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Druid [PACC] [Ankrahmun] Larvy

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Never Give Up!
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
[ED][Ankrahmun] Larvy

    <Creature />
    <Item />
        <HealRange>60 to 80 %</HealRange>
        <ManaRange>20 to all</ManaRange>
        <HealMethod>Light Healing</HealMethod>
        <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
        <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
        <HealRange>0 to 60 %</HealRange>
        <ManaRange>60 to all</ManaRange>
        <HealMethod>Intense Healing</HealMethod>
        <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
        <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
        <HealRange>0 to 100 %</HealRange>
        <ManaRange>0 to 20 %</ManaRange>
        <HealMethod>Mana Potion</HealMethod>
        <ExtraCondition>No condition</ExtraCondition>
        <SpamRate>200 to 400</SpamRate>
    <Rules />
    <Rules />
        <Script>local cavebot = getsettings("Settings/CaveBot/Enabled")
local targeting = getsettings("Settings/Targeting/Enabled")

if cavebot == 'no' or targeting == 'no' then
    <Condition>Client focus required</Condition>
        <Script>if mp > 500 then
        <SpamRate>5000 to 10000</SpamRate>

-- General configure
cave = 1 -- number of the cave where hunting will. See caves on www.etibia.com.br > free scripts > larva

-- Backpacks
mainBP = "grey Backpack" -- Main backpack
goldBP = "golden Backpack" -- Loot bp on mainBP (need change on looting)

-- Refil
manaPotion = "Mana Potion" -- Mana potion to buy
healthPotion = "Health Potion" -- Heath potion to buy
mpAmount = 20 -- Amount mp to buy
hpAmount = 0 -- Amount hp to buy
mpPrice = 50 -- one mp price
hpPrice = 50 -- one hp price
mpMin = 5 -- min mp to go to refil
hpMin = 0 -- min hp to go to refil

