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[8.1] Quickly OTServ V2.1 By Pol edited by me :)

Noble Man

Apr 22, 2008
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Edytowana wersja Quickly OTServ pod 8.1. SQL i bazuje na ostatnim SVN, =)

ma wszystko z 8.11:

- System plywania
- nowe runy 100%
- Nowe Spelle 100%
- Nowe potiony 100%
- Exp sharing 100%
- Poi dle
- Frosty
- Frost giant
- Poh
- Dragon lair

i inne ,ktore dodalem ;p

teraz to co ma to od zawsze , czyli to czego nie tykalem , nie updatowalem rzecz mowiac :)

- Auto Clean (Nfries88)
- Protocol messages can be configured in config.lua (password not correct, ...)
- Fixed Bugs
- jiddo warning (Rafael Hamdan)
- login error window (SVN, Rafael Hamdan)
- safe mode activate you could cast UE and no kill players now you'll kill (Rafael Hamdan)
- Outfit / Rules windows at first login (Rafael Hamdan)
- Party exp sharing (SVN AVESTA)
- Swimming system (with map example) (dzojo)
- New spells, runes, potions, all 100% global (Rafael Hamdan, Aries, etc)
- Thrown window system to deactivate noobs to throw items if windows of house are closed (Rafael Hamdan)
- Spears does not miss a lot anymore (Rafael Hamdan)
- Items that gamemaster makes description: IT WAS MADE BY XXX (Rafael Hamdan)
- Fixed bed system (aceita novas) (SVN AVESTA)
- Auto configured beds (SVN AVESTA)
- Anti Loot 100% with global message: You are not the owner (Rafael Hamdan, dzojo)
- Fixed "you are already logged in" (Rafael Hamdan, SVN)
- !rules to see rules (Zorzin)
- ZZzZZ at sleep (Rafael Hamdan)
- Spells / monsters 100% Global except UH AND GRAN - to balance knights/paladin -(Rafael Hamdan)
- Percentage death at voc.xml (Xidaozu)
- Fixed all possible crashes (Rafael Hamdan, SVN)
- Suppor for SHA1 and MD5 passwords (SVN AVESTA)
- Fixed anti-loot system (Rafael Hamdan)
- Added new monsters with right corpses (Rafael Hamdan)
- Added new items (Aries TEAM)
- Added Rook System (Rafael Hamdan)
- Added account manager - add/delete chars - (Fenix Sources)
- Turn works to take off AFK (Rafael Hamdan)
- Added protect level system (Rafael Hamdan)
- Distance in spears (Rafael Hamdan)
- Breakchance and range at items.xml (Avesta SVN)
- Fixed Blue Robe - 10% increase magic - (Rafael Hamdan)
- Fixed Amulet Of Loss - preventLoss = 1 - (Rafael Hamdan)
- Added some default configs at stages.xml / config.lua (Rafael Hamdan)
- Fixed some fields (Rafael Hamdan)
- Fixed possible crash with monsters (Rafael Hamdan)
- Fixed all possible crashes (Rafael Hamdan)
- A lot of SVN CHANGES (Rafael Hamdan)
- LVL 350+
- SQLite Support
- Fixed a problem with delete/add character with acc manager would remove p.a (Rafael Hamdan)
- Fixed problems using /changesex or account manager to create chars - MAX OUTFIT NUMBER 19 - females don't wear male outfit anymore (Rafael Hamdan)
- Fixed database.sql problems for some webserver programs (Rafael Hamdan)
- Added new groups: GM, GOD and Players (Rafael Hamdan)
- Fixed skill saving problems (deleting and then inserting instead updating if you did not insert) (Rafael Hamdan)
- Fixed crash whena attacking players with summons (Rafael Hamdan)
- Fixed Beds System again - cause of items.xml - (Rafael Hamdan)
- Fixed follow system, monsters, and other that were laggy (SVN)
- Can configure to not remove amunation but remove ice rapier (Rafael Hamdan)
- If remove_ammunation = "no", change breakchance of all items to 0 (Rafael Hamdan)
- Teleport to free town id if player premium ends (Rafael Hamdan)
- Cleanning online player list - online.php - when starting server (Rafael Hamdan)
- Fixed starting players' id by database.sql (Rafael Hamdan)
- Fixed statues to change town (Bastogne)
- Fixed all npcs with bug and changed some of them to jiddo (Rafael Hamdan, Bastogne)

A no i btw , nie dokonczylem areny :< jesli ktos chce niech ja dokonczy :)
Ogolnie mapa bez bugow ^^.

<< skan
Prosze nie mowic tylko ze win32 delf to jakis wirus >.> w kazdym otsie pod ten silnik bedzie wykrywal
...ale chyba kazdy o tym wie ;p.

dodalem nowy system logowania thx dla GM VALTI :)
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