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Knight [PACC] [Ankrahmun] Larvy North Cave 100% AFK

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Never Give Up!
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
[EK][Ankrahmun] Larvy North Cave 100% AFK

    <Creature />
    <Item />
        <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
        <ManaRange>99 to 100 %</ManaRange>
        <HealMethod>Wound Cleansing</HealMethod>
        <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
        <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
        <HealRange>0 to 60 %</HealRange>
        <ManaRange>30 to all</ManaRange>
        <HealMethod>Wound Cleansing</HealMethod>
        <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
        <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
        <HealRange>0 to 33 %</HealRange>
        <ManaRange>0 to all</ManaRange>
        <HealMethod>Health Potion</HealMethod>
        <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
        <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
    <Rules />
    <Rules />
        <Script>local cavebot = getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Enabled")
local targeting = getsettings("Settings/Targeting/Enabled")

if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then
    <Condition>Client focus required</Condition>
    <List />
    <Setup>-- Setup --

-- Backpacks --

mainBP = 'Blue backpack'
goldBP = 'Golden backpack'

hpbuy = 10 -- Quantity of health potion to buy
hpleave = 3 -- Quantity of health potion to go deposit
capleave = 50 -- Cap to go deposit

HPname = "Health Potion" --
HPtobuy = 10 -- 
HPprice = 45 --</Setup>
      <HUNT>Stand 33164 32686 8</HUNT>
      <w001>Stand 33173 32685 8</w001>
      <w022>Stand 33162 32695 8</w022>
      <w059>Stand 33174 32706 8</w059>
      <w081>Stand 33158 32699 8</w081>
      <w082>Stand 33142 32703 8</w082>
      <w083>Stand 33152 32710 8</w083>
      <w084>Stand 33165 32708 8</w084>
      <w085>Stand 33150 32699 8</w085>
      <w086>Stand 33134 32686 8</w086>
      <w087>Stand 33149 32680 8</w087>
      <w000>Action 33153 32691 8 if (itemcount("health potion") <= hpleave) or (cap < capleave) then;gotolabel("deposit")else;gotolabel("hunt");end</w000>
      <hunt>Stand 33143 32676 8</hunt>
      <w089>Stand 33142 32668 8</w089>
      <w090>Stand 33154 32664 8</w090>
      <w091>Stand 33158 32657 8</w091>
      <w092>Stand 33155 32674 8</w092>
      <w093>Stand 33165 32668 8</w093>
      <w094>Stand 33185 32675 8</w094>
      <w095>Stand 33171 32672 8</w095>
      <w003>Action 33153 32690 8 if (itemcount("health potion") <= hpleave) or (cap < capleave) then;gotolabel("deposit")else;gotolabel("HUNT");end</w003>
      <deposit>Stand 33153 32686 8</deposit>
      <w002>Rope 33153 32686 8</w002>
      <w004>Stand 33155 32709 7</w004>
      <w005>Stand 33155 32726 7</w005>
      <w006>Stand 33155 32738 7</w006>
      <w007>Stand 33155 32750 7</w007>
      <w008>Stand 33154 32760 7</w008>
      <w009>Stand 33154 32761 7</w009>
      <UP>Stand 33154 32762 7</UP>
      <w011>Stand 33154 32765 6</w011>
      <w012>Stand 33154 32766 6</w012>
      <w038>Action 33152 32768 7 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("UP");return;end</w038>
      <w013>Stand 33154 32781 7</w013>
      <w014>Stand 33139 32781 7</w014>
      <w015>Stand 33139 32801 7</w015>
      <w016>Stand 33140 32815 7</w016>
