Odp: "Przygod? z Open Tibi? czas zacz??!" - TheForgottenServer, XAMPP, phpMyAdmin
Po uruchomieniu konsolki wyskakuje co? takiego na ko?cu (a raczej nie powinno tak by?). M?g?by kto? poda? link do mysql.sql pod 9.6/9.61?
Z g?ry dzi?kuj?
[28/11/2012 22:12:47] >> Initializing gamestate
[28/11/2012 22:12:48] mysql_real_query(): DELETE FROM `guild_wars` WHERE `status` = 0;: MYSQL ERROR: Table 'bazadanychtfs.guild_wars' doesn't exist
[28/11/2012 22:12:48] mysql_real_query(): DELETE FROM `market_history` WHERE `inserted` <= 1351545168;: MYSQL ERROR: Table 'bazadanychtfs.market_history' doesn't exist
[28/11/2012 22:12:48] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `id`, `amount`, `price`, `itemtype`, `player_id` FROM `market_offers` WHERE `sale` = 0 AND `created` <= 1351545168;: MYSQL ERROR: Table 'bazadanychtfs.market_offers' doesn't exist
[28/11/2012 22:12:48] mysql_store_result(): SELECT `id`, `amount`, `price`, `itemtype`, `player_id` FROM `market_offers` WHERE `sale` = 0 AND `created` <= 1351545168;: MYSQL ERROR: Table 'bazadanychtfs.market_offers' doesn't exist
[28/11/2012 22:12:48] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `id`, `amount`, `price`, `itemtype`, `player_id` FROM `market_offers` WHERE `sale` = 1 AND `created` <= 1351545168;: MYSQL ERROR: Table 'bazadanychtfs.market_offers' doesn't exist
[28/11/2012 22:12:48] mysql_store_result(): SELECT `id`, `amount`, `price`, `itemtype`, `player_id` FROM `market_offers` WHERE `sale` = 1 AND `created` <= 1351545168;: MYSQL ERROR: Table 'bazadanychtfs.market_offers' doesn't exist
[28/11/2012 22:12:48] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `sale` AS `sale`, `itemtype` AS `itemtype`, COUNT(`price`) AS `num`, MIN(`price`) AS `min`, MAX(`price`) AS `max`, SUM(`price`) AS `sum` FROM `market_history` WHERE `state` = 3 GROUP BY `itemtype`, `sale`;: MYSQL ERROR: Table 'bazadanychtfs.market_history' doesn't exist
[28/11/2012 22:12:48] mysql_store_result(): SELECT `sale` AS `sale`, `itemtype` AS `itemtype`, COUNT(`price`) AS `num`, MIN(`price`) AS `min`, MAX(`price`) AS `max`, SUM(`price`) AS `sum` FROM `market_history` WHERE `state` = 3 GROUP BY `itemtype`, `sale`;: MYSQL ERROR: Table 'bazadanychtfs.market_history' doesn't exist
[28/11/2012 22:12:48] >> Loaded all modules, server starting up...
[28/11/2012 22:12:49] >> Forgotten Server Online!