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Knight [PACC] [50] Port Hope Chor Lizards

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Dec 3, 2012
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[EK][50] Port Hope Chor Lizards

- <Settings>
- <Alerts>
- <Player>
- <OnScreen>
- <Attacking>
- <Creature>
- <Hydra>
  <Item /> 
- <Message>
- <PrivateMessage>
- <Advanced>
- <Raid>
- <Capacity>
- <StandTime>
- <Disconnect>
- <Healer>
- <Rules>
- <Exori-Ico>
  <HealRange>0 to 75 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>40 to all</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Wound Cleansing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <HP-Potion>
  <HealRange>0 to 40 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Great Health Potion</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <MP-Potion>
  <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 50 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Mana Potion</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <Paralyze>
  <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>40 to all</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Wound Cleansing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>If paralyzed</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <Mana-Burn>
  <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>95 to 100 %</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Wound Cleansing</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <Utura>
  <HealRange>0 to 90 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>75 to all</ManaRange> 
  <ExtraCondition>If not strengthened</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <Utura-gran>
  <HealRange>0 to 90 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>165 to all</ManaRange> 
  <HealMethod>Intense Recovery</HealMethod> 
  <ExtraCondition>If not strengthened</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate> 
- <FriendHealer>
  <Rules /> 
- <Refiller>
- <Rules>
- <Life-Ring>
  <HealRange>0 to 90 %</HealRange> 
  <ManaRange>0 to 90 %</ManaRange> 
  <AmmoCount>0 to all</AmmoCount> 
  <ExtraCondition>If no ring</ExtraCondition> 
  <SpamRate>500 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <HotKeys>
- <List>
- <ShowBot>
- <PauseBot>
  <Script>local cavebot = getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Enabled") local targeting = getsettings("Settings/Targeting/Enabled") if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then setcavebot('on') settargeting('on') setlooting('on') else setcavebot('off') settargeting('off') setlooting('off') end wait(500)</Script> 
- <ShowClient>
- <ShowSettings>
  <Condition>Client focus required</Condition> 
- <Actions>
- <List>
- <WTP-changer>
  <Script>----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- if ((pzone) or (isPvp == 2)) then setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Pathfinding\\WalkThroughPlayers", "yes") else setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Pathfinding\\WalkThroughPlayers", "no") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>100 to 200</SpamRate> 
- <Auto-Mount>
  <Script>----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- if autoMount then setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\AutoMount", "yes") else setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\AutoMount", "no") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Auto-Haste>
  <Script>----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- if ((not hasted) and (not pzone)) then cast("utani hur") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Drop-Vials>
  <Script>--[[ Action Name: Soft Boots Changer Author: Y4rR0 from IMBAscripts Version: 1.1 ]]-- ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- local flaskCount = (itemcount(285)+itemcount(284)+itemcount(283)) local vials = {283, 284, 285} if (((flaskCount >= flasksToDrop) and dropFlask) or cap < 50) then for i=1, table.size(vials) do dropitems(vials[i]) end end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Player-On-Resp-Alarm>
  <Script>----< Player on Resp Alarm >---- ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- if playerOnRespAlarm then setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Enabled", "yes") setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\PlaySound", "yes") setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\FlashClient", "yes") else setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\PlaySound", "no") setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\FlashClient", "no") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Player-Attack-alarm>
  <Script>----< Player Attack Alarm >---- ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- if playerAttackAlarm then setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Enabled", "yes") setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\Attacking\\PlaySound", "yes") setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\Attacking\\FlashClient", "yes") else setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\Attacking\\PlaySound", "no") setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\Attacking\\FlashClient", "no") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Loot-changer>
  <Script>----< Loot Destination Changer >---- -- If you will set lootOrDrop = "drop", then bot gonna drop items from lootItemList and dropItemList -- If you will set lootOrDrop = "loot", then bot gonna loot items from lootItemList, and drop items from dropItemList local lootItemList = {"salamander shield", "templar scytheblade", "sentinel shield"} local dropItemList = {"steel helmet", "halberd", "daramanian mace", "scale armor", "chain armor", "sword", "obsidian lance", "plate armor", "morning star"} ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- local itemList1 = {"carrot on a stick", "wand of inferno", "charmer's tiara", "wyvern fang", "terra rod", "yellow gem", "crocodile boots", "bat wing", "feather headdress", "emerald bangle", "lizard scale", "small diamond", "wyvern talisman", "small sapphire", "small emerald", "small amethyst", "lizard leather", "seeds", "colorful feather", "scarabo coin", "terrorbird beak", "life crystal", "nettle blossom", "life ring", "carniphila seeds", "piece of scarab shell", "nettle spit", "cobra tongue", "piece of crocodile leather", "poison spider shell", "striped fur"} local itemList2 = {"health potion", "strong health potion", "mana potion"} if lootOrDrop == 'loot' then for i=1, table.size(lootItemList) do setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\"..lootItemList[i].."\\Destination", lootBp:lower()) end for i=1, table.size(dropItemList) do setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\"..dropItemList[i].."\\Destination", "ground") end elseif lootOrDrop == 'drop' then for i=1, table.size(lootItemList) do setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\"..lootItemList[i].."\\Destination", "ground") end for i=1, table.size(dropItemList) do setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\"..dropItemList[i].."\\Destination", "ground") end end for i=1, table.size(itemList1) do setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\"..itemList1[i].."\\Destination", lootBp:lower()) end for i=1, table.size(itemList2) do setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\"..itemList2[i].."\\Destination", mainBp:lower()) end setsettings("Settings\\Looting\\List\\gold coin\\Destination", goldBp:lower()) ----<< END OF CODE >>----</Script> 
  <SpamRate>10000 to 20000</SpamRate> 
- <Targeting-PK>
  <Script>----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- local monsters = {"Lizard Templar", "Lizard Snakecharmer", "Lizard Sentinel", "Carniphila", "Terror Bird", "Scarab", "Bat", "Spit Nettle", "Larva", "Crocodile", "Wyvern"} if (underattack("p")) then setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "yes") for i=1, table.size(monsters) do setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\"..monsters[i].."\\OnlyIfTrapped", "yes") end else for i=1, table.size(monsters) do setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\"..monsters[i].."\\OnlyIfTrapped", "no") end end ----<< END OF CODE >>----</Script> 
  <SpamRate>8000 to 10000</SpamRate> 
- <SS-on-low-HP>
  <Script>--[[ Action Name: Screenshoot on Low Hp Author: Y4rR0 from IMBAscripts Version: 1.0 ]]-- ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- if ((hppc <= 15) and connected) then screenshot(""..name.."'s hp lower than 15percentage at "..tosec(time())) wait(1000,2000) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Soft-Boots-Changer>
