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Do Mycia

Advanced User
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score
Siemka pom?g? by mi kto? wyt?umaczy? co do czego chodzi.Jest to jeden z plik?w do systemu castle.
days = {2, 5},
time_1 = 10*60*1000, -- time from start event to fight
time_2 = 30*60*1000, -- time from fight to end event
guildOwnStorage = 17000,
attackersStorage = 17002,
enabledStorage = 17006,
endedStorage = 17007,
leaderLevel = 50000,
membersNeeded = 5,
monster = "Tiberia King",
monsterSpawn = {x = 2470, y = 2477, z = 3},
startAttackers = {
[1] = {x = 2444, y = 2491, z = 6},
[2] = {x = 2494, y = 2503, z = 6},
[3] = {x = 2488, y = 2464, z = 6}
gates = {
[1] = {pos = {x = 2456, y = 2487, z = 6}, itemid = 9533},
[2] = {pos = {x = 2456, y = 2488, z = 6}, itemid = 9533},
[3] = {pos = {x = 2486, y = 2498, z = 6}, itemid = 9485},
[4] = {pos = {x = 2487, y = 2498, z = 6}, itemid = 9485},
[5] = {pos = {x = 2490, y = 2471, z = 6}, itemid = 9486},
[6] = {pos = {x = 2491, y = 2471, z = 6}, itemid = 9486},
[7] = {pos = {x = 2492, y = 2471, z = 6}, itemid = 9486},
-- new
[8] = {pos = {x = 2452, y = 2480, z = 6}, itemid = 9533},
[9] = {pos = {x = 2452, y = 2481, z = 6}, itemid = 9533},
[10] = {pos = {x = 2452, y = 2482, z = 6}, itemid = 9533},
[11] = {pos = {x = 2485, y = 2498, z = 6}, itemid = 9485},
[12] = {pos = {x = 2498, y = 2502, z = 6}, itemid = 9533},
[13] = {pos = {x = 2498, y = 2503, z = 6}, itemid = 9533},
[14] = {pos = {x = 2485, y = 2468, z = 6}, itemid = 9486},
[15] = {pos = {x = 2486, y = 2468, z = 6}, itemid = 9486},
[16] = {pos = {x = 2487, y = 2468, z = 6}, itemid = 9486},
ok dzi?ki za pomoc ;D Repucik dla Cb

Mix Dem

Advanced User
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
Odp: Castle

Nie znam sie na tym za bardzo wi?c nie licz ze moja wypowied? tak Ci pomo?e.

days = {2, 5},
time_1 = 10*60*1000, -- time from start event to fight [B]-- czas do walki[/B]
time_2 = 30*60*1000, -- time from fight to end event[B] --- czas do zakonczenia walki/eventu nie wiem.[/B]
guildOwnStorage = 17000,
attackersStorage = 17002,  [B] --- storage graczy kt?rzy bij? potwory ?[/B]
enabledStorage = 17006,
endedStorage = 17007,
leaderLevel = 50000,    [B]--- lvl lidera gildi kt?ry si? tam wbija ?[/B]
membersNeeded = 5, [B]--- ile os?b trzeba aby sie wbi?[/B]
monster = "Tiberia King", [B]--- jaki potw?r si? respi w tym miejscu na dole \/[/B]
monsterSpawn = {x = 2470, y = 2477, z = 3},    -[B]--- wiadomo , monsterSpawn czyli np Demon ~.[/B]
startAttackers = {
[1] = {x = 2444, y = 2491, z = 6},        [B]  --- tutaj pozycje graczy ? lub potwor?w etc.[/B]
[2] = {x = 2494, y = 2503, z = 6},
[3] = {x = 2488, y = 2464, z = 6}
gates = {
[1] = {pos = {x = 2456, y = 2487, z = 6}, itemid = 9533},  - [B]Tutaj nadajesz pozycje bramy, czyli wejscia do zamku[/B]
[2] = {pos = {x = 2456, y = 2488, z = 6}, itemid = 9533},
[3] = {pos = {x = 2486, y = 2498, z = 6}, itemid = 9485},
[4] = {pos = {x = 2487, y = 2498, z = 6}, itemid = 9485},
[5] = {pos = {x = 2490, y = 2471, z = 6}, itemid = 9486},
[6] = {pos = {x = 2491, y = 2471, z = 6}, itemid = 9486},
[7] = {pos = {x = 2492, y = 2471, z = 6}, itemid = 9486},
-- new
[8] = {pos = {x = 2452, y = 2480, z = 6}, itemid = 9533},    - [B]Tutaj nadajesz pozycje bramy, czyli wejscia do zamku[/B]
[9] = {pos = {x = 2452, y = 2481, z = 6}, itemid = 9533},
[10] = {pos = {x = 2452, y = 2482, z = 6}, itemid = 9533},
[11] = {pos = {x = 2485, y = 2498, z = 6}, itemid = 9485},
[12] = {pos = {x = 2498, y = 2502, z = 6}, itemid = 9533},
[13] = {pos = {x = 2498, y = 2503, z = 6}, itemid = 9533},
[14] = {pos = {x = 2485, y = 2468, z = 6}, itemid = 9486},
[15] = {pos = {x = 2486, y = 2468, z = 6}, itemid = 9486},
[16] = {pos = {x = 2487, y = 2468, z = 6}, itemid = 9486},

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