captoback = 20 -- min cap to go to refil</Setup>
      <start>Node 33131 32820 6</start>
      <w006>Stand 33135 32823 6</w006>
      <w007>Action 33135 32823 6 if not islocation() then;gotolabel("w006");end</w007>
      <w008>Action 33135 32823 6 -- Fun?ão bank;;wait (800, 1200);depositall();wait (800, 1200);;-- Sacar;;closewindows();wait(800,1400);openitem(mainBP, "Back");wait(800,1400);resizewindows();wait(400,600);mptobuy = ((mpAmount - itemcount(manaPotion)) * mpPrice) ;if mptobuy < 0 then;mptobuy = 0;end;hptobuy = ((hpAmount - itemcount(healthPotion)) * hpPrice);if hptobuy < 0 then;hptobuy = 0;end;withdraw = mptobuy + hptobuy;if withdraw > 0 then;say("hi");wait (800, 1200);npcsay("withdraw");wait (800, 1200);npcsay(withdraw);wait (800, 1200);npcsay("yes");end</w008>
      <w000>Node 33130 32817 6</w000>
      <w001>Stand 33130 32816 6</w001>
      <w002>Stand 33130 32813 5</w002>
      <w003>Action 33130 32813 5 if not islocation() then;gotolabel("w002");end</w003>
      <w004>Action 33130 32813 5 -- Refil Potion;;closewindows();wait(800,1400);openitem(mainBP, "Back");wait(800,1400);openitem(refilBP, mainBP, false);wait(600,800);resizewindows();wait(400,600);opentrade();wait(800,1400);sellflasks();wait(800,1400);;--MP;mptobuy = mpAmount - itemcount(manaPotion);if mptobuy > 0 then;while mptobuy > 100 do;buyitems(manaPotion, 100);mptobuy = mptobuy - 100;end;if mptobuy < 100 and mptobuy > 0 then;buyitems(manaPotion, mptobuy);end;end;;--HP;hptobuy = hpAmount - itemcount(healthPotion);if hptobuy > 0 then;while hptobuy > 100 do;buyitems(healthPotion, 100);hptobuy = hptobuy - 100;end;if hptobuy < 100 and hptobuy > 0 then;buyitems(healthPotion, hptobuy);end;end;wait(800,1400)</w004>
      <w009>Stand 33130 32816 5</w009>
      <w011>Action 33130 32809 6 closewindows();wait(800,1400);openitem(mainBP, "Back");wait(800,1400);resizewindows();wait(400,600);if itemcount(manaPotion) < mpAmount or itemcount(healthPotion) < hpAmount then;gotolabel("start");end</w011>
      <w005>Stand 33125 32805 6</w005>
      <w012>Node 33138 32801 7</w012>
      <w013>Node 33153 32768 7</w013>
      <w014>Stand 33153 32766 7</w014>
      <w015>Node 33153 32764 6</w015>
      <w016>Stand 33153 32762 6</w016>
      <checkpointescada>Action 33153 32760 7 closewindows();wait(800,1400);openitem(mainBP, "Back");wait(800,1400);resizewindows();openitem(goldBP, mainBP, true);wait(800,1400);resizewindows()</checkpointescada>
      <w018>Node 33153 32760 7</w018>
      <where>Action 33153 32760 7 wait(500,1000);gotolabel("cave"..cave);wait(500,1000)</where>
      <cave1>Node 33102 32760 7</cave1>
      <w020>Node 33074 32761 7</w020>
      <w021>Stand 33073 32760 7</w021>
      <w022>Shovel 33072 32760 7</w022>
      <w023>Stand 33072 32760 7</w023>
      <w019>Node 33054 32767 8</w019>
      <w024>Node 33043 32767 8</w024>
      <w025>Node 33047 32726 8</w025>
      <w026>Node 33058 32719 8</w026>
      <w027>Node 33073 32726 8</w027>
      <w028>Node 33100 32736 8</w028>
      <w029>Node 33094 32753 8</w029>
      <w030>Node 33059 32792 8</w030>
      <w031>Node 33076 32787 8</w031>
      <w032>Node 33085 32786 8</w032>
      <w033>Node 33088 32781 8</w033>
      <w034>Node 33095 32762 8</w034>
      <w035>Node 33072 32760 8</w035>
      <w036>Action 33072 32760 8 closewindows();wait(800,1400);openitem(mainBP, "Back");wait(800,1400);resizewindows();openitem(goldBP, mainBP, true);wait(800,1400);resizewindows();if mpMin < itemcount(manaPotion) and hpMin < itemcount(healthPotion) and cap > 20 then;gotolabel("w019");end</w036>
      <caiu>Rope 33076 32755 9</caiu>
      <w037>Rope 33072 32760 8</w037>
      <w038>Node 33090 32762 7</w038>
      <endcave1>Node 33153 32759 7</endcave1>
      <voltandoRefil>Action 33153 32759 7 wait(500,1000);gotolabel("backtorefil");wait(500,1000)</voltandoRefil>
      <cave2>Node 33154 32752 7</cave2>
      <w017>Node 33225 32743 7</w017>
      <w039>Node 33256 32742 7</w039>
      <w040>Stand 33256 32742 7</w040>
      <w041>Shovel 33257 32742 7</w041>
      <w042>Stand 33257 32742 7</w042>
      <w043>Node 33256 32718 8</w043>
      <w044>Node 33245 32716 8</w044>
      <w045>Node 33257 32740 8</w045>
      <w046>Node 33237 32739 8</w046>
      <w047>Node 33242 32750 8</w047>
      <w048>Node 33242 32757 8</w048>
      <w049>Node 33262 32758 8</w049>
      <w050>Node 33244 32765 8</w050>
      <w051>Node 33256 32770 8</w051>
      <w052>Node 33270 32776 8</w052>
      <w053>Node 33283 32767 8</w053>
      <w054>Node 33267 32734 8</w054>
      <w055>Node 33262 32709 8</w055>
      <w056>Node 33270 32716 8</w056>
      <w057>Node 33281 32718 8</w057>
      <w058>Node 33290 32710 8</w058>
      <w059>Node 33304 32740 8</w059>
      <w060>Node 33256 32741 8</w060>
      <w063>Node 33212 32746 7</w063>
      <caiu2>Rope 33254 32747 9</caiu2>
      <w061>Stand 33257 32742 8</w061>
