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Account Maker Szukam Acc Pod Dragon Ball

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Active User
Jan 11, 2014
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Siemanko Poszkuje Fajnego acc merkera pod Dragon ball Za pomoc Dam Tutora na moim Otsie poczebuje szbkiej pomocy Lub Naprawie obecnego co Mam Oto Link Problem Jest Taki ze Np Goku to Vegeta kazda inna postac c17 itp to vegeta


Active User
Jan 11, 2014
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Odp: Szukam Acc Pod Dragon Ball

pod server Dragon ball szukam dobrego acc merkera

Never Give Up

Forum friend
Jul 7, 2010
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Odp: Szukam Acc Pod Dragon Ball

Znote acc z otlandu.Layout z otlandu + inny header :


Active User
Jan 11, 2014
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Odp: Szukam Acc Pod Dragon Ball

z tym acc mam Problemy z sms chop


Active User
Jan 11, 2014
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Odp: Szukam Acc Pod Dragon Ball

pod silnik DBViolent

---------- Tre?? dodana o 00:08 ----------

wazie czego posac Na GG szbciej odpisze Nisz na Forum


Active User
Jan 11, 2014
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Odp: Szukam Acc Pod Dragon Ball

na tym silniku Tak jest ze masz wygl?d Vegety do 30 lvl Potem masz w?asny wygl?d To Kumpla Silnik On go robil

zielony jak trawa

Active User
Jul 6, 2010
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Odp: Szukam Acc Pod Dragon Ball

Anakonta ma racje wejd? w config(acc) i tam ustawiasz jaki outfit i voc ma mie? profesja oraz lvl itp.
Niestety swojego acc Ci nie dam


Active User
Jan 11, 2014
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Odp: Szukam Acc Pod Dragon Ball

zaraz wam podam config i pokazcie mi gdzie to mam zmieni? bo szukam
// Available options: TFS_02, TFS_03
// TFS 0.2 = TFS_02
// TFS 0.3 = TFS_03 (If ur using 0.3.6, set $config['salt'] to false)!
// TFS 0.4 = TFS_03
$config['TFSVersion'] = 'TFS_03';

$config['site_title'] = 'DBViolent';
$config['site_title_context'] = '';

// ------------------------ \\
// ------------------------ \\

// phpmyadmin username for OT server: (DONT USE "root" if ur hosting to public.).
$config['sqlUser'] = 'root';

// phpmyadmin password for OT server:
$config['sqlPassword'] = '';

// The database name to connect to. (This is usually same as username).
$config['sqlDatabase'] = '';

// Hostname is usually localhost or
$config['sqlHost'] = 'localhost';

$config['time'] = time();
//$config['time'] = time() + (+3 * 3600); // adjust clock by +3 hours.

// ------------------- \\
// ------------------- \\

// Vocation ids and names.
$config['vocations'] = array(
0 => 'No vocation',
228 => 'Goku',
14 => 'Bardock',
27 => 'Buu',
230 => 'C16',
53 => 'C17',
229 => 'C18',
79 => 'Freeza',
92 => 'Cooler',
105 => 'Tsuful',
118 => 'Piccolo',
131 => 'Dende',
144 => 'Vegeta',
157 => 'Trunk',
170 => 'Gohan',
183 => 'Brolly',
196 => 'Chibi Trunk',
198 => 'Goten',
211 => 'Xicor',
243 => 'Raditz',
273 => 'Yamcha',
260 => 'Janemba',
41 => 'Cell',


// Town ids and names: (In RME map editor, open map, click CTRL + T to view towns, their names and their IDs.
// townID => 'townName' etc: ['3'=>'Thais']
$config['towns'] = array(
1 => 'Violent City',

// Leave on black square in map and player should get teleported to their selected town.
// If chars get buggy set this position to a beginner location to force players there.
$config['default_pos'] = array(
'x' => 2488,
'y' => 2428,
'z' => 15,

$config['war_status'] = array(
0 => 'Pending..',
1 => 'Accepted',
2 => 'Rejected',
3 => 'Cancelled',
4 => '???',
5 => 'Ended',

