 32828 32577 5</w104> 
  <w105>Stand 32828 32579 6</w105> 
  <w096>Action 32826 32632 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("t14");end</w096> 
  <at14>Stand 32828 32580 7</at14> 
  <surfaceOrBasement>Action 32828 32580 7 if (huntBasement1 or huntBasement2) then; gotolabel("goBasement1");else; gotolabel("keepSurface");end</surfaceOrBasement> 
  <goBasement1>Stand 32827 32575 7</goBasement1> 
  <w022>Action 32827 32576 8 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("goBasement1");else; setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\Kongra\\OnlyIfTrapped", "no"); setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\Merlkin\\OnlyIfTrapped", "no"); setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\Sibang\\OnlyIfTrapped", "no");end</w022> 
  <isOnlyBasement2>Action 32828 32575 8 if (huntBasement2 and not huntBasement1) then; gotolabel("goOnlyBasement2");elseif (huntBasement1) then; gotolabel("contBasement1");end</isOnlyBasement2> 
  <contBasement1>Node 32817 32575 8</contBasement1> 
  <w109>Node 32789 32570 8</w109> 
  <w110>Node 32772 32568 8</w110> 
  <checkBasement11>Action 32772 32568 8 setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "yes");local mpHave = itemcount(mpName);local hpHave = itemcount(hpName);if ((mpHave <= mpMin) or (hpHave <= hpMin) or (cap <= capMin) or (itemcount("worn soft boots") ~= 0) or underattack("p") or (stamina <= 850)) then; gotolabel("exit1");end</checkBasement11> 
  <w111>Node 32769 32551 8</w111> 
  <w112>Node 32756 32568 8</w112> 
  <w113>Node 32778 32535 8</w113> 
  <w114>Node 32788 32549 8</w114> 
  <w115>Node 32779 32521 8</w115> 
  <checkBasement12>Action 32780 32521 8 local mpHave = itemcount(mpName);local hpHave = itemcount(hpName);if ((hpHave <= hpMin) or (mpHave <= mpMin) or (cap <= capMin) or (itemcount("worn soft boots") ~= 0) or underattack("p") or (stamina <= 850)) then; gotolabel("exit1");end</checkBasement12> 
  <w116>Node 32759 32518 8</w116> 
  <w117>Node 32792 32517 8</w117> 
  <w118>Node 32787 32496 8</w118> 
  <w119>Node 32805 32519 8</w119> 
  <w120>Node 32820 32511 8</w120> 
  <w121>Stand 32816 32546 8</w121> 
  <Basement1or2>Action 32816 32546 8 if huntBasement2 then; gotolabel("goBasement2");else; gotolabel("keepBasement1");end</Basement1or2> 
  <keepBasement1>Stand 32835 32545 8</keepBasement1> 
  <w124>Node 32847 32533 8</w124> 
  <w125>Stand 32842 32525 8</w125> 
  <checkBasement13>Action 32842 32525 8 local hpHave = itemcount(hpName);local mpHave = itemcount(mpName);if ((hpHave <= hpMin) or (mpHave <= mpMin) or (cap <= capMin) or (itemcount("worn soft boots") ~= 0) or underattack("p") or (stamina <= 850)) then; gotolabel("exit3");end</checkBasement13> 
  <w126>Stand 32845 32510 8</w126> 
  <w127>Node 32848 32538 8</w127> 
  <w128>Stand 32848 32547 8</w128> 
  <w129>Node 32845 32569 8</w129> 
  <w130>Stand 32828 32574 8</w130> 
  <basementOrSurface>Action 32828 32574 8 local hpHave = itemcount(hpName);local mpHave = itemcount(mpName);if ((hpHave <= hpMin) or (mpHave <= mpMin) or (cap <= capMin) or (itemcount("worn soft boots") ~= 0) or underattack("p") or huntSurface or (stamina <= 850)) then; gotolabel("upToSurface");else; gotolabel("contBasement1");end</basementOrSurface> 
  <upToSurface>Stand 32827 32575 8</upToSurface> 
  <w133>Action 32827 32574 7 gotolabel("keepSurface")</w133> 
  <goOnlyBasement2>Node 32826 32565 8</goOnlyBasement2> 
  <w107>Node 32817 32556 8</w107> 
  <goBasement2>Stand 32808 32546 8</goBasement2> 
  <w108>Stand 32802 32546 8</w108> 
  <w134>Action 32769 32499 9 setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "yes");setsettings("CaveBot\\Settings\\NodeRange", 10)</w134> 
  <keepBasement2>Stand 32768 32497 9</keepBasement2> 
  <w136>Node 32778 32517 9</w136> 