  <Script>--[[ Action Name: Soft Boots Changer Author: Y4rR0 from IMBAscripts Version: 1.0 ]]-- local minReqVal = {61, 70} local maxReqVal = {95, 98} local softInUseId = 3549 local softId = 6529 local softWornId = 6530 local otherBootsId = itemid(otherBoots) local otherBootsCount = itemcount(otherBootsId) local minRandom = math.random(minReqVal[1], minReqVal[2]) local maxRandom = math.random(maxReqVal[1], maxReqVal[2]) ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- if ((mppc <= minRandom) and (not pzone) and (boots ~= softInUseId) and (itemcount(softId) > 0)) then moveitems(softId, "all", "boots", 1) wait(1000, 1100) elseif ((mppc >= maxRandom) or (pzone) or (boots == softWornId)) then if ((otherBootsCount > 0) and ((boots == softInUseId) or (boots == softWornId))) then moveitems(otherBootsId, "all", "boots", 1) wait(1000, 1100) elseif ((otherBootsCount == 0) and (boots == softInUseId)) then moveitems(softInUseId, "boots", mainBp, 1) wait(1000, 1100) elseif ((otherBootsCount == 0) and (boots == softWornId)) then moveitems(softWornId, "boots", mainBp, 1) wait(1000, 1100) end end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Potions-Changer>
  <Script>--[[ Action Name: Potions Changer Author: Y4rR0 from IMBAscripts Version: 1.0 ]]-- ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- if (hpName:lower() == "health potion") then setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\HP Potion\\HealMethod", "Health Potion") elseif (hpName:lower() == "strong health potion") then setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\HP Potion\\HealMethod", "Strong Health Potion") elseif (hpName:lower() == "great health potion") then setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\HP Potion\\HealMethod", "Great Health Potion") elseif (hpName:lower() == "ultimate health potion") then setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\HP Potion\\HealMethod", "Ultimate Health Potion") end if (mpName:lower() == "mana potion") then setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\MP Potion\\HealMethod", "Mana Potion") elseif (mpName:lower() == "strong mana potion") then setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\MP Potion\\HealMethod", "Strong Mana Potion") elseif (mpName:lower() == "great mana potion") then setsettings("Settings\\Healer\\Rules\\MP Potion\\HealMethod", "Great Mana Potion") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>8000 to 10000</SpamRate> 
- <HUD-borders>
  <Script>--[[ CODE, DONT EDIT ]]-- if (IMBAhudBorders) then setsettings("Settings\\Hud\\List\\IMBA HUD Borders\\Enabled", "yes") else setsettings("Settings\\Hud\\List\\IMBA HUD Borders\\Enabled", "no") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>8000 to 10000</SpamRate> 
- <Safe-Exori>
  <Script>--[[ Action Name: Safe Exori Author: Y4rR0 Version: 1.0 ]]-- local exoriMonsters = {"Lizard Templar", "Lizard Sentinel", "Lizard Snakecharmer", "Carniphila", "Terror Bird", "Scarab", "Elephant", "Wyvern", "Crocodile"} local monstersCount = 4 local exoriSpell = "exori" --[[ CODE, DONT EDIT ]]-- if ((useExori) and (maround(1, unpack(exoriMonsters)) >= monstersCount) and (cancast(exoriSpell)) and (((lasttimeplayeronscreen > 3000) and (paround() == 0) and (paround(3,true) == 0)) or (isPvp == 2))) then cast(exoriSpell) end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Standtime-Error>
  <Script>--[[ Action Name: Standtime Error Author: Y4rR0 Version: 1.0 ]]-- --[[ CODE, DONT EDIT ]]-- if ((standtime > 30000) and (System.isCaveBotEnabled()) and ((System.HuntingTime() > 60000) and (not pzone))) then print("Standing on "..posx..", "..posy..", "..posz..". Waypoint ID: "..wpt.id..". Script version: "..scriptVersion..".") screenshot("Standing Error"..tosec(time())) setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Standtime Error\\Enabled", "no") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Cobra-Targeting>
  <Script>if (maround() == maround(Cobra)) then setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\Cobra\\OnlyIfTrapped", "no") else setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\Cobra\\OnlyIfTrapped", "yes") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Skinner>
  <Script>if skinLizards then if maround(7) == 0 then skin(5, false) end end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
- <Safe-Bank>
  <Script>local msgs = getnewmessages("NPCs") local qtd = msgs.count-1 for i=0,qtd do if msgs[qtd].text:find('There is not enough gold on your account.') then setcavebot('off') wait(4000,8000) closetibia() end end if useLifeRings then setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Enabled", "yes") else setsettings("Settings\\Refiller\\Enabled", "no") end</Script> 
  <SpamRate>800 to 1000</SpamRate> 
  <Setup>--[[ Script Name: IMBA Chor Lizards Author: Y4rR0 from IMBAscripts ]]-- scriptVersion = 1.0 -- DONT CHANGE ----< Backpacks Settings >---- -- Main backpack on yourself mainBp = "orange Backpack" -- Loot backpack on yourself lootBp = "beach backpack" -- Gold backpack on yourself goldBp = "golden Backpack" -- Main backpack in depot mainDpBp = "Backpack" -- Stackables backpack in depot main backpack stackableBp = "camouflage Backpack" -- Nonstackables backpack in depot main backpack nonStackableBp = "brocade Backpack" -- Potions backpack in depot ((if potionsFromDepot = true)) potionDpBp = "brocade Backpack" ---< Potions Settings >---- -- Name of mana potion mpName = "mana potion" -- Name of health potion hpName = "great health potion" -- How many mana potions to buy mpBuy = 150 -- How many health potions to buy hpBuy = 30 -- Minimum mana potions to refill mpMin = 40 -- Minimum health potions to refill hpMin = 20 -- Minimum cap to refill capMin = 100 -- Take potions from potionBp? potionsFromDepot = true -- Take health potions from potionBp? hpPotionsFromDp = true -- Take mana potions from potionBp? mpPotionsFromDp = true ----< Spawn Settings >---- -- Use shortcut? ((10+ task points)) isShortcut = false -- Hunt South? huntSouth = true -- Hunt Tower? (( only with huntSouth = true)) huntTower = true -- Hunt Basement? (( only with huntSouth = true)) huntBasement = true -- Hunt Mid? huntMid = true -- Hunt Wyverns? (( only with huntMid = true)) huntWyverns = true -- Hunt North? huntNorth = false ----< Other Settings >---- -- Pvp or Opt-Pvp ((Pvp = 1, Opt-Pvp = 2)) isPvp = 1 -- Use exori? ((Settings in Actions/List/Safe Exori)) useExori = true -- Sell Loot? ((like plate armors etc.)) sellLoot = true -- Name of your boots otherBoots = "boots of haste" -- Auto mount? autoMount = false -- Auto haste on the way to spawn? autoHaste = true -- Drop Vials? dropFlask = false -- How many vials to drop flasksToDrop = 5 -- Loot or Drop items like plate armors etc. ((more info in Loot Changer Action)) lootOrDrop = "drop" -- Use obsidian knife on Lizards? skinLizards = false -- Use Life Rings ((if false, gonna deposit them)) useLifeRings = true -- Player on resp Alarm? playerOnRespAlarm = false -- Player attack Alarm? playerAttackAlarm = true -- IMBA HUD borders? ((bigger CPU usage)) IMBAhudBorders = false ----<< Raphael's function, DO NOT EDIT >>---- function table.size(self) local i = 0 for v in pairs(self) do i = i + 1 end return i end</Setup> 
- <CaveBot>
- <Waypoints>
  <whereIam>Action 32969 32799 7 setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Pathfinding\\WalkingMethod", "Map Clicks");setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Standtime Error\\Enabled", "yes");if (posz == 7) then; if (islocation(3)) then; gotolabel("doneShortcut"); elseif ((pzone) and (posy >= 32737) and (posy <= 32748)) then; if ((posx >= 32620) and (posx <= 32625)) then; gotolabel('depo1'); elseif (posx >= 32629) and (posx <= 32634) then; gotolabel('depo2'); end; elseif (not pzone) and (posx >= 32568) and (posy >= 32733) and (posy <= 32777) then; gotolabel("dp"..random(1,3)); end;elseif (posz == 8) then; gotolabel("on8");elseif (posz == 5) then; gotolabel("on5");end;</whereIam> 
  <depo1>Stand 32622 32742 7</depo1> 
  <w002>Action 32632 32742 7 if (stamina <= 850) then; while(battlesigned) do; wait(60000, 61000); end; logout(); print("Logged out due to low stamina"); System.CaveBotEnabled(false);else; gotolabel("Depositing");end</w002> 
  <depo2>Stand 32632 32742 7</depo2> 
  <w004>Action 32632 32742 7 if (stamina <= 850) then; while(battlesigned) do; wait(60000, 61000); end; logout(); print("Logged out due to low stamina"); System.CaveBotEnabled(false);else; gotolabel("Depositing");end</w004> 