/* -- SUB PAGES --
Some custom layouts/templates have custom pages, they can use
this sub page functionality for that.
$config['allowSubPages'] = true;

// ---------------- \\
// Create Character \\
// ---------------- \\

// Max characters on each account:
$config['max_characters'] = 7;

// Available character vocation users can create.
$config['available_vocations'] = array(228, 14, 27, 230, 53, 229, 79, 92, 105, 118, 131, 144, 157, 170, 183, 196, 198, 211, 243, 273, 260, 41);

// Available towns (specify town ids, etc: (0, 1, 2); to display 3 town options (town id 0, 1 and 2).
$config['available_towns'] = array(1);

$config['level'] = 8;
$config['health'] = 185;
$config['mana'] = 35;
$config['cap'] = 435;
$config['soul'] = 0;

$config['maleOutfitId'] = 128;
$config['femaleOutfitId'] = 138;

// No vocation info (if user select vocation id 0, we force thees configurations on him
$config['nvlevel'] = 1;
$config['nvHealth'] = 150;
$config['nvMana'] = 0;
$config['nvCap'] = 400;
$config['nvSoul'] = 0;

$config['nvForceTown'] = 0; // Force a town to no vocation even though he selected something else? 0 = no, 1 = yes.
$config['nvTown'] = 0; // Town id to force no vocations to get to, if nvForceTown is 1.

// Minimum allowed character name letters. Etc 4 letters: "K?re".
$config['minL'] = 4;
// Maximum allowed character name letters. Etc 20 letters: "Bobk?reolesofiesberg"
$config['maxL'] = 20;

// Maximum allowed character name words. Etc 2 words = "Bob K?re", 3 words: "Bob Arne K?re" as max char name words.
$config['maxW'] = 2;

// -------------- \\
// -------------- \\

// ONLY FOR TFS 0.2 (TFS 0.3/4 users don't need to care about this, as its fully loaded from db)
$config['house'] = array(
'house_file' => 'C:\test\Mystic Spirit_0.2.5\data\world\forgotten-house.xml',
'price_sqm' => '50', // price per house sqm

$config['status'] = array(
'status_check' => true, //enable or disable status checker
'status_ip' => '',
'status_port' => "7171",

$config['validate_IP'] = true; // Only allow legal IP addresses to register and create character.
$config['salt'] = false; // Some noob 0.3.6 servers don't support salt.

// Restricted names
$config['invalidNameTags'] = array("god", "gm", "cm", "gamemaster", "hoster", "admin", "admim", "adm", "owner", "staff", "account manager");

// Level requirement to create guild? (Just set it to 1 to allow all levels).
$config['create_guild_level'] = 8;

// Change Gender can be purchased in shop, or perhaps you want to allow everyone to change gender for free?
$config['free_sex_change'] = false;

// Do you need to have premium account to create a guild?
$config['guild_require_premium'] = false;

$config['guildwar_enabled'] = true;

// Use htaccess rewrite? (basically this makes website.com/username work instead of website.com/characterprofile.php?name=username
// Linux users needs to enable mod_rewrite php extention to make it work properly, so set it to false if your lost and using Linux.
$config['htwrite'] = false;

// What client version and server port are you using on this OT?
// Used for the Downloads page.
$config['client'] = 854; // 954 = tibia 9.54

// Download link to client. Recommended:
// Select download link from remere map editor website!
// See list of clients:
$config['client_download'] = 'http://www28.zippyshare.com/v/59829211/file.html'. $config['client'] .'.exe';

$config['port'] = 7171; // Port number to connect to your OT.

// How often do you want highscores to update?
$config['cache_lifespan'] = 60 * 15; // 15 minutes.