  <w137>Node 32781 32537 9</w137> 
  <w138>Node 32752 32534 9</w138> 
  <w139>Node 32776 32541 9</w139> 
  <w131>Node 32791 32547 9</w131> 
  <w132>Node 32775 32516 9</w132> 
  <w140>Node 32785 32562 9</w140> 
  <w141>Node 32774 32569 9</w141> 
  <w142>Node 32751 32564 9</w142> 
  <w143>Node 32751 32578 9</w143> 
  <w144>Node 32785 32570 9</w144> 
  <w167>Stand 32799 32550 9</w167> 
  <w168>Action 32799 32550 9 local hpHave = itemcount(hpName);local mpHave = itemcount(mpName);if ((hpHave <= hpMin) or (mpHave <= mpMin) or (cap <= capMin) or (itemcount("worn soft boots") ~= 0) or underattack("p") or (stamina <= 850)) then; gotolabel("upToBasement1");end</w168> 
  <w145>Node 32803 32554 9</w145> 
  <w146>Node 32809 32587 9</w146> 
  <w147>Node 32802 32578 9</w147> 
  <w148>Node 32817 32550 9</w148> 
  <w150>Node 32827 32569 9</w150> 
  <w149>Node 32850 32575 9</w149> 
  <w151>Stand 32844 32567 9</w151> 
  <w152>Node 32822 32555 9</w152> 
  <w153>Node 32823 32532 9</w153> 
  <w154>Stand 32842 32539 9</w154> 
  <w155>Node 32838 32529 9</w155> 
  <w156>Node 32821 32516 9</w156> 
  <w157>Node 32837 32504 9</w157> 
  <w158>Stand 32855 32508 9</w158> 
  <w159>Node 32850 32497 9</w159> 
  <w160>Node 32819 32508 9</w160> 
  <w161>Node 32803 32504 9</w161> 
  <w162>Node 32806 32492 9</w162> 
  <w163>Node 32802 32519 9</w163> 
  <w164>Node 32817 32543 9</w164> 
  <w165>Stand 32803 32547 9</w165> 
  <w166>Action 32803 32547 9 local hpHave = itemcount(hpName);local mpHave = itemcount(mpName);if ((hpHave <= hpMin) or (mpHave <= mpMin) or (cap <= capMin) or (itemcount("worn soft boots") ~= 0) or underattack("p") or huntBasement1 or huntSurface or (stamina <= 850)) then; gotolabel("upToBasement1");else; gotolabel("keepBasement2");end</w166> 
  <upToBasement1>Stand 32802 32546 9</upToBasement1> 
  <w122>Action 32803 32546 8 setsettings("CaveBot\\Settings\\NodeRange", 4);local hpHave = itemcount(hpName);local mpHave = itemcount(mpName);if ((hpHave <= hpMin) or (mpHave <= mpMin) or (cap <= capMin) or (itemcount("worn soft boots") ~= 0) or underattack("p") or (huntSurface and not huntBasement1) or (stamina <= 850)) then; gotolabel("upToSurface");else; gotolabel("keepBasement1");end</w122> 
  <w123>Stand 32816 32555 8</w123> 
  <w135>Node 32823 32565 8</w135> 
  <w169>Stand 32827 32575 8</w169> 
  <w170>Action 32827 32574 7 gotolabel("keepSurface");</w170> 
  <keepSurface>Node 32820 32580 7</keepSurface> 
  <w172>Action 32820 32580 7 if (huntTowers) then; gotolabel("t15");else; gotolabel("at15");end;;;</w172> 
  <t15>Stand 32816 32581 7</t15> 
  <w174>Node 32811 32583 6</w174> 
  <w175>Stand 32812 32582 6</w175> 
  <w176>Stand 32812 32585 5</w176> 
  <w177>Stand 32816 32586 6</w177> 
  <w102>Action 32826 32632 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("t15");end</w102> 
  <at15>Stand 32805 32584 7</at15> 
  <w178>Action 32799 32585 7 if (huntTowers) then; gotolabel("t16");else; gotolabel("at16");end;;;</w178> 
  <w179>Stand 32793 32585 7</w179> 
  <w180>Stand 32790 32581 6</w180> 
  <w181>Stand 32790 32585 5</w181> 
  <w182>Stand 32793 32585 6</w182> 
  <w171>Action 32826 32632 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("t16");end</w171> 
  <at16>Stand 32785 32582 7</at16> 
  <lastCheck>Action 32785 32582 7 local hpHave = itemcount(hpName);local mpHave = itemcount(mpName);if ((hpHave <= hpMin) or (mpHave <= mpMin) or (cap <= capMin) or (itemcount("worn soft boots") ~= 0) or (stamina <= 850))then; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Player On Resp Alarm\\Enabled", "no");----< Auto haste >----; if autoHaste then; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "yes"); else; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "no"); end; gotolabel("goTown");elseif underattack("p") then; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Player On Resp Alarm\\Enabled", "no");----< Auto haste >----; if autoHaste then; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "yes"); else; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "no"); end; gotolabel("goPz");else; gotolabel("huntSurface");end</lastCheck> 