  <Depositing>Action 32623 32742 7 ----< Depositer >----;;setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\WTP changer\\Enabled", "no");setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Pathfinding\\WalkThroughPlayers", "no");setsettings("Settings\\CaveBot\\Pathfinding\\WalkingMethod", 'Map Clicks');setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\keep haste\\Enabled", 'no');setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\FlashClient", "no");setsettings("Settings\\Alerts\\Player\\OnScreen\\PlaySound", "no");setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "no");;----< Opening Backpacks >----;while (windowcount(mainBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount(lootBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount(lootBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount() ~= 2) do; closewindows(); wait(400, 600); openitem(mainBp, 'back'); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(mainBp, 0); wait(400, 600); openitem(lootBp, mainBp, true); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(lootBp, 0); wait(400, 600);end;;----< Reaching Depot >----;reachgrounditem("depot");wait(500, 900);openitem("depot");wait(600, 1100);openitem(3502, "locker");wait(600, 1100);openitem(mainDpBp, 'Depot Chest');wait(600, 1100);;----< Depositing >----;local CONFIG = {; LOOT_BACKPACK = lootBp,; ; STACKABLE_BACKPACK = stackableBp,; STACKABLE_BACKPACK_AMOUNT = 4,; ; NOT_STACKABLE_BACKPACK = nonStackableBp,; NOT_STACKABLE_BACKPACK_AMOUNT = 16,; ; DEPOSIT_ITEMS = {"wyvern talisman", "terrorbird beak", "seeds", "nettle blossom", "carniphila seeds", "nettle spit", "poison spider shell", "cobra tongue", "small diamond", "small sapphire", "small emerald", "small amethyst", "striped fur", "bat wing", "emerald bangle", "lizard scale", "lizard leather", "colorful feather", "scarabo coin", "life crystal", "obsidian lance", "daramanian mace", "carrot on a stick", "wand of inferno", "charmer's tiara", "wyvern fang", "terra rod", "piece of scarab shell", "piece of crocodile leather", "yellow gem","crocodile boots", "feather headdress", "life ring"},;};;local NOT_STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO, ITEM_INDEX = 0, 1;;while (#CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS >= ITEM_INDEX) do; if (type(CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS[ITEM_INDEX]) == "string") then; local ITEM_ID = itemid(CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS[ITEM_INDEX]); ; if (ITEM_ID > 0) then; CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS[ITEM_INDEX], ITEM_INDEX = ITEM_ID, ITEM_INDEX + 1; else; table.remove(CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS, ITEM_INDEX); end; elseif (type(CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS[ITEM_INDEX]) == "number") then; if (CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS[ITEM_INDEX] > 0) then; ITEM_INDEX = ITEM_INDEX + 1; else; table.remove(CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS, ITEM_INDEX); end; else; table.remove(CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS, ITEM_INDEX); end;end;;while (true) do; for _, DEPOSIT_ITEM in ipairs(CONFIG.DEPOSIT_ITEMS) do; if (itemcount(DEPOSIT_ITEM, CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK) > 0) then; if (itemproperty(DEPOSIT_ITEM).isCumulative) then; local STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO = 0; ; while (CONFIG.STACKABLE_BACKPACK_AMOUNT > STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO) do; local ITEM_COUNT_BEFORE = itemcount(DEPOSIT_ITEM, CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK); ; moveitemsonto(DEPOSIT_ITEM, "all", CONFIG.STACKABLE_BACKPACK, 100, STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO) wait(500, 1000); ; local ITEM_COUNT_AFTER = itemcount(DEPOSIT_ITEM, CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK); ; if (ITEM_COUNT_BEFORE == ITEM_COUNT_AFTER and ITEM_COUNT_AFTER > 0) then; STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO = STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO + 1; elseif (ITEM_COUNT_AFTER == 0) then; break; end; end; else; while (CONFIG.NOT_STACKABLE_BACKPACK_AMOUNT > NOT_STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO) do; local ITEM_COUNT_BEFORE = itemcount(DEPOSIT_ITEM, CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK); ; moveitemsonto(DEPOSIT_ITEM, "all", CONFIG.NOT_STACKABLE_BACKPACK, 100, NOT_STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO) wait(500, 1000); ; local ITEM_COUNT_AFTER = itemcount(DEPOSIT_ITEM, CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK); ; if (ITEM_COUNT_BEFORE == ITEM_COUNT_AFTER and ITEM_COUNT_AFTER > 0) then; NOT_STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO = NOT_STACKABLE_LAST_ON_TO + 1; elseif (ITEM_COUNT_AFTER == 0) then; break; end; end; end; end; end; ; if (itemcount(CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK, CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK) > 0) then; openitem(CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK, CONFIG.LOOT_BACKPACK, false) wait(2000, 3000); else; break; end; ; wait(100);end;setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "yes");setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\WTP changer\\Enabled", "yes")</Depositing> 
  <Withdraw_Potions>Action 32623 32743 7 if potionsFromDepot then; setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "no"); ;----< Opening Backpacks >----; while (windowcount(mainBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount() ~= 1) do; closewindows(); wait(400, 600); openitem(mainBp, 'back'); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(mainBp, 0); end;----< Reaching Depot >----; openitem("depot"); wait(600, 1100); openitem(3502, "locker"); wait(600, 1100); openitem(potionDpBp, 'Depot Chest'); wait(600, 1100);;----< Withdrawing Potions >----; if hpPotionsFromDp then; Self.MoveItemsUpTo(hpName, hpBuy, mainBp, potionDpBp); end; if mpPotionsFromDp then; Self.MoveItemsUpTo(mpName, mpBuy, mainBp, potionDpBp); end; setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "yes");end</Withdraw_Potions> 
  <w005>Action 32632 32747 7 if (posx >= 32620) and (posx <= 32625) then; gotolabel('aDepo1');elseif (posx >= 32629) and (posx <= 32634) then; gotolabel('aDepo2');end;</w005> 
  <aDepo1>Stand 32623 32746 7</aDepo1> 
  <w012>Action 32623 32748 7 gotolabel("checkerTown1")</w012> 
  <aDepo2>Stand 32631 32746 7</aDepo2> 
  <checkerTown1>Action 32623 32745 7 ----< Checker >----;local flaskCount = (itemcount(285)+itemcount(284)+itemcount(283));if ((itemcount(mpName) < mpBuy) or (itemcount(hpName) < hpBuy) or (itemcount("worn soft boots") ~= 0) or (flaskCount ~=0)) then; gotolabel("toBank");else; gotolabel("goAdall");end</checkerTown1> 
  <toBank>Stand 32629 32749 7</toBank> 
  <inBank>Stand 32632 32739 6</inBank> 
  <Banking>Action 32632 32739 6 if islocation() then;local flaskCount = (itemcount(285)+itemcount(284)+itemcount(283));local mpMoney = positive(mpBuy - itemcount(mpName)) * itemcost(mpName);local hpMoney = positive(hpBuy - itemcount(hpName)) * itemcost(hpName);local softMoney = (itemcount("worn soft boots") * 11000);local totalMoney = (mpMoney + hpMoney + softMoney + 100) - (flaskCount*5);----< Opening Backpacks >----;while (windowcount(mainBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount() ~= 1) do; closewindows(); wait(400, 600); openitem(mainBp, 'back'); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(mainBp, 0);end;----< Talks >----;depositall();wait(100, 200);if (totalMoney > 0) then; npcsay('withdraw '..totalMoney); wait(100, 200); npcsay('yes'); wait(100, 200);end;npcsay('balance');wait(100, 200);else; gotolabel("toBank");end</Banking> 
  <checkerTown2>Action 32632 32739 6 ----< Checker >----;local flaskCount = (itemcount(285)+itemcount(284)+itemcount(283));if ((itemcount(mpName) < mpBuy) or (itemcount(hpName) < hpBuy) or (flaskCount ~=0)) then; gotolabel("upToMagic");else; gotolabel("downToSurface");end</checkerTown2> 
  <upToMagic>Ladder 32626 32742 6</upToMagic> 
  <inMagic>Stand 32624 32741 5</inMagic> 
  <magicShopping>Action 32624 32741 5 ----< Mana Shop >----;local flaskCount = (itemcount(285)+itemcount(284)+itemcount(283));----< Checking Pos >----;if not islocation() then; gotolabel('upToMagic');end;----< Opening Backpacks >----;while (windowcount(mainBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount() ~= 1) do; closewindows(); wait(400, 600); openitem(mainBp, 'back'); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(mainBp, 0);end;----< Talks >----;say("hi");wait(1000, 1100);if flaskCount > 0 then; npcsay('flasks'); wait(50, 100); for i=1, math.floor(flaskCount/100)+1 do; npcsay('yes'); wait(50, 100); end;end;npcsay("trade");wait(1000, 1100);buyitemsupto(hpName, hpBuy);wait(50,100);buyitemsupto(mpName, mpBuy)</magicShopping> 
