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PHP [Tibia 7.60] ProfitSMS 7.60 100% DZIA?AJ?CY!

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Active User
Jun 26, 2014
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Cze?? mordy!

Wielu wyjadaczy starej Tiibi o protokole 7.60 szuka?o od pewnego czasu kiedy to serwis zacz?? powoli wchodzi? na rynek poszukiwa?o z czasem w 100% dobrze dzia?aj?cego kodu PHP tego?, ?e sklepiku pod ten system p?atno?ci. Oferuj? Wam teraz ten kod na sklepik pod system p?atno?ci ProfitSMS.
Zapewniam, ?e kod dzia?a doskonale, gdy? zosta? on pierw przeze mnie kilkana?cie razy sprawdzony i przetestowany po czym uzna?em, ?e finalnie mo?na go wyda? w sie?, ale pami?tajcie, ?e wszystkie dane etc. do tego Sklepiku musicie wprowadzi? sobie w pliku .php, kt?ry zamieszcz? zaraz poni?ej.

<!--ProfitSMS Shop APIBy Baabuseek--><script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.6.1.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function() {	var first_imageSource = $("select[name=offer] option:first").val();      window.name = first_imageSource;
	$('select[name=offer]').keyup(function() {	var imageSource = $("select[name=offer]").val();      $cos = "#" + window.name;      $($cos).fadeOut(10);	$name = "#" + $('#offer').val();       $($name).fadeIn();        window.name = imageSource;	});
    $("select[name=offer]").change(function() {        var imageSource = $("select[name=offer]").val();      $cos = "#" + window.name;      $($cos).fadeOut(10);	$name = "#" + $('#offer').val();       $($name).fadeIn();        window.name = imageSource;    });});</script>

<?phpinclude("config.php");/** * Shop Script Configuration */
$offer = array(array()); $shop['id'] = 49699; //Tw?j klucz API kt?ry uzyskasz po rejestracji si? w http://profitsms.pl/. Znajduje si? on w dziale "Moje us?ugi"
if($_GET['buy'] == "thing"){ // konfiguracja dla przedmiotow
$offer[1]['offer_type'] = "item"; $offer[1]['item_id'] = 2640;$offer[1]['item_name'] = "Soft Boots";$offer[1]['desc'] = "Regeneruje 300000 many i hp. <br>Zwiekszaj? szybko?? chodzenia.";$offer[1]['number'] = 74068; //numer na ktory trzeba wyslac sms$offer[1]['code'] = "KDW.WMK1"; //tresc smsa$offer[1]['price'] = "4,92"; //koszt smsa
$offer[2]['offer_type'] = "item"; $offer[2]['item_id'] = 2159;$offer[2]['count'] = "100";$offer[2]['item_name'] = "100 ScarabCoins";$offer[2]['desc'] = "Najwieksza waluta na serwerze.";$offer[2]['number'] = 71068; //numer na ktory trzeba wyslac sms$offer[2]['code'] = "KDW.GRE7"; //tresc smsa$offer[2]['price'] = "1,22"; //koszt smsa
$offer[3]['offer_type'] = "item"; $offer[3]['item_id'] = 2453;$offer[3]['item_name'] = "Sprite Wand";$offer[3]['desc'] = "You see a sprite wand (Atk:250 Def:250).";$offer[3]['number'] = 72068; //numer na ktory trzeba wyslac sms$offer[3]['code'] = "KDW.CRV4"; //tresc smsa$offer[3]['price'] = "2,46"; //koszt smsa
$offer[4]['offer_type'] = "item"; $offer[4]['item_id'] = 2663;$offer[4]['item_name'] = "Mystic Turban";$offer[4]['desc'] = "Zwieksza szybko?? chodzenia. <br>Zmniejsza otrzymywane obra?enia o 25% <br>Zwi?ksza o 70 magic level.";$offer[4]['number'] = 74068; //numer na ktory trzeba wyslac sms$offer[4]['code'] = "KDW.WMK1"; //tresc smsa$offer[4]['price'] = "4,92"; //koszt smsa
$offer[5]['offer_type'] = "item"; $offer[5]['item_id'] = 2361;$offer[5]['item_name'] = "Frozen Starlight";$offer[5]['desc'] = "Zmniejsza otrzymywane obra?enia o 50%. <br> Przy uzyciu dodaje mane oraz hp.";$offer[5]['number'] = 71068; //numer na ktory trzeba wyslac sms$offer[5]['code'] = "KDW.GRE7"; //tresc smsa$offer[5]['price'] = "1,22"; //koszt smsa
