Odp: TibiaServer
pacc a szlachcic ? zadna roznica... przez 7 dni bedziesz mia? sta?a ilo?c graczy pozniej pewnie zmieni sie co nieco
No w?a?nie w tym problem, ?e wielka. Zreszt? na serwerze istnieje bardzo du?o mo?liwo?ci zdobycia punkt?w za darmo! Wysy?aj?c awanse, udzielaj?c si? na forum, bior?c udzia? w konkursach czy te? zapraszanie znajomych, a jest warto! Gdy? nie robimy reset?w co tydzie?, a jak ju? robimy to tylko na ?yczenie gracz. W dodatku jak ju? napisa?em wcze?niej wszelkie przedmioty z dotacji nie s? usuwane! Tylko trzeba mie? ch?ci
@topic - reklama
Host: ots.tibiaserver.pl
Port: 7171
Client: 4.00 <- You can dowload TibiaServer Client from the official website.
Connection: 100 mbit
1 - 50 - 50x
51 - 100 - 25x
101 - 200 - 15x
201 - 300 - 8x
301 - 400 - 6x
401 - + - 3x
Skills: x10
Magic level: x7
Loot: x1.5
Houses: 150 lvl
Protection: 150 lvl
Skull system
Red Skull (24h):
15 unjustified kills per a day
80 unjustified kills per a week
350 unjustified kills per a month
Black Skull (36h):
30 unjustified kills per a day
160 unjustified kills per a week
700 unjustified kills per a month
Pz locked: 60 sec
Frag time: 24h
White skull time: 15 min
Oken, Venore, New Gos, Qatna, Liberty Bay, Zao, Razachai, Dadera, Kurhan, Elargia, Nobles City, Akerman, Gorgota, Muffin Land, Eiskalt, Malera, Wild and Gotti.
Commands -
!frags: show amount of frags from last 24 h, 7 days and 1 month. And the time to finish frag.
!gm: send message to all members of guild. You have to be leader of the guild to use it.
!go: set for whole guild the same outfits and colors like the person which used this command. You have to be leader of the guild to use it.
!war invite, guild name, amount of frags: send invite to war with opposite guild.
!war accept, guild name: accept invite to start war.
!war stop, guild name: refuse staring guildwar and cancel ongoing war.
!market add, item name, price, amount of items: you offer items on marketplace.
!market buy, MarketID: you can buy items on marketplace.
!market remove, MarketID: you remove items from marketplace, which you offered before.
!market withdraw: you can withdraw money for sold items.
Annihilator Quest:
Apocalypse Quest:
Demon Helmet Quest:
Demon Oak Quest:
Force Quest:
Killing of Monster Quest:
Labyrinth of Shado's Quest:
Lever Quest:
Loop Time Quest:
Lunargent Quest:
Magic Box Quest:
Morgaroth Quest:
Mushroom Quest:
Nobles Quest:
Orshabaal Quest:
Spirit Quest:
Teleport Quest:
The Pits of Inferno Quest:
Zhu Quest:
and others
Crazy Snowman:
Flamestone Giant:
Enchanting items:
Bounty hunters:
Tutorials for new players -
Poradnik dla pocz?tkuj?cych graczy:
Jak doj?? do miasta Oken:
Oken - g??wne miasto TibiaServer:
Gdzie Expic na malym lvl:
Lodowe Smoki-Zaima:
Poradnik gdzie expi? na danym lvlu gdzie s? r??ne npc:
Poradnik Expowicza:
[PORADNIK] Jak kupi? promocj?:
B?ogos?awie?stwa [Blessy]:
Czarne t?o w oknie updatera:
All are welcome!