  <w003>Stand 32626 32742 5</w003> 
  <downToSurface>Stand 32625 32749 6</downToSurface> 
  <checkerTown3>Action 32625 32750 7 ----< Checker >----;if (itemcount(mpName) < mpBuy) or (itemcount(hpName) < hpBuy) then; gotolabel("toBank");elseif (itemcount("worn soft boots") ~= 0) then; gotolabel("goFood");else; gotolabel("goAdall");end;</checkerTown3> 
  <goFood>Walk 32611 32761 7</goFood> 
  <w006>Stand 32578 32760 7</w006> 
  <foodOrSofts>Action 32578 32760 7 ----< Go to label >----;gotolabel("toPhBoat")</foodOrSofts> 
  <inFood>Stand 32575 32754 7</inFood> 
  <foodShopping>Action 32575 32754 7 --[[ ;TODO;food shopping for other scripts;]]--</foodShopping> 
  <toPhBoat>Ladder 32568 32766 7</toPhBoat> 
  <w008>Walk 32556 32772 6</w008> 
  <w009>Walk 32545 32786 6</w009> 
  <onPhBoat>Stand 32530 32784 6</onPhBoat> 
  <goToVenore>Action 32529 32784 6 ----< Travel to Venore >----;local npcName = "Charles";reachcreature(npcName);----< Talks >----;say('hi');wait(1000, 1100);npcsay('venore');wait(50, 100);npcsay('yes')</goToVenore> 
  <isloc1>Action 32954 32023 6 if not islocation() then;gotolabel("onPhBoat");end</isloc1> 
  <w007>Walk 32953 32038 6</w007> 
  <w010>Walk 32953 32052 6</w010> 
  <w011>Walk 32949 32096 6</w011> 
  <randomSoft>Action 32951 32106 6 ----< Go to random soft waypoint >----;gotolabel("soft"..random(1,4))</randomSoft> 
  <soft1>Stand 32952 32108 6</soft1> 
  <goTo>Action 32954 32108 6 gotolabel("softRefilling")</goTo> 
  <soft2>Stand 32953 32108 6</soft2> 
  <goTo>Action 32954 32108 6 gotolabel("softRefilling")</goTo> 
  <soft3>Stand 32954 32108 6</soft3> 
  <softRefilling>Action 32954 32108 6 ----< Soft refilling >----;local npcDist = getcreature("Aldo").dist;local wornSofts = itemcount("worn soft boots");if ((posx >= 32952) and (posx <= 32954)) then;----< Talks >----; say('hi'); wait(1000, 1100); if ((wornSofts ~= 0) and (gold() >= (wornSofts*10000))) then; for i=1, wornSofts do; npcsay('repair'); wait(50, 100); npcsay('yes'); wait(50, 100); end; end;else; gotolabel("soft2");end</softRefilling> 
  <softCheck>Action 32952 32107 6 ----< Soft checker >----;local wornSofts = itemcount("worn soft boots");if ((wornSofts > 0) and (gold() >= (wornSofts*10000))) then; gotolabel("randomSoft");end</softCheck> 
  <toVenoBoat>Walk 32954 32090 6</toVenoBoat> 
  <w014>Walk 32954 32067 6</w014> 
  <w015>Walk 32954 32050 6</w015> 
  <w016>Walk 32954 32035 6</w016> 
  <onVenoBoat>Stand 32954 32023 6</onVenoBoat> 
  <goToPh>Action 32954 32023 6 ----< Travel to Port Hope >----;local npcName = "Captain Fearless";reachcreature(npcName);----< Talks >----;say('hi');wait(1000, 1100);npcsay('port hope');wait(50, 100);npcsay('yes')</goToPh> 
  <isloc2>Action 32530 32784 6 if not islocation() then;gotolabel("onVenoBoat");end</isloc2> 
  <w013>Walk 32555 32784 6</w013> 
  <w017>Walk 32558 32767 6</w017> 
  <w018>Stand 32568 32766 6</w018> 
  <w019>Walk 32586 32762 7</w019> 
  <w020>Walk 32610 32761 7</w020> 
  <w021>Stand 32629 32761 7</w021> 
  <goAdall>Stand 32629 32771 7</goAdall> 
  <goToEastPh>Action 32629 32771 7 local npcName = "Old Adall";if islocation() then; reachcreature(npcName);----< Talks >----; say('hi'); wait(1100, 1200); npcsay('east'); wait(50, 100); npcsay('yes');else; gotolabel("goToEastPh");end</goToEastPh> 
  <w000>Action 32679 32777 7 if (not islocation()) then; gotolabel("goAdall");else; while (windowcount(mainBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount(lootBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount(goldBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount() ~= 3) do; closewindows(); wait(400, 600); openitem(mainBp, 'back'); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(mainBp, 0); wait(400, 600); openitem(lootBp, mainBp, true); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(lootBp, 0); wait(400, 600); openitem(goldBp, mainBp, true); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(goldBp, 0); wait(400, 600); end;end</w000> 
  <autoHaste1>Action 32679 32777 7 ----< Auto haste >----;if autoHaste then; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "yes");else; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "no");end</autoHaste1> 
  <isShortcut>Action 32679 32777 7 ----< Choosing way >----;if isShortcut then; gotolabel("goToChorShortcut");else; gotolabel("noShortcut");end</isShortcut> 
  <goToChorShortcut>Action 32679 32777 7 local npcName = "Lorek";if islocation() then; reachcreature("npcName");----< Talks >----; say('hi'); wait(1000, 1100); npcsay('chor'); wait(50, 100); npcsay('yes'); gotolabel("doneShortcut");else; gotolabel("goToChorShortcut");end</goToChorShortcut> 
  <noShortcut>Stand 32632 32753 7</noShortcut> 
  <w168>Action 32889 32852 7 local monsters = {"Panda", "Poison Spider", "Tarantula", "Centipede", "Wasp", "Tiger"};for i=1, table.size(monsters) do; setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\"..monsters[i].."\\OnlyIfTrapped", "yes");end</w168> 
  <w001>Stand 32701 32788 7</w001> 
  <w022>Stand 32715 32807 7</w022> 
  <w023>Stand 32735 32814 7</w023> 
  <w024>Stand 32753 32825 7</w024> 
  <w025>Stand 32776 32832 7</w025> 
  <w026>Stand 32799 32838 7</w026> 
  <w027>Stand 32821 32843 7</w027> 
  <w028>Stand 32842 32843 7</w028> 
  <w029>Stand 32867 32844 7</w029> 
  <w031>Stand 32903 32836 7</w031> 
  <w038>Action 32938 32851 7 local monsters = {"Panda", "Poison Spider", "Tarantula", "Centipede", "Wasp", "Tiger"};if ((huntNorth or huntMid) and (not huntSouth)) then; gotolabel("goNorthEntrance");elseif (huntSouth) then; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "no"); for i=1, table.size(monsters) do; setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\"..monsters[i].."\\OnlyIfTrapped", "yes"); end; gotolabel("southEntrance");end</w038> 
  <southEntrance>Stand 32905 32850 7</southEntrance> 
  <bM1>Stand 32906 32858 7</bM1> 
  <w034>Action 32906 32858 7 if (posy < wpt.y) then; gotolabel("bM1");else; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Player On Resp Alarm\\Enabled", "yes");end</w034> 
  <contSouth>Node 32921 32854 7</contSouth> 
  <w035>Node 32927 32848 7</w035> 
  <w036>Stand 32938 32837 7</w036> 
  <w037>Node 32936 32851 7</w037> 
  <w030>Node 32933 32868 7</w030> 
  <w039>Node 32918 32872 7</w039> 
  <w040>Stand 32909 32880 7</w040> 
  <w041>Node 32917 32890 7</w041> 
  <w042>Stand 32928 32884 7</w042> 
  <w043>Node 32940 32881 7</w043> 
  <w044>Node 32950 32876 7</w044> 
  <w045>Action 32954 32859 7 if (not huntTower) then; gotolabel("aT1");end</w045> 
  <w046>Stand 32954 32858 7</w046> 
  <w051>Action 32954 32857 6 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel(wpt.id-1);end</w051> 
  <w047>Stand 32956 32851 6</w047> 
  <w048>Stand 32955 32855 6</w048> 
  <on5>Stand 32955 32855 5</on5> 
  <w050>Stand 32954 32858 6</w050> 
  <w052>Action 32954 32859 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel(wpt.id-1);end</w052> 
  <aT1>Stand 32956 32853 7</aT1> 
  <w053>Action 32956 32853 7 if (not huntBasement) then ; gotolabel("aT2");end</w053> 
  <w054>Stand 32957 32850 7</w054> 
  <w055>Action 32957 32851 8 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel(wpt.id-1);end</w055> 
  <on8>Node 32957 32862 8</on8> 
  <w057>Node 32957 32840 8</w057> 
  <w058>Stand 32957 32850 8</w058> 
  <w059>Action 32957 32849 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel(wpt.id-1);end</w059> 
  <aT2>Stand 32956 32849 7</aT2> 
  <w060>Node 32969 32858 7</w060> 
  <w061>Stand 32984 32850 7</w061> 
  <w062>Node 32978 32840 7</w062> 
  <w063>Node 32977 32831 7</w063> 
  <w163>Action 32971 32830 7 if (underattack("p")) then; gotolabel("runPkSouth");end</w163> 
  <w064>Node 32963 32830 7</w064> 
  <w065>Stand 32957 32830 7</w065> 
  <czekshortcut>Action 32957 32830 7 local mpHave = itemcount(mpName);local hpHave = itemcount(hpName);if ((hpHave <= hpMin) or (mpHave <= mpMin) or (cap <= capMin) or (itemcount("worn soft boots") ~= 0) or (stamina <= 850)) then; gotolabel("keepSouth");elseif (huntNorth or huntMid) then; gotolabel("goSouthToMid");else; gotolabel("keepSouth");end;</czekshortcut> 
  <keepSouth>Stand 32953 32843 7</keepSouth> 
  <w067>Stand 32942 32848 7</w067> 
  <w068>Node 32932 32849 7</w068> 
  <w069>Stand 32920 32853 7</w069> 
  <w070>Stand 32911 32863 7</w070> 