// WARNING! Account names written here will have admin access to web page!
$config['page_admin_access'] = array(

// Built-in FORUM
// Enable forum, enable guildboards, level to create threads/post in them
// How long do they have to wait to create thread or post?
// How to design/display hidden/closed/sticky threads.
$config['forum'] = array(
'enabled' => true,
'guildboard' => true,
'level' => 20,
'cooldownPost' => 60,
'cooldownCreate' => 180,
'hidden' => '<font color="orange">[H]</font>',
'closed' => '<font color="red">[C]</font>',
'sticky' => '<font color="green"></font>',

// Guilds and guild war pages will do lots of queries on bigger databases.
// So its recommended to require login to view them, but you can disable this
// If you don't have any problems with load.
$config['require_login'] = array(
'guilds' => false,
'guildwars' => false,

// IMPORTANT! Write a character name(that exist) that will represent website bans!
// Or remember to create character "God Website" character exist.
// If you don't do this, bann from admin panel won't work properly.
$config['website_char'] = 'Kove';

// date format
$config['date'] = "d F Y (H:i)";

// --------------- \\
// --------------- \\

// Don't touch this unless you know what you are doing. (modifying this(key value) also requires modifications in OT files /XML/commands.xml).
$config['ingame_positions'] = array(
1 => 'Player',
2 => 'Tutor',
3 => 'Senior Tutor',
4 => 'Gamemaster',
5 => 'Junior Administrator',
6 => 'Administrator',

// Enable OS advanced feautures? false = no, true = yes
$config['os_enabled'] = false;

// What kind of computer are you hosting this website on?
// Available options: LINUX or WINDOWS
$config['os'] = 'LINUX';

// Measure how much players are lagging in-game. (Not completed).
$config['ping'] = false;

// BAN STUFF - Don't touch this unless you know what you are doing.
// You can order the lines the way you want, from top to bot, in which order you
// wish for them to be displayed in admin panel. Just make sure key[#] represent your describtion.
$config['ban_type'] = array(

// BAN STUFF - Don't touch this unless you know what you are doing.
// You can order the lines the way you want, from top to bot, in which order you
// wish for them to be displayed in admin panel. Just make sure key[#] represent your describtion.
$config['ban_action'] = array(
0 => 'Notation',
1 => 'Name Report',
2 => 'Banishment',
3 => 'Name Report + Banishment',
4 => 'Banishment + Final Warning',
5 => 'NR + Ban + FW',
6 => 'Statement Report',

// Ban reasons, for changes beside default values to work with client,
// you also need to edit sources (tools.cpp line 1096)
$config['ban_reason'] = array(
0 => 'Offensive Name',
1 => 'Invalid Name Format',
2 => 'Unsuitable Name',
3 => 'Name Inciting Rule Violation',
4 => 'Offensive Statement',
5 => 'Spamming',
6 => 'Illegal Advertising',
7 => 'Off-Topic Public Statement',
8 => 'Non-English Public Statement',
9 => 'Inciting Rule Violation',
10 => 'Bug Abuse',
11 => 'Game Weakness Abuse',
12 => 'Using Unofficial Software to Play',
13 => 'Hacking',
14 => 'Multi-Clienting',
15 => 'Account Trading or Sharing',
16 => 'Threatening Gamemaster',
17 => 'Pretending to Have Influence on Rule Enforcement',
18 => 'False Report to Gamemaster',
19 => 'Destructive Behaviour',
20 => 'Excessive Unjustified Player Killing',
21 => 'Spoiling Auction',

// Ban time duration selection in admin panel
// seconds => describtion
$config['ban_time'] = array(
3600 => '1 hour',
21600 => '6 hours',
43200 => '12 hours',
86400 => '1 day',
259200 => '3 days',
604800 => '1 week',
1209600 => '2 weeks',
2592000 => '1 month',

// --------------- \\
// --------------- \\
$config['use_token'] = false;
$config['use_captcha'] = false;

/* Store visitor data
Store visitor data in the database, logging every IP visitng site,
and how many times they have visited the site. And sometimes what
they do on the site.

This helps to prevent POST SPAM (like register 1000 accounts in a few seconds)
and other things which can stress and slow down the server.

The only downside is that database can get pretty fed up with much IP data
if table never gets flushed once in a while. So I highly recommend you
to configure flush_ip_logs if IPs are logged.