$offer[6]['offer_type'] = "item"; $offer[6]['item_id'] = 2433;$offer[6]['item_name'] = "Magic Staff";$offer[6]['desc'] = "You see a magic staff (Atk:100 Def:50).";$offer[6]['number'] = 72068; //numer na ktory trzeba wyslac sms$offer[6]['code'] = "KDW.CRV4"; //tresc smsa$offer[6]['price'] = "2,46"; //koszt smsa
$offer[7]['offer_type'] = "item"; $offer[7]['item_id'] = 2656;$offer[7]['item_name'] = "Joes Jersey";$offer[7]['desc'] = "Daje 50% szansy respawnu/odrodzenia zabitego potwora.";$offer[7]['number'] = 72068; //numer na ktory trzeba wyslac sms$offer[7]['code'] = "KDW.CRV4"; //tresc smsa$offer[7]['price'] = "2,46"; //koszt smsa
$offer[8]['offer_type'] = "item"; $offer[8]['item_id'] = 2196;$offer[8]['item_name'] = "Amulet Of Life";$offer[8]['desc'] = "Zabezpiecza przed strat? ekwipunku, do?wiadczenia i umiej?tno?ci w przypadku ?mierci. <br>Zwi?ksza zadawane obra?enia o 25%.<br>Dodaje 10000 maxhealth oraz maxmana.<br>Zwi?ksza o 50 magic level.";$offer[8]['number'] = 74068; //numer na ktory trzeba wyslac sms$offer[8]['code'] = "KDW.WMK1"; //tresc smsa$offer[8]['price'] = "4,92"; //koszt smsa
} if($_GET['buy'] == "premium"){ // konfiguracja dla premium(edit)
$offer[1]['offer_type'] = 'outfit';$offer[1]['looktype'] = 76; //looktype$offer[1]['item_name'] = "Wyglad GM";$offer[1]['desc'] = "opis wygladu GM.";$offer[1]['number'] = 73068; //numer na ktory trzeba wyslac sms$offer[1]['code'] = "KDW.JTL8"; //tresc smsa$offer[1]['price'] = "3,60"; //koszt smsa


/** * Shop main Script */
$erno = 0;$offer[0]['offer_type'] = 'error';
if($_GET['buy'] == "premium")    $offer[0]['item_name'] = "Wybierz z listy..";else    $offer[0]['item_name'] = "Wybierz przedmiot..";
$offerId = $_POST['offer'];$players_folder = $todata.'/players/';$acc_folder = $todata.'/accounts/';
if( $offer[$offerId]['offer_type'] == 'unban' ){    $nick = $_POST['nick'];    $check = $_POST['check'];    $file = $players_folder.$nick.'.xml';	    if( file_exists($file) )    {        //Sprawdzacz kodu	$id   = $shop['id'];	$code = $offer[$offerId]['code'];        $number = $offer[$offerId]['offer_number'];
	$url = "http://profitsms.pl/check.php?apiKey=".$id."&code=".$check."&smsNr=".$number;	$handle = fopen($url,'r');	$status = fgets($handle, 8);
	if(empty($check) || empty($nick))	    $message = "Nie wype?ni?e? wszystkich p?l.";    else if( preg_match('/[^0-9A-Za-z]/', $check) )            $message = "Entered code is not valid.";    else if( $status == "0" )	    $message = "Podany kod jest niepoprawny.";	else if( $status == "1" )        {            $xml = simplexml_load_file($file);			$xml['banned'] = 0;			$xml->ban['banned'] = 0;			$xml->ban['banstart'] = 0;			$xml->ban['banend'] = 0;			$xml->ban['reason'] = "";			$xml->ban['action'] = "";			$xml->ban['deleted'] = 0;			$xml->ban['finalwarning'] = 0;			$xml->ban['namelock'] = 0;            $xml->asXML($file);			$message = "You have been unbanned.";        }    }    else		$message = "<font color='red'><b>This character do not exists!</b></font>";}
else if( $offer[$offerId]['offer_type'] == 'outfit' ){    $nick = $_POST['nick'];    $check = $_POST['check'];    $file = $players_folder.$nick.'.xml';	    if( file_exists($file) )    {        //Sprawdzacz kodu		$id   = $shop['id'];		$code = $offer[$offerId]['code'];        $number = $offer[$offerId]['offer_number'];
		$url = "http://profitsms.pl/check.php?apiKey=".$id."&code=".$check."&smsNr=".$number;		$handle = fopen($url,'r');		$status = fgets($handle, 8);
