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Skrypty & Kody Nie dzialajacy skrypt

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Active User
Nov 7, 2014
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Chcialbym sie zapytac gdzie lezy problem w tym skrypcie . Otoz na konsoli nic nie wyskakuje
[LUA]-- Config
local maxupgradetimes = 50 -- How many times can upgrade the item
local messagetype = 25 -- Color of the message
-- End Config

local upgrades = {
[7800] = {chance = 100, amount = {1, 5}, set = setItemAttack, get = getItemAttack, name = "attack"},
[7801] = {chance = 80, amount = {6, 10}, set = setItemAttack, get = getItemAttack, name = "attack"},
[7802] = {chance = 60, amount = {11, 15}, set = setItemAttack, get = getItemAttack, name = "attack"},
[7803] = {chance = 40, amount = {16, 20}, set = setItemAttack, get = getItemAttack, name = "attack", reset = TRUE},
[7804] = {chance = 20, amount = {21, 30}, set = setItemAttack, get = getItemAttack, name = "attack", reset = TRUE},
[7805] = {chance = 100, amount = {1, 5}, set = setItemDefense, get = getItemDefense, name = "defense"},
[7806] = {chance = 80, amount = {6, 10}, set = setItemDefense, get = getItemDefense, name = "defense"},
[7807] = {chance = 60, amount = {11, 15}, set = setItemDefense, get = getItemDefense, name = "defense"},
[7808] = {chance = 40, amount = {16, 20}, set = setItemDefense, get = getItemDefense, name = "defense", reset = TRUE},
[7809] = {chance = 20, amount = {26, 30}, set = setItemDefense, get = getItemDefense, name = "defense", reset = TRUE},
[7810] = {chance = 100, amount = {1, 5}, set = setItemArmor, get = getItemArmor, name = "armor"},
[7811] = {chance = 80, amount = {6, 10}, set = setItemArmor, get = getItemArmor, name = "armor"},
[7812] = {chance = 60, amount = {11, 15}, set = setItemArmor, get = getItemArmor, name = "armor"},
[7813] = {chance = 40, amount = {16, 20}, set = setItemArmor, get = getItemArmor, name = "armor", reset = TRUE},
[7814] = {chance = 20, amount = {21, 30}, set = setItemArmor, get = getItemArmor, name = "armor", reset = TRUE},
[7815] = {chance = 100, amount = {1, 5}, set = setItemHitChance, get = getItemHitChance, name = "hit"},
[7816] = {chance = 80, amount = {6, 10}, set = setItemHitChance, get = getItemHitChance, name = "hit"},
[7817] = {chance = 60, amount = {11, 15}, set = setItemHitChance, get = getItemHitChance, name = "hit"},
[7818] = {chance = 40, amount = {16, 20}, set = setItemHitChance, get = getItemHitChance, name = "hit", reset = TRUE},
[7819] = {chance = 20, amount = {21, 30}, set = setItemHitChance, get = getItemHitChance, name = "hit", reset = TRUE},
[7850] = {chance = 100, amount = {100, 100}, set = setItemAttack, get = getItemAttack, name = "attack"}, -- Only give when your acces is >= 5
[7851] = {chance = 100, amount = {100, 100}, set = setItemDefense, get = getItemDefense, name = "defense"}, -- Only give when your acces is >= 5
[7852] = {chance = 100, amount = {100, 100}, set = setItemArmor, get = getItemArmor, name = "armor"}, -- Only give when your acces is >= 5
[7853] = {chance = 100, amount = {100, 100}, set = setItemHitChance, get = getItemHitChance, name = "hit"} -- Only give when your acces is >= 5
local minmax = {
min1 = 7800, -- Minimum actionid for access < 5
max1 = 7819, -- Maximum actionid for access < 5
min2 = 7850, -- Minimum actionid for access >= 5
max2 = 7853, -- Maximum actionid for access >= 5
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
-- From here on down is a bit difficult (for the noob) understand the structure
if item.actionid == 0 then
local new = getPlayerAccess(cid) >= 5 and math.random(minmax.min2, minmax.max2) or math.random(minmax.min1, minmax.max1)
local text = "You remove the dust and revealed that it is a "..upgrades[new].chance.."% upgrade for "..upgrades[new].name.." +("..upgrades[new].amount[1].."~"..upgrades[new].amount[2]..")."..(upgrades[new].reset ~= nil and "It has a slight chance of reset your item." or "")
local description = "This crystal has "..upgrades[new].chance.."% upgrade for "..upgrades[new].name.." +("..upgrades[new].amount[1].."~"..upgrades[new].amount[2]..")."..(upgrades[new].reset ~= nil and "It has a slight chance of reset your item." or "")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messagetype, text)
doSetItemActionId(item.uid, new)
doSetItemSpecialDescription(item.uid, description)
setItemName(item.uid, "active upgrade crystal")
elseif upgrades[item.actionid] ~= nil then
if upgrades[item.actionid].get(itemEx.uid) >= 0 then
if itemEx.actionid < 100+maxupgradetimes then
local randomamount = math.ceil(math.random(upgrades[item.actionid].amount[1],upgrades[item.actionid].amount[2]))
local amount = math.max(0, itemEx.actionid - 100)
local chance = math.random(0, 100)
local text = "Upgrade of "..getItemName(itemEx.uid).." failed in "..upgrades[item.actionid].name.." +"..randomamount.."."
local animation = "Failed!"
--doSetItemActionId(itemEx.uid, 100+(amount+1))
--setItemName(itemEx.uid, getItemNameById(itemEx.itemid).." (+"..(amount+1)..")")
if chance <= upgrades[item.actionid].chance then
text = "Upgrade of "..getItemName(itemEx.uid).." up in "..upgrades[item.actionid].name.." +"..randomamount.."."
upgrades[item.actionid].set(itemEx.uid, (upgrades[item.actionid].get(itemEx.uid)+randomamount))
setItemName(itemEx.uid, getItemNameById(itemEx.itemid).." (+"..(amount+1)..")")
doSetItemActionId(itemEx.uid, 100+(amount+1))
elseif upgrades[item.actionid].reset ~= nil or upgrades[item.actionid].reset == TRUE then
if math.random(0, 1) == 1 then
text = "The item "..getItemName(itemEx.uid).." was reset."
animation = "Reset!"
doPlayerAddItem(cid, getItemIdByName(getItemNameById(itemEx.itemid)))
if (not text == "The item "..getItemName(itemEx.uid).." was reset.") then
if getItemAttack(itemEx.uid) >= 0 then
setItemAttackSpeed(itemEx.uid, 1)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messagetype, text)
doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, (chance <= upgrades[item.actionid].chance and 13 or 2))
doSendAnimatedText(toPosition, (chance <= upgrades[item.actionid].chance and "Success!" or animation),(chance <= upgrades[item.actionid].chance and TEXTCOLOR_WHITE or TEXTCOLOR_RED))
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This item already has "..maxupgradetimes.." times of upgrades.")
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This item can't upgrade.")
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, not possible.")
return TRUE


Advanced User
Dec 13, 2008
Reaction score
Odp: Nie dzialajacy skrypt

Wyt?umacz co dok?adnie ma robi? skrypt, to ci go przerobie i powiedz na jakim silniku dzia?asz. pozdro.
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