  <withoutSurface>Stand 32788 32583 7</withoutSurface> 
  <w184>Node 32812 32582 7</w184> 
  <w185>Action 32826 32580 7 gotolabel("goBasement1")</w185> 
  <doneShortcut>Action 32825 32631 7 if not islocation(3) then; gotolabel("goToBanutaShortcut");end</doneShortcut> 
  <openbps>Action 32825 32631 7 ----< Opening Backpacks >----;while (windowcount(mainBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount(lootBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount(goldBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount() ~= 3) do; closewindows(); wait(400, 600); openitem(mainBp, 'back'); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(mainBp, 0); wait(400, 600); openitem(lootBp, mainBp, true); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(lootBp, 0); wait(400, 600); openitem(goldBp, mainBp, true); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(goldBp, 0);end</openbps> 
  <w186>Stand 32829 32610 7</w186> 
  <w187>Stand 32829 32593 7</w187> 
  <w188>Action 32829 32588 7 gotolabel("surfaceOrBasement")</w188> 
  <goTown>Stand 32765 32588 7</goTown> 
  <w106>Walk 32756 32602 7</w106> 
  <w189>Walk 32748 32620 7</w189> 
  <w190>Walk 32731 32633 7</w190> 
  <w191>Walk 32718 32648 7</w191> 
  <w192>Walk 32710 32668 7</w192> 
  <w193>Walk 32699 32691 7</w193> 
  <w194>Walk 32686 32713 7</w194> 
  <w195>Walk 32661 32720 7</w195> 
  <w196>Stand 32651 32733 7</w196> 
  <w197>Stand 32638 32739 7</w197> 
  <again>Action 32631 32751 7 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "no");gotolabel("whereIam")</again> 
  <exit1>Stand 32772 32565 8</exit1> 
  <w000>Action 32772 32562 8 gotolabel("lastCheck")</w000> 
  <exit2>Stand 32780 32519 8</exit2> 
  <w183>Stand 32772 32544 7</w183> 
  <w198>Action 32772 32544 7 gotolabel("lastCheck")</w198> 
  <exit3>Stand 32841 32526 8</exit3> 
  <w199>Stand 32836 32547 7</w199> 
  <w200>Stand 32830 32566 7</w200> 
  <w203>Stand 32783 32581 7</w203> 
  <w201>Stand 32806 32576 7</w201> 
  <w202>Stand 32784 32582 7</w202> 
  <w204>Action 32784 32582 7 gotolabel("lastCheck")</w204> 
  <goPz>Walk 32780 32593 7</goPz> 
  <autoHaste3>Action 32809 32518 9 ----< Auto haste >----;if autoHaste then; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "yes");else; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "no");end</autoHaste3> 
  <w206>Walk 32789 32611 7</w206> 
  <w207>Walk 32795 32625 7</w207> 
  <w208>Walk 32803 32633 7</w208> 
  <w209>Walk 32818 32633 7</w209> 
  <w210>Stand 32825 32632 7</w210> 
  <w211>Action 32825 32632 7 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "no");if pzone then; closetibia(); print("Logged out due to pk attack");end</w211> 
- <Pathfinding>
- <SpecialAreas>
- <NewArea0>
  <Coordinates>32851 32572 6</Coordinates> 
  <Dimensions>1 7</Dimensions> 
  <WalkingMethod>Map Clicks</WalkingMethod> 
  <MapWalkDistance>20 to 50</MapWalkDistance> 
- <Settings>
- <Looting>
- <List>
- <carrot-on-a-stick>
  <Destination>dragon backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <banana-staff>
  <Destination>dragon backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <wand-of-decay>
  <Destination>dragon backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <feather-headdress>
  <Destination>dragon backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <ape-fur>
  <Destination>dragon backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <honeycomb>
