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Sp33derOT XML & SQL Tibia 8.1

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New User
Apr 5, 2008
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Znalazlem ten ots na innym forum dlatego postanowilem go wzucic

Features V1.0a:

Party System(Remere)
Party share experience(Like Real Tibia) (Me)
Avesta Bed System(NFries88)
Avesta Walk to item(Simone)
New command "/axisz z" (me)
3 Weapon attributes(attackBonus, defenseBonus, attackSpeedPercent)(me)
LUA Function: to execute a command [no access checks] (NFries88, Pedro B.)
LUA Function: to get an item from a player WITHOUT removing it (NFries88)
GameMaster Look(me)
MultiWorld System using worlds.xml(me)
CorpseOwner(dzojo16, me)
Amulet of Loss(me)
"/clean" command & event(NFries88, Xidaouzu)
Premium System(me)
Anti afk (TibiaRules)
LUA Functions: can now query the database through scripts [no LuaSQL!](NFries88)
Premium Outfit by outfits.xml(me)
!buyprem command(me)
CreatureEvents: onSpawn[monsters], onAdvance [players], onThink [both] (NFries88)
Premium tiles(cayan, me)
Premium outfits & Addons(cayan, me)
Command to check for mc-ers "/mccheck" (me)
Player Record(me)
TFS Quest System(kiper)
Re-Enabled death window(me)
"!buyhouse" and housecost description(pedro B.)
Costum client in cofig(NFries88)
LUA Functions: to get an item's itemid, actionid, uniqueid, text, special description, count, and subtype.(NFries88)
GM Invisible(The Chaos)
Account Manager(me)
Account Manager newplayer configurable in config.lua(me)


Added sqlite support


Added command !frags(me)
Advanced Gm BanWindow(Ctrl+Y) using bans database(me)
DualWield weapons(me)
Fixed skill saving if no skills in database(me)
Fully working xml system(svn, me)
Updated to latest svn(svn, me)
Added Strong/Great - mana/health potions(me)
Remove dist count in config(only spear, all, none) (me)
Remove rune charges in config(me)
If rune in hand you can use as distance weapon configurable in config(me)


Transform Item fix(svn)
When both hands free crash fix(me)


Anoter transform item fix(svn)
Added rune group to otb loader(me)
Fixed crash when casting skill dedicated spells(me)

Nowa wersja serwera (dzi?ki Edwin)

Major Release v2.0a:

Experience Stages by stages.xml(me)
Changed serversave(me)
Edited npc lib for string checks(me)
Added setAttackCreature, setFollowCreature for npc(me)
Added advanced npc handler v3.0(jiddo)
Some playerxml typo/name fixes(me)
Fixed vocation bug due premium promotions(me)
Made a function for faster checking if player exists<for account manager XML> (me)
Luascript function removePlayerCondition(cid, confType) (me)
Some updates for iomapserializexml(me)
Restructured party experience share(me)
Redone experience share part(me)
Added /addon <playername>, <looktype>, <addons>(me)
Added 'absorbPercentIce' attribute to xml items loader(me)
Added !online command(me)
Fixed party exit crash(me)
Added 8.1 monsters(me, dominator)
Changed piece of the sql saving due to triggers(me)
Made outputmessage buffer size configurable(me)
Added auto internet ip finder if nothing/<5 characters in filled in in world.xml ip(me)
Fixed berserk, ultimate explosion spells(me)
Changed loading structure of vocations(me)
Vocation immunities(me)
Fixed addon outfit show bug(me)
Level 350+(me)
Use cap system configurable(me)
Use world system configurable(me)
Added movements missing rings/amulets+magma/lighting/terra/glacier sets(nosmor)
Added command /addexperience <playername> <experience>(me)
Items attribute <attribute key="increaseMagicPercent" value="<yourpercent>" /> ONLY for magic weapons(me)
Items attribute <attribute key="increasePhysicalPercent" value="<yourpercent>" /> ONLY for physical dmg weapons(me)
Some grammar fixes(me)
Private chat channel only possible to be created by premium players(me)
Made can attack own summons configurable(me)
Changed accountmanager to account '111111'due to warning msg,
*Basic gm account is on '1/1'
Changed database experience type(me)
Talkcolors in channels by groups.xml/database(me)
Wooden stake, Obsidian knife by Actions(jkotni6)
Npc for leathers & buy wooden stake & obsidian knife(jkotni6)
Bank npc<by storagevalues>(me)
Promotion npc(me)
Runes npc(me, dominator)
Fixed town_id saving for xml(me)
Added AAC FOR SQL<located in sql server rar>(me)
New map(dominator)


Apr 4, 2008
Reaction score
Skanik? -.- Zaraz to zrobie za Ciebie tylko sie www odmuli :p

Ni cholery :/ Stronka nie pyka wi?c nici ;P
Last edited:

De Javu

Advanced User
Apr 4, 2008
Reaction score
Skan by si? przyda? a silnik jest nawet fajny kiedy? sprawdza?em:)
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