  <southCheck>Action 32911 32863 7 local mpHave = itemcount(mpName);local hpHave = itemcount(hpName);if ((hpHave <= hpMin) or (mpHave <= mpMin) or (cap <= capMin) or (itemcount("worn soft boots") ~= 0) or (stamina <= 850)) then; gotolabel("exitSouth");elseif ((huntNorth) and (not huntMid)) then; gotolabel("exitSouth");else; gotolabel("contSouth");end</southCheck> 
  <goSouthToMid>Stand 32956 32818 7</goSouthToMid> 
  <w071>Action 32970 32810 7</w071> 
  <w072>Node 32984 32806 7</w072> 
  <w073>Node 32986 32793 7</w073> 
  <w074>Node 32994 32784 7</w074> 
  <w075>Stand 33002 32776 7</w075> 
  <w076>Action 33002 32776 7 if (huntNorth) then; gotolabel("goMidToNorth");else; gotolabel("keepMid");end</w076> 
  <keepMid>Stand 33000 32786 7</keepMid> 
  <w078>Node 32998 32800 7</w078> 
  <w079>Node 32997 32817 7</w079> 
  <w080>Node 33005 32832 7</w080> 
  <w081>Stand 32997 32825 7</w081> 
  <w082>Action 32997 32825 7 if (not huntWyverns) then; gotolabel("aWyverns");end</w082> 
  <w083>Stand 33001 32821 7</w083> 
  <w084>Action 33001 32820 6 if (not islocation()) then; gotolabel(wpt.id-1);end</w084> 
  <w085>Stand 33003 32818 6</w085> 
  <w086>Node 33012 32811 5</w086> 
  <w087>Stand 33003 32818 5</w087> 
  <w088>Stand 33001 32821 6</w088> 
  <w089>Action 33001 32822 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel(wpt.id-2);end</w089> 
  <aWyverns>Node 32987 32821 7</aWyverns> 
  <w091>Node 32970 32826 7</w091> 
  <w092>Stand 32960 32830 7</w092> 
  <w093>Action 32960 32830 7 if (huntSouth) then; gotolabel("keepSouth");elseif (huntMid or huntNorth) then; gotolabel("goSouthToMid");end</w093> 
  <goMidToNorth>Stand 33004 32771 7</goMidToNorth> 
  <w094>Stand 33005 32766 6</w094> 
  <w095>Action 33005 32765 5 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("goMidToNorth");end</w095> 
  <w096>Stand 33011 32768 5</w096> 
  <w097>Stand 33009 32771 5</w097> 
  <w098>Action 33009 32770 4 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel(wpt.id-1);end</w098> 
  <w099>Node 33006 32758 4</w099> 
  <w100>Stand 33015 32752 4</w100> 
  <w101>Stand 33015 32750 5</w101> 
  <w102>Action 33015 32749 6 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel(wpt.id-2);end</w102> 
  <w103>Stand 33005 32750 6</w103> 
  <w104>Action 33004 32750 7 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel(wpt.id-1);end</w104> 
  <keepNorth>Stand 33002 32738 7</keepNorth> 
  <w106>Node 32989 32743 7</w106> 
  <w107>Node 32975 32759 7</w107> 
  <w108>Node 32969 32765 7</w108> 
  <w109>Stand 32965 32774 7</w109> 
  <w110>Stand 32961 32785 7</w110> 
  <w111>Action 32961 32785 7 if (not islocation()) then; gotolabel(wpt.id-1);end</w111> 
  <northChecker>Action 32961 32785 7 local mpHave = itemcount(mpName);local hpHave = itemcount(hpName);if ((hpHave <= hpMin) or (mpHave <= mpMin) or (cap <= capMin) or (itemcount("worn soft boots") ~= 0) or (stamina <= 850) or ((huntSouth) and (not huntMid))) then; gotolabel("goNorthToSouth");else; gotolabel("contNorth");end</northChecker> 
  <goNorthToSouth>Stand 32951 32785 7</goNorthToSouth> 
  <w113>Node 32946 32798 7</w113> 
  <w114>Node 32937 32805 7</w114> 
  <w115>Node 32929 32816 7</w115> 
  <w116>Stand 32924 32830 7</w116> 
  <w117>Stand 32911 32844 7</w117> 
  <w118>Stand 32906 32848 7</w118> 
  <checker>Action 32906 32845 7 local mpHave = itemcount(mpName);local hpHave = itemcount(hpName);if ((hpHave <= hpMin) or (mpHave <= mpMin) or (cap <= capMin) or (itemcount("worn soft boots") ~= 0) or (stamina <= 850)) then; gotolabel("goToTown");elseif (huntSouth) then; gotolabel("southEntrance");end</checker> 
  <goNorthEntrance>Stand 32920 32838 7</goNorthEntrance> 
  <w032>Stand 32929 32828 7</w032> 
  <w119>Stand 32939 32819 7</w119> 
  <w120>Stand 32941 32808 7</w120> 
  <w121>Stand 32946 32794 7</w121> 
  <northEntrance>Stand 32948 32786 7</northEntrance> 
  <w122>Action 32948 32786 7 setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "no");if (not islocation()) then; gotolabel("northEntrance");end</w122> 
  <w123>Stand 32953 32785 7</w123> 
  <w124>Stand 32958 32785 7</w124> 
  <w125>Action 32958 32785 7 if (posx < wptx) then; gotolabel(wpt.id-2);end;if ((not huntNorth) and (huntMid)) then; gotolabel("onlyMid");end</w125> 
  <contNorth>Stand 32961 32788 7</contNorth> 
  <w126>Stand 32963 32794 7</w126> 
  <w127>Node 32975 32784 7</w127> 
  <w128>Node 32989 32768 7</w128> 
  <w129>Node 32995 32762 7</w129> 
  <w130>Stand 33001 32751 7</w130> 
  <w131>Action 33003 32750 7 if (huntMid) then; gotolabel("goNorthToMid");else; gotolabel("keepNorth");end</w131> 
  <goNorthToMid>Stand 33005 32750 7</goNorthToMid> 
  <w105>Stand 33015 32750 6</w105> 
  <w132>Stand 33015 32752 5</w132> 
  <w133>Action 33015 32754 4 if (posz ~= wpt.z) then; gotolabel("goNorthToMid");end</w133> 
  <w135>Node 33016 32767 4</w135> 
  <w134>Stand 33009 32771 4</w134> 
  <w090>Stand 33010 32769 5</w090> 
  <w136>Stand 33011 32766 5</w136> 
  <w156>Stand 33009 32763 5</w156> 
  <w158>Stand 33005 32766 5</w158> 
  <w137>Stand 33005 32771 6</w137> 
  <w138>Action 33005 32772 7 if (posz ~= 7) then; gotolabel(wpt.id-6);elseif (underattack("p")) then; gotolabel("runPkNorth");else; gotolabel("keepMid");end</w138> 
  <exitSouth>Stand 32906 32858 7</exitSouth> 
  <w077>Stand 32906 32855 7</w077> 
  <w139>Stand 32906 32850 7</w139> 
  <w140>Action 32906 32850 7 if (not islocation()) then; gotolabel("exitSouth");end</w140> 
  <w141>Action 32906 32850 7 local mpHave = itemcount(mpName);local hpHave = itemcount(hpName);if ((hpHave <= hpMin) or (mpHave <= mpMin) or (cap <= capMin) or (itemcount("worn soft boots") ~= 0) or (stamina <= 850)) then; gotolabel("goToTown");elseif (huntNorth) then; gotolabel("goNorthEntrance");end</w141> 
  <goToTown>Stand 32892 32851 7</goToTown> 
  <w112>Action 32907 32845 7 local monsters = {"Panda", "Poison Spider", "Tarantula", "Centipede", "Wasp", "Tiger"};setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Player On Resp Alarm\\Enabled", "no");----< Auto haste >----;if autoHaste then; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "yes");else; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "no");end;for i=1, table.size(monsters) do; setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\"..monsters[i].."\\OnlyIfTrapped", "yes");end</w112> 
  <w142>Stand 32871 32850 7</w142> 
  <w143>Stand 32854 32845 7</w143> 
  <w144>Stand 32837 32843 7</w144> 
  <w145>Stand 32822 32840 7</w145> 
  <w146>Stand 32802 32837 7</w146> 
  <w147>Stand 32781 32834 7</w147> 
  <w148>Stand 32754 32831 7</w148> 
  <w149>Stand 32727 32826 7</w149> 
  <w150>Stand 32701 32818 7</w150> 
  <w151>Stand 32687 32799 7</w151> 
  <w152>Stand 32681 32786 7</w152> 
  <inLorek2>Stand 32679 32776 7</inLorek2> 
  <goToCenterPh>Action 32679 32776 7 local monsters = {"Panda", "Poison Spider", "Tarantula", "Centipede", "Wasp", "Tiger"};setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "no");for i=1, table.size(monsters) do; setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\"..monsters[i].."\\OnlyIfTrapped", "no");end;if islocation() then;----< Talks >----; say('hi'); wait(1100, 1200); npcsay('center'); wait(50, 100); npcsay('yes');else; gotolabel("goToCenterPh");end;</goToCenterPh> 
  <w153>Action 32628 32771 7 if (not islocation(2)) then; gotolabel ("goToCenterPh");end;</w153> 
  <w154>Stand 32629 32751 7</w154> 
  <w155>Action 32629 32750 7 if sellLoot then; gotolabel("goBrengus");else; gotolabel("whereIam");end</w155> 
  <goBrengus>Stand 32629 32749 7</goBrengus> 
  <w157>Stand 32632 32747 6</w157> 
  <sellingLoot>Action 32632 32747 6 setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "no");local itemList = {"scale armor", "chain armor", "sword", "halberd", "plate armor", "steel helmet", "salamander shield", "templar scytheblade", "sentinel shield", "morning star", "charmer's tiara", "feather headdress"};if islocation () then;----< Opening Backpacks >----;while (windowcount(lootBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount() ~= 1) do; closewindows(); wait(400, 600); openitem(mainBp, 'back'); wait(400, 600); openitem(lootBp, mainBp); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(lootBp, 0); wait(400, 600); ;end;----< Talks >----; opentrade();while itemcount(lootBp, lootBp) ~= 0 do ; for i=1, table.size(itemList) do; if (itemcount(itemList[i]) > 0) then; sellitemsupto(itemList[i], 100); wait(200, 300); end; end; openitem(lootBp, lootBp); wait(400, 600);end;else; gotolabel("goBrengus");end;setsettings("Settings\\Cavebot\\Settings\\OpenNextBp", "yes")</sellingLoot> 
  <w033>Stand 32629 32749 6</w033> 
  <w159>Action 32995 32779 7 gotolabel("whereIam")</w159> 