  <Destination>dragon backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <small-amethyst>
  <Destination>dragon backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <seeds>
  <Destination>dragon backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <colourful-feather>
  <Destination>dragon backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <kongras-shoulderpad>
  <Destination>dragon backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <terrorbird-beak>
  <Destination>dragon backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <banana-sash>
  <Destination>dragon backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <mana-potion>
  <Destination>expedition backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <carniphila-seeds>
  <Destination>dragon backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <health-potion>
  <Destination>expedition backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <spider-fangs>
  <Destination>dragon backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <gold-coin>
  <Destination>blue backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <small-stone>
  <Destination>dragon backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <striped-fur>
  <Destination>dragon backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
  <Condition>Corpses with listed items</Condition> 
  <Style>After melee kill</Style> 
- <Targeting>
- <Monsters>
- <Kongra>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Merlkin>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>No movement</Stance> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Sibang>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>No movement</Stance> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Carniphila>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Terror-Bird>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Tiger>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Bat>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Wasp>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Tarantula>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Centipede>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Settings>
  <PlayerOnScreenSecurity>If cavebotting</PlayerOnScreenSecurity> 
- <Hud>
- <List>
- <GeneralInfo>
  <Script>local a = getsettings("Settings/Cavebot/Pathfinding/WalkThroughPlayers") local b = getsettings("Settings\Healer\Healer\Enabled") local c = itemid("concentrated demonic blood") setsize(100,100) setfontcolor("white") addtext(name,10,30) addtext("Pos X : ", 10,45) addtext(posx, 54,45) addtext("Pos Y : ", 10,60) addtext(posy, 54,60) addtext("Pos Z : ", 10,75) addtext(posz, 54,75) addtext("Cursor ID", 10, 90) addtext('- '..cursorinfo().id, 65, 90) addtext("WalkThroughPlayers", 10, 105) if System.isWalkThroughPlayersEnabled() then setfontcolor(rgbcolor(124,252,0)) addtext("Enabled", 130, 105) else setfontcolor("red") addtext("Disabled", 130, 105) end addtext('Boots ID : '..c, 10, 120)</Script> 
- <MMH>
  <Script>-- [[ INIT START ]] -- -- -- 88 -- "" ,d -- 88 -- ,adPPYba, 88 8b,dPPYba, 88,dPYba,,adPYba, ,adPPYYba, MM88MMM ,adPPYba, -- I8[ "" 88 88P' "Y8 88P' "88" "8a "" `Y8 88 a8P_____88 -- `"Y8ba, 88 88 88 88 88 ,adPPPPP88 88 8PP""""""" -- aa ]8I 88 88 88 88 88 88, ,88 88, "8b, ,aa -- Author: `"YbbdP"' 88 88 88 88 88 `"8bbdP"Y8 "Y888 `"Ybbd8"' -- -- Monitor My Hunting! -- -- Version: 1.0 -- Created: 7.09.2012 -- Last update: 18.09.2012 -- MONITOR_MY_HUNTING = MONITOR_MY_HUNTING or { SCRIPT_NAME = "Monitor My Hunting", SCRIPT_VERSION = "1.0", CLEARED_STATS = false, INITIALIZED = false, } MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SHOW_ALL_ITEMS = false MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.ITEMS_LIST = { {NAME = "carrot on a stick", VALUE = 50000}, {NAME = "banana staff", VALUE = 2000}, {NAME = "wand of decay", VALUE = 2000}, {NAME = "feather headdress", VALUE = 850}, {NAME = "ape fur", VALUE = 120}, {NAME = "honeycomb", VALUE = 40}, {NAME = "small amethyst", VALUE = 200}, {NAME = "seeds", VALUE = 150}, {NAME = "colourful feather", VALUE = 110}, {NAME = "kongra's shoulderpad", VALUE = 100}, {NAME = "terrorbird beak", VALUE = 95}, {NAME = "banana sash", VALUE = 55}, {NAME = "carniphila seeds", VALUE = 50}, {NAME = "spider fangs", VALUE = 10}, {NAME = "striped fur", VALUE = 50}, {NAME = "gold coin", VALUE = 1}, {NAME = "mana potion", VALUE = 0}, {NAME = "health potion", VALUE = 0}, } MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SHOW_ALL_SUPPLIES = false MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SUPPLIES_LIST = { {NAME = "mana potion", PRICE = 50}, {NAME = "health potion", PRICE = 45}, {NAME = "strong health potion", PRICE = 100}, {NAME = "great health potion", PRICE = 190}, } -- [[ DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE. ]] -- MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST = MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST or {} MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST = MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST or {} MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS = MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS or { BLACK = rgbcolor(1, 1, 1), ORANGE = rgbcolor(255, 165, 0), BLUE = rgbcolor(30, 144, 255), CORNSILK = rgbcolor(205, 200, 177), WHITE = rgbcolor(255, 255, 255), GREEN = rgbcolor(107, 142, 35), RED = rgbcolor(178, 34, 34), } local function CreateMessageObject(MESSAGE_DATA) if (type(MESSAGE_DATA) ~= "userdata") then return setmetatable({__data = {TYPE = -1, TIME_STAMP = -1, SENDER_NAME = "", SENDER_LEVEL = -1, CONTENT = ""}}, MessageMetaTable) else return setmetatable({__data = {TYPE = MESSAGE_DATA.type, TIME_STAMP = Misc.ConvertToSeconds(string.sub(MESSAGE_DATA.text, 1, 5)), SENDER_NAME = MESSAGE_DATA.sender, SENDER_LEVEL = tonumber((tostring(string.match(MESSAGE_DATA.text, ".+ (%b[]): .+")):gsub("[^%d]", ""))) or 0, CONTENT = string.sub(MESSAGE_DATA.text, 7)}}, MessageMetaTable) end end local function addtextshadow(DISPLAY_TEXT, X_OFFSET, Y_OFFSET, FONT_COLOR) setfontcolor(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.BLACK) addtext(DISPLAY_TEXT, X_OFFSET + 1, Y_OFFSET + 1) setfontcolor(FONT_COLOR) addtext(DISPLAY_TEXT, X_OFFSET, Y_OFFSET) end -- [[ INIT END ]] -- if (not Stats.Update()) then local SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES = getnewmessages("Server Log") local SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES_COUNT = SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES.count - 1 for INDEX = 0, SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES_COUNT do local MESSAGE_OBJECT = CreateMessageObject(SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES[SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES_COUNT - INDEX]) if (MESSAGE_OBJECT:Type() == 19 and MESSAGE_OBJECT:Content():lower():match("^loot of")) then local LOOT_INFO = Message.ParseLootMessage(MESSAGE_OBJECT, true) if (#LOOT_INFO.NAME > 0) then Stats.__data.MONSTERS_KILLED[LOOT_INFO.NAME] = (Stats.__data.MONSTERS_KILLED[LOOT_INFO.NAME] or 0) + 1 for _, LOOT_ITEM in ipairs(LOOT_INFO.ITEMS) do if (Stats.__data.ITEMS_LOOTED[LOOT_ITEM.ID]) then Stats.__data.ITEMS_LOOTED[LOOT_ITEM.ID].QUANTITY = Stats.__data.ITEMS_LOOTED[LOOT_ITEM.ID].QUANTITY + LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY else Stats.