$config['log_ip'] = true;

// Flush IP logs each configured seconds, 60 * 15 = 15 minutes.
// Set to false to entirely disable ip log flush.
// It is important to flush for optimal performance.
$config['flush_ip_logs'] = 59 * 27;

/* IP SECURTY REQUIRE: $config['log_ip'] = true;
Configure how tight this security shall be.
Etc: You can max click on anything/refresh page
[max activity] 15 times, within time period 10
seconds. During time_period, you can also only
register 1 account and 1 character.
$config['ip_security'] = array(
'time_period' => 10, // In seconds
'max_activity' => 10, // page clicks/visits
'max_post' => 6, // register, create, highscore, character search such actions
'max_account' => 1, // register
'max_character' => 1, // create char
'max_forum_post' => 1, // Create threads and post in forum

/// PAYPAL ///

// Write your paypal address here, and what currency you want to recieve money in.
$config['paypal'] = array(
'enabled' => true,
'email' => '@hotmail.com', // Example: paypal@mail.com
'currency' => 'PLN',
'points_per_currency' => 20, // 1 currency = ? points? [ONLY used to calculate bonuses]
'success' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/success.php",
'failed' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/failed.php",
'ipn' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/ipn.php",
'showBonus' => true,

// Configure the "buy now" buttons prices, first write price, then how many points you get.
// Giving some bonus points for higher donations will tempt users to donate more.
$config['paypal_prices'] = array(
// price => points,
5 => 100, // 0% bonus
10 => 200, // 0% bonus
15 => 300, // +10% bonus
20 => 400, // +20% bonus
25 => 500, // +30% bonus
30 => 600, // +40% bonus

/// PAYGOL SMS ///
// !!! Paygol takes 60%~ of the money, and send aprox 40% to your paypal.
// You can configure paygol to send each month, then they will send money to you 1 month after recieving 50+ eur.
$config['paygol'] = array(
'enabled' => true,
'serviceID' => 93683,// Service ID from paygol.com
'currency' => 'PLN',
'price' => 10,
'points' => 50, // Remember to write same details in paygol.com!
'name' => '50 points',
'returnURL' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/success.php",
'cancelURL' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/failed.php",
'ipnURL' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/paygol_ipn.php",
$config['paygol'] = array(
'enabled' => true,
'serviceID' => 93683,// Service ID from paygol.com
'currency' => 'PLN',
'price' => 10,
'points' => 50, // Remember to write same details in paygol.com!
'name' => '50 points',
'returnURL' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/success.php",
'cancelURL' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/failed.php",
'ipnURL' => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/paygol_ipn.php",
/// SHOP ///
// If useDB is set to true, player can shop in-game as well using Znote LUA shop system plugin.
$config['shop'] = array(
'enabled' => true,
'useDB' => false, // Fetch offers from database, or the below config array
'showImage' => true,
'imageServer' => 'items.znote.eu',

// If useDB is false, this array list will be used for shop offers.
$config['shop_offers'] = array(
// offer 1
1 => array(
'type' => 1, // 1 = item id offers, 2 = premium days [itemid ignored], 3 = sex change[itemid & count ignored], 4+ = custom.
'itemid' => 2160, // item to get in-game
'count' => 50, //if type is 2, this represents premium days
'describtion' => "Gold Coins.", // Describtion shown on website
'points' => 10, // How many points this offer costs

// offer 2
2 => array(
'type' => 1,
'itemid' => 2409,
'count' => 1,
'describtion' => "Legendary Shirt 5000/s Mana+Health Regeneration",
'points' => 25,

// offer 3
3 => array(
'type' => 1,
'itemid' => 2462, // Item to display on page
'count' => 1,
'describtion' => "Legendary Legs 5000/s Mana+Health Regeneration",
'points' => 25,

// offer 4
4 => array(
'type' => 1,
'itemid' => 2661,
'count' => 1,
'describtion' => "Legendary Boots 5000/s Mana+Health Regeneration",
'points' => 25,
5 => array(
'type' => 1,
'itemid' => 2362,
'count' => 100,
'describtion' => "100 Senzu Bean's",
'points' => 3,