  <runPkNorth>Stand 32995 32779 7</runPkNorth> 
  <w160>Action 32990 32782 7</w160> 
  <w161>Stand 32986 32786 7</w161> 
  <w162>Stand 32978 32794 7</w162> 
  <inPkPz>Stand 32968 32799 7</inPkPz> 
  <w164>Action 32968 32799 7 local monsters = {"Lizard Templar", "Lizard Snakecharmer", "Lizard Sentinel", "Carniphila", "Terror Bird", "Scarab", "Bat", "Spit Nettle", "Larva", "Crocodile", "Wyvern"};setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "no");if pzone then; for i=1, table.size(monsters) do; setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\"..monsters[i].."\\OnlyIfTrapped", "no"); end; closetibia(); setcavebot('no'); print("Logged out due to pk attack");end</w164> 
  <runPkSouth>Stand 32979 32823 7</runPkSouth> 
  <w165>Stand 32980 32810 7</w165> 
  <w166>Stand 32974 32804 7</w166> 
  <w167>Action 32969 32799 7 gotolabel("inPkPz")</w167> 
  <doneShortcut>Action 32969 32800 7 if (not islocation(3)) then; gotolabel("isShortcut");else; setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Auto Haste\\Enabled", "no"); setsettings("Settings\\Actions\\List\\Player On Resp Alarm\\Enabled", "yes"); while (windowcount(mainBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount(lootBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount(goldBp) ~= 1) or (windowcount() ~= 3) do; closewindows(); wait(400, 600); openitem(mainBp, 'back'); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(mainBp, 0); wait(400, 600); openitem(lootBp, mainBp, true); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(lootBp, 0); wait(400, 600); openitem(goldBp, mainBp, true); wait(400, 600); resizewindow(goldBp, 0); wait(400, 600); end; gotolabel("czekshortcut");end</doneShortcut> 
  <onlyMid>Action 33006 32750 6 local monsters = {"Lizard Templar", "Lizard Sentinel", "Poison Spider", "Scarab", "Larva", "Spit Nettle", "Larva", "Crocodile"};for i=1, table.size(monsters) do; setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\"..monsters[i].."\\OnlyIfTrapped", "yes");end</onlyMid> 
  <w173>Stand 32963 32782 7</w173> 
  <w066>Stand 32979 32775 7</w066> 
  <w169>Stand 32986 32765 7</w169> 
  <w170>Stand 32995 32757 7</w170> 
  <w171>Stand 33005 32750 7</w171> 
  <w172>Action 33006 32750 6 local monsters = {"Lizard Templar", "Lizard Sentinel", "Poison Spider", "Scarab", "Larva", "Spit Nettle", "Larva", "Crocodile"};for i=1, table.size(monsters) do; setsettings("Settings\\Targeting\\Monsters\\"..monsters[i].."\\OnlyIfTrapped", "no");end;gotolabel("goNorthToMid")</w172> 
- <Pathfinding>
- <SpecialAreas>
- <NewArea0>
  <Coordinates>32942 32848 7</Coordinates> 
  <Dimensions>1 2</Dimensions> 
- <NewArea1>
  <Coordinates>32941 32861 7</Coordinates> 
  <Dimensions>5 1</Dimensions> 
  <WalkingMethod>Map Clicks</WalkingMethod> 
  <MapWalkDistance>20 to 50</MapWalkDistance> 
- <Settings>
  <Priority>Target and Looting</Priority> 
- <Looting>
- <List>
- <carrot-on-a-stick>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <wand-of-inferno>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <wyvern-fang>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <terra-rod>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <yellow-gem>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <crocodile-boots>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <bat-wing>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <charmers-tiara>
  <Destination>Dragon Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <feather-headdress>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <emerald-bangle>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <obsidian-lance>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <halberd>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <plate-armor>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <lizard-scale>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <small-diamond>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <steel-helmet>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <salamander-shield>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <wyvern-talisman>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <small-sapphire>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <small-emerald>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <templar-scytheblade>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <small-amethyst>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <lizard-leather>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <seeds>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <sentinel-shield>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <daramanian-mace>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <colourful-feather>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <scarab-coin>
  <Destination>Dragon Backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <strong-health-potion>
  <Destination>orange backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <terrorbird-beak>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <morning-star>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <life-crystal>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <scale-armor>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <nettle-blossom>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <chain-armor>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <life-ring>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <mana-potion>
  <Destination>orange backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <carniphila-seeds>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <piece-of-scarab-shell>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <health-potion>
  <Destination>orange backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <sword>
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <nettle-spit>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <cobra-tongue>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <piece-of-crocodile-leather>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <poison-spider-shell>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <gold-coin>
  <Destination>golden backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
- <striped-fur>
  <Destination>beach backpack</Destination> 
  <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn> 
  <Condition>Corpses with listed items</Condition> 
  <Style>After melee kill</Style> 
- <Targeting>
- <Monsters>
- <Lizard-Templar>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Lizard-Snakecharmer>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>No movement</Stance> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Lizard-Sentinel>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <Stance>No movement</Stance> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Carniphila>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Terror-Bird>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Scarab>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Bat>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Spit-Nettle>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
- <Poison-Spider>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Larva>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Crocodile>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Cobra>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Dworc-Fleshhunter>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Dworc-Venomsniper>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Dworc-Voodoomaster>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Wyvern>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Elephant>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Tiger>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Hydra>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Panda>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Bug>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Tarantula>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Wasp>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Centipede>
- <ListSettings>
- <Setting0>
  <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange> 
  <ListSpell /> 
  <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate> 
  <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode> 
- <Settings>
  <PlayerOnScreenSecurity>If cavebotting</PlayerOnScreenSecurity> 
- <Hud>
- <List>
- <GeneralInfo>