__data.ITEMS_LOOTED[LOOT_ITEM.ID] = {ID = LOOT_ITEM.ID, NAME = LOOT_ITEM.NAME, QUANTITY = LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY, VALUE = Item.GetValue(LOOT_ITEM.ID)} end end end end end end local RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES = #MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.ITEMS_LIST ~= #MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST or #MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SUPPLIES_LIST ~= #MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST if (not RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES) then for INDEX, LOOT_ITEM in ipairs(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.ITEMS_LIST) do if (LOOT_ITEM.NAME ~= MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST[INDEX].NAME or LOOT_ITEM.VALUE ~= MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST[INDEX].VALUE) then RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES = true break end end end if (not RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES) then for INDEX, SUPPLY_ITEM in ipairs(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SUPPLIES_LIST) do if (SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME ~= MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST[INDEX].NAME or SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE ~= MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST[INDEX].PRICE) then RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES = true break end end end if (not MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.INITIALIZED or RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES) then if (not MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.CLEARED_STATS) then Stats.Clear(CLEAR_STATS_ALL) Stats.Update() MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.CLEARED_STATS = true end MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST, MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST = {}, {} for _, LOOT_ITEM in ipairs(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.ITEMS_LIST) do local LOOT_ITEM_ID = Item.GetID(type(LOOT_ITEM.NAME) ~= "table" and LOOT_ITEM.NAME or unpack(LOOT_ITEM.NAME)) Stats.AddItemsLooted(LOOT_ITEM_ID, 0, LOOT_ITEM.VALUE) table.insert(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST, {ID = LOOT_ITEM_ID, NAME = LOOT_ITEM.NAME, VALUE = LOOT_ITEM.VALUE}) end for _, SUPPLY_ITEM in ipairs(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SUPPLIES_LIST) do local SUPPLY_ITEM_ID = Item.GetID(type(SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME) ~= "table" and SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME or unpack(SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME)) Stats.AddSuppliesUsed(SUPPLY_ITEM_ID, 0, SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE) table.insert(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST, {ID = SUPPLY_ITEM_ID, NAME = SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME, PRICE = SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE}) end MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.INITIALIZED = true end setposition(Client.ClientWindow().right - 434, Client.WorldWindow().top + 5) local Y_POSITION, INDEX, ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH, SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH = 30, 0, 0, 0 addtextshadow(sprintf("%s v%s", MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SCRIPT_NAME:upper(), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SCRIPT_VERSION), 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.ORANGE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 addtextshadow("ITEMS LOOTED", 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.BLUE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 for _, LOOT_ITEM in pairs(Stats.GetItemsLooted()) do if ((MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SHOW_ALL_ITEMS or table.find(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST, LOOT_ITEM.ID, "ID")) and LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY > 0) then addtextshadow(((#LOOT_ITEM.NAME > 17 and sprintf("%s...", string.match(string.sub(LOOT_ITEM.NAME, 1, 17), "(.