		if(empty($check) || empty($nick))			$message = "Nie wype?ni?e? wszystkich p?l.";        else if( preg_match('/[^0-9A-Za-z]/', $check) )            $message = "Entered code is not valid.";        else if( $status == "0" )	    $message = "Podany kod jest niepoprawny.";		else if( $status == "1" )        {            $xml = simplexml_load_file($file);			$xml->look['type'] = $offer[$offerId]['looktype'];            $xml->asXML($file);			$message = "Dostales nowy wyglad.";        }    }    else		$message = "<font color='red'><b>This character do not exists!</b></font>";}
else if( $offer[$offerId]['offer_type'] == 'skull' ){    $nick = $_POST['nick'];    $check = $_POST['check'];    $file = $players_folder.$nick.'.xml';	    if( file_exists($file) )    {		$id   = $shop['id'];		$code = $offer[$offerId]['code'];        $number = $offer[$offerId]['offer_number'];
		$url = "http://profitsms.pl/check.php?apiKey=".$id."&code=".$check."&smsNr=".$number;		$handle = fopen($url,'r');		$status = fgets($handle, 8);
		if(empty($check) || empty($nick))			$message = "Nie wype?ni?e? wszystkich p?l.";        else if( preg_match('/[^0-9A-Za-z]/', $check) )            $message = "Entered code is not valid.";        else if( $status == "0" )	    $message = "Podany kod jest niepoprawny.";		else if( $status == "1" )        {            $xml = simplexml_load_file($file);			$xml->skull['type'] = 0;			$xml->skull['kills'] = 0;			$xml->skull['ticks'] = 0;			$xml->skull['absolve'] = 0;            $xml->asXML($file);			$message = "Skull'e oraz fragi zosta?y usuni?te.";        }    }    else		$message = "<font color='red'><b>This character do not exists!</b></font>";}
else if( $offer[$offerId]['offer_type'] == 'item' ){    $nick = $_POST['nick'];    $check = $_POST['check'];    $file = $players_folder.$nick.'.xml';    $item_id = $offer[$offerId]['item_id'];	    if( file_exists($file) )     {        //Sprawdzacz kodu		$id   = $shop['id'];		$code = $offer[$offerId]['code'];        $number = $offer[$offerId]['offer_number'];
		$url = "http://profitsms.pl/check.php?apiKey=".$id."&code=".$check."&smsNr=".$number;		$handle = fopen($url,'r');		$status = fgets($handle, 8);
		if(empty($check) || empty($nick))			$message = "Nie wype?ni?e? wszystkich p?l.";        else if( preg_match('/[^0-9A-Za-z]/', $check) )            $message = "Entered code is not valid.";        else if( $status == "0" )			$message = "Podany kod jest niepoprawny.";		else if( $status == "1" )        {			$xml = simplexml_load_file($file);			$character = $xml->depots->depot->item->inside->addChild('item');			$character->addAttribute('id', $item_id);			if(isset($offer[$offerId]['count']))			    $character->addAttribute('count', $count);			$newplayerFile = $xml->asXML();			$open_file = fopen($file, 'w');			fwrite($open_file, $newplayerFile);			fclose($open_file);			$message = "Wybrany przedmiot zosta? dodany do Twojego depo.";        }    }    else	$message = "<font color='red'><b>Taka posta? nie istnieje!</b></font>";}
else if( $offer[$offerId]['offer_type'] == 'error' )    $message = "B??d! Prawdopodobnie nie wybra?e? ?adnej rzeczy!<br>";
if(isset($message)){    echo "<center>".$message."</center>";    $erno = 1;}
if($_GET['buy'] != "" && $erno == 0){?><center><b>Pami?taj, ?e twoja posta? musi by? wylogowana!</b><br><br><?php if($_GET['buy'] == "premium"){ ?><form action="index.php?subtopic=shop&buy=premium" method="post"><?php } else { ?><form action="index.php?subtopic=shop&buy=thing" method="post"><?php } ?>	<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0">        <tr>        	<td><?php if($_GET['buy'] == "premium"){ ?>Ilo?? dni:<?php } else {?>Przedmiot:<?php } ?></td>            <td>                <select class="input1" id="offer" name="offer" size="1"><?php$from = "0";$to = count($offer);while($from < $to){	echo '<option value="'.$from.'">'.$offer[$from]['item_name'].'</option>';	$from++;}?>