  <Script>local a = getsettings("Settings/Cavebot/Pathfinding/WalkThroughPlayers") local b = getsettings("Settings\Healer\Healer\Enabled") local c = itemid("concentrated demonic blood") setsize(100,100) setfontcolor("white") addtext(name,10,30) addtext("Pos X : ", 10,45) addtext(posx, 54,45) addtext("Pos Y : ", 10,60) addtext(posy, 54,60) addtext("Pos Z : ", 10,75) addtext(posz, 54,75) addtext("Cursor ID", 10, 90) addtext('- '..cursorinfo().id, 65, 90) addtext("WalkThroughPlayers", 10, 105) if System.isWalkThroughPlayersEnabled() then setfontcolor(rgbcolor(124,252,0)) addtext("Enabled", 130, 105) else setfontcolor("red") addtext("Disabled", 130, 105) end addtext('Boots ID : '..c, 10, 120)</Script> 
  <Script>--[[ HUD Name: IMBAhud Author: Y4rR0 from IMBAscripts Version: 1.0 ]]-- -- X Position of text local textX = 11 -- Y Position of text ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- local textY = worldwin.top+50 local blue1 = rgbcolor(42, 187, 255) local blue2 = rgbcolor(2, 79, 135) local blue3 = rgbcolor(1, 14, 33) local blue4 = rgbcolor(128, 201, 255) local red1 = rgbcolor(255, 65, 48) local orange1 = rgbcolor(255, 139, 50) local green1 = rgbcolor(111, 255, 22) local gap = 15 setfontcolor(blue4) addtext(Self.Name(), textX, textY) addtext("Level: "..Self.Level(), textX, textY+1*gap) addtext("Exp Gained: "..Misc.FormatNumber(System.ExperienceGained()), textX, textY+2*gap) addtext("Exp to Level: "..Misc.FormatNumber(exptolevel()), textX, textY+3*gap) addtext("Exp per Hour: "..Misc.FormatNumber(System.ExperiencePerHour()), textX, textY+4*gap) addtext("Time to Level: "..timetolevel, textX, textY+5*gap) addtext("Time hunting: "..Misc.FormatTime(System.HuntingTime()/1000), textX, textY+6*gap) addtext("Stamina: ",11, textY+7*gap) addtext("Bank Balance: "..Misc.FormatNumber(balance).." gps", textX, textY+8*gap) addtext("Healer: ", textX, textY+9*gap) addtext("Cavebot: ", textX, textY+10*gap) addtext("Looting: ", textX, textY+11*gap) addtext("Targeting: ", textX, textY+12*gap) addtext("Cursor ID: "..cursorinfo().id, textX, textY+13*gap) ----< Healer ON/OFF >---- if (System.isHealerEnabled()) then setfontcolor(green1) addtext("ON", textX+42, textY+9*gap) else setfontcolor(red1) addtext("OFF", textX+42, textY+9*gap) end ----< CaveBot ON/OFF >---- if (System.isCaveBotEnabled()) then setfontcolor(green1) addtext("ON", textX+52, textY+10*gap) else setfontcolor(red1) addtext("OFF", textX+52, textY+10*gap) end ----< Looting ON/OFF >---- if (System.isLootingEnabled()) then setfontcolor(green1) addtext("ON", textX+47, textY+11*gap) else setfontcolor(red1) addtext("OFF", textX+47, textY+11*gap) end ----< Targeting ON/OFF >---- if (System.isTargetingEnabled()) then setfontcolor(green1) addtext("ON", textX+60, textY+12*gap) else setfontcolor(red1) addtext("OFF", textX+60, textY+12*gap) end ----< Stamina colours >---- if stamina >= 2400 then setfontcolor(green1) elseif stamina < 2400 and (stamina > 840) then setfontcolor(orange1) elseif stamina <= 840 then setfontcolor(red1) end addtext(Misc.FormatTime(Self.Stamina()), textX+53, textY+7*gap)</Script> 
- <IMBA-HUD-Borders>
  <Script>--[[ HUD Name: Borders to IMBAhud Author: Y4rR0 from IMBAscripts Version: 1.0 ]]-- -- X Position of border local horX = 3 -- Y Position of border local horY = worldwin.top + 34 ----<< CODE, DONT EDIT >>---- local blue1 = rgbcolor(42, 187, 255) local blue2 = rgbcolor(2, 79, 135) local blue3 = rgbcolor(1, 14, 33) local blue4 = rgbcolor(128, 201, 255) local function addhorizontalborder(Xpos, Ypos, fontColor) setfontcolor(fontColor) addtext("_________________________", Xpos, Ypos) addtext("_________________________", Xpos, Ypos+1) addtext("_________________________", Xpos, Ypos+2) end local function addverticalborder(Xpos, Ypos, fontColor) setfontcolor(fontColor) addtext("|", Xpos, Ypos) addtext("|", Xpos+1, Ypos) addtext("|", Xpos+2, Ypos) end local verLX = horX-2 local verRX = horX+169 local verY = horY+(13) local verBlockLength = 11 local verBorderLength = 18 --kolejna pozioma horY+(verBlockLength+1)*11+3 --[[=======================================]]-- addhorizontalborder(horX, horY, blue3) for i=0, verBorderLength do addverticalborder(verLX, verY+(i*verBlockLength), blue3) end for i=0, verBorderLength do addverticalborder(verRX, verY+(i*verBlockLength), blue3) end addhorizontalborder(3, horY+(verBorderLength+1)*verBlockLength+3 , blue3)</Script> 
- <MMH>
  <Script>-- [[ INIT START ]] -- -- -- 88 -- "" ,d -- 88 -- ,adPPYba, 88 8b,dPPYba, 88,dPYba,,adPYba, ,adPPYYba, MM88MMM ,adPPYba, -- I8[ "" 88 88P' "Y8 88P' "88" "8a "" `Y8 88 a8P_____88 -- `"Y8ba, 88 88 88 88 88 ,adPPPPP88 88 8PP""""""" -- aa ]8I 88 88 88 88 88 88, ,88 88, "8b, ,aa -- Author: `"YbbdP"' 88 88 88 88 88 `"8bbdP"Y8 "Y888 `"Ybbd8"' -- -- Monitor My Hunting! -- -- Version: 1.0 -- Created: 7.09.2012 -- Last update: 18.09.2012 -- MONITOR_MY_HUNTING = MONITOR_MY_HUNTING or { SCRIPT_NAME = "Monitor My Hunting", SCRIPT_VERSION = "1.0", CLEARED_STATS = false, INITIALIZED = false, } MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SHOW_ALL_ITEMS = false MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.ITEMS_LIST = { {NAME = "carrot on a stick", VALUE = 50000}, {NAME = "wand of inferno", VALUE = 3000}, {NAME = "wyvern fang", VALUE = 2500}, {NAME = "terra rod", VALUE = 2000}, {NAME = "yellow gem", VALUE = 1000}, {NAME = "crocodile boots", VALUE = 1000}, {NAME = "bat wing", VALUE = 50}, {NAME = "charmer's tiara", VALUE = 900}, {NAME = "feather headdress", VALUE = 850}, {NAME = "emerald bangle", VALUE = 800}, {NAME = "lizard scale", VALUE = 120}, {NAME = "small diamond", VALUE = 300}, {NAME = "wyvern talisman", VALUE = 265}, {NAME = "small emerald", VALUE = 250}, {NAME = "small sapphire", VALUE = 250}, {NAME = "small amethyst", VALUE = 200}, {NAME = "seeds", VALUE = 150}, {NAME = "lizard leather", VALUE = 150}, {NAME = "colourful feather", VALUE = 110}, {NAME = "scarab coin", VALUE = 100}, {NAME = "strong health potion", VALUE = 0}, {NAME = "terrorbird beak", VALUE = 95}, {NAME = "life crystal", VALUE = 200}, {NAME = "nettle blossom", VALUE = 75}, {NAME = "life ring", VALUE = 200}, {NAME = "carniphila seeds", VALUE = 50}, {NAME = "piece of scarab shell", VALUE = 45}, {NAME = "health potion", VALUE = 0}, {NAME = "nettle spit", VALUE = 25}, {NAME = "cobra tongue", VALUE = 15}, {NAME = "piece of crocodile leather", VALUE = 15}, {NAME = "poison spider shell", VALUE = 10}, {NAME = "gold coin", VALUE = 1}, --[[ {NAME = "chain armor", VALUE = 70}, {NAME = "sword", VALUE = 25}, {NAME = "morning star", VALUE = 90}, {NAME = "templar scytheblade", VALUE = 200}, {NAME = "steel helmet", VALUE = 293}, {NAME = "salamander shield", VALUE = 280}, {NAME = "obsidian lance", VALUE = 500}, {NAME = "halberd", VALUE = 400}, {NAME = "plate armor", VALUE = 400}, {NAME = "scale armor", VALUE = 75}, ]]-- } MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SHOW_ALL_SUPPLIES = false MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SUPPLIES_LIST = { {NAME = "mana potion", PRICE = 50}, {NAME = "health potion", PRICE = 45}, {NAME = "strong health potion", PRICE = 100}, {NAME = "great health potion", PRICE = 190}, } -- [[ DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE. ]] -- MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST = MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST or {} MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST = MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST or {} MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS = MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS or { BLACK = rgbcolor(1, 1, 1), ORANGE = rgbcolor(255, 165, 0), BLUE = rgbcolor(30, 144, 255), CORNSILK = rgbcolor(205, 200, 177), WHITE = rgbcolor(255, 255, 255), GREEN = rgbcolor(107, 142, 35), RED = rgbcolor(178, 34, 34), } local function CreateMessageObject(MESSAGE_DATA) if (type(MESSAGE_DATA) ~= "userdata") then return setmetatable({__data = {TYPE = -1, TIME_STAMP = -1, SENDER_NAME = "", SENDER_LEVEL = -1, CONTENT = ""}}, MessageMetaTable) else return setmetatable({__data = {TYPE = MESSAGE_DATA.type, TIME_STAMP = Misc.ConvertToSeconds(string.sub(MESSAGE_DATA.text, 1, 5)), SENDER_NAME = MESSAGE_DATA.sender, SENDER_LEVEL = tonumber((tostring(string.match(MESSAGE_DATA.text, ".+ (%b[]): .