-)%s?$"))) or LOOT_ITEM.NAME):ucwords(), 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.CORNSILK) addtextshadow(sprintf("%s (%sK)", Misc.FormatNumber(LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY), tostring(math.floor(LOOT_ITEM.VALUE * LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY / 100) / 10)), 140, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.WHITE) INDEX, ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH = INDEX + 1, ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH + (LOOT_ITEM.VALUE * LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY) end end addtextshadow("Total:", 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.WHITE) addtextshadow(sprintf("%s GPs", Misc.FormatNumber(ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH)), 10 + 35, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.ORANGE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 addtextshadow("SUPPLIES USED", 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.BLUE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 for _, SUPPLY_ITEM in pairs(Stats.GetSuppliesUsed()) do if ((MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SHOW_ALL_SUPPLIES or table.find(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST, SUPPLY_ITEM.ID, "ID")) and SUPPLY_ITEM.QUANTITY > 0) then addtextshadow(((#SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME > 17 and sprintf("%s...", string.match(string.sub(SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME, 1, 17), "(.-)%s?$"))) or SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME):ucwords(), 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.CORNSILK) addtextshadow(sprintf("%s (%sK)", Misc.FormatNumber(SUPPLY_ITEM.QUANTITY), tostring(math.floor(SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE * SUPPLY_ITEM.QUANTITY / 100) / 10)), 140, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.WHITE) INDEX, SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH = INDEX + 1, SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH + (SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE * SUPPLY_ITEM.QUANTITY) end end addtextshadow("Total:", 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.WHITE) addtextshadow(sprintf("%s GPs", Misc.FormatNumber(SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH)), 10 + 35, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.ORANGE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 addtextshadow(sprintf("%s: %s GPs (%s K/H)", ((ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH >= SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH and ("PROFIT")) or ("WASTE")), Misc.FormatNumber(ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH - SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH), tostring(math.floor(((ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH - SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH) * 3600) / (System.HuntingTime() / 1000) / 100) / 10)), 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH >= SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH and MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.GREEN or MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.RED)</Script> 