                </select>            </td>       	</tr>    	<tr>        	<td>Nick Postaci:</td>            <td><input class="input1" type="text" name="nick" /></td>        </tr>		<tr>        	<td>Kod kt?ry otrzyma?e?:</td>            <td><input class="input1" type="text" name="check" maxlenght="8" /></td>        </tr>        <tr>        	<td colspan="2"><input class="input3" type="submit" onclick="return confirm('UWAGA! Je?li jeste? pewien, ?e postac jest [Wylogowana] kliknij OK.')" value="Zam?w!" /></td>        </tr>	</table>
<?php$from = "1";$to = count($offer);while($from < $to){?><div style="display:none;" id="<?=$from;?>">
<TABLE WIDTH="440" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="5" BORDER="0" bgcolor="#306A04"> <TR style="background: #102401;" height="25"> <TD ROWSPAN="2" ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle"><b><?php if($_GET['buy'] == "premium"){ ?>Premium<?php } else {?>Nazwa Przedmiotu<?php } ?></b></TD> <TD COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle"><b>Opis</b></TD> </TR> <TR style="background: #1A3902;"> <TD ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle"><b>Numer SMS</b></TD> <TD ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle"><b>Tre?? SMS</b></TD> <TD ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle"><b>Koszt (PLN)</b></TD> </TR> <TR style="background: #367904;"> <TD ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle"><?php if($_GET['buy'] == "premium"){ ?><img src="images/premium.png" alt="" /><br><?=$offer[$from]['item_name'];?><?php } else {?><img src="img/<?=$offer[$from]['item_id'];?>.gif" alt="" /><br><?=$offer[$from]['item_name'];?><?php } ?></TD> <TD COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle"><small><br><?=$offer[$from]['desc'];?><br></small></TD> </TR> <TR style="background: #245003;"> <TD ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle"></TD> <TD ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle"><b><?=$offer[$from]['number'];?></b></TD> <TD ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle"><b><?=$offer[$from]['code'];?></b></TD> <TD ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle"><b><?=$offer[$from]['price'];?></b></TD> </TR> </TABLE><small><i>Aby otrzyma? kod <?php if($_GET['buy'] == "premium"){ ?>na wybran? ilo?? dni premium<?php } else { ?>do tego unikalnego przedmiotu <?php } ?>wy?lij sms o tre?ci <?=$offer[$from]['code'];?> na numer <?=$offer[$from]['number'];?></i></small><br> <br><br></div><?php$from++;}?><br><br>- Us?uga dzia?a w sieciach: Plus, 36i6, Era, Orange, PoP, Play, Sami Swoi, Mobilking.<br><br><center><strong>Serwis SMS obs?uguje <a href="http://profitsms.pl/" target="_blank">ProfitSMS.pl</a></strong></p><img src="http://profitsms.pl/design/top_logo.gif" width="172" height="50" /><?php}if($_GET['buy'] == "" && $erno == 0){?><center> <!-- <img src='images/icon-shops.gif'> --> <br><br><b><a href="index.php?subtopic=shop&buy=premium"><font color="white"><u>Unban, Usuni?cie RS</font></u><font color="red"> [SMS]</font></b></a><br><br><font color="black">----------------------------------------------</font><br><br><b><a href="index.php?subtopic=shop&buy=thing"><font color="white"><u>Kup Przedmioty</u></font><font color="red"> [SMS]</font></b></a><br><br><font color="black">----------------------------------------------</font></center></b><?php}

Pozdrawiam i ?ycz? mi?ego u?ytkowania! ;)
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