+")):gsub("[^%d]", ""))) or 0, CONTENT = string.sub(MESSAGE_DATA.text, 7)}}, MessageMetaTable) end end local function addtextshadow(DISPLAY_TEXT, X_OFFSET, Y_OFFSET, FONT_COLOR) setfontcolor(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.BLACK) addtext(DISPLAY_TEXT, X_OFFSET + 1, Y_OFFSET + 1) setfontcolor(FONT_COLOR) addtext(DISPLAY_TEXT, X_OFFSET, Y_OFFSET) end -- [[ INIT END ]] -- if (not Stats.Update()) then local SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES = getnewmessages("Server Log") local SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES_COUNT = SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES.count - 1 for INDEX = 0, SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES_COUNT do local MESSAGE_OBJECT = CreateMessageObject(SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES[SERVER_LOG_MESSAGES_COUNT - INDEX]) if (MESSAGE_OBJECT:Type() == 19 and MESSAGE_OBJECT:Content():lower():match("^loot of")) then local LOOT_INFO = Message.ParseLootMessage(MESSAGE_OBJECT, true) if (#LOOT_INFO.NAME > 0) then Stats.__data.MONSTERS_KILLED[LOOT_INFO.NAME] = (Stats.__data.MONSTERS_KILLED[LOOT_INFO.NAME] or 0) + 1 for _, LOOT_ITEM in ipairs(LOOT_INFO.ITEMS) do if (Stats.__data.ITEMS_LOOTED[LOOT_ITEM.ID]) then Stats.__data.ITEMS_LOOTED[LOOT_ITEM.ID].QUANTITY = Stats.__data.ITEMS_LOOTED[LOOT_ITEM.ID].QUANTITY + LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY else Stats.__data.ITEMS_LOOTED[LOOT_ITEM.ID] = {ID = LOOT_ITEM.ID, NAME = LOOT_ITEM.NAME, QUANTITY = LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY, VALUE = Item.GetValue(LOOT_ITEM.ID)} end end end end end end local RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES = #MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.ITEMS_LIST ~= #MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST or #MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SUPPLIES_LIST ~= #MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST if (not RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES) then for INDEX, LOOT_ITEM in ipairs(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.ITEMS_LIST) do if (LOOT_ITEM.NAME ~= MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST[INDEX].NAME or LOOT_ITEM.VALUE ~= MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST[INDEX].VALUE) then RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES = true break end end end if (not RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES) then for INDEX, SUPPLY_ITEM in ipairs(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SUPPLIES_LIST) do if (SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME ~= MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST[INDEX].NAME or SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE ~= MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST[INDEX].PRICE) then RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES = true break end end end if (not MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.INITIALIZED or RESET_ITEMS_AND_SUPPLIES) then if (not MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.CLEARED_STATS) then Stats.Clear(CLEAR_STATS_ALL) Stats.Update() MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.CLEARED_STATS = true end MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST, MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST = {}, {} for _, LOOT_ITEM in ipairs(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.ITEMS_LIST) do local LOOT_ITEM_ID = Item.GetID(type(LOOT_ITEM.NAME) ~= "table" and LOOT_ITEM.NAME or unpack(LOOT_ITEM.NAME)) Stats.AddItemsLooted(LOOT_ITEM_ID, 0, LOOT_ITEM.VALUE) table.insert(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST, {ID = LOOT_ITEM_ID, NAME = LOOT_ITEM.NAME, VALUE = LOOT_ITEM.VALUE}) end for _, SUPPLY_ITEM in ipairs(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SUPPLIES_LIST) do local SUPPLY_ITEM_ID = Item.GetID(type(SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME) ~= "table" and SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME or unpack(SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME)) Stats.AddSuppliesUsed(SUPPLY_ITEM_ID, 0, SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE) table.insert(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST, {ID = SUPPLY_ITEM_ID, NAME = SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME, PRICE = SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE}) end MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.INITIALIZED = true end setposition(Client.ClientWindow().right - 434, Client.WorldWindow().top + 5) local Y_POSITION, INDEX, ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH, SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH = 30, 0, 0, 0 addtextshadow(sprintf("%s v%s", MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SCRIPT_NAME:upper(), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SCRIPT_VERSION), 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.ORANGE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 addtextshadow("ITEMS LOOTED", 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.BLUE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 for _, LOOT_ITEM in pairs(Stats.GetItemsLooted()) do if ((MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SHOW_ALL_ITEMS or table.find(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_ITEMS_LIST, LOOT_ITEM.ID, "ID")) and LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY > 0) then addtextshadow(((#LOOT_ITEM.NAME > 17 and sprintf("%s...", string.match(string.sub(LOOT_ITEM.NAME, 1, 17), "(.-)%s?$"))) or LOOT_ITEM.NAME):ucwords(), 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.CORNSILK) addtextshadow(sprintf("%s (%sK)", Misc.FormatNumber(LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY), tostring(math.floor(LOOT_ITEM.VALUE * LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY / 100) / 10)), 140, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.WHITE) INDEX, ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH = INDEX + 1, ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH + (LOOT_ITEM.VALUE * LOOT_ITEM.QUANTITY) end end addtextshadow("Total:", 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.WHITE) addtextshadow(sprintf("%s GPs", Misc.FormatNumber(ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH)), 10 + 35, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.ORANGE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 addtextshadow("SUPPLIES USED", 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.BLUE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 for _, SUPPLY_ITEM in pairs(Stats.GetSuppliesUsed()) do if ((MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.SHOW_ALL_SUPPLIES or table.find(MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.TEMP_SUPPLIES_LIST, SUPPLY_ITEM.ID, "ID")) and SUPPLY_ITEM.QUANTITY > 0) then addtextshadow(((#SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME > 17 and sprintf("%s...", string.match(string.sub(SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME, 1, 17), "(.-)%s?$"))) or SUPPLY_ITEM.NAME):ucwords(), 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.CORNSILK) addtextshadow(sprintf("%s (%sK)", Misc.FormatNumber(SUPPLY_ITEM.QUANTITY), tostring(math.floor(SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE * SUPPLY_ITEM.QUANTITY / 100) / 10)), 140, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.WHITE) INDEX, SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH = INDEX + 1, SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH + (SUPPLY_ITEM.PRICE * SUPPLY_ITEM.QUANTITY) end end addtextshadow("Total:", 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.WHITE) addtextshadow(sprintf("%s GPs", Misc.FormatNumber(SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH)), 10 + 35, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.ORANGE) Y_POSITION = Y_POSITION + 20 addtextshadow(sprintf("%s: %s GPs (%s K/H)", ((ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH >= SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH and ("PROFIT")) or ("WASTE")), Misc.FormatNumber(ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH - SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH), tostring(math.floor(((ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH - SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH) * 3600) / (System.HuntingTime() / 1000) / 100) / 10)), 10, Y_POSITION + (INDEX * 16), ITEMS_LOOTED_WORTH >= SUPPLIES_USED_WORTH and MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.GREEN or MONITOR_MY_HUNTING.COLORS.RED)</Script> 
  <Show>If focused</Show> 
- <Input>
- <Keyboard>
  <StuckCtrlShift>If cavebot on, release after 1 sec</StuckCtrlShift> 
  <TypingStyle>Keyboard keys</TypingStyle> 
  <PressWaitTime>45 to 65</PressWaitTime> 
- <Mouse>
  <Scroll>Use mouse wheel</Scroll> 
  <ClickWaitTime>30 to 50</ClickWaitTime> 
  <OpenMenuPolicy>Confirm if cavebotting</OpenMenuPolicy> 
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