  <Script>--[[ HUD Name: IMBAhud Author: Y4rR0 from IMBAscripts Version: 1.0 ]]-- -- X Position of text local textX = 11 -- Y Position of text ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- local textY = worldwin.top+50 local blue1 = rgbcolor(42, 187, 255) local blue2 = rgbcolor(2, 79, 135) local blue3 = rgbcolor(1, 14, 33) local blue4 = rgbcolor(128, 201, 255) local red1 = rgbcolor(255, 65, 48) local orange1 = rgbcolor(255, 139, 50) local green1 = rgbcolor(111, 255, 22) local gap = 15 setfontcolor(blue4) addtext(Self.Name(), textX, textY) addtext("Level: "..Self.Level(), textX, textY+1*gap) addtext("Exp Gained: "..Misc.FormatNumber(System.ExperienceGained()), textX, textY+2*gap) addtext("Exp to Level: "..Misc.FormatNumber(exptolevel()), textX, textY+3*gap) addtext("Exp per Hour: "..Misc.FormatNumber(System.ExperiencePerHour()), textX, textY+4*gap) addtext("Time to Level: "..timetolevel, textX, textY+5*gap) addtext("Time hunting: "..Misc.FormatTime(System.HuntingTime()/1000), textX, textY+6*gap) addtext("Stamina: ",11, textY+7*gap) addtext("Bank Balance: "..Misc.FormatNumber(balance).." gps", textX, textY+8*gap) addtext("Healer: ", textX, textY+9*gap) addtext("Cavebot: ", textX, textY+10*gap) addtext("Looting: ", textX, textY+11*gap) addtext("Targeting: ", textX, textY+12*gap) addtext("Cursor ID: "..cursorinfo().id, textX, textY+13*gap) ----< Healer ON/OFF >---- if (System.isHealerEnabled()) then setfontcolor(green1) addtext("ON", textX+42, textY+9*gap) else setfontcolor(red1) addtext("OFF", textX+42, textY+9*gap) end ----< CaveBot ON/OFF >---- if (System.isCaveBotEnabled()) then setfontcolor(green1) addtext("ON", textX+52, textY+10*gap) else setfontcolor(red1) addtext("OFF", textX+52, textY+10*gap) end ----< Looting ON/OFF >---- if (System.isLootingEnabled()) then setfontcolor(green1) addtext("ON", textX+47, textY+11*gap) else setfontcolor(red1) addtext("OFF", textX+47, textY+11*gap) end ----< Targeting ON/OFF >---- if (System.isTargetingEnabled()) then setfontcolor(green1) addtext("ON", textX+60, textY+12*gap) else setfontcolor(red1) addtext("OFF", textX+60, textY+12*gap) end ----< Stamina colours >---- if stamina >= 2400 then setfontcolor(green1) elseif stamina < 2400 and (stamina > 840) then setfontcolor(orange1) elseif stamina <= 840 then setfontcolor(red1) end addtext(Misc.FormatTime(Self.Stamina()), textX+53, textY+7*gap)</Script> 
- <IMBA-HUD-Borders>
  <Script>--[[ HUD Name: Borders to IMBAhud Author: Y4rR0 from IMBAscripts Version: 1.0 ]]-- -- X Position of border local horX = 3 -- Y Position of border local horY = worldwin.top + 34 ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- local blue1 = rgbcolor(42, 187, 255) local blue2 = rgbcolor(2, 79, 135) local blue3 = rgbcolor(1, 14, 33) local blue4 = rgbcolor(128, 201, 255) local function addhorizontalborder(Xpos, Ypos, fontColor) setfontcolor(fontColor) addtext("_________________________", Xpos, Ypos) addtext("_________________________", Xpos, Ypos+1) addtext("_________________________", Xpos, Ypos+2) end local function addverticalborder(Xpos, Ypos, fontColor) setfontcolor(fontColor) addtext("|", Xpos, Ypos) addtext("|", Xpos+1, Ypos) addtext("|", Xpos+2, Ypos) end local verLX = horX-2 local verRX = horX+169 local verY = horY+(13) local verBlockLength = 11 local verBorderLength = 18 --kolejna pozioma horY+(verBlockLength+1)*11+3 --[[=======================================]]-- addhorizontalborder(horX, horY, blue3) for i=0, verBorderLength do addverticalborder(verLX, verY+(i*verBlockLength), blue3) end for i=0, verBorderLength do addverticalborder(verRX, verY+(i*verBlockLength), blue3) end addhorizontalborder(3, horY+(verBorderLength+1)*verBlockLength+3 , blue3)</Script> 
  <Show>If focused</Show> 
- <Input>
- <Keyboard>
  <StuckCtrlShift>If cavebot on, release after 1 sec</StuckCtrlShift> 
  <TypingStyle>Keyboard keys</TypingStyle> 
  <PressWaitTime>45 to 65</PressWaitTime> 
- <Mouse>
  <Scroll>Use mouse wheel</Scroll> 
  <ClickWaitTime>30 to 50</ClickWaitTime> 
  <OpenMenuPolicy>Confirm if cavebotting</OpenMenuPolicy> 
Not open for further replies.