6 => array(
'type' => 1,
'itemid' => 2386,
'count' => 1,
'describtion' => "Mystic Shirt 4% Protection, Regeneration 400/s",
'points' => 25,
7 => array(
'type' => 1,
'itemid' => 2530,
'count' => 1,
'describtion' => "Mystic Legs 4% Protection, Regeneration 200/s",
'points' => 25,
8 => array(
'type' => 1,
'itemid' => 2516,
'count' => 1,
'describtion' => "Mystic Boots 4% Protection, Regeneration 200/s ",
'points' => 25,

9 => array(
'type' => 1,
'itemid' => 2418,
'count' => 1,
'describtion' => "Kinto 4% Protection, Regeneration KI+Health 1000/s + Barrier",
'points' => 25,
10 => array(
'type' => 1,
'itemid' => 6579,
'count' => 1,
'describtion' => "Stamina Doll, refulels your Stamina back to 42 hours. ",
'points' => 10,
11 => array(
'type' => 1,
'itemid' => 2184,
'count' => 1,
'describtion' => "Hiper Blaster, works for all vocations much better than makankosappo, blaster ",
'points' => 25,


Tez chca ustawic lepesze eq na Start oraz szukam Map Edytora po Dragon balll Macie ??

---------- Tre?? dodana o 12:32 ----------

To jest jaki? dzieciak, nie chc? si? k??ci? ale jego ortografia przera?a, wi?kszo?? wyraz?w w zdaniu z wielkiej litery, b??dy typu ni"sz", m"u"j, po"cz"ebuje - masakra... Ja bym temu cz?owiekowi nic nie da? bo po co kto? ma robi? gotowca etc. jak nawet nie potrafi odpowiednio ustawi? config... Po wi?cej pora?ek odsy?am na jego accmaker.

Dzieckiem Mo?esz sam si? Nazywa? ORTOGRAFI? MAM kiepsk? to ja wiem Ja Kur.... nie dziecko !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

---------- Tre?? dodana o 12:37 ----------

jak by? chcia? wi?dze? 25+ i mam Synka 6 latka! wiec Nie Obra?aj innych jak ich kur...... nie znasz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Poskramiacz Internet?w
Jun 1, 2009
Reaction score
Odp: Szukam Acc Pod Dragon Ball

Ka?dy nast?pny post, kt?ry nie b?dzie dotyczy? tematu zostanie odpowiednio wynagrodzony :)


Advanced User
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
Odp: Szukam Acc Pod Dragon Ball

Obstawiam ten kod i troch? ni?ej te? mo?na poszuka? nie znam si? na DB.
$config['level'] = 8;
$config['health'] = 185;
$config['mana'] = 35;
$config['cap'] = 435;
$config['soul'] = 0;

$config['maleOutfitId'] = 128;
$config['femaleOutfitId'] = 138;

// No vocation info (if user select vocation id 0, we force thees configurations on him
$config['nvlevel'] = 1;
$config['nvHealth'] = 150;
$config['nvMana'] = 0;
$config['nvCap'] = 400;
$config['nvSoul'] = 0;


NNSTORY.EU Developer
Jun 8, 2010
Reaction score
Odp: Szukam Acc Pod Dragon Ball

Wiem Dami ze usuniesz ten post i mi dasz warna ale nie moge na to patrzec ;-;
Szeroki368 said:
na tym silniku Tak jest ze masz wygl?d Vegety do 30 lvl Potem masz w?asny wygl?d To Kumpla Silnik On go robil
Hahahaha jeb?em le?e i nie wstaje. Fallen i Royalz robili Violenta potem jakis cep w neta go wstawi? :) Wygl?d vegety masz do 30lvl bo kurwa ustawic nie umiecie pajace jebane i stawiacie gotowca dla chajsu :) Postaram sie "pozby?" w dosc "pokojowy" sposob wszystkich dbgufien. Pozdrawiam JA.

//Dami zostaw post na 2-3dni ;c

Nie napisales jaki acc wiec;
Gesior - Zmien outfit w samplach
Modern - Nie uzywalem
Nicaw - config.inc.php

Przeczytalem reszte postow i stwierdzam ze 25+ i synka to ty masz w Simsach pozdrawiam.
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