      <w062>Action 33257 32742 8 closewindows();wait(800,1400);openitem(mainBP, "Back");wait(800,1400);resizewindows();openitem(goldBP, mainBP, true);wait(800,1400);resizewindows();if mpMin < itemcount(manaPotion) and hpMin < itemcount(healthPotion) and cap > 20 then;gotolabel("w043");end</w062>
      <w065>Rope 33257 32742 8</w065>
      <w064>Node 33207 32746 7</w064>
      <endcave2>Node 33153 32756 7</endcave2>
      <voltandoRefil2>Action 33153 32756 7 wait(500,1000);gotolabel("backtorefil");wait(500,1000)</voltandoRefil2>
      <cave3>Node 33153 32735 7</cave3>
      <w066>Node 33153 32687 7</w066>
      <w067>Stand 33153 32687 7</w067>
      <w068>Shovel 33153 32686 7</w068>
      <w069>Stand 33153 32686 7</w069>
      <w070>Node 33139 32673 8</w070>
      <w071>Node 33137 32665 8</w071>
      <w072>Node 33153 32660 8</w072>
      <w073>Node 33161 32652 8</w073>
      <w074>Node 33178 32669 8</w074>
      <w075>Node 33188 32685 8</w075>
      <w076>Rope 33164 32684 9</w076>
      <w077>Node 33177 32691 8</w077>
      <w078>Node 33179 32709 8</w078>
      <w079>Node 33155 32705 8</w079>
      <w080>Node 33147 32714 8</w080>
      <w081>Node 33159 32711 8</w081>
      <w082>Node 33136 32699 8</w082>
      <w083>Node 33139 32710 8</w083>
      <w084>Node 33138 32691 8</w084>
      <w085>Node 33153 32687 8</w085>
      <w086>Action 33153 32687 8 closewindows();wait(800,1400);openitem(mainBP, "Back");wait(800,1400);resizewindows();openitem(goldBP, mainBP, true);wait(800,1400);resizewindows();if mpMin < itemcount(manaPotion) and hpMin < itemcount(healthPotion) and cap > 20 then;gotolabel("w070");end</w086>
      <w087>Stand 33153 32686 8</w087>
      <w088>Rope 33153 32686 8</w088>
      <w089>Node 33152 32720 7</w089>
      <endcave3>Node 33153 32760 7</endcave3>
      <voltandoRefil3>Action 33153 32760 7 wait(500,1000);gotolabel("backtorefil");wait(500,1000)</voltandoRefil3>
      <cave4>Node 33212 32674 7</cave4>
      <w090>Node 33219 32641 7</w090>
      <w091>Stand 33219 32641 7</w091>
      <w092>Shovel 33219 32641 7</w092>
      <w093>Stand 33219 32640 7</w093>
      <w094>Node 33224 32623 8</w094>
      <w095>Node 33219 32609 8</w095>
      <w096>Node 33195 32614 8</w096>
      <w097>Node 33194 32623 8</w097>
      <w098>Node 33190 32633 8</w098>
      <w099>Node 33188 32649 8</w099>
      <w100>Node 33208 32663 8</w100>
      <w101>Node 33215 32665 8</w101>
      <w102>Node 33228 32669 8</w102>
      <w103>Node 33241 32659 8</w103>
      <w104>Node 33239 32650 8</w104>
      <w105>Node 33233 32637 8</w105>
      <w106>Node 33249 32651 8</w106>
      <w107>Node 33249 32638 8</w107>
      <w108>Node 33251 32625 8</w108>
      <w109>Node 33239 32605 8</w109>
      <w110>Node 33216 32635 8</w110>
      <w111>Rope 33212 32635 9</w111>
      <w112>Stand 33219 32640 8</w112>
      <w113>Action 33219 32640 8 closewindows();wait(800,1400);openitem(mainBP, "Back");wait(800,1400);resizewindows();openitem(goldBP, mainBP, true);wait(800,1400);resizewindows();if mpMin < itemcount(manaPotion) and hpMin < itemcount(healthPotion) and cap > 20 then;gotolabel("w094");end</w113>
      <w114>Rope 33219 32640 8</w114>
      <w115>Node 33201 32695 7</w115>
      <endcave4>Node 33153 32751 7</endcave4>
      <backtorefil>Stand 33153 32762 7</backtorefil>
      <w116>Node 33153 32765 6</w116>
      <w117>Stand 33153 32766 6</w117>
      <w118>Node 33138 32791 7</w118>
      <w119>Stand 33126 32805 7</w119>
      <w120>Node 33131 32819 6</w120>
      <SpecialAreas />
      <WalkingMethod>Map Clicks</WalkingMethod>
      <MapWalkDistance>20 to 50</MapWalkDistance>
      <OpenNextBp>if cavebot enabled</OpenNextBp>
        <Destination>golden backpack</Destination>
        <AlarmOn>No Alarm</AlarmOn>
    <Condition>All corpses</Condition>
    <Style>After all dead</Style>
            <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
            <Stance>No movement</Stance>
            <ListSpell />
            <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
            <HpRange>0 to 100 %</HpRange>
            <Stance>No movement</Stance>
            <ListSpell />
            <SpellRate>500 to 1000</SpellRate>
      <PlayerOnScreenSecurity>If cavebotting</PlayerOnScreenSecurity>

addtext("LvL :", 150,30)
addtext(level, 180,30)
addtext("Next LvL :", 150,45)
addtext(exptolevel(), 210,45)

addtext("Pos X : ", 10,45)
addtext(posx, 54,45)
addtext("Pos Y : ", 10,60)
addtext(posy, 54,60)
addtext("Pos Z : ", 10,75)
addtext(posz, 54,75)</Script>
    <Show>If focused</Show>
      <StuckCtrlShift>If cavebot on, release after 1 sec</StuckCtrlShift>
      <TypingStyle>Keyboard keys</TypingStyle>
      <PressWaitTime>45 to 65</PressWaitTime>
      <Scroll>Use mouse wheel</Scroll>
      <ClickWaitTime>30 to 50</ClickWaitTime>
    <OpenMenuPolicy>Confirm if cavebotting</OpenMenuPolicy>
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