      <w017>Stand 33139 32815 7</w017>
      <w018>Stand 33138 32815 7</w018>
      <w019>Stand 33137 32820 6</w019>
      <w020>Action 33137 32820 6 local Health = positive(HPtobuy - itemcount(HPname)) * HPprice;local Total = Health;;say("hi");wait(1500,2500);npcsay("deposit all");wait(200,300);npcsay("yes");wait(200,300);npcsay("withdraw "..Total);wait(400,600);npcsay("yes");wait(400,600)</w020>
      <w021>Action 33137 32820 6 if countitem("health potion") > 9 then gotolabel("Gohunt");else;gotolabel("Refiller");end</w021>
      <Refiller>Stand 33134 32818 6</Refiller>
      <w010>Stand 33131 32817 6</w010>
      <w023>Stand 33131 32816 6</w023>
      <w024>Stand 33131 32813 5</w024>
      <w025>Action 33131 32813 5 wait(1500,2000);npcsay("hi");wait(1500,2500);npcsay("trade");wait(1500,2500);buyitemsupto("health potion", 10);wait (1500, 2500)</w025>
      <w026>Stand 33131 32815 5</w026>
      <w027>Stand 33131 32816 5</w027>
      <w028>Stand 33136 32816 6</w028>
      <Gohunt>Stand 33137 32818 6</Gohunt>
      <w029>Action 33136 32816 6 closewindows();wait(1000);openitem(mainBP, "back");wait(500,1000);resizewindows();wait(500,1000);openitem(goldBP, mainBP, true);wait(500,1000);resizewindows()</w029>
      <w031>Stand 33138 32813 6</w031>
      <w032>Stand 33140 32803 7</w032>
      <w033>Stand 33138 32788 7</w033>
      <w034>Stand 33139 32773 7</w034>
      <w035>Stand 33139 32767 7</w035>
      <w036>Stand 33149 32768 7</w036>
      <w037>Stand 33153 32767 7</w037>
      <DOWN>Stand 33153 32766 7</DOWN>
      <w039>Stand 33153 32763 6</w039>
      <w040>Stand 33153 32762 6</w040>
      <w052>Action 33152 32760 7 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("DOWN");return;end</w052>
      <w041>Stand 33154 32756 7</w041>
      <w042>Stand 33154 32743 7</w042>
      <w043>Stand 33154 32735 7</w043>
      <w044>Stand 33154 32722 7</w044>
      <w045>Stand 33154 32712 7</w045>
      <w046>Stand 33153 32701 7</w046>
      <w047>Stand 33153 32692 7</w047>
      <shovel>Stand 33153 32687 7</shovel>
      <w049>Shovel 33153 32686 7</w049>
      <w050>Stand 33153 32686 7</w050>
      <w051>Action 33153 32685 8 if not islocation(4) then;gotolabel("shovel");return;end</w051>
      <SpecialAreas />
      <WalkingMethod>Map Clicks</WalkingMethod>
      <MapWalkDistance>20 to 50</MapWalkDistance>
      <OpenNextBp>if cavebot enabled</OpenNextBp>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
    <Condition>All corpses</Condition>
    <Style>After melee kill</Style>
            <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
            <Stance>No movement</Stance>
            <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
            <AttackMode>No Change</AttackMode>
      <PlayerOnScreenSecurity>If cavebotting</PlayerOnScreenSecurity>

addtext("LvL :", 150,30)
addtext(level, 180,30)
addtext("Next LvL :", 150,45)
addtext(exptolevel(), 210,45)

addtext("Pos X : ", 10,45)
addtext(posx, 54,45)
addtext("Pos Y : ", 10,60)
addtext(posy, 54,60)
addtext("Pos Z : ", 10,75)
addtext(posz, 54,75)</Script>
    <Show>If focused</Show>
      <StuckCtrlShift>If cavebot on, release after 1 sec</StuckCtrlShift>
      <TypingStyle>Keyboard keys</TypingStyle>
      <PressWaitTime>45 to 65</PressWaitTime>
      <Scroll>Use mouse wheel</Scroll>
      <ClickWaitTime>30 to 50</ClickWaitTime>
    <OpenMenuPolicy>Confirm if cavebotting</OpenMenuPolicy>
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